Switch Mode

Chapter 168

Roti is a hybrid character. BANG!

Basically, she uses firearms. Fitting her quiet image, the weapon she uses is a rifle. She safely provides fire support from the back of her party.

However, she doesn’t just use guns. Since she has talent in magic, it’s set that her magic-related skills are excellent. Although she falls slightly behind Mia Crowfield, a character completely focused on magic, Roti, being able to deal physical attacks and provide support with magic skills, has been quite useful in the party.

And the other civilian party member who follows Roti only uses firearms completely.

Still, having already dealt with Rena, I didn’t spend too much time worrying that my character would overlap with them.

Roti and I have completely different images. At first, I was a bit worried, but it turns out a cool dere character in love and a cool beauty character aren’t exactly the same.

The civilian character coming in afterward was quite lively by nature.

“Uh, um…!”

But, no matter how lively the character, I didn’t expect them to pop out like this.


Alice considered me a sister, and so did Claire, but that didn’t mean we were always stuck together.

I sometimes liked to enjoy my alone time, and both of them had enough sense to read that atmosphere.

Especially after the whirlwind of vacation, and with the remaining vacation time completely gone, I often found myself just lying on my bed blankly after the school started.

Alice and Claire most likely wouldn’t think I’d be languishing in bed, but they seemed to clearly notice that I was enjoying being in my room with the door closed.

So, I was alone now. Alice was chatting with Charlotte, and Mia Crowfield was still in the room.

Rena had gone up to check her firearm again for tomorrow. Was she stimulated by the fact that I bought new bullets today?

Sophia tried to talk to me but got caught by Claire and was dragged away. I was truly grateful for her consideration in not interrupting my alone time.

“Well then, I’ll head upstairs for a bit.”

“Oh, okay.”

As I stood up and spoke, Alice nodded.

“I’ll call you if I need anything.”

There was a guest phone near the lounge. It didn’t connect all the way across the sea, but it was good enough to connect to each room within the hotel.

…Still, I wished there was some electric technology that at least made wireless communication possible.

Well, even if it did, smartphones probably wouldn’t have been invented.

While drifting into thoughts that had nothing to do with anything, I moved my feet and met someone on the way to the elevator after leaving the lounge.


It was a familiar face.

Since this character appears as a party member in the original work. However, their significance isn’t that great. They seem to have been included to fit the setting of “an academy with both nobles and commoners.”

Though they could still be interacted with, and while they didn’t have importance in the main quest, they had their own substantial personal side quests and relationship events.

But since this was the first encounter at this point, there was no need for either of us to greet each other warmly.

At least, that’s what I thought.

“Uh, um…!”

As I was passing by, she called me.

Hey there, maybe?

Honestly, I was a bit surprised.

No, it wasn’t that I thought that girl was rude or anything. Even if she looked like this, the prevailing thought from Earth had firmly stuck in my head, much stronger than the classism of this world.

More than that, I was a bit surprised that someone knew who I was, enough to call out to me like this.

“What can I do for you?”

As I turned toward her while saying this, she clearly showed a look of fluster on her face.

She had dark brown hair neatly tied at the back. A physique that suited a heroine. And pale skin.

The round glasses she wore were an unexpected touch, and some people wished they could see her take them off later on.

Her almond-shaped eyes were slightly droopy, with irises of a similar dark brown to her hair.

You could tell at a glance she had a “class president” vibe.

Naturally, there’s no such title as class president in an academy. Maybe a student council president?

If it were a commoner class, maybe it would work, but if they tried to designate a class president among nobles, it would turn into a real political war.

That said, there are characters who are trusted by the teacher as a “class president-like” figure.

And this girl was one of those characters.

“Ah, um….”

As she tried to continue speaking, she jumped back in surprise and took a step back.

Did a tiger jump out from behind me or something? It was such a move that I almost turned around, but it didn’t seem like that was the case.

I didn’t hear anyone else in the corridor aside from myself.

“W-Welcome, Your Highness.”

She awkwardly held the end of her skirt and bowed her head, which showed she wasn’t really used to such greetings.

You know that type of character, right?

A common character who would fit perfectly as the protagonist in a romance novel. They think of themselves as ordinary and insignificant, and they actually don’t have much to boast about at home, but they’ve come this far entirely on their own study skills, like a picture-perfect “commoner character.”

Despite being a commoner, she seemed to have quite a bit of interaction with the upper class, unlike some kids in her class, who evidently had no interaction with them at all.

She must have been quite unaware of how “clueless” she sounded by just talking to me at this point.

Well, putting that aside, I was already receiving a good impression from her.

Since she was included among the characters I liked in the original work.

“What can I do for you?”

The overly polite speech sounded a bit cold to her, causing her to flinch once more.

“I-I’m Lily Baker….”

Her introduction held firm even after I said it a second time, indicating she must have heard some saying that ‘nobles should reveal their status before talking to others.’

It seems she didn’t hear about ‘Never start a conversation by startling someone’ or ‘slowly approaching from the side allows the other to think before responding’ or ‘If the other gets straight to the point, it’s okay to skip the introduction.’

Well, even among nobles, few people stuck to such formalities.

“Miss Baker.”

As I nodded, Lily Baker finally spoke what she had to say.

“Is Roti… doing well?”

If my gender were a guy instead of a girl, this would be the perfect moment to dive straight into a romance route.

I didn’t feel particularly disappointed about that. Being a person who believes heroines should be paired with the protagonist, I likely wouldn’t have felt great if I unknowingly became an NTR character if she got closer to me.

“She’s doing well.”

In reality, if I had to say, I’d say my level of animosity toward her had likely decreased a lot since being in the commoner class. At least, there wasn’t anyone in our group trying to discriminate against Roti because of her skin color.


Though she was worried about Roti and tried talking to me, it seems she didn’t think much about how to continue the conversation afterward.

“N-No, I mean, um….”

I quietly observed her before slowly opening my mouth.

“Is Roti not getting along well in her class?”

I brought up a topic that Jake would be very interested in.


Lily Baker couldn’t quite respond properly to that. But just that alone made it clear that Roti was not doing very well.
I decided not to pry too much.

“What weapon do you use?”

“Excuse me?”

“I’m asking what weapon you use during practice.”

“…I use a Winterfield rifle.”

The original rifle made at the Winterfield Arsenal was some kind of Austrian rifle, if I remembered correctly. I remembered the feature of simply pulling the loading handle back, unlike other bolt-action rifles.

“I see.”

I nodded.
If it were Earth, the ammunition might not be compatible, but in this world, since they were all made by the same empire, the ammo is interchangeable. Even if we were in the same party, it shouldn’t cause any significant problems.

“Then how about coming over and seeing it for yourself?”

“…Excuse me?”

“I’m asking if it wouldn’t be better to see it directly and make your own judgment rather than explaining it verbally.”


It was an incredibly manga-like surprise.
It’s nostalgic to see it after a long time.

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not work with dark mode