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Chapter 222

<222 - A Debt That Will Be Repaid Someday>


[Favorability Event]

Arcadia Sebiche has decided to cherish the friendship with you, who didn’t abandon her even in the face of the family’s crisis.

Instead of risking danger to steal the ledgers, she invites you to join her in an adventure to raid the family’s hidden funds, which could be the foundation for her new life.

You, who has facilitated misfortune to manipulate this pitiful yet amazing Agassi’s heart, now have a splendid opportunity to shake off the pain that your conscience has been pleading about!


For at least one supporting character, there will be a forced exit event from the Academy.

Depending on the competencies, functions, grades, and relationships that have been built up until now, those who leave the Academy may come back or end up never returning.

This time, there’s no need to worry about that.

From the veteran player’s perspective, this Arcadia truly possesses outstanding specifications.

Even if sent alone, this versatile Arcadia this time should be able to return somehow.

‘After all, events come with great rewards!’

Of course, I won’t let Arcadia handle this situation alone, especially since I delayed volunteering because I didn’t want to do free service.


“Why not! Older Sister Arcadia allowed it!”

“The person involved and the third party are separate. Moreover, the Oknodie student has already been out for a long time and just returned, right?”

The Head of the Academic Affairs, Professor Mahabharata, was not so easily granting an outing permit.

“It’s okay, Di. Just showing the kindness you’ve displayed until now has already touched me enough. But if you truly want to help, please pray for me to return safely.”

“That sounds like a flag statement for not coming back, you know? I can’t let you go under such ominous terms!”

Now that it has come to this, I am determined to go out, even if I have to force it.

If I can’t go out the usual way, I’ll just have to adopt an unusual method.

“I’ll get an exit permit from the Foundation!”

“The Foundation!?”

“It’s dangerous.”

Jezel immediately voiced her opposition.

“That little lady already dealt with the branch head of the Foundation during her last outing, didn’t she? I heard it all from Professor Destroyer. The Foundation is itching to punish her since they couldn’t touch her. If they find out about this outing, they will definitely seek revenge.”

“That’s a matter of the unknown!”

“Di. I certainly don’t want you to be in danger because of me. Please don’t be stubborn and listen to Jezel.”

Hmph. Once I set my mind to do something, I have to do it!

“Ugh! Use some strength, Jezel!”

“Sorry. Using strength isn’t my specialty.”

Like carrying around weight equipment, I grabbed both of them by their arms and stormed into the Communication Room.

“Connect me to the Wahyhiemhai Foundation!”

Acadia, self-conscious of the people’s gazes, nervously began to fidget, wondering if this was really okay.

Feeling unnecessarily guilty, I held her hand, and she pinched me right back.

Hmph. I don’t like Arcadia.

“Each attempt at communication consumes a tremendous amount of points, and additional points are continually consumed while maintaining the communication status. Would you like to proceed with the communication anyway?”

“I will! But please allow me to do it just with the Foundation side. I feel like Arcadia and Jezel will disrupt my communication.”

“Understood. However, please be aware that there will be an additional charge for exclusive use.”

Wahyhiemhai Foundation.

The connection with the headquarters was established quite smoothly.

“Wahyhiemhai Foundation Chairman’s Secretary Office. Please leave a message if you have business.”

A voice that exudes both strength and robustness.

It feels similar to Jonnas.

Unlike the branch head, this one has a feeling of being a proper competent person.

“Hello! I’m Oknodie, Papa’s daughter. Please help me get an outing permit!”

Through that bright and cheerful cry, 1500 points appeared in the consumption fee section.

Seeing tens of points swiftly dropping every second even made a veteran player like me nervous.

The silence on the other end of the communications magic tool felt like they were trying to kill me, causing a cold sweat to trickle down my back.

“Does ‘Papa’ refer to the Chairman?”


A deep, low murmur from the other end revealed an irritable mood.

“I will consider this positively.”

This response wasn’t very satisfying.

Just such flimsy promises won’t do.

I needed a firm answer.

I know it’s a shameless request to kill the branch head and deliver it.

What if I added conditions?

“I will comply from now on!”


The silence deepened even further.

Along with it, points rapidly dwindled.

With these points, I could surely see Jonnas for at least an additional hour during next month’s visit!

“Please wait. I will contact you again as soon as I hear the Chairman’s decision.”

Rather than a positive consideration, I received a proper response.


On the other side of the communication magic tool.

Wahyhiemhai Foundation Chairman’s Office.

“Mr. Denver, who is dead, had a lot of greed for his abilities. He was foolish enough to embezzle the Foundation’s public funds.”

A strikingly handsome man adorned in neat attire, likely able to make many women cry, projected the record magic on his finger with a bright smile.


Supervisor Denver.

43-year-old human male.

Sent as a mid-level manager responsible for overseeing the Gift Academy’s Class 981 first-year scholarship students.

Before taking on the administrator role, he acted for ten years as the head of recruitment agencies such as the Pierrot Masked Group.

More than 30% of the embezzled funds were plundered by Oknodie’s Laeroyuri hospitality.

After that, he couldn’t evade the visit from the Destroyer and was killed by Oknodie’s hand.

The source of the revealed embezzled funds has been completely recovered.


The personal record data speaks volumes.

This human named Denver was but a mere cog in the Foundation.

In fact, he was a rusty part that lost track of its place and duty.

A piece that squeaks and grates, making dissonance.

I’ve often thought it should be repaired.

“Isn’t it fascinating? That our Chief Scholarship Student executed the execution I was contemplating.”

“I completely agree with the Chairman’s assessment. Her skills are exceptional, but the audacity to act is also remarkable.”

While receiving support from the Foundation, she took out one of the Foundation’s executives.

Whether she did it knowingly or unknowingly, either way, she’s no ordinary child.

If she were ordinary, she wouldn’t have the audacity to take such bold actions, fearing the disadvantages that might befall her.

To be frank, if the Chairman had looked unfavorably upon her, she would already be a dead woman.

However, the Chairman showed forbearance.

“You seem displeased, Secretary.”

“Are you thinking of empowering that child?”

“Isn’t she a Chief Scholarship Student selected by the Foundation for a reason?”

While one branch was blown away, a proper warning was sent to the other branches.

“You all could end up like this. Don’t cross the line. I think she’s a commendable child, considering she anticipated the troubles ‘Papa’ would cause and offered help.”


“That child also said she would comply from now on. If it’s ‘Papa,’ he could surely give a gift to a well-behaved obedient child.”

The secretary, who usually shows no signs of emotional upheaval, felt fear for the first time at this moment.

The Chairman was like a monster of rationality.

His affection for the scholarship students is not mere benevolence.

Someday, it will come back around as a boomerang for the borrowed debt.

With interest, he would present the loan note named [Directive] and demand a price.

If she doesn’t pay.

Or if she can’t pay.

Regardless of ability or will, he will forcibly collect the dues.

The secretary, who had watched the weight of that directive more closely than anyone, understands it all too well.

The greater the gift, the heavier the directive will become.

“Please issue the outing permit.”

“Dragon Principal will demand a price.”

“Please hand over the records of the three lower-level scholarship students planted in the Florence Kingdom’s military.”

In exchange for the lives of three scholarship students used for over ten years by the Foundation, I receive the outing permit.

What a huge price I will have to pay in return, the secretary could only imagine.

‘The price of friendship is truly steep.’

Even if they feel sympathy, it doesn’t show on the surface.

Sympathy is an irrational emotion.

The moment the Chairman doubts his rationality, he will lose his current position.

The secretary’s current role resembles that of a slave with chains.

A richer slave with slightly longer chains than others.

The moment the chains make noise and go against the master’s mood, all that freedom, richness, and power will disappear overnight.

‘What about you?’

Will Oknodie also wear the same shackles as me?

The secretary began to carefully gauge how long it would be possible to hear the child’s cheerful voice.


The permit was granted.

Jezel was once again amazed by the power of the Wahyhiemhai Foundation.

“I can’t believe you really managed to get the outing permit. That’s impressive.”

“Then why is Jezel casually coming along?”

“There are always methods for dark merchants.”

Well, of course, being a resident of the underworld. A person who has lived in a world where even human lives have economic value placed upon them can do so.

There’s no impossible deal in this world.

It’s just that the price wasn’t sufficient, or the conditions were wrong.

If you realize what the other party desires, any deal can be successful.

That’s why he was scared.

What might be the price the Foundation requires for permitting Oknodie’s outing?

Will Oknodie be able to bear the price that the Foundation will demand in the future?

‘That concern is a matter for later. Right now…’

It’s time to focus solely on reclaiming the Sebiche Ducal House’s hidden funds operation.


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