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Chapter 325

To be honest, if anyone were to ask if we worked hard in the student council activities last year, I couldn’t say yes for my conscience’s sake.

Tons of excuses!

We were just freshmen, didn’t know much, and if we kept hanging around the student council too much as highborns, the committee members would be super uncomfortable. Plus, if we tried to voice our opinions, even if we were wrong, no one could argue back.

Ugh! Same story now!

Or rather, it probably got worse.

Alice, once a princess, was now merely a crown princess, while I, having been one of the princesses, became the second in the royal family after her.

Charlotte, who was with us in Velbur, was reportedly gaining prominence as a royal due to that incident—though from our perspective, she was just the same old Charlotte. But it seemed the Velbur royal family was planning to thoroughly use that event as a PR stunt.

And Claire, Leo, and Mia were in the same boat. They were all there with us that day and fought hard for their lives.

As for Mia’s mother, I don’t know what she thinks, but Mia was already pretty much part of the royal’s inner circle. If nothing changes, the next generation of Crowfield is bound to be royalty-friendly.

So, when we start saying something, just like in our freshman year, the student council couldn’t do anything to counter it—

“Wait, so you’re going to run for student council president?”

“Why not? Is there a rule against foreign students becoming president?”

“No, but…”

Well, this time it felt different!

Last year, we didn’t meddle with the student council because we didn’t want things to get complicated. Technically, we were at an age where we should have been focused on studying at the academy, and getting involved in too much would have invited a lot of unpleasant attention from our peers, making school life tiresome.

But the upperclassman who was president last year had graduated.

In other words, the president’s position was empty!

Normally, the president’s term is one year, but after that, you can run for re-election as many times as you want. Students typically vote for whomever was elected president before.

Unlike the average high school where you just vote randomly without knowing the president’s name or face, student council candidates are usually nobility. Consequently, the student council is dominated by the largest noble factions.

As long as that house doesn’t suddenly collapse or lose control of its faction, they can hold onto the president’s seat until graduation.

If someone desires power within the school, aiming for the president’s position is a given.

“Tell me you’re not thinking there’s no one else to run now that the president is gone? You think no one will challenge you now that you’re a crown princess and it’ll be easy for you to snatch that position?”


Alice didn’t even hide her displeasure towards Charlotte’s blatant provocation.

“I just know I can win against anyone who shows up.”

“Well, you can just compete against me then.”

Charlotte replied with a confident grin.

“As I mentioned earlier, I plan to run for the student council president.”

“……Fine. I can’t let the Ronderium Academy fall into the hands of an outsider. Challenge accepted!”

“Oh my, who’s actually challenging who here?”

What’s up with this brawl? They were so friendly before!

Honestly, I’d rather they argued over food. At least then, I wouldn’t mistake it for a real fight!

While they were arguing like this in the middle of the student council room, everyone was looking at them.



While I silently sipped my tea, Alice suddenly turned to me and said,

“Why are you so unfazed?”

“……What expression should I have?”

“If I run as a presidential candidate, it’s only natural for you to be my vice president, right?”


I’m not power-hungry, you know!

If anything, I have a bit of a desire for money. A full wallet makes for a full heart, after all. If I don’t have to worry about starving, I can skip lightly, and the thought of buying what I want makes me float!

Of course, there’s no need to flaunt my money-grabbing tendencies in this world. I have more than enough when I need it.

As for power… Well, it’s nice to have, but I know the higher you are, the more responsibility comes with it. And if you don’t handle that responsibility well, you’ll naturally face the backlash, too.

More than anything, I despise bothersome things. “Work” definitely falls under that category.

If I rose to a high position, I’d definitely have to deal with loads of work, and that’s why I had no intention of climbing that high up!

I’ve never understood why former student council presidents signed up for such burdens.

“You’re the Empire’s second in command. You have an obligation to protect the Empire from external threats.”

Wait, why would this be an external threat? It’s just students running for the student council!


At my reply, Alice paused, as if momentarily speechless.

“Are you saying that for real?”

“Isn’t that the logical truth? Here, I’m just a student from Velbur. Rena and Sophia are the same. Naturally, I have the right to run for student council president just like any other student in this academy.”

With a slight tilt of her chin and a gentle look in her eyes, Charlotte stated her position… Honestly, even from a neutral perspective, it seemed a bit annoying.

“You’re my sister, aren’t you? Of course, you should be supporting me!”


I mean, there’s no need to look at me like I’m a traitor or something!

It seems that Alice thought I would predict she would run for student council president.

And naturally, she thought I would help her in that endeavor.

Yeah, I admit it.

Not because I know the original plot. The original story should still be in the midst of war by now.

I thought that because I’d been observing Alice all along. Particularly in the last year, Alice seemed to regain much of herself. She found her confidence and determination. More than clinging to the opinions of others, she had started doing things she genuinely wanted to do.

Given that it was Alice, I was certain she’d feel like trying her hand at this opportunity.

And I figured she would ask me for help, too.

“I’m not saying I won’t help you, but…”

Also, considering how well I knew Alice, she also knew me just as well. I had changed a lot in the past year. In fact, I’d changed more than Alice. My way of speaking alone completely transformed! If anyone compared me from last year to who I am now, they’d probably say I’m a totally different person.

Though honestly, it was a disguise I desperately worked on, but I’ve also changed significantly in other ways too.

“Right? So that’s settled then.”

Alice then turned her gaze towards Claire and Leo.

“Why are you looking at me?”

Claire responded immediately.


Leo noticeably turned his gaze away.

“……Sure, I’m not expecting your help anyway.”

With that, Alice turned back towards Charlotte.

“I may have a vice president candidate now, but what about you? Do you have someone to back you up?”

“Why wouldn’t I have one?”

Charlotte asked with an incredulous look.

“Are you thinking of taking Sophia with you?”

“No. That’s not happening. I wouldn’t even bother asking her since she’d reject me outright. Also, I’ve already picked a vice president candidate. Right here.”


Alice’s gaze shifted away from our table and towards the other students.

“Not over there.”

Seeing Alice like that, Charlotte commented as she stood up and moved over.

After reaching Mia, Charlotte placed both hands on her shoulders and said,

“My vice president candidate is right here.”


Seeing Mia go stiff as Charlotte placed her hands on her shoulders, Alice made a somewhat stunned sound.



“Vice president?”



Under Charlotte’s assertive declaration, we were all left speechless for a moment.

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