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Chapter 183

[Still, I felt like I did a bit well yesterday and today, but I wonder how mom saw it. I’ll keep living cool and bravely… please watch over me till the end. Today, I really miss mom so much. I love you a lot.]


(View Count 540,000)

– This is unfairㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

– Why are you saying it so casuallyㅠㅠㅠㅠ

└ That’s what makes it sadder…

– What the heck kind of life did they live?

– Human victory is insane ㄷㄷ I saw NoName’s V-tube, and they already have 400k subscribers.

– If that’s acting, I need to give credit.

└ Who lies about their parents? Don’t cross the line.

– I don’t know if NoName meant to, but “Today, I really miss ~~” sounds almost exactly like Isabella’s death line.

└ That does sound like it. What’s up with that?

└ Creepy.

– Every time I replay this, I end up crying endlessly. I regret so many times not telling my mom I love her while she was alive.

– How much must they miss her? I really cried my eyes out…

– Those who haven’t experienced that heartbreaking sadness won’t understand.

– Emotions are felt beyond the avatar… It’s so sad even when you speak a little during the stream…

NoName’s interview caused a stir in just one day.

Especially for fans who had watched her broadcasts with affection for months, they could not help but feel solemn.

[If you wrote a drama script like this, you’d get criticized ㅇㅇ] [31]
A child who was born in a single-parent family and lost their mother turned out to be a genius that shocked the world?

Moreover, just 14 years old, started at 13 going alone to the PC Bang and living off donations from Twish?

This is crossing the line.


– Wow, this is like a life reversal drama in one shot.

– I thought NoName’s talent was really enviable, but hearing about her life, it’s truly tragic.

└ A normal family life with a 5th grade exam seems way happier.

– We are living in the age of NoName.

– I’m really curious about their identity and can’t sleep at night!!!

└ Ah, they say they’ll reveal it after the finals, haha.

└ One day left, one day left, one day left, one day left, one day left, one day left, one day left, one day left, one day left, one day left.

└ Why are they even holding the playoffs? Just get to the finals already!!!

[Is it official that NoName really is going to the finals?][23]

It’s not easy for a virtual reality game streamer to do that.

They truly know when the water rises, you gotta paddle!

Is this the big picture of a genius?


– They probably created the current waves themselves.

└ Zhuge Liang’s upgraded version.

└ Zhuge Liang is just lol.

└ Was it the southeast wind?

└ That guy only manipulated the fate with a fan; how dare he compare with NoName?

– Beautiful girl? Beautiful girl? Beautiful girl? Beautiful girl?

└ They’re 14 years old; isn’t it hard to judge if they’re pretty or not? They’re practically a kid!

└ If you see Che-na’s photos at 14, you’d utter, “so beautiful.”

└ Che-na was 172 cm at that age.

– If it is NoName, there wouldn’t be an issue about revealing their face.

– Is she confident she can resolve tough math problems?

– According to big data, kids who look strong like NoName are surprisingly short.

└ Oh, how short?

└ About 145 cm?

└ That’s way too short…

[NoName is planning to stream later today ㅇㅇ][17]

Happy news for the viewers.

Today, instead of a scrim, it seems they’re going to do a personal stream.

(Tg notification.jpg)

[Recording finished at 9:32]

It’s just under 10 minutes.

It’s quite embarrassing to show someone the story I’ve kept inside.

So, I took the camcorder and went out for a walk, but now I regret not just staying in my room since it’s so hot outside.

The morning shower was useless as the inside of my hair is slightly damp with sweat. Several strands are stuck to my neck.

I cooled the heat left in my head with a simple face wash and changed into thin, breathable clothes.

Now, I decided to enter a capsule that feels comfier than my bed and connect to virtual reality.

It seems my cat has gone out again.

Moreover, my private room now feels way too big.

It’s like those farming simulation games like TaiFarm or Stardew Valley, where you keep expanding your house and garden; thanks to Adella diligently bringing in in-game currency, it has grown four to five times larger than before.

The best part of virtual reality is that there are no bugs.

With the inherent limits of human critical fusion frequency and not-so-great focal correction abilities, it’s hard to track the movements of flying insects. Of course, reading their presence is difficult.

Plus, just the sight of centipedes makes me feel disgusted; it heavily reminds me that I’m really a girl.

I never want to feel a centipede crawling on my body again. Seriously.

After continuously shooting videos in the morning, old memories kept cropping up.

When comparing it to when I lived under the name Estasha, a lot has changed.

First of all, I definitely talk a lot more.

Perhaps because of the nature of being a streamer, I feel like I’m compelled to keep blabbering no matter my personality.

I didn’t think I was particularly lonely in my past life, but now that I think about it, the emptiness I had back then might have been a kind of loneliness.

Or not.

In any case, this body seems unable to endure loneliness or boredom.

Even now, just sitting still feels a bit trying.

In simpler terms, I’m bored, and I couldn’t find a reason to suppress my instinct, so I decided to start streaming again.

If I had no memory of ‘my past self,’ what would ‘my current self’ have done if I had grown up normally?

Finding meaning in hypothetical situations is truly pointless, and there’s no value to be extracted from it, but pondering such thoughts might be one of the most human actions we humans can do.

[Starting to stream: 0:01:31 – NoName]

“This morning, the weather was nice, so I shot a vlog.”

– ????????

– Why didn’t you do it live!

– Is it going up on V-tube?

– The weather was really nice!

– Is this a real-life vlog? Really?

– Did you go outside today?

“Wow, it’s really hot outside. Did you know you should apply sunscreen 30 minutes before going out and reapply every 2 hours?”

– It’s annoying, but I have to keep putting it on every two hours.

– Alpha male trait: Not applying sunscreen.

– Alpha male trait: Having a snowball fight with the sun.

– That’s not alpha male behavior, lol.

– Beta male trait: Being nitpicky.

– Wow, thanks for the life tips!

– On days like today, UV rays are strong, so your skin can get damaged if you stay out long!

“Something seems a bit off in the chat.”

A sense of unease is gradually building up.

What is it, what could it be?

The chat speed, the atmosphere, the way people finish their sentences; everything feels slightly off.

The weather is definitely not nice; it’s over 33 degrees outside.

“Are you hiding something from me?”

Only after asking the reason did I understand their behavior.

“Why? What’s wrong with not having a mom?”

– No!ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

– Please don’t say such thingsㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

– ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

– NoName is a precious childㅠㅠ We need to protect her!

– Don’t tell me you’re at a PC Bang right now?

– Let’s gather more donations to buy her a house quickly!

[‘neverworn’ donated 30,000 won!]

– The price of beef has gone up a lot, so take this and take care of yourself at dinner! Eat well to grow taller!

“Ah, thank you for the 30,000 won. But do you guys know my height? Why are you saying that?”

– One thing’s for sure, you’re definitely under 150.

– You sounded offended! Guess you can’t be that tall!

– No, NoName might grow up to 210!

└ 210, what the heck, lol.

– Seriously, it’s going to be fine, isn’t it?

“Today, I originally didn’t plan to stream, but I ended up doing it because I had too much free time. I’m not the type to go out of my way either, but just sitting around doesn’t fit my personality. So later, I’ll stream the playoff teams’ matches. Oh, and I noticed I’ve accumulated a lot of messages lately, let’s read a few.”

And so, I began reading messages.

In the past, when I had a lot of spare time, I would check every one of them, but these days, messages pile up faster than I can read, and I’ve ended up dropping it altogether.

[Doctor of YL: Hello, NoName. I started subscribing three months ago. I’m a 19-year-old viewer. My mom passed away last year. I think about her every single day, and it feels like I can’t make it through a day without missing her, but when I saw you in that interview, I cried my eyes out. I can’t imagine how many tears you must have shed to say that so casually…]

“You were a viewer when I first streamed with Hyebam. Well, what exactly is death? What’s the real difference between death and parting?”

Ding dong-

At that moment, the doorbell rang.

When I opened the door with the broadcast camera, the cat that had run away was gone, and a disgruntled Honey Badger with puffed cheeks stood there.

“Why are you starting the broadcast right away? If you’re home, you should at least say something! Have you washed your hands?”

“You were also in the middle of a game. And whose house is this, huh? Is it your house? Oh right, I’m streaming; do you want to come and watch?”

“What’s going on? What’s going on? I’m curious! Kariri wants to watch too!”

“Then say something comforting to the viewer whose mother passed away last year.”

“J-Just a second! What am I supposed to say? Wait, is this real? Uughh?!”

“Would I say something like that as a joke? After all, they’re parents…”

“I don’t mean it like that…! Aaaargh! Why does Kariri have to go through this trial?!”

Why is the great Kariri so long-tongued?


I’ve heard stories like this before.

The protagonist’s really close friend boarded a light-speed spaceship to pursue their lifelong dream of exploring the solar system.

If the day they return to Earth is 100 years from now, then they may never see each other again until death, but rather than being sad, the protagonist decided to bless their friend’s future.

But during the spaceship’s entry through the atmosphere, a terrible explosion caused the protagonist to lose their friend, and they couldn’t hide their devastation and sadness.

One was an eternal farewell, the other was death. What exactly is death that makes us inevitably sad?

Some say it’s because the opportunity costs we can enjoy while living are all taken away by ‘death,’ but I think a little differently.

“If you’re independent, you might agree, but just because your parents are alive doesn’t mean you can see them every day, right? Some people only show their faces during holidays. When you total up all that time, it might not be as much as you’d think. Similarly, I don’t think Mom has disappeared from this world. I just think we won’t be able to see each other for a long time, and as long as I remember her, I believe we can meet again someday.”

It’s just a longer wait for the next holiday.

Just like how, in general relativity, gravity and inertial forces cannot be distinguished, we don’t know what lies beyond death.

Like me, maybe everyone can reincarnate in another world.

If we can’t distinguish between death and parting, believing that Mom didn’t pass away but that we simply parted ways isn’t philosophically incorrect.

“So, this is a reminder to treat them well while they’re around. You all get that, right?”

– ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

– I called my mom and dad right after watching this.

– Although I came out like this… I still love you, Mom!

– Starting out sad…

– Tears are blocking my vision, teacherㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Kariri perched on my knee quickly scanned the messages sent to me.

Like before, I also displayed a bit of the longer, important messages on the stream.

As I slowly reached the end of the numerous messages filled with comfort and encouragement, Kariri chimed in.

“What do you mean adoption? Our Na-me is already living in a super rich family! And if you want to take her away, you better earn more money than me!”

– But how can you deal with NoName’s parents, lol.

– Since there’s a virtual friend and a virtual butler, can’t we have virtual parents too?

– Why do you get to enjoy good things all alone, you little brat!

[‘Cat Love is the Best’ donated 300,000 won!]

– Everyone, please pay this month’s child support quickly! 300,000 won!

– It’s not even for friends; what’s with the child support, lol.

– Choose between paying 300,000 won to become NoName’s mom and dad vs. wasting 300,000 on a beautiful girl horse racing gacha game.

– That’s crazy, lol.

– Ah, thinking about it, it would be worth 300,000 won!

– The manager is seriously having a fundraising time here, lol.

– Look at them leading by example.

“Virtual parents… Ugh! Anyway! No one is taking Na-me away! I’ll take care of her for life!”

“Why do I have to be with you? Oh, I got it. Let’s go with that.”

Kariri’s glare was extremely fierce just now.

– But why does Kariri keep calling NoName Na-me, lol.

– Na-me has a nice ring to it.

– Is it Na-me because of the name? I thought they were talking about the League of Legends character named Nami, lol.

[‘TK justlovethis’ donated 1,000 won!]

– Kariri is so dumb, she doesn’t even know English, lol.

– For real, lol.

– For real, lol.

– As if not for the concept, she’s really clueless, isn’t she?

– Nah, seriously, even Kariri wouldn’t be that lost.

– Nowadays, the alpha generation is all so used to translation magic that they might not know English at all.

└ That level is rather alarming, huh;;

└ Asking if England is an island, lol.

“Uh… Hey, guys…? Should we talk about something else? Oh, wait, Na-me, I mean NoName, what’s our strategy for tomorrow’s finals?”

“Manager, please freeze the entire chat right now.”

Three managers, who were connecting, swiftly followed my orders.

The world has entered an ice age.

Scrolling back all the way to the top, I confirmed the very first chat that wrote ‘for real, lol.’

“From here down to the very end, ban everyone who agreed with the donations for a week. Those who donated will be permanently banned.”


“You just stay still.”


At my words, the managers executed the banning one by one without question.

After 86 people got banned, the ice age finally thawed, and the natives could rejoice in reclaiming their lives.

– Ah, they were right; reading ‘Na-me’ is correct, lol.

– From now on, I won’t forgive those who tease Kariri!

– It’s not NoName; it’s No-na-me now, lol.

– Na-me~ Na-me~ Na-me~ Na-to-you~

– Here, this is right, lol.

– As long as it’s not me, I’m happy~~~~~~!!!!!!

– Let’s all be careful about those kill angles.

– This is how a kill angle turned out to be bad, huh;;

– Phew, thank goodness.

– Wow, a week ban? That’s terrifying, lol.

[‘Wagrano’ donated 10,000 won!]

– I’m the viewer who sent the heartfelt message earlier; please can you unban me? I’m feeling so wrongedㅠㅠㅠㅠ

– Not happening, buddy, lol.

– Your heartfelt story just got replaced by a week-long ban.

– Going artistic with that chat really took you down.

– How about we look at the banned ones’ messages for fun in the meantime?

[NoName’s prison]

[Current Number of Inmates: 641]


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