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Chapter 192

Correction report. The act of correcting a wrong article.

According to the Korean Journalist Association’s Code of Ethics, journalists must honestly acknowledge and promptly correct any erroneous reports.

But is that as easy as it sounds?

The media usually doesn’t want to admit to any mistakes. Doing so would mean losing trust as a news outlet.

So corrections always happen quietly, in the shadows where no one can catch them.

Who would throw stones, calling it despicable? Then it’s just a matter of reporting it more discreetly.

But QBS was different.

Wednesday night, 11:50 PM.

The editing room journalists, taking turns working late to avoid any sudden top news changes, were in a panic.

Their feet were suddenly on fire.


“Jang reporter…!”


“Jang reporter! Issue a correction immediately and throw out an exclusive report together!”

“Got it!”

The lifeblood of news articles wasn’t accuracy or sensationalism, but speed.

Leaking information could be filled with follow-up reports, but the priority was to first secure that ‘exclusive’ title.

And QBS was quick at doing just that.

[Correction Report]

[< Who is ‘NoName’, the 14-year-old genius streamer who solved a 300-year-old problem? >]

[This broadcasting station reported on May 24, 2051, during the QBS News Talk program, that Twitch streamer NoName proved a tough problem after dropping out of the Academy at 14 years old. However, it has come to our attention that, contrary to the reported content, NoName never dropped out of the Academy, and it has been revealed that their actual age was 7 years.]

The midnight news special program began with a shocking correction.

A smile blossomed on the face of the editor-in-chief.


Writing articles takes time, but fixing them is relatively easy.

From here on, every time people searched for the name NoName, it would undoubtedly appear at the top due to the search algorithms.

After all, a correction is also a ‘news article’.

It was as if they had unknowingly bought stocks that skyrocketed by 30% the next day, a stroke of fortune for QBS having dealt with NoName’s article.

But it wasn’t a time to rest on their laurels. The urgent fire had been extinguished, but now it was time to seek real ‘information’.

“Right, they said they go to Sephiron Academy…!”

Someone shouted, which was the school NoName attended.

“But we don’t have a hotline to them.”

The editor shook their head.

Sephiron Academy is a foundation in the United States. Moreover, their campus is in the 21st century, even enjoying extraterritoriality.

Especially in terms of protecting the privacy of their students, they view it as crucial enough to scare off the National Intelligence Service, making it tough to get quality information from them unless you’re a major media outlet.

Ultimately, if you lack brains, your body must struggle. If you lack connections, you have to hit the road.

“Jang reporter, go find out.”


[‘QBS Official’ donated 100,000 won!]

-Hello, NoName. This is Jang Seong-mun from the QBS editorial team. We can’t fathom the dreadful times you’ve been through. At QBS, we will take the lead in uncovering the truth about this incident—

Suddenly, the support message got cut off.



-Didn’t you see the announcement?


-Come on, you filthy journalists, get lost!

“I told you I wouldn’t engage in any public activities. Please leave quietly.”

[QBS Official has been kicked out.]

“Oops…! Was I not supposed to ban them?”

Kariri hurriedly turned to stare at me.

In that moment, her face reminded me of Adella, who caused an incident.

“No, it’s their fault if they didn’t read the announcement properly.”

“Why are suddenly so many people coming in? Is it because it’s 12 o’clock? Again, let me repeat, any questions regarding Na-me’s personal information will result in a ban. Seriously, just don’t say anything! If you don’t know, just type ‘lol’!”

Shia firmly warned the viewers.




-Let’s just freeze the chat completely.

-Not the Ice Age…!

The tournament ended rather late, and although it was a collaboration, I didn’t intend for it to drag on for too long.

Still, people swarmed in, fearing I might temporarily stop streaming.

“When did I ever say I wouldn’t stream? I merely said I would stay quiet until I got a response.”

-Do you trust the Korean government?ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-If you don’t meet the request, will we never see NoName again?


-I don’t want thatㅠㅠㅠㅠ Please don’t goㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-A life without NoName is hell…

“Getting shorter as you go? Anyway, next. Anything else? If not, should I find it myself?”

The moment reporter Jang appeared, the confessional stream was interrupted for a bit.

That’s why flow is essential.

I reluctantly decided to play a hardball.

“If even one chat pops out, you’ll have to pay ten times the donation to be forgiven.”

-Emergency! Emergency! Emergency!

-Please let at least one person get caught! LOL

-Let’s hit them with a surprise interrogation!

Still nothing. Everyone seemed suspicious.

“Kariri, can you check the nickname ‘Nongga Wolnyeongga6974’?”

You can generally tell just from the nickname.

-No, just by looking, the nickname screams villainity, LOL.

-“This goes to the whitelist, no need to check, it’s a 100,000 won fine.”

-If it’s multiplied by ten, that’s a million won, LOL.

-Still better than getting sued, LOL.

[‘Nongga Wolnyeongga’ donated 10,000 won!]

-Wait a second, NoName! I’m so sorry, please give me just one more chance…! I’ll charge more now, so please wait!

-That seems super suspicious, LOL.

-Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!

-Finally, chat is getting spicy?

-I really can’t resist a suing ending, LOL.

The ‘Confessional’ stream, which lasted about an hour, could be considered quite successful up to this point.

What is a confession?

In the past, in the Holy Kingdom, there existed a system where believers could confess to a priest, easing their sins.

Of course, this has long turned into a privilege for nobles, but the essence is still thought to be quite good.

Thus, it was decided I would forgive those who believed they had sinned based on the severity of the sin and the donation amount.

As time passed, this pricing for the confession began circulating among my judgment and the collective intelligence of viewers.

-How much should I pay if I’m farming?

└ 2,000 won would get you forgiveness!

-2,000 won? Phew~~~ That’s a relief, not much!

└ By the way, that’s 2,000 won per item.

└ ??????????????????

└ Why? Isn’t that bearable?

└ For real, if he’s donating to the orphanage, then at least throw in a donation right now!

“If you think it’s you, then crawl out quickly. Didn’t you hear about Na-me suing the haters last time?!”

“Yeah! Kariri and Na-me are genuinely dangerous! She’s only 7! There are leveled laws for child sexual abuse!”

Today’s donation amount was announced in advance to be entirely donated to the local children’s welfare center.

By forgiving personally, I felt less guilty, and it was a two-in-one content, with a donation involved.

What streamer would worry about the mental health of their viewers as much as I do?

If at some point, we meet again and there’s some discomfort because of my age, wouldn’t that just create awkwardness? This was a sort of consideration to dissolve those feelings.

Initially, I started lightly with this idea…

[‘BLgbT Sandwich’ donated 296,000 won!]

-Priest, I once spoke ill of you. I counted, and it was probably right… Please use it for a good cause…

Kariri and Yu-shia rushed to validate.

“This crazy person…! Is ‘farm’ all you can say?”

“Total cosmic horror…! How could someone hit ‘farm’ 148 times in just a month?”

-Huh? 148 times?

-148 times, LOL.

-Wow, not ten but 148 times, LOL.

-Hahaha, I just burst out laughing.

-Wow, are they really insane? LOL.


“Hey Na-me, are you okay?”

“Ah…! I almost lost my mind, but I’m fine…”

“Whoa! Na-me, you can’t faint here! Then our collaboration will fall apart!”

No, I genuinely thought I’d be fine.

I believed I was an incredibly magnanimous person.

But every stack of donations of 1,000,000 won, 2,000,000 won wore down my mental state.

[‘2947379’ donated 10,000 won!]

-Priest, I committed a faux pas by asking about your panties’ color. Please forgive me… I’ll repent and live righteously.


Was that kind of chat around?

After this donation, dozens of similar 10,000 won ones sprang up one after another.

What is ‘Opfanmu’?

“What is Opfanmu?”

“Hahaha… What could it be, right? Kariri, I have no idea…”

-I seriously hope you all get sued!

-No way we knew this would happenㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-This is all Kariri’s fault!

-For real, Kariri spread too much underground culture on Twish!

-Underground should only stay underground!

“Why am I being blamed for that?! Anyway, Na-me, you don’t have to know! Our Na-me should only see the bright side of the world! And from now on, Opfanmu is 20,000 won!”

-Oh, I was about to donate, but that’s not cool!

-Kak Knightㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-Kariri, you’re the GOAT of the weasel family, in the phylum Chordata, class Mammalia.

└ First off, Kariri is the only one applicable, then, LOL.

-Chat has been filthy all this time.

-Most chats were from Wagal.

└ The blonde avatar really was a scam.

[Donation Goal: ₩16,398,000 / ₩1,000,000 (1639.8%)]

I remember putting in incredible effort to climb to the rank of Master in League of Legends for 50,000 won over a week…

But in just an hour, an absurd amount of money piled up.

While not all of it was from confessional donations, heartfelt comforting and encouraging messages often came through.

[‘Chani’s Dad’ donated 50,000 won!]

-Hello NoName, perhaps this is my first donation and first chat. I’m a viewer who lost my two kids and wife in the Bridge Fire disaster. I’ve been watching your streams since last year. For no particular reason, if I confess, when I first saw your avatar, it reminded me of my angelic children. Honestly, I still can’t believe you’re just 7 years old haha… I can’t imagine how tough those days must have been for you. I wish you well in your endeavors… so please know there are viewers quietly supporting you.

Normally, viewers would be angry at the length of donation messages, but today, they were silent, patiently waiting for the TTS to finish reading.

The stream, oscillating between heaven and hell, continued until reaching this point.

Returning to the present.

“So, what are you, Nongga Wolnyeongga, hiding?”

A cascade of the latest comments unfurled.

As Shia kept scrolling up, the normal chat kept appearing.

[Nongga Wolnyeongga6974: In this room, be careful of chat while sleeping, LOL.]
[Nongga Wolnyeongga6974: Wow, is it real that you’re 14?]
[Nongga Wolnyeongga6974: This is the ending character, LOL.]
[Nongga Wolnyeongga6974: NoName! NoName! NoName!]
[Nongga Wolnyeongga6974: Swordsmanship skills are sick and awesome, let it go.]

“Quite normal, huh?”

-What is it?
-Why are they acting so weird?
-Scroll up! This can’t be normal!

-Wait, what was above? LOL.

[Nongga Wolnyeongga6974: Wolf Rider meta, let’s go!]
[Nongga Wolnyeongga6974: Hehe, Velka…]
[Nongga Wolnyeongga6974: Hehe, Velka…]
[Nongga Wolnyeongga6974: The wolf is big and beautiful…]
[Nongga Wolnyeongga6974: The wolf realizes that their feelings for the master aren’t ordinary…]
[Nongga Wolnyeongga6974 has been kicked out.]

“Oops, I kicked them out without meaning to…!”

“What’s up, Shia? Why did you just throw them out?”

“Oh, it’s fine! Let’s just add them to the lawsuit!”

“Wait, how serious is it? I don’t think they’d be like that. Let me see.”

“No way!”

Shia blocked my view with her arms extended to the sides.

“Everything else can be forgiven, but I can’t forgive those who mess with beasts!”

With Shia’s strong opinion, another one was added to the whitelist (lawsuit).


Today, something gigantic seemed to have happened.

But my room was eerily quiet.

Professor Chun tucked me in with a warm word to help me sleep well, and I wrapped myself in the blanket, sinking into deep thoughts.

Will the world change?

And have I changed?

The former was a question regarding my past actions, while the latter was a question about myself, still continuing to live.

The selves of individuals who should have died long ago intertwined and merged into one.

Just like in the past, I no longer felt a sense of alienation.

Simply having the conviction that I am ‘me’ somehow brought a sense of comfort.

Whether the reason for change solely lies with me or if it is in the relationships I’ve built this life is still a topic for contemplation.

Forget everything, I’m too sleepy and on the brink of falling asleep when I suddenly remembered something and pulled my phone under the blanket.

[Hey Yuna, it’s Na-me.]
[I’m taking the bus to school tomorrow.]
[Would you like to walk to school together?]


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