Switch Mode

Chapter 473

<473 - Forced Employment of BGM Master>

To use a BGM Master as the BGM head for the Blood Band, one prerequisite must be met.

“Did you receive the academic stay extension permit?”

“I failed the review. To stay here after the exam period, I must cooperate with the professors, which comes with restrictions on my actions and living under strict surveillance. In that case, I cannot provide the cooperation that the lady desires.”

“Oh dear. You must have been causing too much trouble to receive a high danger rating!”

For the time being, I brought him to my private room to come up with a solution.

“But what’s your relationship with my father?”

“Who is the lady’s father?”

“Oh come on, don’t act like you don’t know. He’s the director of the Wahyhiemhai Foundation.”

“On what basis do you think I know your father?”

“There’s no way a father who’s so interested in his daughter didn’t send a single associate for the first-year exam. So I thought he’d send the strongest and most dangerous individuals as opponents.”

“You have a great deal of trust in your father.”

“Heh, it’s normal.”

If I were to raise a daughter, I’d probably send my most trustworthy and strongest subordinates to boost her stats immensely.

Despite being a random papa, I feel a good connection with the director, almost as if we share blood.

“More importantly, it’s truly a headache. I can’t carry it in my hat, and it’s awkward to store on the wall.”

Heh heh. “Is this really something to laugh about?”

“Why are you laughing? I’m not joking! There are people in the hat and behind the wall!”


Suddenly, the atmosphere turned chilly.

[You idiot. Why did you say that?]


I laughed in response to Senior Alice’s reprimand.

“I was joking. You can laugh now.”

“… Your jokes are lethal. I feel like my heart will stop from laughing twice.”

The executive’s dress shirt was drenched in cold sweat.

”Regardless, to provide BGM within the academy, I must also stay here. There are numerous spells to conceal and block location tracking with unapproved communication magical tools, severely limiting my range of use.”

“Oh dear.”

“If you don’t find a way for me to obtain a permit or secretly stay hidden to escape the communication tool’s range, I don’t think you’ll be able to have your dedicated BGM Master.”

“This is getting troublesome.”

“Well, don’t be too discouraged. Aren’t you quite promising? After graduating from the academy and joining the Blood Band, you’ll be able to cross battlefields with me, performing to the screams and wails of countless humans. I, Elettrico, will eagerly await that day.”

As I struck a pose of deep thought, pressing my index and middle fingers against my temple for inspiration, suddenly, the departing executive’s gaze landed on me.

More precisely, he started staring intently at the backpack slung over my back.

“Do you perhaps have any special magical tools stored in that backpack?”

“If I put magical tools in a magic backpack, it could burst, you know?”

“But it’s definitely in there, right?”

“Well, yes!”

Naturally, I had various magical tools stabilized within the backpack.

On a whim, I began pulling out the magical tools one by one.

The [Vacuum Cleaner] used to plunder blood gathered by Tetraphos.

The [Creepy Straw Sandals] made from Professor Sadako’s hair.

The [Golem Summoning Orb], the vehicle used for the exam last semester.

The [Silkworm Wing Cloth] made from the shed skin of the Silkworm Queen.

The [Strange Instrument] that Jonnas gave as a present from Reap.

The [Paper Aircraft Carrier] enhanced with a spell to automatically fold paper airplanes.

“That one.”

“The Paper Aircraft Carrier?”

“That bright red mini violin sitting behind you.”


As I picked up the mini violin, memories flooded back.

– It’s a gift from Reap. Considering your growth rate, I’ve brought enhanced candy and an assassination weapon needed for academy life, along with a secret instrument.

– Got it! So I just grab the handle and whack it down, like this!

– Detailed instructions are in the textbook, but be careful, as swinging it carelessly could cut your hand or cause the instrument to explode.

Jonnas had definitely handed me this kind of instrument along with a candy basket during his visit!

“Why this?”

“That’s a Bloody Collection made using the same method as the provided to the executives of the Blood Band.”

“Oooh. Bloody Collection!”

“Do you know about it?”

“The name sounds cool!”

“… The Bloody Collection is a mass destruction musical instrument that, when mana is injected in a specific way into the instrument, sends out sound waves with various additional effects.”

“How did Reap give this to me?”

“Could you tell me who Reap is?”

“The Cleaning Maid!”

“… Is it okay to laugh?”

“I’m not joking!”

Though a bit confused, I managed to gather myself and returned to Havi Nodi with a chuckle.

“So, why were you looking for that instrument?”

“I somehow see potential in it. It can store certain sounds… Yes, storage. This instrument specializes in storage.”

“Oh, I see! How do you store sounds?”

“First, press your fingers against the needle visible on the strings and inject blood. That’s the bonding process.”


I went ouch, thinking it’d look cute, but the executive didn’t even flinch.

If it were Isabel or Jezel, they’d rush over and be like, “What about our baby Nodi?! Waaaah!” and worry about me, but the executive just stood there acting tough, how cruel!

Hmph, I’m sulking!

“The resonance sound of the strings automatically ringing indicates that the bond has been completed. Now, hold the instrument, operate the Mana Flow Technique, and draw mana to the instrument. It will teach you how to use it on its own.”

As I lightly stirred my mana, the instrument hummed and seemed to plead for something.

It sounded like a starving Goo Mandragora asking for food.

“Ah ha! I see now! It’s an instrument that eats sounds!”

When sounds were stored, they would be kept in the instrument slot, but like a dimension-thieving monster occasionally sneaking an item from my inventory, this instrument had the bad habit of pulling out stored sounds one at a time.

Since I had never used the instrument since receiving it, it looked pitiful, probably starving while barely surviving on a few remaining stored sounds.

Poor thing.

It must’ve gone through a lot.

I gently stroked the instrument and made several sounds.




While the instrument eagerly absorbed the sounds, it showed no signs of settling down.

Like a cursed item, it tried to draw my mana instead of sounds.


But this greedy movement might just leave room for a person’s consciousness to enter.

“Hey, Executive. Earlier, you mentioned that I had to either get a stay permit from the academy or find a way to get help while lying low to escape the communication tool’s distance restrictions, right?”

“That’s correct.”

“I think I found a method!”

“You’re saying that so soon? Truly impressive talent. You are the chief scholarship student, indeed.”

“Then please hold this for a moment!”

I handed the instrument to the executive.

Taken aback, he stared at the instrument in horror.

“What on earth…! What have you done to the instrument!!”

“I’ve thought of a way to hide without the academy’s permission, and I didn’t have to think about the communication tool’s range, and there’s a method to have BGM replayed nearby at all times!”

“You mean this instrument is forcibly drawing my mana right now!!”

“Ah, the output was a bit weak, huh? So I just adjusted my hand a little. Hehehe. Just wait a minute, and the transfer will happen soon.”

“Transfer? What’s being transferred? Where to!!”

“Oh? That would mean the executive’s soul is to be transferred into the instrument.”

The executive suddenly sprayed blood from all seven orifices while desperately trying to resist.

Of course, against my blood manipulation technique that even Tetraphos’s cruel blood technique couldn’t stop, the executive’s feeble resistance as his soul was drawn into the instrument was futile.

[Blood Sound Technique - Forced Awakening]

[Blood Manipulation Technique]

[Awakening Destruction!]

“If the soul resides in the instrument, you won’t have to worry about the communication tool’s distance, and when the professor passes by, they’ll just think, ‘Ah, a generic tool,’ without recognizing which soul it is. Two problems solved in one brilliant idea! Right?”

“How could you commit such a heinous act without the consent of the party involved? Are you even a student of the academy!!”

Consent from the party involved?


Now I finally understood what the executive was mistaken about.

“That’s only required for official visitors or students of the academy. Who asks permission from an illegal resident who hasn’t obtained a stay extension?”


“Don’t worry too much. Uncle Elettrico loved to play music of screams and wails, right? While playing BGM, you’ll be able to hear the screams and wails of enemies nearby, so your job satisfaction is guaranteed. Isn’t the welfare fantastic?”

The executive, unable to respond, became more and more gaunt!

“How can you commit such acts against someone willing to help you? Do you think you’ll get away with this!!!”

“But you are a person specialized in mass murder, aren’t you? Wandering around and killing a lot of people will quickly increase the regional event progress and trigger various perks, but wouldn’t it be more beneficial to fulfill your impulses only in places you desire and with people you want?”

A win-win for both parties!

It sounds strange expressing it like this, doesn’t it?

“Oh right.”

I almost forgot an important point.

“Sometimes when I’m busy, and if I can’t collect the proper sounds, you’ll have to scream until the instrument is satisfied. Otherwise, your soul might be entirely devoured by the instrument!”

Hearing this precaution, the executive’s physique shrank like a mummy and crumbled away.

Nice, mission complete.

With this, BGM Master Elettrico will always be with his instrument!

Just then, someone arrived to help with the test.

Peeking through the open window, I asked Instructor Hitler.

“Wow! Perfect timing! I’ve just obtained a great BGM generator, could you help me test it out?”

Got a new item, gotta do a performance test!


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