Switch Mode

Chapter 391

“I’m amazed that there are so many people here every time we walk around.”

“Well, isn’t that because you’re royalty? I feel the same way every time I go to the Imperial Capital.”

Alice responded to Charlotte while they took a moment to sit on a bench.

“It’s not strange to feel that way. The population in this region is quite large compared to its size. Plus, with nearly ten million people crammed into this city alone, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.”

Also, people living in Seoul might not realize it, but it’s a tourist city. Many foreigners visiting Korea stop by Seoul, and quite a few people come from other cities too. Nowadays, there’s a lot of talk on the internet about things to see in different cities, but still, overseas tourists gather in Seoul a lot… or so I think I saw in the news once.

Well, anyway, it seemed like the people around me were pretty shocked by the idea of a “two-hour wait for a ride.”

“Thinking about it, even if this Empire has places like this, only the bourgeois or nobles could visit. It might be impossible for so many people to gather here.”

“And that’s why the entrance fee is so much higher. With this many visitors, the current costs can cover maintenance, but if the visitor numbers drop, they’d have to charge outrageous amounts just to maintain the facilities. Of course, the nobles can afford it…”

The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.

If Azernar has a big problem right now, it’s probably that. The divide between the classes is so extreme that honestly, who knows when it will explode?

“But I think you two will manage just fine.”

I said.

“There have been two world wars in this world. But the next generation of Azernar will be led by you. I believe you’ll find much better ways to go about things.”

In fact, royalty could just keep a low profile and slip away when needed. Most European royalty survived by switching to constitutional monarchies. Nobles did the same.

… Well, it’s not like it’s an easy thing to do.

“What are you talking about? In the end, you’ll be there to experience it with us.”

“Are you thinking of not going back to Azernar? Even if you spend time here and return, very little time must have passed in Azernar?”


I had no reply to that.

Speaking of which, I was a crown princess too.

When staying here, I keep forgetting that fact.

“Come on, why so serious?”

Claire waved her hand dismissively.

Just for fun, the other hand was gripping cotton candy.

Mia had a waffle and churro in both hands and looked so happy.

Funny how, even in the same place, the atmosphere feels so different.

“That’s true.”

Charlotte stretched in her seat, agreeing.

“After all, even if we go back, very little time will have passed, so we might as well relax while we’re here. Though, that’s not something you can just decide so easily…”

As she said that, Charlotte’s gaze drifted towards Mia.

She seemed fascinated by how quickly Mia adapted compared to when she arrived.

“… It’s a little strange.”

She mumbled softly, but all three of them turned to look at me at the same time.

“Even though I spent so much time in Azernar, being here feels like it’s been ages, as if I’ve been living like this from the start.”


They all stared at me in silence for a while.

“Because it’s my hometown. Even if I thought nothing of being in Azernar, you can’t just abandon the place where you were born.”

Charlotte said.

“Sister, if you want to stay here…”

“I have no plans to do that.”

I cut her off sharply.

“Everything I did in Azernar was to be with all of you. I struggled to make it work, so there’s no way I’d just give that up.”

That’s right. What was I enduring for?

If I were only thinking of myself, I would have settled down in some obscure corner of the story long ago. With my abilities, I could have managed to live without a care.

I really don’t know how the goddess would react to that, though.

And I’m sure she would have been thrilled when I returned to this world.

I’ve always found it amusing when people from different worlds want to go back to their original world. Was it because the cartoons and animations I watched in my childhood were all from Japan?

Having gained abilities I never had in my original world and achieving so much, going back to the original world seems like a joke. Even if I immigrated against my will, I wouldn’t want to give up what I built in that world.

Besides, I was a crown princess. Sure, I had lots of obligations, but a bottomless wallet was definitely worth holding onto.

“… Did I say something wrong?”

When everyone averted their gaze from me, I asked, and Claire cleared her throat.

“No, sister, you haven’t done anything wrong.”

“Right. Since you want to go back with us, we’ll definitely make sure to take you back.”

Alice added after Claire.

“We’ll repay the favor of our time here once we go back. So, expect it.”

“I-I’ll make sure to keep in touch often!”

Um… well, it’s nice that they’re saying that, but I don’t really understand why they’re reacting like this all of a sudden.


To be honest, I was a little anxious.

As everyday life goes on like this, my sense of purpose might fade, and I might end up choosing to settle down here.
What if, while all the other kids want to go back, I’m the only one pulling strings to stay behind?
Of course, I think that won’t happen, but what if…?

A few days passed since the last holiday to Saturday.

The light from the surveillance was still faint. Of course, it was a bit better than right after Mia and Charlotte came, but it still hadn’t brightened enough to repeat that last incident.

The streaming went smoothly. Honestly, it seemed like I was playing other games more often than the Chronicles of Aetherna lately.

To my surprise, Charlotte was quite fearful. Mia was the same, and the two of them playing horror games left quite an impression on many viewers.

There were times when we streamed just five people chatting instead of playing any games, and we even filmed online FPS games suggested by viewers. Surprisingly, my real shooting skills from training seemed to translate into decent game skills, but teaming up with strangers just didn’t suit my character.

Anyway, we spent a peaceful time like that—

Finally, the much-anticipated Saturday.

Today, we decided to start the stream a bit later.

Since we bought lottery tickets anyway, we thought we’d watch the lottery stream first. If we won first place and started celebrating on stream, it would cause all sorts of trouble.

Of course, the chances of that happening are extremely low, but it doesn’t hurt to be careful.

Plus, in the first place, that’s the whole point of playing the lottery—to buy a little dream. There’s no harm in having a tiny bit of expectation. And getting disappointed isn’t anything to be heartbroken over.

All our selected numbers were different.

“Sister, what would you do if you won first place?”

“Do you even know the chances of winning?”

Charlotte commented on Claire’s words.

“That’s something you wouldn’t know until you check, right? Plus, didn’t you say it? The lottery is about buying dreams, not just winning.”

“If you need to spend 5,000 won to buy a dream, isn’t that a pretty poor hope…?”

“Well, more like buying a fluttering feeling.”

Alice answered with a smile at Charlotte’s words.

“I still hope to win first place.”

Mia said, her eyes sparkling.

Mia seemed much brighter than before she came to this world, much brighter than in the beginning.

Seeing her enjoying delicious treats without a worry in the world makes sense.

Among the five of us, Mia seemed to have the most “dreamy” expression.

Not a bad thing.

I said that and checked the time.

There’s no need to wait while watching the stream. The results would be posted on the website soon enough.

Let’s just pass the time watching other videos with the kids until then.


“… Oh.”

And after the announcement time passed.

There was a brief silence in the room where we were all together.
Uh, so…
“Did we win? First place?”


Just as Claire muttered blankly next to me.

And we both had the same winning number.

… I mean, how could something so unlikely happen?

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not work with dark mode