Switch Mode

Chapter 220

Mia’s original plan for the spell wasn’t supposed to be like this!

The Gryphon has wings, so the original idea was to quickly create stairs of ice and have Alice and Charlotte leap up at the same time to take it down!

But if it were just the Gryphon alone, that would have worked; however, having a human controlling that Gryphon changed the game.

Spitherus Glacia!

As Mia shouted the spell and waved her staff towards the ground, it looked as if water was spilling on the floor, and instantly, ice began to freeze in its place.

It wasn’t the beautiful ice stairs you see in a Disney animation. Rather, it was more like a rushed, shotgun blast of stairs. The front of the staircase had sharp, thick icicles sticking out, threatening to poke anyone who charged in like a pin cushion!

Whether Mia meant for it to turn out that way or not, it was indeed helpful. To us, it looked like just a staircase, but to our opponents, it must have resembled an icy battle wagon charging at them!

Several knights stationed near the stairs took a step back.

Puyoo! It sounded like an eagle cry, straight out of a Western movie before a showdown, as the Gryphon flapped its wings and lifted its body.

Even standing on all fours, it radiated an immense presence, but with those hind legs backing it up, it truly looked like a monster from a nightmare.


I shouted as I was already sprinting up the stairs at full speed.

“I know!”

When I shouted again, Mia returned with a shout of her own.

A moment later, the incantation rang out once more.

The ice stairs continued to rise, twisting upward in a gentle spiral.

Once again, the cry of a regal bird echoed—too clear to be a beast’s cry. The Gryphon twisted its body, preparing to unleash.

Tukang! The sound was not from the regular bullets I used before; it had a strange explosive quality that made it sound more like a cannon than a firearm.

Kang! The butt of the gun slammed into my shoulder, rattling my armor, and a creaking sound came from my elbow as a bonus. Should I tell Browning to improve that later?

I never expected a single bullet would take down a Gryphon. After all, it wouldn’t be a Gryphon if it was that easy! Very few people returned alive who ventured into the Gryphon’s home. Even after the invention of the camera, pictures of Gryphons remained scarce.

The Gryphon’s red eyes locked onto mine.

A chill ran down my spine.

It was a completely different sensation compared to being in a battlefield with bullets flying around. In battle, at least you knew the enemy was a human. As long as the opponent was human, locking eyes didn’t invoke a sense of awe like staring down another creature. Especially if that creature looked like just a regular soldier.

But right now, in front of me, stood a Gryphon—the pinnacle of living beings. In this world, unless it was a dragon of legend, there wasn’t anyone who could defeat a Gryphon with bare hands.


“Where do you think you’re going?!”

A sharp voice came from below, and with a swing, a sword barely missed the Gryphon’s face. It was Claire’s attack.

Pishuhhhh! A wound appeared next to the Gryphon’s face. I didn’t have time to see if it was bleeding.

However, the Gryphon didn’t react hastily at all.

It simply rose up and flapped its wings, taking to the air.


I clicked my tongue and raised my gun again—


But before I could pull the trigger, another bullet flew towards the Gryphon. Judging by the smaller explosion it made compared to my bullet, it must have been another Marmaros round. Flames red, with chunks of ice flying.

I didn’t have time to look down. But I had a strong hunch that Rena was the one who pulled the trigger. Did she cram all the rounds meant for her pistol into a submachine gun?

The Gryphon still didn’t lose its fierce glare, but it appeared my attack managed to draw its attention.

The focus that had been on me shifted toward the ground below.

In an instant, the overpowering pressure on me vanished, and I heard the sounds of swords clashing below. Shouts and gunfire ensued.

“This is as far as it goes! I can’t make it any higher!”

Mia yelled, her voice hoarse from shouting multiple times.

Indeed, I could see the top of the stairs.

And beyond those stairs, I saw the Cardinal’s face.

A faint light emanated from his chest, most likely guiding the Gryphon he was controlling.

If he could control the Gryphon correctly, he should have used it to shield himself first, but the Cardinal’s face twisted in sheer panic as we made eye contact.

…Ah, I get it.

So even with such a formidable object, he couldn’t fully control the Gryphon.

And with only one at that.

So, what does that mean?

It looks like that person isn’t someone who can tame a Fanggriffon.

I crouched low and then launched myself upwards with all my might.

Clang! The sound of the solid ice breaking echoed. My body flipped into the air as my vision reversed.

Is it the adrenaline coursing through me? Or maybe all that shooting up until now was worthwhile? In that flipped perspective, everything moved in slow motion, from the knights rushing to protect the Cardinal to him frantically spinning around.

No precise aim was necessary. The bullets coming from the gun in my hand would explode with no regard for safety.

I aimed toward where everyone was gathered and shot.

Bang! In an instant, part of the second floor was blown apart. A scream pierced the air. Someone was thrashing about, possibly on fire.


But I wasn’t going to escape unscathed. If there were Cathedral knights around, they were sure to wield swords.

Swish! In a split second, my right arm became a mess.

I made a grand leap, but I couldn’t reach the 2nd floor railing—

—There’s no way I’m falling, right?

Not again!


I twisted in mid-air. The edge of the sword brushed past my shoulder; it was within my tolerance limits. Once the battle wraps up, I could just open the door and heal quickly.

However, my plan for a graceful landing didn’t pan out.

I landed in the spots where Marmaros rounds exploded, but thankfully, I didn’t drop into the enemy’s grasp; instead, I rolled across the ground several times.

The inside of my brass exo-suit was made of iron spikes, so this rough rolling gave me an acute ‘bone-jolting’ feeling. My shoulder was wounded, making it hurt even more.

I’ll be sure to mention this to Browning when I get back.

Without wasting a moment, I sprang up only to roll back down again.

It’s not like the knights were just waiting for me to get back on my feet to fire at them!



Using a revolver that barely contained a few bullets to spray opponents at close range isn’t a great choice. If I were holding an assault rifle with thirty rounds, that would make sense, but with a revolver that only holds six bullets and no speed-loader, the moment I empty my chamber, I’d be a sitting duck.


If my enemies are piled up right in front of me, and the rounds in my gun are not your ‘average’ bullets, and I have infinite opportunities to scatter these six rounds how I desire, then it’s a different story.

I didn’t get up from the ground; I rolled instead.
The sword came flying toward the spot I had just occupied, sending dust and shrapnel flying.

At that moment on the ground, only my head was raised enough to survey my opponents. I pulled out the revolver I had prepped on my waist with my right hand.

Calibrating my aim towards the enemies, I panned with my left hand.

Bang bang bang! The enemies standing before me burst apart. Of course, I saw them burst from my perspective; they likely didn’t meet their end in an explosion. The armor worn by Cathedral knights couldn’t merely be ornamental. It was definitely enchanted metal, not mere steel plates.

So let’s just be satisfied with the few in the front line that fell.

Thanks to that, I bought myself some time.

I immediately sprang up and grabbed the gun lying on the ground.


Kang! I felt another sword strike my right arm. The brass plate crumpled, and I felt the iron spikes jab my arm.

Still, Jack Chain held firm and prevented my arm from being completely severed.

For a moment, I thought about rewinding time but decided to fire shot first.

The situation was not yet the worst.

I wedged the butt of my elephant hunting rifle under my armpit and aimed at my enemies.

Then I pulled the trigger.

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not work with dark mode