Switch Mode

Chapter 413

There are various kinds of silence.

Generally, silence is awkward and uncomfortable. People are social animals, so even those who don’t particularly enjoy talking to others feel uneasy when left silent with just one person.

Even while feeling like they shouldn’t say anything, they end up letting out a sigh of relief once they finally escape that situation.

When you get into an elevator, everyone pulls out their smartphones or just stares at the changing numbers for a reason.

Well, I suppose people who have completely lost any semblance of social grace would find situations without conversation to be completely natural, but I don’t think I am that far gone.

If the silence isn’t uncomfortable and awkward, it likely means everyone has something they want to say but is just holding back.

And if we’re going to nitpick, the silence hanging in the air right now was that kind.

To be more precise, it was the kind of silence teetering on the edge of laughter yet somehow being kept in check—it was only the one person who was the source of that laughter that felt less than pleasant.

Yep. That person was me.

More specifically, it was those writings I had penned in the past.


Claire finally stifled her laughter with a cough.

What could I do when those writings were going to flash before my eyes for the entire time I could use the internet here unless I read them right now?

Of course, I briefly considered just calling the service provider to cut off my internet, but honestly, I felt that would be far worse.

Besides, what was I supposed to do if someone who makes a living through internet broadcasts lost their internet?

So, with a face of pure determination, I tried to read it, but the weight of the text was heavy enough to crush the iron plate I tried to put on my face.

After enduring it all the way to the point where the noblest and purest character in the Azernar series was declared to be Claire, I was knocked down flat on my bed.

I dropped to my knees and covered myself with the blanket.

However, even peeking through the blanket, I could see no sign of anyone leaving the room.

“Don’t worry too much, big sis.”

Claire patted my back gently.

“After all, it’s just us who know that you were that person. As long as you don’t mention it on broadcast, no one will catch on.”

“…Well, the fact that everyone here knows is the most important point.”

Honestly, if the people in this room didn’t know, then who else would—no, of course, my family living in my previous life’s world would be excluded, but I couldn’t care less what anyone else thought.

Right? After all, to others, Claire is just Claire from the game. No matter how much I debate with someone about being a virgin, it would just come off as nonsense. I’ve had actual arguments over such things with friends before.

In fact, it might even be a point of interest. At first glance, I appeared to be a ‘foreign beauty who speaks Korean exceptionally well and understands otaku culture.’

But, but think about it.

What if my younger sister caught me? And what if her friends did too?

Wouldn’t I just want to die? At least right now, I wanted to die.

I felt like running to the goddess and asking for anything—not really, just begging for the ability to turn back time.

“Yeah, Sylvia. Don’t worry too much.”

Alice, cutting in, made it sound like she was the one worrying.

No, more importantly, did she find this situation that delightful? Even though it hasn’t been determined which one of us is the older sister, didn’t she think of us as sisters at least a little?

“Anyway, it looks like it’s already decided that I’ll be the older sister between you and Sylvia.”


I pulled the blanket I had covering my head down to reveal my face.

“What are you talking about?”

Hearing that when I thought I hadn’t been decided raised my hackles.

“Ah, she’s coming out now.”

“Well, wouldn’t you come out without listening to that?”

I sat up on the bed, leaning against the edge. Claire sat beside me on the floor, looking up, while Mia sat next to her.

Alice and Charlotte perched on the bed.

“By age, I am older than you, though.”

“Not that we’ve been dividing ages that way until now, right?”

“That’s because I was being considerate and didn’t mention it.”

“Big sis… isn’t it a bit weird to say that after reading something like that a moment ago?”

I felt like Claire’s words hit my heart like a punch, but I held back for the moment.

“Claire, isn’t this quite an important topic? If I acknowledge being Alice’s sister here, then you also become Alice’s sister. And that makes you my little sister.”


Claire’s expression froze in an instant.

“Y-You’ve never mentioned that before, and now you decide to drop it in like that, making it seem like you’re just trying to push me down to maintain your rank as the big sister, huh?”

“It definitely looks that way.”

Charlotte remarked with amusement, barely holding back a laugh.

Claire stood up and sat down next to me. Mia was clearly enjoying the switch between the two sides as if watching a ping-pong match.

“Alright, I agree with what you said. Even if a person has some childish parts, it doesn’t take away from their age. Besides, you have your duties as a big sister and, well, the things you wrote were to defend me, right?”

“Then what about the article I wrote about my chest?”

I almost spit out blood.

“That means you were vigorous at one point as well, huh?”

I was way past my puberty age.

“And besides, you also directly received salvation from your big sister, didn’t you? You said she took care of your childhood pretty well, right?”

“That’s right. During Alice’s childhood—”

“Wait a moment.”

Alice interjected, raising a hand.

“Fine, fine. Let’s just keep things as they’ve been up to now.”

“What kind of childhood did you go through that made you react like that to just one word?”

“Nothing special. It’s not a particularly interesting story. At least it’s not as amusing as what Sylvia has written.”

“If that’s the case, can’t we just tell it? Hmm, then let me share this story: Alice, when she first met you—”

“No! Just wait! Wait a second, Sylvia. I messed up.”

As soon as I brought up something not from her ‘distant childhood’ but something from ‘last year,’ Alice quickly cut in.

That’s right.

Everything that was going to come to light has already come to light. Even if bringing up that time made me feel like I’d spit blood, there was no longer anything to hide.

But Alice still had weaknesses.

“What’s this? What is it? If it’s related to me and you cut it off like that, it’s too concerning!”

“It’s nothing.”

“If it’s nothing at all, can’t I say it?”

“No, I mean it’s a mistake!”

“Then just what kind of story is this that prompts such a reaction?”

Claire looked at the two of us bickering with a completely incredulous expression. Mia was swapping glances between Alice and me, mouth agape.

This nonsensical exchange continued for several more minutes.


In the end, we agreed not to bring up each other’s pasts.

Of course, it wasn’t that Charlotte, who didn’t know about the existence of weaknesses, and Claire, who probably wouldn’t think of it as something shameful, were not included in this agreement.

…Mia, however, had a dark history where anything she brought up would deliver critical hits to the person talking.

So even though it was a shaky agreement when you got down to it, I understood that no one here would gossip about my past when others weren’t around.

I understood, but—


Seeing Claire fiddling with her smartphone, seemingly enjoying herself, still made me a little uneasy.

So, wasn’t that indicating she could bring it up in front of me, not in front of others?

Each time, it felt like I’d take a mental blow.

…I really should treat Claire exceptionally well.


Once again, silence fell over the room.

Come to think of it, we’ve been in this room since before.

“…Everyone, how about watching a movie? There’s still some popcorn and soda left in the kitchen.”

“Oh, let’s go!”

Claire leaped up at my suggestion.

“It feels like you’re trying to change the subject, but today, I’ll let it slide.”

Charlotte also got up.

Alice stood up with a rather joyful expression. Of course, it probably wasn’t related to the movie at all.


…Mia seemed more interested in food than the movie.

Well, I guess I managed to get through this situation somehow.

I sighed deeply and stood up.

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not work with dark mode