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Chapter 660

<660 – Irresponsible Pleasure (8)>

In the era of Seonhwang, the order of the continent led by the Empire was an unstoppable flow.

“O people of Nepalus! We have established an independent nation to escape the tyranny of the Empire, but now they force us to either pay tribute in grains or lose all our assets and return to slavery.”

“Cough! Mayor! What are we to do now? Is there truly no path other than being plundered by the Empire?”

“Give me time. We will seek the help of a wise sage who can turn the fate of the city around.”

Long ago, those who cleared the barren land to establish the Pioneering City all faced plunder and destruction as a result of declaring independence against the Empire’s inland cities after all privileges were lost.

Numerous countries collapsed under the grain tribute demanded by the Empire, and all their citizens fell into slavery.

However, city-states like Nepalus, which were in a similar predicament, miraculously began to revive.

“The Empire is vast. With its size comes an explosive demand for all industries. Concentrate the industrial functions scattered across the continent into one city. That way, small nations can maintain their existence.”

The sage, a graduate of the world’s leading educational institution, the Gift Academy Administration Department, transformed 20 minor countries into specialized cities focusing on precision manufacturing, magical research, magic stone research, and non-fair flight assembly.

In cities where high-value technologies were concentrated more than grains, instead of facing destruction at the hands of the Empire, they could thrive by working together with it.

They escaped the brink of destruction and entered an era of great revival.

“O great sage [Ekonus], known as the savior of the Northern Twenty Kingdoms! Please help us! Which industry can help us survive?”

“There is none.”

The sage Ekonus coldly asserted this without even glancing at Nepalus.

The mayor, shocked, trembled and grasped at the sage’s trousers, clinging on.

“Why? We have a large population! We lack neither the will nor the desperation of our citizens to survive!”

“First of all, there are no resources. Without rare metals, new materials and advanced industries are impossible. Secondly, it’s too late. The industry-specialized cities that had high demands have already been occupied by other cities.”

“If we aim to play a role like their city…!”

“A war will break out. Those who don’t want to end up in a position like yours will gladly annihilate Nepalus, even if it means pouring all their accumulated assets.”

Considering the nature of Seonhwang, even if two cities of the Empire waged war against each other, it would gladly tolerate a tax rate even higher than the pre-war levels, as long as the cities accepted it.

Seonhwang had no interest in anything but brutally gathering the grains of the entire Empire and excluding its enemies.

“There are methods to survive without resources. But that too is impossible for you.”

“Why? What is so wrong with us that we are without opportunity?”

“The method to survive without resources is knowledge specialization. If you concentrate the essence of forgotten ancient esoterics into one city, you can gather talents from all over the continent as research facilities and entrepreneurship support institutions.”

“But why can’t we do that?”

“This land is not closely connected to any mystery. The three great forests of the continent, the five great scenic spots, the seven great magical territories—none of them are nearby, so there is no foundation or groundwork for researching esoterics, and those who dare challenge your authority in the sanctum of orthodoxy will not forgive you.”

The mayor of Nepalus frantically wracked his brain.

“What if it’s not esoterics but magic! Ordinary magic can be researched and explored without being closely connected to any esoterics, can’t it?”

“Do you think the Magic Tower seems trivial? The Multicolor Magic Tower has already built its nest in the Empire, adhering to Seonhwang’s intentions. The moment you reach for their magical knowledge, you will experience how quickly a great magician can erase an entire city.”

There is nothing.

All knowledge, industries, and mysteries had their origins and specialized areas, with monopolistic organizations existing.

Nepalus would perish.

The savior of the Northern Twenty Kingdoms, sage Ekonus, directly proclaimed the end with his own mouth.

For them, no hope or future remained.

“Ugh! We’re finished.”

“O God…”

“Stop with the ‘God’ nonsense! We can’t survive relying on the power of God like scoundrels, unless it’s a direct district set up by scholars!”

Seonhwang established the one true god, Sofemia of the Sun, as the national religion.

If they set up the main 24 gods along with their sacred districts, they would be immediately designated as a heretical city, and the inquisitors would arrive, leading to the city’s swift destruction.

The mighty power of the Empire had blocked every way they wished to survive and was only preparing to strike down with an iron fist.

The violence of the Empire.

Such violence was terrifying and loathsome.

In this moment, they became the people who hated the Empire the most on the continent.

This immense hatred and resentment summoned an unexpected presence.

“This city looks like a dead city with nothing but those about to die gathered. How can there be such bloodlust in a city?”

“The Empire has blocked all our paths to survival. Why? Did you come to show us a way out?”

The mayor willingly permitted an audience with the traveler who requested to meet him.

With nothing to possess, there were no visitors to the city, and after killing countless merchants who attempted to swindle the remaining assets and citizens, he wondered which scammer would soon find themselves at the end of his blade.

“A way to survive. There must be at least one such way.”

“Hah! A city that Sage Ekonus declared to be doomed? Let’s hear it.”

Having already seen through the schemes of bandits and slave dealers planning for a massive exodus of city residents, the mayor was wary.

He intended to draw his sword the moment this insolent visitor spoke any nonsense.

“Do you know what those with nothing but their bodies to sell are called, Pioneering City’s mayor?”

“Bodies, I suppose.”

“Indeed. So, when a man sells his body, what does he become, and when a woman sells her body, what does she become?”

“A thug and a prostitute.”

“Correct. That is how you will survive.”

The mayor was taken aback.

A city of thugs and prostitutes?

There could be no more insulting slander than this, yet the eyes of the one who said it were indifferent and showed no sign of greed.

“I would like to hear more details of your esteemed opinion.”

After refining his demeanor, the mayor, with a gaunt face but serious eyes, faced the visitor, who, despite his annoyance, provided a few more words.

“Sage Ekonus’s theory of concentrating technology and knowledge for the survival of the minor cities is indeed correct. However, Ekonus, who was only discussing the noble advancement of technology and knowledge, was blind to the basic desires of humans. The most base and vulgar desires he missed are the paths for you to survive.”

“…Will the Empire allow this?”

“Even if Seonhwang cannot forgive you, the power-hungry rulers across the continent will gladly create cities of desire, which they have lost much for. The more you let go, the higher your chances of survival. Do you have the courage to kill, mayor, but not to dirty your hands?”

It was unfair.

Clearing the land under the Empire’s decree and all they had built was about to be taken from them again by the Empire’s tyranny.

The cruelty of the many specialized cities and massive organizations aiming to seize all means of survival and threatening them with swords.

He felt sympathy.

The helplessness of simply being able to endure.

The red notices of the young men and women who made extreme choices out of fear of tomorrow.

He hated it.

The selfish nature of all human beings.

“I see… If we do that, can we achieve more than mere survival?”

“What do you wish for?”


“If you can endure.”

“Then I will gladly follow the future you show me, even if it’s a dark and filthy path of trials.”

The mayor made his decision.

“Please tell me your name. I will make your name greater than that of Ekonus, the savior of the Northern Twenty Kingdoms. Our success will honor you.”

The only sage who showed him the way to survive through humanity’s most base and demeaning path.

The mayor bowed his head gratefully to the adventurer who lent him wisdom without asking for anything in return.

The adventurer, faced with this absolute loyalty, felt a flicker of curiosity.

Those trying to turn away from their desires.
Those suppressing their desires and continuing their self-cultivation.

In an Empire where those who turned their backs on their nature prevailed, here was a foolish and brave human seeking to walk the opposite path.

The city residents showed absolute support and unity, following the mayor’s wishes.

“My name is Red Tide. I grant you the name ‘City of Pleasure’ for choosing to follow the lowest path to seek wisdom from me and to save your future.”

“Thank you!”

“Lift your head. Your pure animosity toward your fellow humanity drew my favor, and that passion will grant you a new future.”

The mayor felt joy instead of fear in front of the wave of malevolent dark mana hidden beyond the guise of humanity.

Demon Minions.

Long-standing enemies of humanity.

He had received favor from the most likely being to fulfill revenge against the Empire.

This was an opportunity that could never come again for a mayor already abandoned by both the Empire and humanity, harboring malice toward them.

[Essence of Darkness]

The mayor swallowed the essence of darkness in one bite.

It was the moment when a new Demon Minion, Asmodeus, was born in the City of Pleasure.


Under the weak curiosity and compassion of the Demon King’s Four Kings Red Tide, the City of Pleasure was born.

The owner of the City of Pleasure, Asmodeus, who even the Empire couldn’t trample, began to amass power through the immense wealth and unjust emotions flowing into the city.

This allowed him achievements that far surpassed the usual dark mana possessed by Demon Minions, filling up their vessels and even reaching beyond.

“Having gathered all the desires, corruption, and pleasure of this world, I find that the vessel of humanity is now insufficient to contain my grand desires. Today, I will be reborn!”

A transformation.

The moment of evolution that maximizes the potential of a human being came to Asmodeus as he transformed his physical form.

While the Destroyer refined his corrupted body and cultivated a small but pure vessel, Asmodeus crafted a new, larger vessel that surpassed the small one that is human.

The path of the Destroyer, shedding his demonic nature, and the path of Asmodeus, embracing the demonic into his new body, opened in opposition.


Amidst the vapor of highly concentrated dark mana, a beautiful crystallization of beauty stood up, as if it had forged all pleasures of the world into one.

“Congratulations! My disciple Asmodeus, you have finally reached the level of the Demon King’s Four Kings.”

“This… is the level of my mentor.”

“Indeed. Now you are akin to a lord governing a territory, able to impose your own domain upon the world. Your City of Pleasure will continue to grow, just like the three great forests, the five great scenic spots, and the seven great magical territories.”

As Asmodeus took a breath, the mana of the entire territory shook and quivered, heralding the birth of a new dark divinity.

The moment he exhaled deeply, the natural mana of the world flooded out from the boundaries of the City of Pleasure, distorting and letting out a scream of thrill.

“No mentor is needed to guide a Demon Minion with its own territory. Before leaving the territory, I will give you one last gift.”

“I will hold your precious words, which are like gold and jade, higher than the city’s laws. Please bestow your teachings upon this foolish disciple.”

“A new city has emerged that threatens the City of Pleasure. The Collection City of the Kingdom of Troy. This city, which traverses delicacies, outfits, weapons, and experiences, will soon birth a vast desire that may overshadow even pleasure itself.”


“Swallow this. Proceed forward. And erase them.”

As he bowed his head in a position of obedience, Red Tide drew a symbol of mana using his thumb and forefinger.

“I grant you the title of ‘Colorful Lust’ for following the Demon King’s will, and this will be your strength.”

Demon King’s Army Red Tide.

His direct high Demon Minion Asmodeus.

The owner of the City of Pleasure began to take aim at the Collection City of Oknodie.

“Urgent report! An executive from the Foundation has annihilated the Third Army, which was invading the neighboring city-state!”

“…Indeed, the Dark Princess of the Foundation acted swiftly upon denying the request for territorial restitution. But let it be known that the true powers of darkness lie not with the Foundation but within the Demon King’s Army.”

As Asmodeus raised his hand, lightning bolts rained endlessly outside the window.

Beyond the flashing window, dozens of cloaked Demon Minions stood waiting.

“Dominate all the teleportation mages at the transport magic sites within the land of pleasure, and input dummy data into those sites to destroy the continent’s connection network. By blocking the Foundation’s reinforcements heading to the Collection City, we shall commence the Dark War.”

With a light jab from Oknodie, an unintended war between the City of Pleasure and the Wahyhiemhai Foundation began.


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