Switch Mode

Chapter 346

Ah, my feathers are all messed up!

It wasn’t just the headmaster; it was everyone nearby who was the problem.

Especially the kids who crowded around—it was way worse with them! They weren’t gently patting my feathers; they were tugging them like they were playing with yarn! Thankfully, I looked scary enough and the fact that I had a Crown Princess caring for me likely kept any feather-pulling humans at bay.

After being hounded for about 10 minutes, Sylvia finally went back inside the building, and I could leap to my feet and run away!

Maybe they liked my feathers? I sighed and flew back up to the roof, leaving the sighing people behind.

This time, I carefully sat down, looking down to avoid breaking anything.

I had no clue what happened during the last fight that Sylvia caused. Honestly, even if I knew, what would it matter? I’m not running for office or anything.

I heard they stopped some war or something, and if that was true, Sylvia’s achievements would literally make her the main character.

And because of that, people could live peacefully like this now—and—


Well, I tried to wrap the story up dramatically, but considering I only participated in the last battle, I had no reason to feel moved or relate to it.

I had no love for this country, nor did I feel any sense of duty to protect this world.

Well, Sylvia was a worthy opponent to fight alongside, though.


After looking down for a bit, I thought maybe I should just go back down.

If people were just going to touch me, they’d back off with just a glare. For now, I could roam around and try some food.

There was hardly anyone on campus that wouldn’t recognize me.

Once I eat, I can just charge Sylvia for it, and she’d pay up, whether she liked it or not.

In other words, as long as I don’t break anything, I’ll be fine, right?

If I stare at food like I’m starving, someone will surely offer me some, right?

With that in mind, I tidied my ruffled feathers and stood up.

Alright, let’s go find out if there’s food that Gryphons shouldn’t eat.


In conclusion, it seemed that desserts didn’t quite agree with a Gryphon’s system.

I didn’t get an upset stomach or anything; I just realized that foods loaded with sugar didn’t really suit my palate.

They say people love sweet foods because high-calorie foods help with survival.

So does that mean a Gryphon has no need for that level of sweet food?

“Looks like you’re not too fond of cotton candy…”

When I barely finished half of my cotton candy and left it behind, the girl who offered it to me seemed a bit disappointed.

Just for reference, what I had eaten so far included sandwiches, skewers likely made of chicken, and various cookies, and among those, only the meat in the sandwich or the skewers were even remotely to my taste.

“Guess I’m a carnivore…”

Ah, that’s for sure.

In this world, there are herbivores, carnivores, and animals that do both. But the two animals that made up a Gryphon’s body were a raptor and a big cat: the eagle and the lion.

And both of them are typical carnivores.

…… So that means, in my mouth, bugs could be more delicious than vegetables? And I’m already a bird brain as is!

“Shall I go get a steak from that restaurant over there?”

I overheard a well-dressed male student, likely of noble background, say that, and as I turned my head in that direction, he stammered as if startled.

“W-What’s wrong?”

“Did you catch the word steak?”

I understood other words too, you know. I was deep in thought about how to make him carry out that request when—

“……What are you doing?”

I heard Sylvia’s voice.

“Crown Princess.”

Seeing Sylvia, who must’ve finished her work, the kids hurriedly bowed and greeted her. As if used to such a situation, Sylvia approached me with an indifferent expression, as if she were asking why I was causing trouble again.

But before I could protest, the kids spoke first.

“We’re sorry!”


When the male student said that, Sylvia turned, looking surprised, and he continued.

“We thought your Gryphon wanted food since it was just staring at the food, so we offered it some…”


Thinking back, it wasn’t really my fault.

At the time when Sylvia came out, I wondered if I had done something wrong again, but now that I think of it, it’s quite rude to feed someone else’s pet without the owner’s permission. It’s normal for the owner to get mad if that happens.

The kids must’ve known that, but still, it’s a Gryphon we’re talking about! If it were a little puppy, one might worry about poisoning it by feeding it the wrong thing, but with a Gryphon that’s way bigger than a person? It’s hard to imagine it would actually die from eating a piece of chocolate.

In the real world, bigger animals usually have fewer issues when it comes to eating various things.

…… I’m not Sylvia’s “pet,” but when I look at it from the incident’s perspective, it doesn’t seem like it’s really my fault.

“…… It’s fine, everyone. It’s not something you should apologize for.”

Sylvia looked at me, who was proudly raising my head, sighed softly, and then looked back inside.

As I was intently watching Sylvia, her gaze shifted briefly to my back, and when I turned around, there was a big clock behind me—a big clock fixed atop the academy building.

“I have plans with my friends, so I won’t have much time to hang out with you.”

I turned my head back to Sylvia as she spoke.

“You seem attracted to the smell of food. How about I take you around to get some food before I meet my friends? Would that satisfy you?”

Of course, I’d be happy with that.

After seeing me stand from my seat, Sylvia placed a hand on her forehead as if to relieve a headache.


In the end, I ate various things throughout the day but didn’t feel particularly full.

Normally, I could eat an entire cow in one sitting. Of course, eating a whole cow would leave me without any appetite for a while, but still!

I definitely enjoyed the festival atmosphere!

“It seems you enjoyed the festival to the fullest.”

Sylvia, who came back in a bit later, remarked in disbelief as she checked my state.

I had flowers stuck in various places on my body. I didn’t know who started it, but everyone around realized that I had flowers and crowns on, and they all just had to stick one in as well. Of course, some fell off along the way as I was walking around and even flying over!

Plus, among those who came to me near the school, there were quite a few outstanding beauties.

In that case, it was worth tolerating a guy’s hands brushing against me.


As I made a happy sound, Sylvia chuckled softly.

Then, she took a few steps closer and looked up at me.


After staring at me in silence for a while, Sylvia quietly opened her mouth.

“Did you have fun?”

I gently nodded my head.

Yeah, I had fun.

Even though I wasn’t in a human body and couldn’t talk properly, it was still the most enjoyable I’ve had since coming to this world.

I had spent my entire life being abused. I’ve eaten cooked meat without blood or tried dairy products like cheese, taken pictures with people, and received flowers!

Feeling liked by someone is a fantastic experience.

“Do you regret following me?”

Sylvia asked again, and I just kept staring at her. She had a knowing look, like she was confident I wouldn’t regret it.


As Sylvia silently gazed at the sunset sky, she walked over to me.

“I want to see the night view; shall we fly for a bit? It’s slowly becoming the last day of the year.”

Last day of the year?

Wow, the festival must be a big one!

I flattened my body to make it easier for Sylvia to get on.

With the light weight of the girl on my back, I spread my wings wide and soared into the sky.

Flowers that had tangled between my feathers fell one by one. Speaking of which, how was it possible for flowers to bloom even in winter? Are there actually flowers that bloom in winter?

I soared with Sylvia above the sea of light.

While the technology of this world wasn’t on par with the world I lived in, the display of lights below was already stunning in its own right.

“I hope we can do this again next year.”

Looking down below, Sylvia expressed her feelings.

Her voice was soothing.


I hope we can do this next year, too.

If possible, for years to come, peacefully.


“Are you answering in agreement?”

Sylvia laughed as I chirped, stroking my back with her hand.

“That’s nice. Then let’s go back. I have guests coming tomorrow, so I need to prepare.”

At Sylvia’s words, I turned my body around.

And headed back home.

To the home where I would continue living from now on.

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