Switch Mode

Chapter 363

There’s a term called “Gukppong.”

It usually refers to the screenplay where something ordinary, or something the foreigners obviously have in their own country, is shown to them, and they react with “This doesn’t exist in my country!” Or maybe they write articles or make videos claiming, “Look at those reactions!”

People whose lives are tough find comfort in watching those, and honestly, I sometimes did too.

I mean, it’s entertaining!

Sure, I feel a bit embarrassed while watching, but there are strangely relatable moments, and most importantly, it kinda felt like I was watching a real-life isekai.

As someone who has traveled to this world, I can say it’s impossible to completely change this other world’s culture with just the knowledge I have.

Oh, of course, I’ve had my effects.

The concept of double-tapping with an automatic pistol, for example, is surprisingly something that anyone could think of, but it didn’t come about until long after the notion of handguns gained traction. Even after automatic pistols were openly introduced, the idea that a handgun is something to be fired with one hand lingered for a long time.

So, as someone who was familiar with future shooting techniques, the shooting methods I implemented through blood, sweat, and tears have a certain potential to influence this world’s culture.

The only ones actually using it, though, were Rena and me.

But other than that, I couldn’t change anything special. The knowledge I had was at best bachelor’s level, and even that I had forgotten a lot of over time after graduating.

Modern specialized knowledge has become ridiculously complex, and it’s not something a single PhD could accomplish. From a PhD’s perspective, what could some bachelor with knowledge equivalent to a potato, just lying on the street, achieve?

In a world where science and technology have progressed in a different direction, the knowledge of a watchmaker is far more valuable than the vague knowledge I have about semiconductors and batteries.


The fact that I could feel that way means that someone from Azernar could come here and feel the same way.

“Wow, so many cars on such a wide road. The technology to create such machines, and the economic power to let common people buy them aside, just how much legal regulation is needed for such a complicated system to operate smoothly?”

Alice’s words made me swell with pride as I listened. At this point, it’s not just about Gukppong. Among the cars roaming the streets, there were plenty of foreign ones, not just domestic. It’s not only Korea that has related laws; most functioning countries have such laws in place.

In some ways, there might be places with more effective laws than ours.

But, how would it hold up on a global standard?

I’ve lived long enough in that world, felt a certain affection for it, and if I return, I plan to live there in the future. But the fact that I was born in this world is something I can’t change.

So this world is my hometown, and if my hometown gets praised like that, how could I not feel good?

Honestly, if I had the leisure, I’d want to take them around not just my country but all the famous spots in this world too.

“How much longer will it take for the Empire to make a camera like this? No need to change rolls, so we can take tons of photos, save costs, and it’s so much smaller. Plus, the colors are vivid. Will there be a day in my life when I can take such photos again?”

Claire gazing wistfully at my smartphone had a dazed expression that made her look a bit melancholic, but knowing that the country that made that smartphone is my country felt pretty good.

I knew it was a dumb, one-dimensional happiness, and I wasn’t even an employee at that company, so I understood that there wasn’t much to brag about. Still, it felt good. What can I say? When you feel a sense of belonging, you can’t help it. It’s like feeling happy when our country scores a goal in the World Cup. I’m not on the team and my salary won’t increase if they score, but doesn’t it feel good?

“Hey, you seem happy.”

Seeing Claire comment about my good mood made me feel a bit guilty.

But, well, it’s true I enjoy being with these two. If they were just strangers, I would only feel uncomfortable and wouldn’t have even the slightest bit of pride.

“It’s ’cause the car is delicious.”

Of course, I had no intentions of sharing my thoughts with them. That would be embarrassing.

“Definitely, it’s a nice leaf. Must be because the transportation has developed.”

“Alice, we’re here to have fun, there’s no need to talk about that.”

Alice instinctively redirected the conversation towards the transport industry, and Claire criticized her.

Normally, Alice would have countered Claire’s remark, and I would’ve heard them bickering—but—

“Indeed, there’s no need to talk about work when we’re off the clock. I’ll definitely bring back related materials if there are any, though.”

That’s not a bad thought. Transferring all the tech from this world in one go might be impossible, but they certainly have more than adequate technology to create steam from coal, so if I could just share basic knowledge about large-scale generators and batteries, maybe a revolution might happen.

Isn’t this an age dominated by over-tech? Perhaps things might develop more straightforwardly than I expect. It’s not like the people in that world are dumb and hindered in their tech development.

“But it seems like it would help. Why don’t we take a look? There’s a large bookstore nearby.”

“Oh, really?”

Seeing Alice’s eyes sparkle with curiosity made me feel proud again this time.

“There should be plenty of books related to photography.”

After the invention of the camera, there must be countless techniques accumulated by photographers.

Even though it’s not about photography, every technique we take for granted today was perfected after extensive research by many directors and universities.

If Claire, who has a keen interest in photography, looks at them, those books will surely help her.


Even Claire, who was side-eyeing Alice while saying we were supposed to be playing, sparkled at my suggestion.

Honestly, it’s quite easy to please both of them. I’d say I’m not that different too.



Maybe I should have changed the order a bit.

The big bookstore located in the heart of Seoul didn’t seem to be a hot spot for foreign tourists.

How did I know? Because there were hardly any foreigners dressed in hanbok wandering around Kyobo Bookstore.

To be precise, at least not under my gaze—there were only us.

Maybe if I wait a bit, a few people might come in, but for now, we were the only ones, so I felt a bit self-conscious.

However, Alice and Claire didn’t care at all. Perhaps because they heard it was a traditional outfit from this country, they just perceived it as clothing?

So, me thinking it was awkward by myself was strange after all.

Claire wanted books on photography, and Alice wanted books on technologies from this side of the world.

Naturally, we ended up wandering through almost the entire bookstore. The photography-related books were clustered together, but the range of what constituted ‘technical’ books was quite broad.

While specialized books would have been concentrated in one area, looking at those would have been better for us, who lack basic knowledge. Even if we bring them back, since the people there don’t know Hangul, we have to read them out loud, and it would be troublesome if we encountered words we couldn’t read ourselves.

Still, it was enjoyable.

At first, I was a bit shy, conscious of others’ gazes, but Claire and Alice were seriously selecting books and asking me questions, and responding to those was so much fun.

In the end, isn’t that why we do all this?

Claire and Alice were picking out each a book for me with consideration. Alice picked a summary book on the general aspects of technology we initially thought about, while Claire chose a book about a French photographer. He held a camera that looked similar to Claire’s film camera she carried around Azernar.


Then, as I was about to leave the store, I realized something.

“What’s wrong?”

Alice asked, and I replied with a tinge of guilt in my voice.

“I should have come to the bookstore later. There were so many places I planned to visit today, but carrying thick books around…”

“Oh come on, sis. What kind of worries are those?”

Claire, who had been following behind, slapped my back.

“It’s fine just to carry them around. We’re not that weak.”

…Ah, right.

Both of them are experts in wielding heavy swords.

“Yeah, you have nothing to worry about. I’m confident we won’t be bothered carrying them all day.”

Seeing Alice respond with a smile eased my worries a bit.

Normal daily life seems to have surprisingly strong infiltrating power.

When the common sense I had during my time here mingled with the memories with these two, they kept making me think they were just ordinary sisters.



“What? Why are you laughing?”


As I chuckled out of nowhere, both of them tilted their heads curiously at me.

“…Nothing at all.”

Well, it’s true they’re ordinary.

Yeah. Here, they were just my ordinary sisters.

Whether it was nobility, politics, rivalries, swordsmanship, or bloodlines, they were simply everyday people that nobody cared about.

“So, shall we go?”

“Wait, why were you laughing?”

“Sis, is something going on?”

As both of them worriedly caught up with me, I gave them a little smile and moved ahead, only to hear their footsteps slowly trailing behind me.

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not work with dark mode