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Chapter 267

That’s right. In this world, the Emperor has no other choice but to stay firm.

Claire was capable, but she didn’t act like she knew the future, and she certainly didn’t push Alice to be the next crown princess without question. Of course, while she might not have been as proactive as I was, she probably still thought that was given. But there’s a big difference between just thinking and actually acting on it.

So, it means that next to the current Emperor, there is no being that acts like a ‘divine messenger from the heavens, keeping an eye on all his movements.’

I suddenly intervened in the Emperor’s life. I claimed to be his daughter, and I knew a lot of facts I shouldn’t have known.

However, it’s unlikely the Emperor would be extremely wary of me for that alone. In a world without a mask girl, I wasn’t a lunatic with the ability to turn back time.

They probably just thought I was a suspicious person who had too much information, someone they should be cautious of. It wouldn’t make someone who’s been preparing for war for years just give up completely.

Though he was more careful than in the original world, preparations for war were underway. Many troops were deployed much closer to the borders than I had known, and ships were being diligently constructed.

So, in this world, a war is definitely going to break out.

And when a war starts between Velbur and the Empire, the first place to suffer damage will be Crowfield Territory.

“If war breaks out, this place is indeed the most dangerous location.”

No matter how much I spouted plausible words, the other party had lived as a noble their entire life.

A count has their own factions and many people beneath them. They probably have their own means of information gathering as well. They might have even seen the unrest brewing under the Emperor beforehand.

Although they’ve been swimming in drugs and pleasures, they certainly haven’t lost all their judgment. If they truly did that, they would have lost this territory itself.

“But does that give me a reason to side with the enemy? Regardless of political beliefs, I don’t think I’d stoop so low as to induce the division of my own country in front of the enemy.”

Well, even if he had that kind of patriotism, the Emperor wouldn’t care even the slightest bit. He was the kind of person who would think about eliminating anyone who opposed him.

This Emperor was not just about this count. He had already been purging the royals and putting the names of the dukes on the death list. Since there were twelve duke families, he probably thought it wouldn’t matter to cut back a little.

If the Emperor truly thought he could dominate the world solely with military might, that would be a mistake. Even if, by some chance, he united the world with force, people who lost their families would remember that vengeance, and rebellions would continually arise in occupied territories.

But the Emperor’s ultimate goal is to seize the power of the Goddess.

And with that power, ascend to the divine seat. Only then can he clean up all the chaos he had set in motion beforehand.

But it’s a bit awkward to say this fact to this person.

“The war will leave great scars on the Empire and the world. Since this Count’s Territory will be embroiled in war, Count, you will certainly be affected too.”


The Count quietly closed his mouth, as if he was listening.

“I’m not saying to confront the Emperor’s army. It’s foolish to directly clash with an army capable of unilaterally crushing overseas military might. However….”

I deliberately paused for effect before continuing.

“What if, even after finishing the war between the Empire and other countries, the Emperor has a Dreadnought-class battleship in his possession?”

The reason that battleship was terrifying was not because it had no weaknesses. As I investigated, there were numerous vulnerabilities within. Even the computer onboard was a thorough mechanical one that could become ineffective if certain parts were damaged.

However, there was simply no way to resolve that battleship from the outside.

The reason battleships were feared during World War I was that people thought the only weapon against a battleship was another battleship. Later, when aviation technology advanced and aircraft carriers loaded with numerous planes showed up, the name of the battleship sank under the sea, but at least until every country had pulled out ‘that aircraft,’ the only way to face battleships was to build ships of equivalent design. There were other ways, but it was “most efficient” for battleships to confront battleships.

The position of battleships at that time was very similar to modern-day intercontinental ballistic missiles. There were even treaties to prevent an influx of these battleships, and some countries went through all sorts of tricks to bypass those treaties.

However, in this world, the only country capable of building those aircraft is the Empire. While they do export, the numbers are minuscule. Furthermore, it’s evident that exports will halt entirely once the war starts.

Building naval guns requires an extraordinarily high level of difficulty. The Dreadnought sacrificed some defense to fly, but at least with the anti-aircraft weapons in this world, there’s none that could shoot down a Dreadnought. The range, power, all are lacking.

In summary, right after the war, while the Imperial army will indeed suffer considerable damage, if that battleship remains in the Emperor’s hands, which inherently acts as a ‘deterrent,’

“Once the absolute imperial power collapses, the Count’s position after the war can flow much more favorably. By no means am I suggesting complete betrayal. Just… balance the situation afterwards.”

Velbur will lose. Although Crowfield Territory will sustain some damage, it is Imperial territory, so it will benefit from the protection of the Imperial army throughout the war. If the aftermath of the war does not turn out to be worse than expected for the Emperor, the absolute imperial power will be maintained post-war.

“And knowing the weaknesses means, in another sense, that I grasp the structure of the battleship accurately.”

I didn’t explicitly say I remembered all the designs. Naturally, I don’t have the brain capacity to memorize that complicated blueprint.

But even that hint changed the Count’s gaze towards me.

“Is there insufficient reason to accept my information?”

It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t believe it. If so, I would just pass the information to Charlotte next. Only, because the battleship itself must be destroyed from within, the chances of success would significantly drop compared to if Count Crowfield moved, who might be able to plant someone secretly.

“I wonder why a person from Grace’s Estate is trying to pass me such information.”

Count Crowfield asked me like that.

What should I say?

There might be ways to seduce the Count here.

But would that actually make the Count fall for me? For someone of the Count’s level, wouldn’t he have met many such women? Women seeking to climb up a bit more by seducing a Count, even if the information isn’t top-notch.

So, rather than that kind of reason, it would be better to give a slightly different reason.

What should I say?

“If you know my nickname, you probably also know that I’ve made many acquaintances since childhood.”

I slowly opened my mouth.

“I just want to build a friendship with someone a little more promising… and get to know them for a long time.”

It was an extremely ambiguous statement, but that made it sound so noble too.


And that seemed to resonate well with Count Crowfield—huh?

He stepped a few paces closer to me, as if to regard me with caution.

“I see.”

No, wait a minute.

Did he misunderstand my words a bit?

“Are you saying you’re looking for someone worthy to possess?”


No, that’s not what I meant.

It seems this guy is taking everything I’ve said as a seduction from start to finish without me even trying.

“Competing for something valuable requires competition. I understand well.”

No, that’s not the case!

More importantly, while Sylvia is a pretty girl, it’s not like I should put my life on the line to have her.

…Or is it?

Or maybe… is this person facing issues with decisiveness?

“… By now, the Crown Princess is probably visiting the ‘criminal’ of this territory.”

“So you came together? To discuss that story?”

I tried to change the topic, but the Count simply responded that way.

Fortunately, he didn’t lay a hand on me. If he did, I would have either been shot or had to turn back time.

“Understood. If there’s a rival, it’s better not to spoil the goods. Flowers should be taken when their petals haven’t fallen yet, to capture that fragrance in full.”


Uh, hmm.

I don’t know. Let’s just leave it at that.

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