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Chapter 526

<526 – I Didn't Expect It to Go This Well>

To divert attention from Jiang and Titosso, who had infiltrated the outer palace, Jezel actively continued a multi-faceted campaign of terror and incitement.

“What crime do the children from the border region have to be dragged here, unable to see the sunlight, and sold off to the noble’s training facilities? They are innocent. If the nobles are at fault, then the commoners must rise up and return them to their hometowns!”

“That’s right!”

“Damn those nobles!”

“Let’s throw all the filthy pedophiles in jail!”

“Is it right that the Security Force, funded by our taxes, protects those perverts?”

“Security Force for pedophiles, get lost! Get lost!”

Before long, the entire merchant street was filled with a procession of citizens staging a demonstration.

Jezel called a noblewoman from the social club who had rushed out, providing warm cloaks and water to the participating citizens, up to the platform.

“We strongly condemn the kidnapping of children in the empire’s border regions and the selling of girls as slaves by nobles. Such inhumane acts violate human dignity and rights, and are against the justice and equality of society.”

The noblewoman clenched her fist and slammed it down on the platform.

“We must prioritize the protection and safety of women and children. Anyone who attempts to support such cruel actions is betraying humanity and does not belong in our society.”

“Countess Baguette, you are so cool!”

“Creamy Baguette!”

“Let’s eat baguettes to cheer!”

Amidst the support from Countess Baguette’s faction, male fans mesmerized by her beauty shouted praises!

Fueled by the mounting passion, Countess Baguette grabbed Jezel’s hand and lifted it high.

“The reason we join the protest march led by Notary Zelji is to resist injustice and lead change. We all dream of a fair and free society, and for that, we must unite and pool our strength. The courage shown by one brave notary must be supported by aware intellectuals and all citizens!”

The commander of the Security Force, surrounded by the crowd, glared at the Countess with a disgusted expression.

“Isn’t it ridiculous that a person who spews nonsense like ‘If you’re hungry, just eat a baguette’ is suddenly pulling all this?”

The Security Force members instantly replied.

“Notary Zelji is really pitiful.”

“Are nobles really buying girls as slaves?”

“Dunno, kids. We just set up checkpoints when we get orders and barricade roads. If we get an order to suppress, we have to stab them with our spears.”

“Wow, damn.”

“Did I join the Security Force just for this? I’m feeling sick…”

Despite the noticeable drop in morale among the Security Force, the fervor of the speeches began to ignite even the onlookers inside the shops watching the demonstration.

“We are the owners of this land, and we will create the rules of this society together. We will strive to make a world where everyone can live a human life. And we will not allow the old, ugly nobles to control the empire!”


“Let’s go. Toward the palace! Let’s march to present our resolve to His Majesty the Emperor, to uphold the laws of the nation, the principles of humanity, and the future of enlightened individuals!!”


Citizens advanced toward the entry of the market street as if they would topple the Security Force any moment now.

Jezel held the hand of Countess Baguette as she descended from the platform, expressing her gratitude.

“Thank you so much. Thanks to the imperial conscience and the help of the enlightened Countess Baguette, the Security Force can no longer suppress the citizens with force.”

“Oh ho ho. Anyone would do this much for the pitiful children from the border regions. Rather, I want to thank you. When no one else dared to act, you were the first to take a courageous step, Notary Zelji.”

Although anyone who knew Jezel could easily recognize the insincere pseudonym, to those who didn’t, Zelji had become a respectable name in social activism.

‘It’s funny. An underworld trader aiming for the shadows is now celebrated in the light.’

While Jezel grinned subtly to herself, Son Ohchun, who had joined the protest, began hurling objects at the Security Force blockade.

“Damn the Security Force that oppresses the children and beast-folk of the border region!”


“Get lost! Get lost!”

“Get lost! Get lost!”

“Are these guys really insane?! Do you all want to be locked up in jail?! Just throwing random things! If you don’t stop this attack immediately, we’ll initiate a forceful suppression!”

As if mocking the fierce threats of the commander of the Security Force, Son Ohchun threw a tomato that hit the commander’s head.

The commander, unable to withstand the impact of the tomato, staggered and fell, which caused a sudden tense atmosphere.

The crowd, eager to protest but not ready to engage in a full-blown fight with the Security Force, began to waver!

‘Oh no, I shouldn’t be worried about Countess Baguette right now.’

Just as Jezel was about to incite the crowd again to prevent the protest from falling apart, she noticed a mushroom cloud rising near the palace gate.

“Zelji, you’re not… using us to commit a terrorist act, are you?”

The noblewoman’s gaze turned icy.

The citizens and the Security Force were growing tense.

Just then, a desperate cry came from beyond the blockade of the Security Force.

“Run! The protestors at the gate are being bombarded by the imperial artillery…!”

A man, staggering and bleeding, with torn clothes, shouted in despair. The unspoken mood that had been leaning toward dispersal abruptly began to change.

Dispersal was one thing.

But it wasn’t the kind of dispersal that came from hesitation.

Victims were emerging from the empire’s preemptive strike and now the flow was leaning towards a forced evacuation.

‘Who’s that guy?’

Jezel was flustered.

She had never envisioned that the dark trading faction would incite such a thorough uproar and Countess Baguette would voluntarily join in.

The unexpected large explosion and the emergence of victims had put both the Security Force and herself in a bind.

‘Wait a minute. Is it even possible to be swept up in an explosion at the gate and appear here in such a short time?’

The timing and distance didn’t add up.

It felt like an actor had been stealthily prepared for an unexpected incident.

Prepared actor…?

Jezel’s eyes sharpened.

There are still those who would oppose the empire’s actions, just like her.

‘It must be the remnants of the Revolutionary Army!’

The disturbance caused by the fake Revolutionary Army began to be taken advantage of by the real Revolutionary Army.

Jezel instinctively grabbed the wireless microphone enchanted with amplification magic.

“Does His Majesty really intend to trample the citizens with violence for the ugly pleasures of the nobles? I cannot accept this. We must uncover whether this is genuinely His Majesty’s intention or the treacherous deeds of the nobles to block petitions heading to him!”


“Even if the Security Force tries to stop us, we can’t halt anymore. It’s time for us to see the truth with our own eyes and ears. Let’s move forward for justice! Let’s move forward for truth!”

It was like riding the back of a tiger.

Jezel, in a ‘I don’t care anymore’ mindset, poured fuel onto the already flaming public sentiment.

Her speech was perilously close to being a final blow.

The angry citizens ripped apart the barricades without needing Son Ohchun’s lead.

“Commander of the Security Force, what should we do? Should we draw our swords and attack the protestors now?!”

“No, we won’t.”


“It’s not an explosion. Massacring civilians like that crosses the line. If it’s the Emperor’s will, that’s one thing, but if this is indeed the deeds of the nobles, we have no reason to sacrifice ourselves for such disgrace. From now on, the Third Security Force will advance with the protestors toward the palace gate!”

Now even the public authority was beginning to join the march!

Occasionally, other members of the Security Force rushed in with drawn weapons, but in an instant, the pathetic remnants of the Security Force crumbled before the passionate offensive of the adventurers from the regime, led by Son Ohchun.

The masses, who were once fearful of his violence, began to praise him instead.

“Jezel, haven’t we gone too far? What if the Emperor loses his cool and truly attacks?”

“Actually, this works in our favor. If the Emperor steps out of the palace, it will be easier for our little lady to escape. If the situation gets worse, the crowd will know to disperse on their own. Having experienced the failure of the revolutionaries and revolution, they’ll know when to retreat.”

Those who had seen so much bloodshed due to the hypocritical acts of the revolutionaries wouldn’t panic and flee when faced with typical revolutionary rhetoric in critical moments.

Jezel thought this was a rational view and maintained that outlook.

“Oh no. It’s not the Emperor, but the Crown Prince has emerged from the palace. And he’s mobilized the palace knights!”

“It’s time to retreat. Isabel, remain in a safe location and observe. Let’s see how deep the populace’s loathing for revolution is.”

The Crown Prince issued a stern warning toward the protestors.

“Noble slave trading is utterly unfounded, and the royal family does not condone it. Disband the protest immediately, and those who do not clear the palace grounds will become targets for the palace knights. Do you understand?”

The protestors were torn between hope and despair.

Jezel, confidently gripping the microphone again, spoke out.

“Everyone, do not fear death. Sometimes, sacrifices for a greater cause must be made for a better future. The blood you shed today will be the sacred fertilizer for the empire’s justice and world peace. The common sense of the world must not bow down before the authority of the royal family. You are not alone. The Revolutionary Army stands with you!”

Just as Jezel predicted, the crowd plunged into confusion.

“Revolutionary Army all of a sudden?”

“What? That person was part of the Revolutionary Army?”

“Then we’ve been part of the Revolutionary Army all along?”


Panic and retreat were the way to go.

If they mixed into the retreating crowd, the Crown Prince and the palace knights would have a hard time resuming their search for us between the masses.

It would be a life-or-death game of hide and seek, but…

At least a first year should have had some experience hiding from upperclassmen.

Though not nearly as refined as an assassin’s, Jezel had confidence she could buy a few days’ time.

“So the Revolutionary Army were the good guys all along?”

“What if the empire spread false rumors to keep us from realizing the truth about the Revolutionary Army!”

“If we had known the Revolutionary Army was so great, we would have helped long ago. Our biases made us ignore the death of the revolutionaries!”


“Don’t get caught up in guilt. We still have our revolutionary fighters left!”

“Yeah! The great Notary Zelji is the true successor to lead the Revolutionary Army after the revolutionaries! As long as Zelji is here, we won’t succumb to the pressures of the royal family!”

“What… what is happening??”

Before the public’s currents slipped beyond his control.

“That Countess Baguette will officially declare her involvement with the Revolutionary Army today!”

“All the members of our bakery salon will follow Countess Baguette!”

“Hey, are you all crazy? If you do that, you might get executed for treason!”

Desperately trying to dissuade them, Jezel felt a pat on her shoulder from Countess Baguette.

“Stop. Don’t try to bear such a heavy burden alone anymore. We may have turned away from revolutionaries, but Zelji, we will not turn away from you.”

Wiping her tears with a handkerchief, Countess Baguette overcame her sorrow and revealed her true intent for the revolution.

“Your Revolutionary Army is not just yours, Zelji. It’s now our Revolutionary Army, it’s now our revolution!”


The wave of revolution that would earn applause from the revolutionary spirits in the Netherworld began to engulf the realm.


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