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Chapter 48

<48 - First Practice>

As the professor mentioned, the “Cultivating Insight” lecture was supposed to be attended by both first-year and second-year students, but there were only a handful of second-years sitting in the classroom.

Isabel felt an ominous warning from the instincts typical of adventurers.

“Why are there so few second-years?”

“It’s still early for course selection. I’m sure more people will show up by the time the lecture starts.”

As time passed, more students began to filter into the classroom, as Jezel had predicted. However, the overwhelming majority of the newcomers were first-years, and no more second-years showed up.

“Just as I thought, they aren’t increasing.”

Was Isabel’s anxiety contagious? Jezel couldn’t hide her unease and approached a second-year student to ask.

“Excuse me, can I ask the seniors why there seem to be so few second-year students attending this lecture?”

“Are you worried because there are a lot of first-years but only the three of us second-years?”

As Jezel fumbled with a friendly smile, the second-year senior, Bixton, fiddled with the insignia on his school uniform, a symbol of being upperclassmen.

Seniors. Until last year, they were first-years too, making the sudden title feel strange, and curious, prompting a desire to poke fun at them, so she delayed her answer.

“I think I know why.”


“Is it because it has a bad reputation?”

Oknodie interjected with a curious look, joining the conversation between Jezel and the second-year senior.

“Oh, no! Don’t say such things; the professor is right here!”

“But why are you sweating so much?”

“Who says I’m sweating!?”

“You, senior.”

“I said I’m not!”

“Is it that only three are attending because you got an F last year and are retaking the course?”

“No! The professor doesn’t give harsh grades, and there aren’t any rumors about it being dangerous!”

Several first-year students, who had been eavesdropping with keen interest, left the classroom with puzzled expressions.

“I wasn’t hoping for even one to lower their scores for us to blend in!”

About a dozen students glared at the seniors before exiting the classroom.

“Since the professor was a rogue active in the Holy Central Empire, students taking this lecture won’t be treated as would-be thieves or have their reputations endangered at all!”

Half of the remaining students rushed after the new students who had exited first. They were mostly first-years from Group B, who didn’t have the courage to attend a forbidden lecture that would block their paths to success.

“Oh, Bixton. I didn’t realize you had such impure thoughts while attending this lecture.”

“Ah! I’ve been found out!!”

If only he hadn’t said anything! Why did he suddenly self-destruct?

Isabel thought to herself that he was a strange senior.


Oknodie seemed to find it funny, covering her mouth with her hand and laughing, much like Arcadia typically did. Though her gesture mirrored that of imperial noble ladies, it still looked cute, so who cared?

“Should we go too?”

“Oknodie is still listening.”

“With the top student from Group A holding strong, do we really need to worry about what the imperial students think?”

“It’s the Central Empire.”

A first-year student in the corner of the classroom interjected with a serious tone.

“The term ‘Empire’ refers to both the Central Empire and the Eastern Empire. It’s best to clarify to avoid being perceived as the same.”

One of the competent students who had made a strong impression since the entrance exam, Eastern Swordsman Sing, spoke up.

“Wow, look at that face. He seems really angry.”

“Sorry. I guess I would feel offended if I was mixed up with Central folks too.”

“We were obviously referring to the Central Empire.”

Sing closed his eyes again and lowered his hand, which had rested on the sword sheath. Only then did the tension that had filled the classroom dissipate.

“Don’t misunderstand, you guys. Bixton isn’t a madman; he just has been affected by a [Confession of Heart] status condition for a week because he inhaled steam wrongly while brewing potions.”

“No! It’s not like that! The friend I secretly liked is him! I didn’t confess because of the potion effect and I’ve never fallen into the ‘Confession of Heart’ status! I’m not contemplating suicide and I’m still somewhat shy about making eye contact!”

“…So this is what’s happening.”

This senior is seriously confessing!

Is there a chance this could happen? They’ve been turned down but still hang out together.

First-years, including Isabel, were filled with curiosity at the unfolding drama. Questions like, “When did he confess?” and “What will appear in this semester’s midterms?” poured out, while Isabel turned to Oknodie.

“Oknodie, what do you think? Do you think this lecture will be okay?”

“Of course! It may be difficult, the grades might be low, and the reputation might plummet, but as long as it’s enjoyable, it’s all good!”


Shouldn’t she be considering her own future rather than just Oknodie’s?

Isabel seriously contemplated escaping the classroom, realizing how much time she had wasted because of the second-year senior.

Ding ding ding…

“Let’s wrap up the chit-chat. It’s time to start the lecture.”

The lecture had begun.


The professor started with his introduction.
Bronze de Estrada.

His elegantly scripted name was written boldly on the blackboard.

“I am Bronze de Estrada. That’s the name of this professor.”

Ding ding ding…

“As Bixton mentioned, before being invited as a professor at the Academy, I was active as a rogue in the Central Empire.”

Ding ding ding…

“Some may doubt my qualifications, but a rogue is a profession that takes on adventures in the nighttime streets of the Empire. I assure you, I am more than qualified to be a professor in the Adventure Department, so you can rest easy.”

Ding ding ding…

“Excuse me, but the bell has been ringing continuously.”

Despite announcing the start of the lecture, the bell showed no signs of stopping. One frustrated new student raised their hand and spoke.

“Oh, that’s a method you can use to leave the lecture.”


“There are ways to cultivate insight by reading a book, but you can also cultivate it through intuitive practice. And considering that rogues rely on their feet, we’ll be conducting some light practice with those in this class.”

Holding a baton in one hand, Professor Estrada rhythmically waved it through the air, and Oknodie tugged at Isabel and Jezel’s sleeves.


In response to the puzzled looks from the two, Oknodie opened her hands to cover her ears with a goofy smile.

Is she saying to imitate her?

Maybe this is just playful mischief typical of a child.

Even so, covering one’s ears during a lecture seems terribly rude.

Just as Isabel was about to gently scold her, Professor Estrada spread his hands like an orchestra conductor and gave a playful smile reminiscent of Oknodie.

The next moment, a commotion broke out in a manner unimaginable for a lecture in the world’s best academy.

Bee bee bee…
Ding ding ding!
Get up, it’s morning! Get up, it’s morning!
Weee-ing… Weee-ing… Weee-ing…
Ding ding ding in your ears.
Bee! Bee! Bee! Bee! Bee! Bee! Bee!
Ding ding ding…


“My ears!”

“I feel like I’m going crazy!”

Drowning in a storm of ringing bells!

Isabel and Jezel held their ears in horror at the auditory terror unfolding all around them.

“Alright, everyone. Now I’ll reveal the practical exercise for our first lecture. Students who showcase their ‘insight’ by finding and deactivating the hidden bells in the classroom can escape immediately.”

“Of course, students lacking in insight will be left behind with me in the lecture hall filled with the sound of bells.”

“Just to note, if everyone finds all the bells, you can all escape immediately. If you work together to deactivate all the bells, I will also grant extra credit, but only for those who stay until the end.”

The first-years instantly understood the meaning behind Bixton’s earlier comment.

“This is pure evil, isn’t it?!”

“No wonder the second-year seniors aren’t attending!”

“Wait, we have second-year seniors here! If they’re around, they’ll definitely know how to escape…”

The second-years clashed with Axe for emergency exits and emergency lights hanging over the classroom exit, shouting out.

“Objects, return to your original form!”

“Return to original form!”

“I found it, this damn alarm clock!”

Bang bang bang!

The first-years were shocked as they watched the stunned second-years hit the buttons of the alarm clocks that reverted to their original shapes.

“The clocks were under a transformation spell too!”

“Oh my god, this is cheating!”

“We haven’t even learned that yet!!”

The professor received the alarm clocks submitted by the second-years and nodded his head, murmuring an “Mm”.

“Not slow like the new ones; you guys passed. It seems retaking the course is worth it.”

“Thanks! We’ll be heading out now, juniors.”

The first-years glared at the seniors with betrayal written all over their faces.

“Seniors! How can you leave us behind while you escape!”

“We were abandoned just like you last year.”


The unbroken history and tradition of malevolence continued through the lecture time, transcending grades!

In the midst of the disheartened first-years, only Isabel and Jezel exchanged different expressions.

“Oknodie, how did you know about this?”

“Does Oknodie’s family perhaps share the practical assignments too?”


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