Switch Mode

Chapter 433

The broadcast station camera was smaller than I expected.

Well, it’s not like we’re filming a movie, and we have to carry it around, so it makes sense that we can’t use a big camera.

Of course, it’s bigger than the mirrorless one we use.

“So, you five have been living together since childhood?”

“Yes, before moving here, we lived in a much smaller house.”

“Were you ever uncomfortable?”

I looked at the four kids.

Everyone shook their heads with smiles.

Of course, there must have been some inconveniences. How could anyone not feel uncomfortable living in such a cramped space without any personal space?

Still, it was comforting to know that I wasn’t completely alone in this world.

I just hoped the others felt the same way.

“There was never a moment we felt that uncomfortable.”

When I replied, the writer nodded.

Speaking of which, it’s funny that the writer is holding the camera.

There were two people with cameras, perhaps thinking of saving some money by not hiring another person.

“The living room has quite a lot of decorations, but is there a reason you set up both Halloween and Christmas decorations at the same time?”

“We forgot about Halloween, so we just decided to put them all up together.”

Claire said something a bit off, but the broadcast crew just laughed.

There wasn’t anyone with a bad first impression here.

If I had to nitpick, my own first impression, with not much change in expression, might not be the best.

Anyway, because of that, Claire’s comment could just be seen as an odd reply from a cute girl.


“We don’t typically interfere with each other’s hobbies.”

As I filmed the items in front of the living room TV, Alice and Charlotte truly looked embarrassed.

“Oh, I know these characters. I’ve seen them often since I was young.”

The camera first pointed to the left. There were mostly princess figures collected by Charlotte.

Surely even non-otaku wouldn’t find it too problematic to see this. They were just figures without any revealing features.

A movie buff might consider it a collection worth having.

“Yes, I like the movies from this company too…”

Charlotte managed to reply somewhat.

But those last two figures that Alice and I had set up…

At least the first two were somewhat acceptable. They were both dressed in ordinary school uniforms. Although the skirts were a bit short compared to usual uniforms, they were still decently dressed for such characters.

However, next to them, Claire’s figure was… dressed like a bunny girl.

“This is…?”

Both the writer and the camera director momentarily lost their words.

Should I say it was Alice who bought it?

But I also had some stake in it, didn’t I?

“These characters resemble us, so we bought them just for fun.”

So I came up with a suitable excuse.

“Ah, looking at it this way, I can see the resemblance!”

The writer’s expression brightened.


“At first, I bought the figure of Alice, then Alice bought a figure of me… and through that teasing, before we knew it, we ended up with Claire’s figure.”

“You have quite a mischievous relationship. But it looks nice.”

The writer said with a smile, then tilted their head.

“But does that mean the names of the figures are the same as yours?”

“Ah, yes. Both first and last names are the same.”


The writer seemed a bit flustered.

“So, you’re saying that the names of you guys overlap with the game characters without a single letter difference?”

The writer exhibited a somewhat surprised expression.

“If you’re not joking, that fact might actually be a better material for the broadcast. You didn’t change the names halfway through, did you?”

“No, we’ve had these names since birth.”

I won’t start counting from one year old, though.

“So you’re saying that, despite being Korean, you have foreign names, and those names are the same as characters in a game?”

“That’s correct. Besides, we were actually born before that game was made.”


How do the words not make sense?

When examined piece by piece, it could happen.

Two foreigners who became naturalized citizens in Korea could have a child. That child might have a name from their home country.
Names other than Fanggriffon could commonly occur overseas, so overlaps are possible.
It could also happen that a person’s appearance resembles a game character.

But does everything overlap? No matter how you think, it sounds absurd.

“And you’ve never contacted the game’s production company?”

“No, we only started the internet broadcast this year.”

How will the Goddess patch this hole, I wonder?

No matter how it’s revealed as a coincidence, and even if they broadcast it as a coincidence, people won’t easily believe it.

The Goddess can send us this way or that, but she can’t change people’s thoughts at will.

From what I see of winning the lottery, it seems like she can have some effect on this world, but trying to stop stories from spreading internationally is another matter.

“Is it alright if we contact the game’s company during the editing process?”

“Of course.”

There’s no reason copyrights would come into play.
There are many types of people in the world, and some might even name their child after names from games or comics.
Plus, once again, in this world, the names we’ve always had since the beginning are regarded as ours.

“Ah, and…”

“Big sis?”

I grabbed Claire’s arm, who was next to me, and said,

“Her hair color is natural, not dyed.”

It’s blue.


The writer blinked.

It seemed they were struggling to process so much strange information at once.

Watching the writer and cameraman look at each other, I was convinced that things were moving along quite well.


After the broadcast crew left, we grilled meat at home.

It was a small celebration for how well the story had rolled out.
With the spirits high, we spread newspapers all over the living room and grilled using a portable gas burner in the center.

“If this goes well, will we be able to return to our original world?”

At Alice’s words, I nodded.

“That’s probably how it will go. But we still have quite a bit of time left. The broadcast crew needs to confirm that what we said is true.”

“And during that confirmation process, they’re bound to see several illogical parts.”

Charlotte said with a smile.

“That’s the core.”

Claire confirmed.

“If things go well, there’s a chance we could visit other countries during that process.”

“Is that the country that made that game series? Do you have been there?”

Alice said, picking a piece of meat from the front plate with her chopsticks.

“I’ve been there, but I don’t think I got to enjoy it properly. I went with friends, and one of them didn’t have any money.”


Sadly, no one could relate to my words.

It’s probably hard to imagine thinking about having no money while on a trip.
There’s a term called grand tourer, which comes from nobles sending their children to various countries to broaden their horizons. It’s now a term used in automobiles and fits well with expensive cars.

Excluding Fanggriffon and Velbur, both Grace’s Estate and Crowfield had their own historical backgrounds.

Wherever we go, a decent sum of money would be gained.

Mia, even while in the Imperial Capital, never ran out of money.

“So, in short, I’m saying there’s a place we wanted to go but couldn’t.”

“Do you think we can go this time?”

“Well, let’s first see if we can get connected with the company.”

I answered with a smile at Claire’s question.


“Even if we end up not going for work, we could all still go together. Having come to another world, it would be too disappointing to only stay within one country.”

Though we say traveling within the country can be time-consuming, there’s really no reason not to go abroad.
Since we came this far, it wouldn’t be bad to try everything we can do.

“We still have some time left. The filming won’t end just because we’ve had today’s visit.”

They said they’d also like to film us having fun outside.
Then we’ve got to show them that too.

“Let’s think about what we can do when filming outside.”

“Since it’s the end of the year, maybe there’s a festival or something?”

“…Even so, isn’t it a bit harsh to drag the filming crew to a local festival?”

As Claire said this cheerily, I plopped a few pieces of meat on Mia’s plate with tongs.

Seeing Mia wrap up the meat with a happy expression and eat it, I resolved to find a way to live this kind of life even in another world.

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not work with dark mode