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Chapter 330

I lived a life far removed from marriage in my past life.

Actually, it was a life far removed from dating.

My friends thought of me as a lifelong single advocate, but I was definitely not that.

If I ever happened to have a girlfriend, and if we matched well enough and had the capability, I would consider marriage.

In short, it wasn’t that I chose not to, but rather that I couldn’t. That situation continued for so long that my friends just assumed I wasn’t able to find someone.

The truth is, if I didn’t deliberately think about it, I occasionally got confused myself. As the time spent alone grew longer, I found myself thinking less and less about wanting to date actual women. It became a point where I stopped questioning the very possibility of it.

I had drawn a thin circle around myself, deciding who could enter it. Generally, only my family and friends I had known since childhood could step inside. Since graduating from university, no one new had managed to enter that circle, regardless of gender.

But even I, in such a state, still enjoyed attending weddings.

Some friends got married, and some relatives tied the knot as well.

It was a joy to see those who I had been close to come running up to me, shaking my hand, and thanking me for coming, trembling with tension. It was lovely to give good wishes to my friends for their future happiness and to reunite with people I hadn’t seen in a long time.

When I was younger, I think I enjoyed the meal after the wedding more than the ceremony itself, but as I aged, my perspective shifted a bit.

And honestly, after coming to this place, I never thought I would be able to attend such weddings.

No, in this case, it’s more accurate to say I couldn’t.

Maybe I just didn’t have the time for it.

“Crown Princess.”

“…Are you intentionally using that title?”

“No, I thought it might look a bit strange if I didn’t use some form of address here, don’t you think?”

Is this my first meeting since I graduated from the academy?

In fact, that graduation was not long ago—it was just last month.

“Who cares? It would probably be more advantageous to speak casually. After all, you’re talking to a Crown Princess.”

Still, as a show of respect, I said it in a somewhat softer voice, and Jake frowned slightly in response.

Jake quickly glanced around us. There were quite a few people nearby. Well, that was only natural, as we were close to the wedding’s protagonists. For a wedding, though, the only difference in attire was that they were dressed a bit more formally.

Well, at least they looked much more put-together than when they were at the academy.

“Cut me some slack. I really don’t want to be that lunatic who speaks casually to a Crown Princess.”

“You’re not really in a position to talk, having spent your school years without caring about others’ opinions.”

To be honest, I didn’t think we were that old to be talking about “school years,” but from the perspective of others in this world, that was a different matter.

If I maintained a lifelong single status like back home, it would be easy for rumor to spread. Of course, that doesn’t mean I was planning to get married.

“Well… ”

But this is my friend’s wedding, after all.

Even though people surrounded us, they were far enough away that I doubted they could hear our conversation.

Still, it wouldn’t hurt to be cautious, as Jake suggested. After graduating from the academy, I wouldn’t want others to look down on me for still using academy slang everywhere.

This time is really exhausting.

“Have you seen the bride, Sir Jake?”

“Sadly, I haven’t seen her yet. I was told it’s a bad omen to see the bride’s face before entering the venue.”

“Is that so? Then where is the bride?”

“She’s naturally in the bride’s waiting room. The sister who came earlier is probably there too.”

“Which sister are you talking about?”

“Both of them.”

Oh, it seems things wrapped up sooner than I expected. Of course, Alice was there, and even Claire.

It looks like I came in the latest.

I looked around, but I couldn’t see any of my friends’ faces. They might all be gathered around the bride.

As I scanned the area, a particular person caught my eye.

It was a woman with slightly darker skin than Roti. If Roti aged gracefully, she might end up looking just like her, and she wore a rather luxurious dress—but…

She looked rather nervous. Maybe it was because it had been a while since she had worn such a dress, as she fidgeted, unable to settle down, clutching the hem of her gown, with no one around to engage her in conversation.

“Wait a minute.”

I quietly said to Jake, who seemed to realize what I was thinking and nodded right away.


In fact, just before I said that, Jake had been talking to her. Perhaps it was because he had been seeing his daughter’s partner, Jayke, for years that their conversation flowed well, but there was no way he had any links to a family of such high status to attend this wedding.

…No, it’s not entirely accurate to say he had no connections.

If we were to count them, they would be connections, though not very good ones. Perhaps it’s more accurate to call them bad ties.

I slightly bent my knee towards Jake and moved closer to Roti’s mother, Lydia, or “Arthur,” as I should call her.

“Have you been well?”

“Oh, Crown Princess.”

Roti’s mother recognized me immediately and greeted me politely. Although her status was commoner, she had worked alongside noble families for many years and, of course, her etiquette was impeccable. Honestly, she was at a level far superior to mine.

“Congratulations on your daughter’s wedding.”

As I said this politely with a slight bow, I heard whispers around us.

There was no one here who wouldn’t recognize me, given that not a single person of significantly lower status was invited. Even the commoners present were from the academy’s commoner class, and among those kids, there wouldn’t be one who didn’t know my face.

It was only natural for all eyes to fall on the “Crown Princess” who bowed before someone of “colonial descent.”

“Wah, Crown Princess, please, don’t lower your head!”

Roti’s mother quickly said with a small voice.

“How do you feel? Your daughter is getting married to the partner she loves so much.”

Now that I think about it, Roti’s mother’s status also seems to need addressing.

Roti had received a knight title as promised. To be precise, she was now the knight of “Sylvia Fanggriffon.” In the Empire, having a knight title did not necessarily mean noble status, but it was influenced by the rank of the one who granted it.

With the imperial family nearly non-existent, a knight title directly granted by the imperial family carried immense weight.

Moreover, Alice or Charlotte must have spoken to her before I arrived.

Ironically, the reason why people found it hard to approach her might be due to that. While she was clearly linked to higher status, she didn’t seem too noble, and thus, there weren’t many willing to start a conversation without any connections.

At least from now on, there wouldn’t be anyone who could be disregarded.

“…I am happy. I never imagined a day would come when my daughter would smile like that…”

Roti’s mother said with slightly wet eyes, as though recalling her emotions.

Seeing that made my nose sting a bit too.

“And I often hear that it’s all thanks to you, Crown Princess. How can I repay this kindness?”

“Please don’t think of it as a favor. We’re simply helping each other as friends. After all, I received so much help from Roti without thinking of it as a debt of gratitude.”

“Oh, no, that’s not it, but…”

“You can just pursue the happiness in front of you. I will ensure that my friend and my friend’s family do not suffer any unfairness in the future.”

“…Thank you very much.”

Roti’s mother bowed her head once more to me.


“Oh, sister, you finally arrived!”

I ran into Claire as she was coming out of the bride’s preparation room.

“I had some things to take care of. But I managed to arrive before the wedding.”

“I was out looking for you.”

With that, Claire was holding the camera she had been using for the past few years.

“Where’s Roti?”

“She’s inside. She looks stunning. I’ve already taken several photos of her.”

Seeing Claire excitedly say that, I couldn’t help but smile and went in with her to the bride’s room.

And I realized immediately that Claire’s statement was far from an exaggeration.

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