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Chapter 712

<712 – Poor Child (12)>

In fact, neither Oknodie nor her other friends know it, but the student who benefitted the most from Oknodie’s appearance was not Hestia, whose bad ending fate was turned upside down.

It wasn’t Oknodie herself, nor the mobs like April, Jonnas, or the juniors receiving training from Jaku, Titosso, Jiang, or Ishtar.

Even the students and scholars belonging to the Organization that Plays with Oknodie or the Secret Scholarship Society grew peacefully compared to their original fates, yet they were not the ultimate beneficiaries.

It was Vladimir.

This absurd student was the one who experienced the biggest turning point in his fate.

“I’m thirsty for blood…”

At a time when Oknodie wasn’t around.

In the story of the ‘main storyline’ where she does not intervene.

“I must endure. Did I not decide to protect my dignity and nobility while living in the human society I longed for, rather than turning humans into livestock…”

Vladimir’s steadfast will was ultimately broken.

Day by day, the harsh training and self-discipline wore him down.

In that process, it became nearly impossible to abstain from taking the blood necessary for recovery of his tired body and soul, as well as for greater strength.

Freedom and strength.

At the point where both were sought, Vladimir’s bloodsucking became an unavoidable fate.

However, unaware of the existence of the Upper Class Boarding Storage Room or the Animal Blood Pouch, and not knowing how to inscribe a special spell on mosquitoes to obtain small amounts of blood in a stable way, Vladimir, desperate with hunger and thirst…

“Ah, ahhh! Have I done it? Am I just a weak vampire who cannot abandon the fate of a vampire after all…?!”

He clutched his face with blood dripping hands and howled before the cold corpse.

If he were to confess the first incident to the Gift Academy and turn himself in, that would at least be better.

Vladimir would be imprisoned in the Underground Great Prison, receiving regular blood supply per management rules.

Once the release period was over, he would receive special meals suitable for his status, making survival possible.

The growth gap between him and his classmates from Class 981 widened, and in the main story, he would fail to unite with them, effectively becoming an outsider—this is the tale of Vladimir’s [Outsider Route].

“I acknowledge it. I am an ugly, ugly vampire. But what of you who looked down upon me and drove me to despair? What do mere livestock have to humiliate me like this?!”

In case he chose not to confess to the Gift Academy and kept the first incident a secret.

Once the Imperial Students, who had previously expressed great disdain for Hestia, exerted their wicked influence over the vampire Vladimir from Group C, he would abandon long-standing restraint and patience with a single murder and continue his true path as a vampire.

As students began to die and investigations progressed, Vladimir, who had already drained the growth and abilities of many students, even devised countermeasures.

“It wasn’t me. This time, I’m really innocent!!”

“I’m innocent! My mosquitoes don’t harm people!!”

Tetriforce the Blood Thief.

Mosquito Master Yumi.

While the seniors capable of performing Blood Magic came under scrutiny by the Student Council, Vladimir was rapidly increasing his power.

Surpassing the level of Class 981 students.

At the point when the Student Council deemed these two were not the culprits and that the younger Vladimir should be investigated, he had already gone so far as to eliminate the Student Council, which suspected him…

“Vladimir. You’re arrogant, but quite clever. I could say you managed to grow this far unseen by my eyes. But from now on, it will be different. You too will face all the hardships Tetriforce had to endure.”

Execution Headquarters Director Velvet.

She was intent on closely watching Vladimir and capturing him in the act, but vampires are noble of the night.

The most successful beastmen.

The secrecy of a powerful vampire is more elusive than the dark cloak spread across the night sky, unmatched by any.

“The preparations are complete. I hold no more longing or regrets for the surface world filled with blood bags and livestock humans. In this world of savagery, where strength is all, I will gather true blood and ascend, spreading eternal dominion over the night!”

Once he took even a single drop of true blood, he would surpass Velvet, and once he amassed multiple true blood, he would surpass the professors, and at the point where he collected all the true blood, even the Dragon Principal would be defeated.

Bloody Super Moon Disaster.

This is a glimpse into the future that Dobi spied, and a branch of the bad ending Oknodie experienced.

And this is the tale of Vladimir’s [Destruction Route].

“Indeed…! Stealing animal blood will quench my thirst even without drinking human blood!”

At the point where Oknodie is playing.

The possibilities of the Outsider Route and Destruction Route vanish.

The trigger is ‘indiscriminate collection activity’ involving ‘animal blood.’

Witnessing this, Vladimir refrained from excessively indulging his bloodsucking desire and adequately resolved it, thus preventing the ‘first incident,’ leading to Vladimir’s fall or destruction through ‘on-campus bloodsucking murders.’

Feasting until his stomach was round from animal blood, for animals produce more blood than humans, and due to their sheer numbers, blood pouches or blood packs reserved land on campus as well.

“This is… the acceleration of a racehorse! Obtained a new technique [Full Sprint]!”

“This is… the biting power of a King Tiger! Obtained a new technique [Bite]!”

“This is… the laziness of a sloth…? Acquired the negative trait [Lazy Day]…”

While slower than directly taking growth and abilities from humans, he could still achieve this kind of growth depending on the blood of the animals he consumed.

There might be slight side effects, but it’s still better than committing indiscriminate bloodsucking on humans.

-Moreo’s selfishness
-Galik Fried Chicken’s arrogance
-Camela’s sadism

The negative traits obtained from humans would be lesser in harm.

As Vladimir descends into evil, the prey he targets will also become nefarious individuals matched against him, with the vampire’s gender tilting to male.

“Hmm… Is my hair longer? My chest has developed. It’s kind of annoying, but I’ll take it!”


At some point during the semester, Oknodie made an unexpected comment about Vladimir while making an indecent proposal.

Unbeknownst to her, it served as a marker for players to realize that Vladimir had safely entered the [Comrade Route].

This round’s Vladimir is a safe, female vampire who hasn’t entered the Destruction Route.

Of course, there are drawbacks as well.

Vladimir in the Comrade Route progresses slowly.

Prompt-minded Koreans have found a solution to this issue as well.


[Vladimir Strategy]

If you prevent Vladimir from committing the first bloodsucking murder, fearing his Destruction Route, his growth speed drastically slows down.

So, one veteran intentionally led Vladimir into the Outsider Route, cleaned up the crime scene, and afterward provided blood sources while capturing both growth and loyalty with the [Assistant Route].

You too can enter the Assistant Route to acquire a versatile first-class character who excels in dealing, tanking, crowd control, survival, and recovery!


Manipulate from behind the scenes to gain loyalty through mastery of body and mind!

Choosing this method may skew the player’s tendencies toward evil, but it can securely and definitively secure a powerful comrade without any loss in specs.

“But still, having big breasts feels annoying. I guess I don’t really need to pick her as a first-class character!”


Vladimir only remembers that he was just subject to incomprehensible sexual harassment from a child because of Oknodie’s comment.

Abandoned by Oknodie, Vladimir became free without entering the Assistant Route.

However, this didn’t mean Oknodie had no interest in Vladimir; it merely indicated Vladimir was not indifferent toward Oknodie.

“The child who showed me how to catch prey. How can I repay this kindness? It would be great if an opportunity arises… Huh? But what’s that…? A… a magically enchanted mosquito!?”

Vladimir witnessed it.

He saw her stealthily collecting blood while commanding mosquitoes.
The method to collect not only animal blood but also human blood.
There wasn’t even a need to target only the blood of villains.
If in small quantities, he could collect the blood of the virtuous too.

Negative traits.
Deterioration of character.
The possibility leading to the Destruction Route was managed through a healthy diet that collects without bias.

[Vladimir's Special Blood Magic]
[Creation – Blood Marionette]
[Blood Memory – Deadcat's Stealth]
[Blood Memory – Bixton's Fortitude]
[Blood Memory – Roe's Nobility]
[Blood Memory – Velvet's Deceit]
[Blood Memory – Andrea's Thunderkill]


Such a healthy diet, when combined, manifests the blood lifeform, the blood marionette, which triggers many students’ characteristics and functions, resulting in a synergistic effect.

If he secretly consumed only small amounts of blood, he could utilize the techniques that would have laid permanent influences on his body as the blood marionette freely.



The punch from the clumsy Again pierced through the unnatural gaps created by multiple blood memories simultaneously appearing, instantly bursting the blood marionette.

[Vladimir's Special Blood Magic]
[Blood Coagulation]
[Blood Penetration]
[Blood Mana Superconductivity]

The splattered blood seemed to rewind time, gathering once again and enveloping Again’s entire body.


[Blood Memory – Rosgini's Explosive Power]

In a dazzling flash, Again, engulfed in flames, emerged from the diminishing fire as if grinding his teeth.

“You little brat, you hit hard!”

“Look who’s talking, senior! You’re the clumsy one!”

Oknodie may be completely unaware, but Vladimir, the biggest beneficiary of her existence, revealed his hidden talents to repay the kindness he received.

Still looking like a frightened puppy with its ears folded inward, a gradual smile of confidence bloomed on his face as he confirmed that his Blood Magic was effective.

Titosso, witnessing that smile, screamed, “Hieek!”

“Look at that, Jiang! She believes she can escape the lecture hall without recognizing Professor Sadako’s traps!”

“…There’s nothing good about being careless. Let’s join her.”

Due to an overly specific metaphor, Jiang’s expression crinkled slightly at the unpleasant memory.


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not work with dark mode