Switch Mode

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Rookie Hunter

The day after the entrance bypass for the Gate was blocked.

I was lying under the covers, lazily scrolling through my phone screen.

Collecting hunter information had become my daily routine by now.

“Finally, Earthlings have finished analyzing the Magic Tools.”

I toggled between the item information on the site and the bracelet I had in my hand.

‘No wonder they said there was no information for a while. This bracelet was the first to appear in that EX-Class Dungeon.’

It seemed the name of this item was decided as Twin Guardian Angel.

‘I had been saving it in case Jeong Ha-seong contacted me again, but at this point, I should probably give up, right?’

While fiddling with the Magic Tool I had never used before, I slipped it on.

It fit perfectly as if it was born together with Gi-ryeo’s wrist.

‘Good. This is enough insurance.’

Now, here’s the problem.

Why was I only now wearing the Magic Tool that I had cherished like a holy relic?

The answer was that today was the day I was going for a rather dangerous experiment.

Sigh. I never thought I’d feel this nervous about not having a bodyguard.

Despite my grumbling, I diligently finished my preparations.

Anyone would think I was going to stop a world-ending disaster with how serious I looked, but…

The place I arrived at was like this.

[F-Class Gate (031-F6)]

Risk level: lowest.

A place teeming with weak monsters that even ordinary people could catch with a club. An F-Class Gate!

I tilted my head at the sign hanging in front of the entrance.

So, Earth’s Gates are divided into Blue Gates and Red Gates.

This one was a type of Blue Gate, and it was said to have no boss.

‘Standard Type II.’

In the vast field, small monsters continuously respawn.

Defeat a fixed number of monsters, and the Gate closes. I firmly reviewed the information I had memorized beforehand.

‘This place has relatively free entrance, so it’s perfect as a practice ground.’

Today, I came here to hunt.

‘Finally living up to my name as a Hunter.’

Since the potential money-making method was blocked due to Seonwoo-yeon’s warning…

I thought about catching some F-Class Monsters that suited my level to earn a living.


Finally entering the inside of the Gate revealed a view of a plain endless grassland.

“Here they come. Monsters.”

Despite the beautifully picturesque scenery, I swallowed a dry gulp as I spotted the creature that appeared.

“Giiiih! Giiigihih….”

“Oh, is that its cry?”

That was the ‘Broken Mountain Goat,’ a resident of this Gate.

I guess it was named so because it made a sound like a violin string snapping from its maw.


It has a rather gentle-looking face, but don’t be fooled; it’s a top contender for the most dangerous monsters among F-Class.

So, it could still fetch a decent price.

Thinking that, I popped open the lid of the Magic Power Amplifier with a pop and prepared for my attack magic test.

“Eiiiiih, Giiiih….?”


Just as the amplifier flowed down my throat, the monster coincidentally looked in my direction.

But it was already too late. My magic casting speed was faster than anyone else on Earth.


I pointed my index finger forward, and a small flame ball formed at my fingertip before being shot out like a bullet.

Done! The fireball succeeded!



But about 2 seconds later.

The proudly shot ball of flame vanished miserably into the goat’s fur.

I was at a loss for words for a moment.


Is this… a fireball?


“Damn it, I knew it would come to this!”

F-Class magic power, of course.

I began to run away at full speed. The goat chasing me looked angry, like someone annoyed by a burning cigarette ember.

Fortunately, it didn’t follow me beyond the Gate.



Bursting out of the Gate, I panted heavily. Damn. Kim Gi-ryeo’s magic state is worse than I thought.

“Phew, phew.”

Also, this body feels like it has trash lung capacity; I think I might die just from running a little.

Thanks to this, I couldn’t catch my breath for quite a while.


But then.

“Hey! It’s been a while!”

I stopped panting at the voice hitting my ear and looked up sharply.

“Hello! Long time no see! Wow, you’re still an active Hunter?!”

Short hair, black eyes.

A simple striped t-shirt with a blue line design.

“Do you remember? Back when we both got our Hunter licenses… We went into the same Gate together! Right?”

At first, I couldn’t recall who this guy was, but as we talked, his image vaguely came to mind.

“I was the team leader back then, Jae-hyeon.”

I didn’t remember everything exactly.

But I could feel that this guy was speaking the truth.

“Your name was Gi-ryeo, right?”

In other words, he knows the former Kim Gi-ryeo…?

I decided to hold my tongue and observe the situation for a bit.


What was Kim Gi-ryeo’s original personality like?

“Back then, we both panicked and ran away! Hahaha! It was just an F-Class mob!”

From our conversation now, he certainly didn’t seem like a brave hero.

“Anyway, we were too nervous for our first clear.”

By the way, this Earthling talks a lot.

“But what brings you to this Gate? Are you soloing?”

Does he even know the person in front of him is an alien wearing a corpse’s skin?

I watched him with pity and finally spoke up.

“Yeah. I just came for some hunting.”

“Come on~ Don’t be like that. Did you forget? You were supposed to drop formalities with me.”

Damn, did I?

“Oh, sorry. I’ve been a bit forgetful lately.”

I was on edge, not knowing when I would mess up.

I felt uncomfortable talking with him. However, I couldn’t just walk away so easily.

‘Someone who knew the owner of this body.’

The gaps of memory due to the failure of the reincarnation magic. Perhaps this could be an opportunity to fill that gap.

“Then I’ll speak informally again. Jae-hyeon…ah?”


As I cautiously spoke the next word, he broke into a huge grin.

“Oh right! Anyway, it’s fate that we met like this.”

But a moment later.

I was unexpectedly proposed a team-up by this amicable Hunter.

“Hyung, how about teaming up with me today?”

“A team?”

“I mean, it’s kind of tough here alone~ I saw you catching your breath in front of the Gate just now.”


“It just so happens we have an opening on our team!”

According to Jae-hyeon’s follow-up explanation, one of the hunters who was supposed to work with them had skipped out without notice.

“See over there? The team I’m currently working with has a D-Class team leader.”

He pointed to a spot where about three heavily armed hunters stood.

The one called D-Class was probably the awakened one wielding that massive axe.

Among all the regulars, he had the highest magic power.

“What do you think? Just call for me, and we can enter the Gate right away.”

Group hunting.

Surely, there’s no more efficient strategy against weak mammals than working together.

But still.

“Sorry, I was actually planning to head home soon.”

What came out of my mouth was a refusal. I had already consumed today’s magic power amplifier.

“I’m out of mana, so I can’t hunt anymore.”


“You know how it goes. For an F-Class like me, using a few skills means I’m done.”

Haa. I intentionally sighed heavily to express disappointment.

But at that moment, Jae-hyeon, who had been listening quietly, suddenly spoke.

“We don’t mind! We weren’t actually looking for someone to hunt.”


“I forgot to mention, the person who bailed was actually our porter.”

“A porter?”

“Yeah! So everyone has been debating whether we should just haul our backpacks around uncomfortably.”

Jae-hyeon even lowered his head and pleaded.

“Hyung, if you don’t mind, please help us temporarily this once. I’ll pay generously. Okay?”

If I only had to carry things, then…


“Thank you!”

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to learn how a regular Hunter team operates.

I eventually accepted his offer. A simple greeting with the team members followed.

And shortly thereafter.

After three hours of hunting ended.

Safely out of the Gate, I evaluated the team.


The team Jae-hyeon introduced was more cohesive than I had imagined.

Two members with magic to manage the monster’s aggro in the front, while the backline’s spellcasters took out enemies from a distance.

‘Simple but comfortable and safe.’

It felt like watching skilled primitives hunt mammoths.

Reflecting on today’s events, I adjusted the heavy backpack I had on.

The weight of the backpack made my legs wobble for a moment.


But then, the bag I was wearing suddenly felt light.

“Now that we’re done hunting, please hand over the backpack! I’ll carry it to the drop-off point.”

It was the D-Class Hunter, the team leader, who lifted the bag’s handle.

I glanced up at the hefty man. He returned my look with a hearty laugh.

“Thanks to you, we pulled through. Who could have thought that irresponsible porter guy would ditch us on the day? Right?”

“Oh, yeah.”

“Plus, I really like this hyung! I thought you’d be all scrawny and tire easily, but wow, you really lift the load with ease.”

He patted my back with enthusiasm.

“Wow, what a feeling! I heard from Jae-hyeon that you’re someone he knows, so I wanted to give you a bit more….”

And shortly afterward.

The D-Class Hunter pulled out his wallet and began counting bills from inside, holding them out in front of me.

Three 50,000-won bills. How much is that?

“That’s way too much for a porter’s pay.”

“Since you stepped in so quickly, this kind of bonus is only fair.”

As I stood there in a daze, the D-Class Hunter burst out laughing again.

“Oh, by the way, do you have time tomorrow?”


“We have a previously planned Gate that’s still available. But recruiting a new porter now would be a hassle….”

Listening to the story, it seemed they were struggling due to an irresponsible porter who suddenly quit.

“I just wish I could go with someone reliable like Gi-ryeo! What do you think?”

The offer was to become a porter for just one more day.

For now, these guys were skilled.

Today, they had managed to clear the hunt so reliably, and if we were going for the same F-Class Gate, I would likely not face any danger.

“Hmm, alright.”

Thus, I nodded my approval.

I logically analyzed and accepted the job offer.

It wasn’t that the salary they offered dazzled my eyes and made me agree. Not at all.


“Hey, are you sure?”

After Kim Gi-ryeo left with the money.

Once he confirmed that he was gone, the D-Class Hunter turned to urge the team members.

Then, the guy in the striped t-shirt whispered.

“I’m telling you. That guy’s bracelet is 100% the EX-Class Gate item.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“The bracelet’s info was released yesterday, and an imitation could never come out already!”

“Oh ho.”

“Hyung, let’s target that guy next.”

A smirk curled at Jae-hyeon’s lips.

“That guy’s legs are messed up; he can barely run. He probably forced himself to endure for the sake of the money earlier.”


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not work with dark mode