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Chapter 126

I lived in this world for ten years, yet I still couldn’t quite grasp the mindset of nobility.

How on earth could Countess Crowfield allow Count Crowfield to be so… busy with someone else at night? Even if she didn’t regard commoners as people, the fact that her husband was dallying with another… was still a reality.

Was she really unaware? Did she honestly believe that the only reason I would kill her husband was due to the Emperor’s political judgment?

Thinking that way is even stranger.

Perhaps she’s the type whose noble mindset is so ingrained that she can’t even imagine commoners as people.

“We’re honored to have you visit our estate.”

After being guided into the reception room and seated, the Countess spoke to us in a soft voice.

“I too am honored for the invitation.”

At Alice’s response, I almost glanced at her in surprise.


I didn’t invite—ah, I see.

There was no reason for me to be invited in the first place.

I turned my gaze to Mia Crowfield.

Our eyes briefly crossed, searching for each other.

Perhaps Mia had overheard something. The next Emperor is not me, but Alice.

In that case, it would be essential to know how much Mia had told her mother.

Personally, I didn’t think she would have shared too much. Their relationship, while not severely broken, didn’t seem to be exceptionally close either.

Alice and the Countess engaged in small talk.

After exchanging some typical noble pleasantries, the Countess said:

“Mia often speaks about you, Your Highness, saying how much fun she’s having with you. I’m relieved to know that she has such friends, as she’s not particularly sociable with others.”

“I have a shy younger sibling myself.”

“Oh my.”

The Countess’s gaze turned meaningfully towards me after hearing Alice’s words.

“If no one speaks first, she just sits there, sulking, so she had no choice but to learn to initiate conversation.”

…It almost seemed closer to Alice’s past self. I, on the other hand, tend to speak boldly when necessary. If I make a mistake, I can just rewind time.

That being said, Alice couldn’t just say, “I was shy and didn’t like talking to strangers in my childhood.” If Alice cherishes me as a younger sibling, my fond memories of caring for her might be precious memories she doesn’t want to share.

If Alice trusts me, she wouldn’t believe the Countess’s words about me.

“I see. Hearing you say that actually puts me at ease. It was all thanks to friends like you that my daughter could adapt easily to the academy.”

Alice took a sip of tea as she listened to the Countess.

…No, it seemed more like she was pretending to drink. Her tea hadn’t gone down at all. The Countess didn’t call her out on it, though.

Surely, the Countess didn’t put poison in that tea. We were in a territory guarded by knights. Moreover, everyone already knew that it was the Emperor who killed Count Crowfield. They know the consequences of harming Alice.

If I were Countess Crowfield, I would have found another way. There are indeed countless ways to poison tea.

“Oh my, look at my mind.”

The Countess suddenly clapped her hands together. At that sound, Mia Crowfield’s shoulders flinched. She seemed to be tremendously tense.

“I’ve hogged the conversation long enough. It’s been a while since friends reunited, so I should’ve given you two more time to chat. I will step out now.”

The Countess stood up, and we all followed suit.

Alice, I, and the Countess exchanged polite greetings. The Countess, true to her word, stepped aside.

Just after the door closed, Mia Crowfield quickly opened her mouth.

“That tea—”

“You should have suspected as much, so it’s fine.”

Alice said while pulling out a handkerchief to wipe her mouth.
Only a slurping sound came from her, yet the contents of her cup hadn’t even touched her lips. Alice knew how dangerous drugs could be.

I was horrified just seeing that morphine from my room, which was even used by soldiers.


Mia let out a deflated sigh as she sat down.

Then, realizing that Alice knew the truth all along, she began to tremble.

“…Rest assured. I have no intention of blaming you at this moment.”

Alice strolled around the reception room casually. Just slowly moving her feet as she scanned the walls and ceiling gave off an air of ‘I anticipated this all along.’


Mia Crowfield’s eyes were locked on me.

“Sylvia has nothing to do with this. She just followed me because she was worried.”

I’m not here to kill you or your mother.

I imagined the omitted parts of my words.
…Last year, I might have considered that Mia Crowfield wouldn’t be a target, but I’d looked for ways to eliminate her mother. To avoid leaving any evidence, it would have to look like an accident.

“Is there a hidden space in this room?”

Alice asked in a nonchalant tone.

“Ah, that’s…”

Mia opened her mouth, then fell silent, looking puzzled about how to respond.

Her face was still a turbulent blend of emotions.

“Why did you come today?”

“You sent the invitation, didn’t you?”


But did she really expect I would respond to that invitation?

Well, it certainly looked suspicious. Even someone closer than Mia, like Charlotte, wouldn’t ‘invite’ Alice. More like sending a letter to inquire about her well-being.

There’s a massive difference between a noble gallivanting around and a Crown Princess visiting. The number of attendants that come along is huge, and accommodating them all is quite a headache. Sure, the royal family covers expenses, but depending on the size of the territory, just feeding and lodging so many people could be burdensome.

Especially regarding national affairs. You have to show your counterpart, “Look how well we’re living.”

In that sense, Grace’s Estate is incredibly unique. Even if we went without a guard, no one would suspect us. It’s proof of the Emperor’s strong trust, and that in itself fuels the Baron’s power.

“I know that’s a kind of warning too.”

Alice spoke up before Mia could open her mouth.


Mia pressed her lips tightly together, nearly forming a straight line.

“But…I had something to confirm.”

“…About me and my mother?”

“No. I already know all I need about you and your mother. In fact, there’s no easier target to investigate than a noble. I apologize for researching without prior notice.”

Alice slightly bent her knees, but Mia’s expression remained rigid.

Noticing her eyes were waiting for more, Alice continued.

“Of course, it involves matters related to your territory. Perhaps it could even be related to that incident.”


Mia’s eyes sharpened. Alice watched her expression with interest.

“What a face I haven’t seen at school.”

“You haven’t changed at all.”

Mia’s remark went unanswered by Alice, waiting for the next line.

“Just like you took my father’s life—”


Alice chopped off Mia’s words mid-sentence.

“I won’t kill you. There’s no reason to.”


Watching Mia’s eyes widen, Alice declared.

“I swear on the name of Fanggriffon. I will not harm my ‘friend.'”

Mia Crowfield’s mouth dropped open.

The only reason my mouth didn’t drop open was due to years of training and experience.

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