Switch Mode

Chapter 157

I also liked a character named Roti. She wasn’t someone you could pursue, but when Jake and Roti were in the game, they usually just had banter like this. Not laugh-out-loud funny, but still heartwarming.

“So, what information can I give you?”

The notion that he wanted to talk just the two of us wasn’t sincere anyway. He probably thought he could joke around since Roti was right there.

The first time he spoke to me was just Roti saying something in a fit of anger.

He was generally a stoic character who hid his emotions, but that didn’t mean he had none—he just got used to holding back since childhood.

Jake felt sorry for Roti like that.

“What information can you give us?”


After a brief moment of thought, Jake replied.

“That it’s hot down there even at this time?”

Because it was right next to the desert.

The Empire occupied most of the western end of the continent, and they had colonized the northern parts of the southern continent, which stretched below.

The Lindbergh family was the first to lead the invasion of the southern continent. Back when the Empire didn’t even have a council, they recruited pirates and made them their subordinates, taking over and absorbing the place into their territory over a long period known as the Weak Century.

Thanks to that, the Lindbergh territory is divided by the sea into upper and lower parts.

With the sea in between, the northern territory is peaceful and pretty much insignificant. It’s a duke’s territory and quite vast, but that’s about it—there aren’t any notable specialties.

Most of the Lindbergh family’s wealth comes from the territories on the southern continent. They occupy every fertile spot in the northern part of the southern continent, and trade with the colonies beyond the desert below accounts for most of the Lindbergh family’s income.

Renting out the naval bases they stocked up on before the troops were abolished must also bring in quite a bit of cash.

And like the Winterfield family, they operated some soldiers since they were adjacent to the border.

“Maybe it’s okay to play by the seaside? Swimsuits have become a trend in the territory these days.”


After hearing what Jake said, Roti looked like she was trying to hold something back.

If we were to follow historical accuracy, swimsuits back in the early 20th century were just baggy clothes. Particularly for women, they had to be even more so.

But… what kind of world is this, anyway? It’s a setting made by a Japanese game company at the forefront of otaku subculture.

Naturally, swimsuits look a lot alike to the ones from the world I lived in.

It’s quite funny to consider such details when there are bunny girls roaming around casinos.

“And, well… I can talk about specialties or whatever, but honestly, it doesn’t relate much to what we’ll be doing, does it?”

“That’s true.”

Even if Jake knew some crucial secrets of the territory, he wasn’t the kind of character to blab them around carelessly.

“I’m just glad~ At least I can be warm for a few days. Coming from a warm place during break to here, it’s tough to adapt.”

“A sudden change in temperature can make you sick. You should actually worry about your health, my lord. You’re making two round trips this month.”

“Don’t worry, Roti. I’m tougher than I look. And if we’re nitpicking, shouldn’t a lady like you be the one to worry?”


Looking at Roti trying to say something but then shutting up with the expression of ‘What’s the point?’ made me stifle a laugh.


Most territories didn’t require crossing vast oceans, so even if factions went separately, it wasn’t a big deal, but Lindbergh was different.

Going to the northern Lindbergh territory wasn’t particularly educational, so the practical training would naturally be in the southern Lindbergh territory.

The southern continent colonies were incredibly important by Empire standards. The reason the Empire could be called an “Empire” was due to all those numerous colonies.

Many believed that once the Empire took all the colonies and the Emperor declared, “I am the Emperor of two continents,” it was effectively complete.

Well, sure, they had been brazenly writing ‘Empire’ behind the continent’s name since the first Emperor Fanggriffon era, but still, it would be easier for other countries to accept the claim from a real imperialistic standpoint than to call a single country an Empire.

The reason the Empire can truly be called an Empire.

That was partly why the Academy sent students here at least once.

Moreover, as the Academy often mixed in foreign students, it would be a grand opportunity to showcase the Empire’s prestige.

Sending a flying ship instead of a regular ship served both practical reasons and showcasing the Empire’s status.

“The Empire claims that the vast sea is all its territorial waters.”

“Because the Empire’s territory stretches up and down.”

Charlotte replied to Alice’s words.

Strictly speaking, not the entire sea could be classified as territorial waters according to international law, but the Empire applies those laws to the islands and reefs they occupy, effectively claiming about half of the Mediterranean Sea as territorial waters.

With the Empire’s naval power being colossal, no other country dared to dispute it. They had airships; how could they not use the sea?

“Velbur hardly uses this sea since it’s in the northern part of the continent.”

“…There’s a saying that the prices of goods crossing this sea are excessively inflated.”

“That’s because the Empire treats the sea as its own territory. Rather, it’s more about the Lindbergh family hogging the benefits. It’s the reason that even if you get the same goods from the Empire’s mainland, the difference isn’t that vast compared to foreign sources. And if you want to trade, just deal with the Iberia Kingdom.”

Since the talk of a country that Alice might inherit was being slandered, she reacted a bit snippily.

However, Charlotte didn’t seem intimidated by Alice’s reaction. After all, they were already friends beyond being a princess and a crown princess.

“Iberia has almost no colonies on the southern continent. It’s only been 20 years since the unification, right? In that time, the Empire has occupied all the prime lands on the southern continent.”

“That’s because those people have spent centuries fighting among themselves.”



These were stories I had hardly heard about in the original work. No, I definitely knew them from the setting, but I’d never heard the characters discuss such matters. Even if political conversations came up, they usually revolved around direct conflicts between the Empire and the Kingdom.

Though, it made sense considering that these two characters were from the era when imperialism and nationalism were rampant in the 20th century. Their pride toward their country was at its peak, and that pride naturally rested on their power over colonies and nations they occupied.

Well, that would break down soon enough.

I shifted my gaze toward Roti.

Even though all the first-year students of Rondarim Academy were aboard the airship, most of those out on the beautiful observation deck were noble students.

When noble students seize the good spots first, commoners often can’t even come down due to discomfort.

But among them, there was one particular student who stood out.

No, it wasn’t that the student stood out, but rather the attention directed at that student was noticeable.

It was Roti.

Roti, standing next to Jake.

Jake surely didn’t drag her here by force. No matter how mischievous Jake might be, he despised it when others looked down on Roti. She’s the girl he likes, after all.

Roti being here was probably her own decision.

She must be making the excuse of ‘I’m here to assist my lord as a maid’ after all.

In reality, she just wanted to be together.

The moment I turned my gaze toward Roti, our eyes met for an instant. Roti quickly turned her gaze back to the window, but it was clear that she was bothered by our conversation.

And rightly so; Roti was from the colonies.

While she may have grown up in Lindbergh territory and was considered one of them, due to her appearance, she was openly discriminated against. Hearing two people casually discuss something concerning that discrimination would understandably be unsettling.

However, no anger or frustration showed on her face.

If anything, it was more like resignation.

A character caught between being part Empire and part something else, not belonging wholly to either side.

Before dating Jake, even after they became a couple, she frequently attracted gossip from various nobles.


At first, I hadn’t paid much attention, but now that I felt the reality in such facts, it felt much more compact than when I just saw it in the game.

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not work with dark mode