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Chapter 604

<604 – Delicious Linked Quest (28)>

As the Seonhwang issue was organized in an unexpected way, Professor Mahabharata sent a signal.

“Please start the inauguration ceremony.”

One instructor grabbed the microphone and went up to the opening hall.

“Welcome to the inauguration ceremony of the Saintess, where we have esteemed guests from various nations and members of the Divine Alliance’s religious circles. This ceremony will include greetings, introductions of the participating saintesses and the purpose of the ceremony, speeches from professors, an oath of the saintess inauguration ceremony, presentation of souvenirs to all participants, and time for meals and socializing.”

– What kind of greetings are those?

– Do we look like people with endless time on our hands?

– This isn’t a student recital, why are we doing all this?

Even though they didn’t verbally utter it, an active flow of mana could be felt through the whispers of the mind link, which anyone skilled in magical techniques would easily recognize.

Unfortunately, the host was an instructor capable of casting the specific art, and as soon as they opened their mouths, they were subjected to a growing stream of dull expressions and gossip that multiplied fourfold.

Even the Seonhwang couldn’t control the Seonhwang’s presence.

A space where anyone could be murdered at a moment’s notice.

The Empire, the Northern Region, and the Church faction alike.

Everyone desperately wanted to escape this place with the Seonhwang, but they had no patience for the lengthy schedule that greeted them with silent laughter.

‘Oh damn it, Professor! At this rate, I’m going to get targeted and die!’

‘Sigh. Just come out already.’

Seeing the situation worsen, Professor Mahabharata grabbed the microphone instead.

“Hello. I am Professor Mahabharata, serving as the guardian of Principal Omoshiroi and a professor at the Gift Academy.”

– Professor or whatever, just wrap it up quickly.

– I’ll acknowledge the saintess inauguration if you just let me go home.

Professor Mahabharata was more skilled than the instructor.

He knew the conversation being exchanged through the mind link, and unlike the terrified instructor, he had the guts to put the arrogant guests in their place.

“The greetings were supposed to be managed by Oknodie, a third-year student who greatly contributed to organizing this ceremony, but in light of the lengthy program, I will ask Principal Omoshiroi to take over.”


The aggressive buzzing of gossip, reminiscent of disturbed bees, immediately stopped as if by magic.

Even though Mahabharata could feel all their mana pale, he was sure it wasn’t just in his head.

“Is there really a need to rush through the program against the wishes of the hosts?”

“The participants are asking, so there’s no need to go out of your way to accommodate us. In our kingdom, we’re also running a 72-hour national relay!”

“When we hold the Seven Stars Ceremony in our church, we must pray for seven nights!”

“Is that so? Then let’s extend the inaugural ceremony to an average of five days, 120 hours, in consideration of your kind suggestions.”


For those who unnecessarily brought up the 72-hour national relay or the week-long Seven Stars Ceremony, scornful glances rained down like lightning from all around.

Then, the cautious king of the Doichi Kingdom—the one who had unwisely antagonized the Seonhwang—delicately interjected.

“With the Demon King’s army invading and the situation in the Northern Region precarious, how can we enjoy the inauguration ceremony so freely? I believe it would be better to proceed according to the original schedule.”

Professor Mahabharata held back his ridicule at this point.

“Understood. Unless there are any separate claims afterward, we will proceed as originally scheduled. Now, please wait for the arrival of Oknodie, who will present the greetings.”

At that moment, Professor Mahabharata had no ulterior motives or malice.

However, the instructor sent to call Oknodie did not return, and the instructor sent to find that instructor also did not return, nor did the minion sent to find the instructor ever show up again.

An hour passed by, carelessly wasted in a standby state.

“What on earth is happening in the special isolation room? Control Room, respond immediately. What do the monitoring systems show?”

After a moment, an urgent response came from the control room.

“Oknodie has completely vanished!”

“The instructor who went to find Oknodie was found unconscious, lying on the ceiling!”

“The instructor who went to find the first instructor was discovered tied up with the control room instructors inside the cleaning supply closet!”

This was news that left Professor Mahabharata astounded.

“What on earth were you all doing? How could people responsible for consolidating all instructor information and measuring point fluctuations not realize such a commotion!”

“It’s unfair. We were clearly told that there was no unusual information about the instructors coming our way.”

“So you’re saying that a first-year student who had only been promoted last year toyed with instructors, slipped past our surveillance, replaced the magical techniques, and incapacitated the instructors without even allowing them a chance to send a distress signal?”

“Er… That seems to be the case.”

“Then why are you in instructor positions? If skill is the criteria, shouldn’t we get rid of you and appoint Oknodie as an instructor instead?”

The instructors felt a strong sense of impending dismissal!

All grievances aside, realizing they might be collectively terminated, they urgently cried out.

“We will do whatever it takes to find Oknodie!”

“You’ve already sent two people and got them and a minion caught up in the chaos. What difference would you guys make?”

“We aren’t just two people; the entire Control Room instructors will mobilize.”

“I find that still lacking.”

“Of course, we will also hold the student council accountable for the first-tier surveillance and allocate personnel accordingly.”

“Is that all?”

“We’ll also bring in Oknodie’s visitors to lessen their crimes for the escape from the special isolation room and recommend their surrender.”

“Alright. Let’s believe in this one last time.”

The instructors had finally been given a chance.

Those who dashed out of the Control Room promptly began catching the student council like they were fishing.

“Since you failed to catch Oknodie, don’t drag us down! You’ve smeared the reputation of our seniors; you guys are absolutely insane! Do you think we appear as nothing to the noble families, given that we casually overlook the relationships between administration seniors and royal nobles? Want to stir up a diplomatic nightmare?”

“All students from the Knight Department below 4th year 975 are facing ground scrutiny. Execute.”

“You’re using the materials the seniors provided, but you’ve forgotten just how terrifying they can be? You’re in deep trouble now. Once this mess is over, we’ll turn the gathering fields upside down and sprinkle monsters everywhere! Just consider this year’s assignment ru-I mean, ruined.”

The senior instructors demonstrated exactly how they could make their juniors quiver in fear!

Unlike the typically lower-class instructors or teaching assistants in the second and third years, these instructors, all graduated and fully trained, were hunting every corner of the academy to measure points.

An academy where nobody was satisfied with what they had, those aiming for more naturally remained as instructors but were on a different level than others.

“Convey to all current students of the student council. This is a top-priority task. Classes and assignments are halted. Stop all work you are doing and come out immediately.”

Student council members felt a strong sense of tension as their peers, tasked with the special surveillance of the control room, recklessly scolded the instructors.

“Here before you are the dimwits who, up until now, failed to notice that the new third-year student Oknodie had replaced surveillance techniques, beaten up instructors, and escaped the special isolation room! You will make up for these fools’ mistakes.”

“What needs to be done?”

“Search for and apprehend the missing Oknodie.”

The student council members turned to Velvet.

No one had more experience and insight into Oknodie than Director Velvet.

“Director Velvet, can you share the necessary information for Oknodie’s capture?”

“I’d consider them at the level of a 4th year intermediate class. The stragglers aren’t even worth dealing with, so we just have to focus on immobilizing them.”

“Hmm. That sounds manageable.”

“Main skills include concealment, mana control techniques, high-speed movement, and balance. They are incredibly nimble, and if you let your guard down for even a moment, they might turn around and knock you out. If you’re moving in groups of five or fewer, even a bunch of 4th year students wouldn’t stand a chance.”

“…Uh oh?”

“And they can use transparent mosquitoes to inject various poisons. There’s no confirmed information, but dark mana could also be injected. It could be easy targets, so you better keep an eye on your bodies.”


“Therefore, I wouldn’t allow myself to be in a situation where Oknodie could overpower me. The risk of dark mana being injected is far too great compared to the embarrassment of losing.”

“That might mean we’re going to get annihilated.”

The student council decided to search in groups at the sub-organization level.

Just as Director Velvet prepared to set off with the executive personnel, a message from the instructors came through.

– There’s one last precaution. The purpose of the capture is to place Oknodie at the greeting position of the saintess inauguration ceremony, so you absolutely must not harm them.

“…Director Velvet. So right now we’re expected to find Oknodie without a trace, hack and replace the on-campus surveillance techniques, and then ambush and incapacitate even senior instructors, not to mention that a loss could mean dark mana injection—all while not allowing even a scratch?”

Velvet nodded with a face as if to say what the problem was.


“Director. I strongly propose that we take a break before we get hurt.”

The executive personnel tasked with capturing Oknodie unanimously suggested a strike.


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