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Chapter 220

<220 - No Whining>

If Arcadia were to leave…

Wouldn’t there be one less person to protect Oknodie?

Would it still be possible to safeguard Oknodie as before?

‘No way that could happen.’

Jezel was sure of it. More than half of the members of the Dark Trading Company trusted in Arcadia’s reputation.

The moment she leaves, a massive hole forms in the information network surrounding Oknodie.

A hole so enormous that even trying to patch it with one’s hands would be futile.

‘There’s no time.’

Arcadia Sebiche must be saved.

For herself, the Dark Trading Company, and Oknodie.

Before the formal petition was submitted and Arcadia was kicked out of the academy.


After the midterm exams, Arcadia regained her composure.

She was enjoying a tea party like any other day.

“Hehe. This time’s treats are my secret collection from my hometown.”

“Wow! Secret collection!”

“Eight different sweet flavors in the Eight-Flavored Cheese Bun! You can enjoy the sweetness in various ways with milk, eggs, and cheese.”


“How is it?”

“I want to eat it!”

“Hehe. If you chant ‘Thank you, Older Sister Arcadia,’ I’ll gladly let you have some.”

“Older Sister Arcadia is the best! I totally love you!”

A warm smile danced on Arcadia’s face.

What a joy it was to have gone through so much trouble.

No one knew how many days she had lived frugally to save up points just to bring these snacks for Oknodie and her other followers.

“Mmm~! The flavor of cheese spreads all over my mouth!”

“Hehe. You recognize the true taste of the Eight-Flavored Cheese Bun?”

“It’s like biting into different-colored clouds!”

“Hehe. That’s an interesting expression. Even as a princess, I have much to learn about Oknodie’s culinary appreciation.”

As expected from a secret pastry born in the Kingdom of Florence, it wasn’t cheap.

Yet some denounced it as a symbol of a bewildering mishmash culture, mocking it as pathetic food typical of the Kingdom of Florence.

Oknodie showed no signs of being hurt by such spiteful words or attitudes.



Only enjoying the taste and expressing her joy.

In that purity, Arcadia found true healing for her worn-out heart.

‘If only the other kids were as pure as her.’

Oknodie didn’t know how much disappointment and heartbreak she felt every time her followers were caught saying different things behind her back.

There was no need to know, nor would she let her know.

Purity is like a spotless white sheet.

If touched by dirt, it gets stained, and someday, the once pristine canvas becomes smeared with filth.

You can wipe away the muck, but the old stains embedded in the canvas cannot be removed.

The heart becomes tainted.

‘What a mystery.’

Oknodie, however, was a child who couldn’t afford to remain pure.

Wahyhiemhai Foundation.

If only half the rumors were true, it was an organization exploiting talented children with close to abusive education and using those who couldn’t meet expectations harshly, selling off the rebels to light stands and slave markets.

Their maliciousness was no different from the evil minions who pledge loyalty to the Demon King and spread evil.

Not even a minion’s organization, yet they possessed a notorious reputation that might suggest they, too, could be under the demon’s control.


The finest masterpiece of such an organization.

Chief Scholarship Student Oknodie.

How could she possibly retain her innocence?

Arcadia had been watching her all along but still couldn’t find an answer.

A child who knew more than what met the eye, wanting only to be a cute kid.

If she didn’t find healing in the gentle appearance of a child who could become anything with determination, what could she find healing in?

‘I want to cherish this time a bit longer.’

‘I want to enjoy the tea party for as long as possible.’

Like raising a small animal, she wanted to tempt them with new treats, feed them, and gradually train them.

Little by little, just like her usual murky desires, Arcadia had been realizing them unbeknownst to Oknodie.

Suddenly, an unwelcome guest crashed into their time together on the terrace.

“It’s bad news, Your Highness!”

“…To interrupt my tea party, how rude, Titosso.”

Just wait until it’s nothing too serious.

I’ll give you a proper scolding.

Despite gazing at her with a reproachful look, Titosso showed no signs of caring.

Honestly, he was a bit scared, but the experience of attending Professor Sadako’s lectures twice a week had helped even the biggest coward gain a bit of courage.

But it wasn’t just that his courage had grown.

Titosso’s tears suppressing fear and trying not to freeze in terror was a sign that something wasn’t right.

“There are rumors that ledgers containing your family’s secrets will be exposed. We just received urgent news from the homeland to immediately sever all ties with you!”

Spring and autumn always end abruptly.

Before you know it, summer comes, and then winter.

Like the seasons scattered by the breeze, the feelings that had floated up suddenly sank.

Blood freezes.

Hands and feet grow as cold as ice.

A chilly winter descended upon Arcadia’s mind as she enjoyed the tea party and strolled through the flower fields.


The academy had a communication room.

Unlike visits, it exists for when the guardian or protective forces of a student encounter issues, to relay information.

As a facility built for emergencies, the costs were staggering.

It would sometimes be better to just pay a bit extra and send someone for a visit.

Still, in urgent matters, some students had no choice but to use the communication room, even when they couldn’t afford the time for a visit.

In that sense, it was no ordinary disaster that so many students crowded the typically empty communication room.

“Everyone? If you’ve heard anything about my family, please let me know.”

At Arcadia’s anxious question, the followers who would typically respond immediately turned to her with an icy glare, cold enough to freeze the air around her.

The faces that had been busy hiding any emotions behind fake smiles now revealed their concealed true nature.

“We’re sorry, Your Highness.”

“We have urgent matters to attend to…”

She was cast aside.

It seemed that since nothing was confirmed yet, they would still maintain some minimal courtesy with polite words and greetings.

Even so, Arcadia could tell from their demeanor.

‘You’re finished now.’

‘Destruction is just around the corner.’

‘Did you have fun playing princess?’

It was as if they were saying that, with smirks suggesting a different life was about to begin.

In that room, there was not a shred of respect or admiration for the faction boss, who had protected the border faction from the empire throughout her academy life.

“Those rotten scoundrels!”

“Don’t worry, Your Highness. We’re different from those betrayers!”

Those who crowded around, comforting her with sweet words, had a greedy glint in their eyes.

It was a petty and shallow desire that offered no success in deceiving the princess.

“Ah, I, I…”

As she stammered, unable to accept this sudden turn of events, someone called for her from behind.

“Arcadia. There’s someone looking for you.”

“Jigoku? What do you want with me…?”

Their relationship wasn’t good.

Jigoku knew well.

The reason pirates had taken over the Kingdom of Florence was due to the Sebiche Ducal House.

Simultaneously, he was aware that Arcadia, being from the Sebiche Ducal House, faced scorn for carrying the stigma of her family’s past.

It was only natural for them to maintain a distant relationship.

“Your business partner, the squint-eyed one, is looking for you. Staying here won’t change your situation; they told you to come find them as soon as possible.”

Even though he could have sneered at the crisis facing the Sebiche Ducal House, Jigoku spoke in a businesslike manner, unlike the followers whose demeanor would shift at a moment’s notice.

He only conveyed the request he received.

Such straightforwardness gave Arcadia a sense of stability unexpectedly.

“Your Highness, we’ve heard news too.”

“Our family will protect you, Your Highness.”

The sweet-sounding girls promising comforting words.

Arcadia quickly grasped that their real intention was to absorb her status at the academy.

She lightly shook off their arms with a calm tone.

“The name of Sebiche is heavy, but Arcadia’s name isn’t light either.”


“Well then.”

As she confidently followed Jigoku, the sight of her showcased the strength of not just her family, but of herself as a person.

Those who depend solely on family influence could never stand so upright.

But Arcadia was different.

She knew.

Even without relying on someone else’s authority.

The resilience of a child bravely facing life all on her own.

‘Compared to the unfortunate past Oknodie has had, this is nothing. I can’t whine about this much.’


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