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Chapter 275

I thought it would be enough to struggle for just one day to teach the children.

But, as life often goes, things didn’t flow as I imagined.

During the day, my practice schedule was packed, leaving no time to catch even a wink of sleep.

At night, the kids kept coming to our room, peppering me with questions.

At least I had to get Yuna to sleep, so I moved her to Ha-ru’s room for a moment, and I ended up spending three nights in a row awake, unpaid, playing the role of the kids’ little red pen teacher.

Looking back, it seemed like no amount of awakening magic could stave off this kind of drowsiness.

After sitting in the Middle School Waiting Room and considering various methods, I stumbled upon a very cozy-looking wardrobe.

‘There’s a blanket here… Why?’

There was no time to ponder the reason.

I casually thought of it as a capsule and crawled up the layers of blankets, laying my body down sideways.

Sleepiness wafted over me…


Just as my consciousness began to fade away, the wardrobe door swung open, and bright light pierced my eyes.

“Whoa, what’s this! Na-me, what are you doing in there? Playing hide and seek?”

“Close the door. I’m going to sleep…”

“Oops, sorry for the interruption! Goodnight!”

Since there was still quite a while until the middle school rehearsal, I thought if I could just close my eyes for about two hours…


“Ah! What’s this! There really was someone in there?”

“Ugh, please…”

I almost snapped at the kid.

With so many people coming in and out of the waiting room, the only real issue was the curious kids opening the wardrobe without a second thought.

“Oh, you were sleeping. Sorry! I’ll close the door right away.”

“While you’re at it, please lock it too.”


“Make sure to lock it from the outside.”

What if everyone forgets I’m in here and just leaves?

That wouldn’t be too bad.

With my body feeling this lethargic, I could probably spend an entire day just sleeping.

[Casting: Cancel Interference]

I put on a noise-canceling magic circle and turned the children’s chatter into ASMR.

Only then could I curl up my body like a shrimp and truly fall into sweet slumber.

In my dreams, I grew to a height of 170 cm, intertwined my fingers with Seol-ah, and sprinted in the middle of the Korea University Campus, where cherry blossoms bloomed splendidly.

I cautiously guessed that the ones chasing us were furious Korea University students who got a C- grade from me.


Squeak, squeak—

Na-me’s hands, neatly placed around her belly button, repeatedly went up and down.

Her long hair peeked out from the gap between the door and the blanket.

A sense of mystique reminiscent of a scene from a fairy tale lingered in the air.

Was it because the door suddenly creaked open?

Na-me flinched, frowned, and blinked her big, round eyes a few times.

Turning her head slightly to the right, numerous camera lenses and filming reflectors glittered.


Na-me squinted one eye.

Her expression was one that rendered her opponent vulnerable.

The crew, completely smitten by her raw cuteness, whispered in awe to each other.

Na-me, still half-asleep, spoke in a deep voice.

“What is it?”

Her slightly rough voice was cuter at the end.

“We’re looking for student NoName, is that you?”

Thanks to her unique appearance and hairstyle, the reporter had already recognized that she was Na-me.

But due to the nature of broadcasting information, he had no choice but to ask a predictable question.

Yawwwnn… “Yeah.”

“What were you doing with your eyes closed here? Meditating?”

“I was just exhausted, so I was trying to catch a little sleep… How did you find me all the way here…”

Na-me stretched her arms and legs upward in the narrow wardrobe, shivering as she yawned.

“Aha, so you were sleeping! We’re currently live broadcasting on KBS, and would it be okay to ask for another interview once you wake up?”


Na-me’s face scrunched up in displeasure.

She thought there wouldn’t be any schedule until the official rehearsal, but this broadcasting company had tracked her down to the very spot she was hiding.

With a cold glare, Na-me rolled her eyes here and there, then finally let out a sigh filled with resignation.

“I’m pretty tired, so is it okay if we just go on like this?”

Her unexpected acceptance caused a stir among the staff.

“Doing the interview like this?”

That meant she would be doing the interview while lying in the wardrobe.

Na-me lifted her waist slightly to pull the blanket draped on top of her, wrapping it around her body.

She peeked her head out toward the cameras and scanned the staff.

“I’m not uncomfortable, so don’t worry and feel free to interview me.”

With an expression that bordered on shamelessness, everyone was at a loss for words.

‘Isn’t this a live broadcast on public TV?’

‘Isn’t that too much of an “internet broadcast” vibe?’

‘Of course, you’re fine, little one! You’re lying under a blanket right now!’

After the separation of television license fees, KBS had no choice but to watch out for the public.

Thus, Na-me’s bold declaration of doing an interview while lying down wasn’t something the local PDs could decide freely without higher-ups’ permission.

While the crew stalled for some time airing several 30-second ads, the interviewer, Kim Jae-sung, arrived, making a major decision.

“This is a perfect opportunity to boost viewer ratings… Let’s go ahead. I will take full responsibility.”


[Streamer Gallery]

[NoName did a lying-down live stream during the preliminary interview for the NoName Academy Competition 😂][59]
(NoName Gimbap Rolling Edition.jpg)

So cute! 😂

Even throwing tantrums, this NoName kid isn’t at all annoying.

-This is like the final evolution tech for mermaids going for public broadcasting?! 😮
– Is that the same NoName I used to know? This true NoName is a legend!
└ I swear, just the other day, he couldn’t even set up a waiting room on Twish and only played animation songs on a black screen for his broadcasts… He’s really grown up so much!
└ Would you believe that’s still true?
└ Ooooooh!
– At 8 years old, lying down is totally valid! 😂
– This started off as a serious program but turned into a variety show in an instant! 😂
– Forget about shows like “The Return of Superman.” Public Relations Ambassador GOAT NoName for increasing the birth rate in the Republic of Korea!

[Just when I thought it was serious school bullying, I was so shocked!][41]
Who sleeps while locking themselves in a wardrobe? 😂

I seriously felt relieved when I realized it was Na-me inside.

-So is NoName participating?
└ Just shut up and watch!
– Look at NoName sleeping in the middle school waiting room! Back in our day, we couldn’t even imagine that!
└ Without exaggeration, Aspen Academy is literally tougher than the military. Graduates will agree with this.
└ As someone who served, I can confirm!
– NoName has already made her way into the middle school division! 😲
└ 😂
– So does that mean NoName is a 2nd grade representative? 10 minutes left until the elementary division’s competition, what is she doing here?! 😂
└ From watching her continuing the interview with Kim Jae-sung, I’m starting to think she may not be a grade representative after all…?
└ ??? If not NoName, who else?

“Today, we have the proud little genius, NoName! You were born in June 2043, and you’re now 8 years old! Your blood type is A, you’re 113 cm tall, and weigh 19 kg! And your shoe size is an astounding 180 mm! Once again, let me introduce you, the participant from Sephiron Academy, NoName!”

Shocking words spilled from Kim Jae-sung’s mouth one after another.

-They’re still having babies in 2043?
-You mean to say she doesn’t even weigh 20 kg?
└ She’s lighter than a feather! 😲
└ One poke and she might just fly away!
– Her shoe size is 180 mm?
– And her blood type is A?
└ Now, that’s a question we shouldn’t touch! 😂

“Hello, NoName participant!”

“Yes, hello, Anchor Kim Jae-sung. Greetings to all viewers of the Academy Competition!”

“Oh yes! Everyone must be overjoyed at the arrival of participant NoName!”

A more composed voice came from Na-me than earlier.

She spoke with a tone that seemed conscious of the broadcast, making everyone around her smile proudly dad smiles.

“It seems that participant NoName handles the camera work very naturally. You could pursue acting!”

Na-me’s broadcasting skills had already reached a professional level.

Even with five ENG cameras whirling chaotically around, her eyes darted about, making eye contact with the various cameras capturing her.

Although she was lying on top of the blankets, she still maintained a sense of professionalism for the broadcast.

“Participant NoName is participating in her first interschool competition against Altair Academy, how are you feeling right now?”

“I’m not really thinking about it.”

“Oh, you aren’t thinking much of it! NoName has made a bold statement here! Now that we’ve seen your relaxed demeanor, it seems Sephiron Academy can shake off some burdens as well. Now, could you give a word of encouragement for the senior representatives who will be heading into rehearsal today?”

“If you lose, you’re gonna regret it for what I did to help!”


-You’re gonna regret it?! 😂😂😂
-The rebellion of the youngest! 😂
-How do we even fix this?! 😂
-This is refreshing, this is what I call internet broadcasting vibe!
-😂 Na-me, aiming for legitimacy while embracing the absurd!

“Ah! So what you’re saying is if you lose, it will feel like a twist in your gut! The senior representatives must give it their all to protect this adorable junior’s dignity!”

-Kim Jae-sung, super save! 😂
-He really knows how to handle it!
-I almost had to write an apology letter!

Fortunately, thanks to Kim Jae-sung’s 20 years of broadcasting experience, he continued with the interview.

Na-me, smacking her lips in dissatisfaction, gave her full attention back to the interview.

“Now, we have just received news that the 2nd grade elementary division rehearsal participants have ascended to the Training Arena. The representative from Sephiron Academy, ‘Yoon Si-hoo’, is making his appearance! Can you see him well on the screen?”

Another staff member hung a television showing the current KBS1 channel on a C stand.

“Yes, that’s my friend.”

“Additionally, I’ve just received news that Yoon Si-hoo is also your partner, Na-me.”

“How do you know…?”

Now Na-me’s eyes widened in surprise at KBS’s information-gathering abilities.

The announcer wore a proud smile, satisfied that he had thrown a decent jab at Na-me.

“Anyway, he is the most reliable friend in our grade.”

-Not happening! 😭 Our Na-me is not giving up anyone! 😭
-But why isn’t NoName the representative? I wanted to see her participate…
-That kid’s young, but he has this noble style.
└ That’s just how most elementary kids are. Almost all the students are from wealthy families.
-Na-me, squirming under the blanket, is too adorable! 😭😭😭
-Oh my, 😂 she’s so cute, she’s not just a national younger sister, she’s a national daughter!

“However, I just learned something. This is the Middle School Waiting Room, right?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Could you share your thoughts on the fact that participant NoName will not be competing in the elementary division but in the middle school division?”

The camera zoomed in on Na-me’s face.

It was so close you could see her pores, causing Na-me to pull the blanket up to her eyes, covering her face.

“I’m still a candidate, but I hope to have the chance to compete through a change in our lineup. I think I’d easily beat the middle school seniors.”


“What? You think you can win easily?”

Students from Altair Academy watching the broadcast in real-time were flabbergasted.

It was definitely their turn to interview, yet the unexpected coverage of NoName had been taking up time for over 20 minutes now.

This was simply unfathomable, given how hyped up they’d become after the so-called “educational videos” had gained popularity overseas.

After all, they were still just ordinary folk unable to wield magic properly.

Even the legendary war wizard, Ham Cho-rong, had reportedly been helplessly defeated by students over the age of five.

In the world of wizards, “age” was practically synonymous with “weight class” until they reached their prime in their thirties.

[What does participant NoName think of participating in duels?]

Reporter Kim Jae-sung posed a simple question.

[Sounds fun!]

The Altair Academy students frowned.

To participate in duels, one must endure painful training processes.

It was something both Sephiron and Altair students agreed upon.

Every academic discipline on Earth requires a certain commitment, not to mention the numerous exceptions to the rune and circuit theories one must grasp.

If someone isn’t bright, then at the very least, they should put their body through the wringer.

Some train relentlessly, to the point where they could join the Jincheon Athletes’ Village, while others venture out to wilderness areas like deserts or Antarctica to develop their own auras.

Thus, Na-me’s provocations could only be seen as insolent remarks that would provoke budding wizards.

Until she said her next line.

[I think of dueling as a kind of physical Go game.]

[Physical Go?]

[Yes. Have you ever played Go, Mr. Announcer?]

[I’ve played a lot in games.]

[I once heard that Go players could pierce through the personality of their opponent while playing Go. Whether they are combative, cautious, straightforward, or indirect. Naturally, one then becomes curious about that person’s life. Why does this person have that characteristic?]

Na-me, taking a brief deep breath, continued speaking.

[Some must have become combative to protect their loved ones, and others likely grew cautious because of past betrayals. Don’t you agree? There’s some fun in learning about people, right? I think dueling is the same. Now it’s not just about the mind but also about the body, so the curiosity grows even more.]

Na-me threw the blanket onto the floor and precariously perched above the wardrobe.

Her short legs swung back and forth, cutely,

But her attitude, as she faced the camera, was remarkably serious.

[Just like how it’s hard for you to fathom, in reality, magic itself is a miracle. That’s why I’m really curious about the people who create miracles. Among those who deal with elemental magic, some might have taken it up because they loved playing with fire as a child, while others might have decided to learn it to prevent a great fire they suffered from.]

[So, you’re saying that dueling is like Go…]

[In Go, stones are staked, but in dueling, we stake our lives. It may sound funny or it could be a gross exaggeration to some, but I personally think it holds that much meaning. The reason we continue to fight—even after being slapped or kicked—may simply be to have someone acknowledge the choices we’ve made in life. Although there aren’t any definite answers in life, humans always seek answers, right?]


[So, what I mean is, as I have been selected as a candidate in this glorious academy competition, I want to slap the faces of the senior representatives from Altair Academy at least once. I’m quite confident in the path I’ve walked.]

This was Na-me’s delicate yet sophisticated provocation.

[If you think I’m wrong, go ahead and slap me to prove it. I’ll give you one side.]


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