Switch Mode

Chapter 429


Cut it here? Cut it here?

I wasn’t just playing a game to watch this!

“Surely, this follow-up story will take at least two hours. Can we really do more here?”

But I replied to the chat with this.

“I’m not sure if I can continue right away tomorrow, but I will definitely finish, so please don’t worry too much. I’ll make sure to wrap it up this year.”

Still, most of the viewers of this broadcast were people who had already played this game, so I was relieved. More than half of them must have cleared it before I even returned to this world.

I said a few more closing remarks and ended the broadcast.

Looking at the time, it had just passed midnight.

November was almost at its end.

“I could watch the story to the end and wake up a bit late tomorrow…”

Claire muttered, sounding disappointed.

“I need to check something.”

With a serious expression, I said that and entered the room of Claire and Alice. Honestly, I wasn’t sure if it was fair to even call it a room anymore. Life wasn’t being lived there; stuff was just piling up, so it’s more like a storage room, isn’t it?

I put my belongings in a prominent place. Just in case an outsider came in, I wanted to clean it up before they saw it.

Still, I had to be prepared to return at any time.

…I’ve been saying this for months now.

The light of my belongings had definitely become a bit brighter compared to the last time I checked.

“The rate at which it’s getting brighter has noticeably slowed down. When it was just the three of us, it used to brighten up instantly even with just a little fame.”

As I said it with a serious face, the others tilted their heads.

“…Could it be?”

The first to speak was Mia.

“Isn’t our image being too firmly engraved in people’s minds? At first, I thought they were just surprised and couldn’t speak, but we’re living our lives and broadcasting so nonchalantly.”

“Plus, recently we even went to events in cosplay,” Alice muttered with a serious expression.

“So, it means the longer we stay here, the closer we get to the Goddess’s scheme,” Charlotte said with a serious face.

“…It’s complicated in many ways.”


“We need to be more proactive so the Goddess speeds up how fast we adapt to this world.”

I said seriously.

The conversation with the broadcast team wasn’t over yet. To be honest, it had been somewhat stalled.

Our birthplaces and names are too personal to share, so as long as we were requesting that, the broadcast team couldn’t air it. When I exchanged emails with the writers, it seemed that the higher-ups at the broadcasting station thought that it was a good story.

And right now, simply talking about our lives wouldn’t mean much. The viewers would think, ‘So they’re on TV too,’ and first-timers would just go, ‘Oh, there are such people.’

We needed to make sure we looked ‘foreign’ enough.

“Still, we can’t reveal our birthplaces.”

Putting aside that they won’t think of it as a game birthplace, there’s a chance they might think it’s forged identification.

I’d prefer not to get caught up in the legalities. Though it seems the Goddess would prefer that too.

“…What about foreign broadcasts?”

Claire cautiously spoke up.

As our gazes gathered, Claire said seriously.

“The game we’re in isn’t from this country. If we tell the people there, wouldn’t they find it super fascinating?”

Very true.

There’s a high chance it could just be a one-off event. We’re not foreign residents in Japan. We have no intention of living there, nor do we have the means. It seems getting a visa through internet broadcasts isn’t that easy either.

That said, broadcasting in Japanese for a Japanese audience is equally troublesome.

“Let’s say our names have always been like this, and touch that gap. We need to spread it among people around the world.”

“…That’s something worth thinking about.”

I nodded.

“First, let’s finish the upcoming broadcast before brainstorming more ideas.”

Claire immediately smiled at my praise.

Sometimes I wonder if we’re really the same age.

But Mia is also the same age.


Before the camera was ready, the broadcasting staff came to our house first.

“Your decorations are unique.”

The female writer from last time said as she looked around our home. Our place still had Christmas and Halloween decorations up at the same time. Shall I call it Chris-Hallo-Mas?

“Celebrating each season is the best kind of fun!”

Claire responded immediately.

“And what hobbies are these?”

The writer asked, looking at the lined-up figures in front of the TV.

“I-I am.”

“Me too.”

Charlotte and Alice spoke in almost unison.

It was a bit embarrassing for Charlotte when she unwrapped the packages, but I didn’t expect Alice to feel shy too. I thought she might still think they were similar to the palace’s busts.

Did she learn something from the internet recently?

Well, whatever.

We also showed our room. Aside from a few added posters, nothing much had changed.

“My goal is to shape my body like that.”

Claire confidently said, placing her hands on her waist.

“I…I like those things, so…”

Mia explained, but she was quite shy about it.

“So how do you sleep? Do you go to different rooms and sleep at different times?”

At that question, we exchanged looks before looking back at the writer.


When I said it without specifying who, the writer looked a bit surprised.

“…We lay out blankets in the living room and sleep together. Normally we scatter around the house doing stuff, but when we go somewhere fun, we all go together.”

“Is that so?”

The writer’s eyes widened.

“You all seem to get along well. Um… not everyone is your sister, right?”

As the writer seemed to ponder our names, I debated how to respond, then turned around.

All my friends were looking at me directly, smiles on their faces.

No matter how I answered, they didn’t seem to care much.

So I looked back at the writer and said.

“Although we don’t share blood, yes, we all think of each other as sisters.”

“I see.”

It seemed my response pleased her. I wonder if she’s concocting some story in her mind?

“Oh, and.”


As I started to add something, the writer, who had been typing something on her smartphone, looked up.

“I don’t mind some scripts, but I don’t want to show us fighting.”

At my words, the writer smiled slightly and nodded.


Then she typed a few more letters on her smartphone before putting it back in her pocket.

“Then, I’ll adjust the schedule in detail. Are you planning to go anywhere far soon?”

Since the broadcasting team couldn’t just show up with cameras anytime.

It might not come out right after filming either.


I said that and saw the writer off.



“Why, do you want to go on a trip or something?”

“Huh? How did you know?”

It seems Alice and Claire have become really good friends. Claire just snorts, and Alice understands her meaning.

Well, even when I maintained a perfect blank expression, Alice could read my emotions.

Claire’s reactions were pretty easy to figure out too since she doesn’t hide her feelings.

“Shall we prepare then? Just as the broadcasting team set the date!”

The schedule was set for the first week of December, so if it doesn’t overlap, we should be fine.

“Is the broadcast okay?”

“We can take a break from the broadcast for a few days.”

If I hadn’t won the lottery, I might have thought about it seriously. When you’re strapped for cash, every little donation matters.

But right now, it’s not about the money.

“As long as we’ve been doing broadcasts without being tardy, we shouldn’t have any major issues as long as we advertise properly.”

“Then it’s settled!”

At Alice’s words, I smiled and nodded.

“What about Charlotte and Mia?”

“I’m fine.”

Charlotte replied first.

“As long as it’s not camping in this weather…”

Mia added that.

And honestly, no one would do such crazy things.

“Then let’s slowly think about where to travel. We’ve got plenty of time left.”

I said lightly.

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not work with dark mode