Switch Mode

Chapter 478

<478 – Meaningless Proposal>

“Then let’s go see the treasure.”

Professor Bronze opened the door to the treasure vault.

As soon as Jiang stepped inside, his expression was as if he were a prisoner stepping into a magical territory. He hesitated with a squeaky face, surprised at what awaited him.

“Mana wave?”

He felt it.

From all over the treasure vault.

A multitude of treasures emitted a thrum of waves that were vivid even beyond the display cases, colliding chaotically and ricocheting all over the place.

“Ugh. My head hurts.”

“That’s what happens to treasure vault beginners!”

“…You’re a beginner too, you know?”

Jiang stood tall, determined to not show his discomfort, thanks to Oknodie’s annoyingly nonchalant attitude!

Professor Bronze leisurely began the internal tour of the treasure vault, as if inviting those who could keep up.

“This is the Numbers Treasure Vault’s Triple Hall exhibiting number 900. It possesses artifacts considered to be among the weakest in the Numbers Treasure Vault. Yet even these are so incredible that not even first-year students or even fourth-year ones can resist drooling over them. Look at this.”


[Multiplying Meat (Artifact +14), Numbers 999]

Grade – Unique Level 3

Description – Meat that was enhanced to such an extent by a mad enhancer that it caused a famine in a whole country. The enhancer dreamed of infinitely plentiful meat but never met their expectations. This artifact also has serious side effects.

Effect 1 – The meat multiplies inside the case.

Effect 2 – The meat is kept fresh within the case.

Effect 3 – Grants special dietary effects to the meat.

Effect 4 – Gives the meat satiety enhancement effects.

Effect 5 – There is a 0.1% chance a monster will be born from cell multiplication.

Effect 6 – There is a 0.01% chance of a mutation arising from cell multiplication.

Effect 7 – ???

Effect 8 – ???

Appraisal value – 350,000 gold coins, 35 million points


After failing the fourth-year promotion test, he needed 10 million points to advance through point manipulation.

Considering the huge sum, 35 million points was an enormous fortune.

At the same time, it felt just a bit lacking to be hailed as the Numbers.

“There’s potential in the multiplying meat. If we create a larger case to contain it, more meat can grow. But that carries the risk of fighting against monsters and mutations that arise from the meat. If we build too large a case…”

“Are we talking about a monster so strong it could take lives?”

“What about the Disciples of the Life Thief? Do you have the desire to take the life of a massive monster emerging from a giant case?”

“Not at all.”

There was no reason to seek unnecessary battles.

Especially not against giant species.

Assassins weren’t exactly a class meant for fighting monstrous creatures.

Their main bread and butter involved human assassination requests.

Even when fighting strong enemies, the target was usually a human.

Familiar with human anatomy, weaknesses were easy to exploit.

“What a shame. Well then, there’s no need to battle the holder of ticket number 999.”

“A ticket battle?”

“A battle where a student holding a ticket close to 1 fights against another student with a ticket closer to 999 to seize their ticket rights. The victor can take a lower number.”

“Then a student with ticket number one could monopolize all the tickets!”

“The appraisal for Numbers artifacts increases with the numbers above it. There aren’t many who can accumulate enough points to rent out all the artifacts. Even if you obtain a single number artifact ticket, it’s only advantageous for accessing a needed artifact.”

“What about lower numbers aiming for higher ones?”

“They can challenge up to 50 rankings higher. You don’t need to worry about vacant slots. In that case, you’ll face the corresponding Numbers Guardians created by the principal.”

“…They must be incredibly strong, right?”

“At the very least, you’ll need to be in the upper class for third-year students to win. Even those fourth-years who succeeded in advancing with points sometimes get utterly wrecked by Numbers Guardians.”

Jiang snickered.

At least he realized one advantage.

“Number 39 is an incredibly high number, right? I can target all numbers from 1 to 999.”

“All numbers up to 51 receive such evaluations. That’s why it’s also risky.”

“…Could seniors be aiming for this number?”

“There are some foolish enough to prefer fighting lower-ranking juniors over Numbers Guardians.”

Jiang despaired like a child who had candy taken away.

“When I reach second year, will I get ambushed every day by upperclassmen chasing after numbers?”

“What do you think the academy is? If they raid while stealing regular lecture hours, no lectures will go properly.”

“Phew. It doesn’t happen all the time, then.”

“Proper raid times are set between 10 PM and 4 AM. So you should be careful during night classes or when resting.”


“If you had attended the [How to Sleep Well Anywhere] lecture, you’d be at an advantage now.”

That was exactly why Duke Andersen had an edge.

Difficult lectures often bring unexpected benefits!

“Professor! Don’t scare Jiang too much. If he hides the fact he’s a high-number holder, he won’t need to worry about indiscriminate raids!”

“Oknodie, first-year student. Sometimes you feel less like a mere classmate and more like a distant senior. There’s no cute factor in being terrified of the upcoming future.”

“I’m a bit impressive, you know. I’m my father’s proud daughter! Hee hee hee.”


Professor Bronze reached out.



“Mental Restoration.”

“What are you doing?”

“I thought you might have been hit by a mental attack due to your unusual words. You’re neither fake nor out of your mind.”

How rude.

What does the professor think of me normally?

“Then let’s continue the tour. High-number holders can view lower-number artifacts. Provided you can withstand the mana waves of the Numbers. Think you can make it?”

At the professor’s question before the exit to the 900-number display case, Jiang hesitated before nodding.


No sooner had he crossed the barrier that blocked the waves than the mana waves emitted from the 800-number display case pierced their bodies.


Jiang wobbled as he staggered.

His crumbling body regained its balance remarkably but appeared perilously close to collapse.

“Jiang. You just used Pain Block!”

“I was frustrated, but I couldn’t hold on barehanded.”

Powerful magical tools come with powerful consequences.

Sometimes, pure mana consumption, like with Titosso’s light stand, is immense, or the drawbacks are offset instead of diminishing to maintain the magical tool’s performance, turning them into a weapon too.

With around 100 such incredible magical tools releasing waves, it was only natural for anyone to struggle to endure.

“I’d be able to handle a lot more if I just had one more year!”

Unfortunately, Jiang lacked depth in practicing his arts.

His amount of possessed mana wasn’t that impressive either.

Thus, the maximum number he could handle was area 800.

“Looks like this is the limit. First-year Jiang, you’ll wait back at area 900.”


As Professor Bronze sent him off, his steps quickened.

“How far are you going?”

“To area 500.”

As they entered area 700, the shape of the domain I formed crumpled.

Once they crossed into area 600, the domain folded in on itself furiously.

By the time they hit area 500, the domain shattered into pieces.


Professor Bronze reached out to save me from a position where he could respond at any moment, but his hand couldn’t fulfill its purpose and just hovered in the air.

[Domain Expansion]

High-quality mana can establish its own realm.

Typically, one can only do this at the fourth year, but who cares when it’s in front of the professor!

Thanks to the unusually pure dark mana, I could withstand the waves with defensibility that was on a different level.

“Well done, that’s quite the trick!”

“I’m my father’s proud daughter! Hee hee hee.”

“Enough with the nonsense already, look at this.”

Professor Bronze pointed to one of the Numbers magical tools stored on the display shelf.


[Golden Monocle (Artifact +14)], Numbers 550

Grade – Unique Level 2

Description – A wealthy merchant who wanted to perceive the value of all things at a glance sought to replace his lack of talent in discernment with the power of capital. The merchant went bankrupt, but thanks to his determination, the century’s masterpiece, the Golden Monocle, was born.

Effect 1 – Discerns the effects of all objects.

Effect 2 – Discerns the secret effects of all objects.

Effect 3 – Discerns the appraisal value of all objects.

Effect 4 – ???

Effect 5 – ???

Effect 6 – ???

Effect 7 – ??? discerns the wearer.

Appraisal value – 1.8 million gold coins, 180 million points


The monocle sparkled.

Even with just one eye worn, it could give an oh-so-cool effect casting beautiful light against glasses.

“This magical tool can discern not just objects but also people. It’s an amazing item that can immediately uncover all those below a certain level of foundation scholarship students.”

“Wow, really?”

“From the Foundation’s perspective, this artifact is number one on their priority list to acquire and break.”

“I see!”

“But it won’t be easy. This artifact isn’t in the students’ hands right now.”

“Is it guarded by the principal’s guardian?”

“No, the one who defeated that guardian is the one currently possessing it.”

“Who is that?”

“Bronze de Estrada.”


“That’s the professor standing right in front of you.”

Professor Bronze looked down at me with inscrutable eyes.

“Do you want it?”

“Well, as my father’s daughter, it would be nice to get it, but I’m not sure for now!”

“If you develop a desire, let me know.”

“Will you give it to me?”

“Someday. Depending on the terms of the deal.”

What could the professor possibly desire?

“That concludes the tour. Double numbers are still too early for you to explore. I’ll determine that with my guiding authority. We’ll wrap up today’s tour here.”

With a proposal that puzzled me, the treasure vault tour came to an end.


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not work with dark mode