Switch Mode

Chapter 24

Chapter 24. Kidnapping

The afternoon after the re-examination.

10 PM. Kim Gi-ryeo’s Studio.

“What’s going on? The mixture isn’t coming together? Is it because of the humidity?”

At that time, I was deep into manufacturing a magic power enhancer.

I finally gathered all the materials.

“I’m going crazy trying to get the concentration right without proper tools.”

But with such poor conditions, the process was crawling.

“No matter how much Kim Gi-ryeo has F-Class power, I still need to regain my magic first.”

My focus waned with repeated failures.

And that wasn’t all.

Ding ding♪ Ding ding ding♬

“Argh! Who the hell is calling at this hour?!”

This damn mobile phone had been ringing non-stop since 9 AM.

Why, you ask?

【 KnowledgeIng 】

[Q. What should I do after finishing the Awakening Test?]

[A. If you’ve been issued a Hunter ID, get your skills verified at the Association. It’s convenient to list your skills in your profile for work.]

I added the ‘Appraisal’ skill to Kim Gi-ryeo’s Hunter profile after seeing a post online.

Turns out, this profile was information that outsiders could access freely.

“Damn it!”

Thanks to the information I registered thoughtlessly, I was now receiving all sorts of scouting offers from various companies.

And it had been all day.

“It’s so tiring to even reply.”

Living the life of a company dog was getting old.

I immediately hung up the phone that was ringing again. But my concentration still wouldn’t return.

“Haah, I’m out of energy……”

After receiving dozens of calls, I felt unusually drained. Plus, I was hungry.

“I need to get some food.”

So I decided to put off making the magic power enhancer and just grab something to eat.

It was now 10 PM.

But finding nourishment wasn’t hard.

There are 24-hour convenience stores all over the country. Earthlings really are something, aren’t they?

‘Today, I should try buying some chocolate.’

I hummed a tune as I stepped out into the alley.

It was dark all around, but my hometown was always this dark, so I walked without care.


But at that moment.

As I was heading to the convenience store, I brushed past a black car parked in the alley.

As soon as I walked by, the back door of the car suddenly swung open with a creak

What happened next was a whirlwind of chaos.

Three thugs jumped out of the car and ambushed me.

A big Earthling turned around and grabbed my neck, and I was startled into trying to resist…


The arm choking my carotid artery didn’t budge like a rock.

It was a clear difference in strength. My body was just an F-Class Awakened.

If I could’ve used magic, would it have been a different story?

No, those thugs looked like they had at least D-Class power.

So even if I tried using F-Class magic, it would just be like a cat scratching.


After that, I don’t remember much.

Suddenly, everything in front of me turned black, and my consciousness faded away.

I fainted.

‘Ugh! I see, if blood flow to the brain stops, you faint!’

If I had been hit with magic instead, I probably could’ve held out.

Because of the reincarnation magic’s properties, I had resistance against sleep, fainting, and brainwashing skills back on Earth.

But when they came at me directly with physical attacks, what could I do…?

Using strength in a fight between mages! How cowardly!


No, this isn’t the time for that kind of thought.

Anyway, just as I barely regained consciousness, the situation was a disaster.

‘Damn, where is this?’

When I came to my senses, I was blindfolded.

Moreover, my body was tightly bound to a metal chair, unable to move.

This planet really was a scary place. I can’t believe something so heinous could happen.

‘Who on Earth is doing this?’

Gi-ryeo, did you ever have enemies before you died?

Just as I was having those thoughts…

“Is that the F-Class over there?”

“Yeah, we caught him while waiting.”

“Seems the timeline is right.”

Someone nearby was conversing.

“But is he really F-Class?”

“I intentionally used D-Class kids to ambush him, and he hasn’t made a peep. It was easy to bring him in.”

I listened closely.

“You didn’t break anything, did you? If there are scratches, fix them fast.”

“Aah, do you think I’m a rookie?”

“Be careful since it’s an F-Class.”

Clank, clank, clank.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise amid their conversation.

It was the sound of a metal shutter rising.

“Ah! The big boss has arrived!”

Looks like one more person just entered the room.

No, maybe two…?

“Everyone greet him. This is our VIP guest.”


“He’ll personally view the merchandise later. You all go prepare right now.”

With my vision obscured by the blindfold, it was challenging to piece together the situation.

Still, as I continued to eavesdrop on their conversation, a chill ran down my spine at one point.

“…That guy tied up over there, he’s awake, isn’t he?”

The so-called VIP seemed to have noticed I was pretending to be unconscious.

Realizing the truth, the people around him murmured. Soon, heavy footsteps approached.

I held my breath like a mouse.

“Take off this blindfold.”

Someone approached up close.

As his order was given, it didn’t take long for the fabric covering my eyes to be removed.

“Stop pretending to sleep.”

He came with a calm threat.

With no choice, I opened my eyes that had been shut tight.

And what I saw was someone sitting in a chair, turned backward.

The VIP had his arms resting on the backrest, speaking.


I widened my eyes in shock, recognizing the VIP’s identity.

“It’s been a while. By the way, this is surprising. Honestly, I never expected to see a Hunter like Kim Gi-ryeo in a place like this.”

That’s right. The figure in front of me was none other than Korea’s S-Class Awakened, Kang Chang-ho.

What the hell.

‘Kang Chang-ho?’

Before I could even question this in disbelief, he opened his mouth first.

“Are you feeling lost since you were suddenly dragged here? Do you want me to explain a bit?”

He scanned my helplessly tied-up form and smirked.

“There’s been a lot of chatter in the industry lately. Apparently, a Hunter with excellent appraisal skills capable of analyzing the Magic Tower’s maze has appeared.”


“But the problem is, that appraiser’s awakening rank is F.”

Kang Chang-ho continued speaking while glancing down at some lowly Hunter.

“If a weakling like you has a high-grade skill that doesn’t match your status, you sometimes become a target for crime. So, shouldn’t you have been more careful usually?”

As I listened to his words, I sneaked a glance around. Upon closer inspection, I noticed I was in some abandoned building.

The broken light hanging from the ceiling seemed precarious.

“What do you plan to do with me?”

I asked cautiously.

Kang Chang-ho rolled his neck and thought for a moment before answering.

“I plan to sell you.”


“There are many people in this world who wish to hide the performance of the equipment they possess. Of course, for that, you need to hire a personal appraiser…”


“You know how expensive appraisers’ fees can be, right?”

“So, if you kidnap me, is it cheaper?”

“Especially in terms of maintenance costs.”

In the end, it all boiled down to money.

I finally understood. This seemed to be a criminal organization abducting awakened beings.

I, an F-Class with a huge ransom on my head but no means to protect myself, had obviously been targeted.

“And D-Class or lower have low resistance to brainwashing, so they’re easy to use.”

Using the weak to brainwash and turn them into slaves. This wasn’t surprising; it was a crime I knew existed back in my hometown as well.

“I’ve also bought awakened individuals from here, and once they’re brainwashed, there’s no concern about betrayal, making it convenient.”

But this was a bit shocking.

No wonder these people were calling Kang Chang-ho VIP. He must have been a repeat customer who had used this “commodity” multiple times.

“Hey… Mr. Kang Chang-ho, since we met like this, isn’t there any chance you would help me?”

With a sense of desperate hope, I asked for help.

“Hmm, why would I help Kim Gi-ryeo? I’m here as a guest after all.”

Of course, the answer I got back was nonsensical.

“Moreover, this turned out to be a good opportunity. I’ve been thinking of getting a dedicated appraiser anyway. Appraisers are always in high demand.”

The S-Class Hunter said this and stood up from his seat.

As soon as Kang Chang-ho moved, the Earthlings waiting nearby began to fuss over him like he was some kind of lord, calling him VIP, VIP.

Damn it.

‘I shouldn’t have been reincarnated into a place like this.’


But the remaining kidnappers in this room didn’t leave me even a moment to feel sad.

“Hey, the kids just brought in the next item. Move that F-Class to the upper floor.”



I shivered not knowing what they were planning to do with me, but amidst that, a strange scent hit my nose.


“Wait, handle that item carefully! It’s leaking its scent! Hey, everyone, don’t inhale it!”

A sweet smell, like being in the midst of a flower garden.

When that scent tickled the tip of my nose, I was dragged into another room by the kidnappers.

The new room was small and musty.



The masked members of the organization tossed Kim Gi-ryeo’s body onto the floor.

They set down the incense burner they had been holding in the corner and quickly left the room.


The heavy iron door closed behind them.

Taking up one side of the room, that golden incense burner was, in fact, a magic tool.

It was a sleeping item obtained from a C-Class Gate, but it had an excellent effect, capable of putting even B-Class Awakened to sleep.

‘They’re gone.’

But the problem was that this incense burner had no effect on certain Great Mages.

‘The fact that they moved me here suggests I’m not being sold off immediately.’

I opened my eyes wide.

Fools. They thought I was asleep and didn’t even put the blindfold back on.


First, I need to figure out how to get out of these restraints.

I started to struggle to free my tied hands. But with Kim Gi-ryeo’s frail strength, I couldn’t cut through the cable ties at all.


Let’s try using other means.

I loosened my shoelaces. Then I linked them through the inner side of my wrists.

‘Help me, friction!’

After that, I moved my arms wildly to rub the shoelaces against the cable ties like crazy.

I looked absurdly desperate, but fortunately, it worked better than it looked.



Finally, the cable tie broke.

As soon as my hands were free, I freed my feet and stood up.

‘Phew, what now?’

Let’s summarize.

I had been kidnapped by a human trafficking organization.

And currently, I was in a state where I couldn’t use any magic. In other words, my combat power was about as strong as an ant.

‘I need to escape.’

Even though I was immune to brainwashing, being sold off in this state to a strange place…

It would be dangerous. Imagining such a future made my face turn pale.

If I stayed here, who knows what might happen to me?

‘Should I report this to the police?’

I instinctively reached into my pockets.

‘Ugh, no mobile phone!’

But my pockets were completely empty.

Of course, they wouldn’t leave behind the belongings of a kidnapping victim. That left only a frontal assault.

‘Considering they just hung around the alley, they must be mages who can’t use tracking magic. If I can sneak out of this building and find a hiding spot, I might have a chance.’

Then, just then.

While I was planning my escape, something caught my eye.

It was that incense burner that had been exuding a sweet smell since earlier.


A gold-incense burner shaped like a lotus flower.

At its top, there was a long chain attached, perfect for gripping; I slyly picked up the incense burner while keeping an eye around.

“Stealing isn’t my style, but…”

Well, this isn’t the time to be picky…


“What the hell?”


The iron door suddenly swung open from the inside out.

The guards outside were startled by the noise and turned around, but the situation that followed caught them off guard.

An object emitting smoke was thrown at their faces.


Clank! The clear sound echoed from the inside of the metal incense burner.

As the sound faded away, the guards in the corridor quietly fell asleep.

“Good effect.”

Well, they shouldn’t have removed their masks if they found it a bit uncomfortable!


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not work with dark mode