Switch Mode

Chapter 371

<371 - Pandora's Box>

The foundation will never let Oknodie roam freely.

If they knew of her talent, it would be even more so.

Jiang had accompanied them to both the cruise ship and the Director’s Mansion.

He even faced the Director directly.

Seeing it with his own eyes and experiencing it physically.

All the data accumulated through experience was telling him.

“I couldn’t think of any other reason to conceal the existence of the letter box even knowing it was there. And judging by your reaction, it seems my expectations were right.”

“Did Rung Nosa not teach you something like this? Don’t meddle in the affairs of other organizations and bring trouble upon yourself.”

Jonnas’ killing intent thickened.

It was definitely not genuine.

A reflexive action, like swatting at an annoying mosquito buzzing nearby.

Even with that feeble instinct, Jiang felt his intangible realm crumple mercilessly.


Such strength.

Such a man.

Even this butler cannot escape the foundation’s grasp, nor the Director’s pressure.

The Wahyhiemhai Foundation is an organization far more dangerous than anyone knew.

He had forgotten this fact when beside Oknodie.

‘How could I forget?’

Honestly, it didn’t feel real.

She had only bragged about Jonnas.

Especially after visiting.

Every female student must have thought at least once, “I want a butler too.”

“Oknodie always carries a whistle.”


“That way, they can confirm they’re connected to the butler. They say they’ll never lose it, keeping it on their person instead of putting it in their bag.”


“Oknodie has innate qualities as an assassin, but they haven’t fully bloomed yet. They possess too many emotions.”

Despite feeling oppressed, Jiang acknowledged that he was no ordinary first year, determined to protect his small territory.

Jiang’s uniqueness was proven not just through his domain, but also through his words.

“If this letter is indeed part of that merciless Director’s plan, then Oknodie would surely be greatly distressed. They would feel a tremendous sense of betrayal from the adult they trusted and relied on most.”


“Telling me is of no use. Assassins let the night’s dealings slip away into the shadows as dawn breaks.”

Jiang shoved a Pandora’s box he had long turned away from back into Jonnas’ hands.

“You decide. Whether to burn this box and eliminate it, or to wake up to true numbness after a deep betrayal.”

He couldn’t block Jonnas’ small steps as he left the office, pushing against his energy.

As always, he felt weaker before such small steps.


On a Sunday with no classes.

While lounging around, attempting the [Delinquent Student] challenge by gluing pages of a submitted assignment together, a shadow suddenly fell over my head, and a very prickly gaze poked my back.

“Ah, I didn’t do anything!”

Quickly shoving glue into my sleeve and covering the assignment while turning around.

Fortunately, the one watching me wasn’t a warrior, a saint, or a member of the Warrior’s Guard, but a passing instructor.

“Oknodie, first year.”


“Jonnas the Professor has called for you. Follow me.”


What? They just came to deliver a message.

Feeling relieved, I followed behind when the instructor suddenly dropped a surprise bomb.

“The fine for playing around with another student’s submitted assignment is 100 points.”


“Since it’s your first offense, it’s just this time, but if you’re caught again, be prepared for a much bigger expenditure.”


From now on, I should focus and use the glue only inside the assignment storage box.

But how do I distinguish which one is the warrior’s assignment?

Wait, do I even need to differentiate?

If I glue them all just for taking the same class as the warrior, then that’s that!

Completing more challenges would be great too.

It’s also my responsibility as a veteran player to teach the later years the importance of placing defense magic on submitted assignments!

“Oknodie student has arrived.”

“Good work.”

Upon reaching the office, the instructor who brought me stood by the hallway wall, like a soldier following only Jonnas’ orders.

Given he was waiting nearby, it was clear he was either an aide assigned by the foundation or a watchful eye from the academy.

“Did you come?”

“Jiang? What are you doing here?”

“Your professor called for you.”


Even the way he bit into a cookie was surprisingly cautious for Jiang.

Without gulping a big piece, he nibbled on the small morsel like a timid little animal, waiting to see my reaction.

Unlike the wary little creature that was Jiang, I tossed a cookie straight into my open mouth and chewed.

Mmm~ Such a delightful sweetness!

“Why did you call for me, Jonnas? Is it because you missed me so much that you summoned me again during the day?”

“That could be one way to view it.”

As Jonnas’ flirtatious expression left me momentarily speechless.

Um, umm…

How do I react in situations like this?


With a playful smile, I leaned in closer.

“Isn’t it true, Jonnas? You must really like me, right? No matter how much you want to avoid it, you’re a teacher and I’m a student. We’re trapped in the academic schedule~?”

“Please don’t lean against my leg while saying such things. This is a serious conversation.”

A serious conversation, huh.

Should I treat it seriously then?

When I jumped up onto a chair, Jonnas gestured toward a box beside the cookie plate on the table.

“This box contains letters from the former Agassis I serve.”

“Former Agassis… other Agassis…?”

“If you open this box, you may find out about certain events that occurred at the academy and some past mistakes from me that I would rather conceal.”

What a coward.

Jiang cursed softly.

“You can open or burn it; it’s all up to your decision.”

“This is so sudden! It’s like an ex-girlfriend suddenly confessing secrets she kept hidden!”

The bizarre analogy made Jiang’s mouth itch to retort.

“Why are you revealing such things to me all of a sudden? You could have kept it a secret.”


“Is it because of guilt? Like how a girlfriend who has become devoted to her current boyfriend thinks she can accept his past if he is this man.”

Jiang’s voice wavered beneath the mask, perhaps due to my analogy of switching genders.

Sorry, Jiang.

But I can’t help that I’m used to leaning toward the male perspective!

I’ll get you implants later, so please forgive me!

“You’re correct, Agassi.”

Instead of denying, Jonnas openly accepted it.

“I am relying on your kindness now, begging for mercy. It’s because I hold the foolish desire to be forgiven for the irreversible mistakes of the past.”

Always so proud as a butler, but for today, a trace of guilt flickered beneath his fierce expression.

Like how I was when staring at my favorite character during the newbie days, unable to save students repeatedly.

Jonnas’ presence was a clear reflection of my past.


When I grasped his hand, Jonnas flinched a little at the newfound pressure.

Approaching as if dealing with a fragile child was a little intolerable.


Gripping tightly, I felt a different kind of flinch from Jonnas’ hand.

“Don’t let go first.”


“I decide when to hold hands or let go!”


“How could a veteran player dislike the backstory of a beloved character? I didn’t expect a butler to have a unique storyline like a new playable character!”

Why would I dislike a butler with a favorability level of 100?

He is definitely on my side!

Tears welled in Jonnas’ eyes.

“Then, shall I burn it?”

“No way! Why would I burn it? I need to see everything.”


“A veteran player would never skip a new event! I need to savor every script, so how could I waste it by being picky about side dishes?”

Even if I open the box, I won’t be disappointed.

I should be able to read it, right?

Trust me and just stand there waiting!

With confidence, my hand reached toward the box that was about to be opened.

“Please don’t look.”

Jonnas’ insistence countered my will.

I was honestly surprised by his strong stance.

So Jonnas could throw such a tantrum!

Perfect timing for an event to trigger.


[Pandora's Box Unexpected Event]

Jonnas brought a box filled with letters from the former Agassis but does not want you to see it.

If you read the traces of his past hidden secrets, you might discover new secrets about the foundation.

However, as a master, is it correct to forcibly dig up secrets your loyal butler wishes to keep private?

It’s time for you to make a decision between the innocent yearning for secrets and the mature responsibility of protecting a butler’s secrets.


An unknown choice.

A crossroads of two options.

But no mystery is too daunting for a veteran player.

Even if it’s a new event.

The strength gained from Papa’s mansion isn’t solely for collecting rare items.

[Insight Function Experience Points have exceeded 200.]

[Specialization Trait [Reward Anticipation] has activated.]

[Upon viewing the letters, you will acquire [Foundation’s Secret Information] and [Jonnas' Hidden Past], as well as a decline in Jonnas’ loyalty.]

[If you choose not to open the letters, your curiosity over the unseen letters may lead you to suffer from a status condition [Insomnia] for a certain period, while butler Jonnas faces the foundation’s retribution.]

Insight gained from appraising rare items in Papa’s mansion came into effect.

One side offers a reward; the other, punishment.

Even a fool can discern what’s more valuable at such a junction.

As my heart wavered, Jonnas’ hand slipped free from mine.


Before Jonnas could stop it, my hand reached across the table, and the hat on my head twitched and conveyed a voice through [Telepathy] into my mind.

[You don’t have to open it.]


[There are letters written by me in there too.]


The 2nd Hat dropped a shocking revelation.


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not work with dark mode