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Chapter 18

<18 - Arrival, Entrance Examination Hall>

Due to being thoroughly scrutinized by the guards, I couldn’t use the gambling den after all.

Still, my original intention for making money at the gambling den was to buy a reconciliation A-set for Jonnas.

After our conversation at the Escape Port, my relationship with Jonnas had improved, so there was no need to buy a gift anymore.

“Got it!”

“Congratulations, Young Lady. In a few years, you might be able to join the Buffet Eater Competition.”

Training, meals.

Training, and more meals.

Thanks to the active eating during buffet hours, I had managed to collect all 100 dishes sold at the buffet in my Cooking Handbook.

“Buffet competition? Are there a lot of delicious foods?”

“It’s usually a competition where you eat a lot of one type of food.”

“Well then, I don’t want to go. I don’t particularly want to eat just one kind of food.”

It might seem a bit materialistic to immediately search for the next collection spot, but as a player, I shouldn’t neglect collecting!

No matter which region you visit, knowing what food is famous and where the good restaurants are is a fundamental quality of a great player.

“Oh, Mom. I need to eat a lot of meat. My brother said that’s how I build muscle.”

“This kid, really, you can’t be picky. If you’re going to eat a lot of meat, you should eat a lot of vegetables too. Follow the example of that kid who had nothing but broccoli-based vegetarian dishes.”

The child who was receiving a scolding from the noble lady flinched.



“Do you know each other?”

“We met at the Kids Zone yesterday. She was kind enough to play with my youngest for a bit.”

“Oh my, how kind. Thank you for playing with my children, Oknodie. By any chance, does your family name…”

“I apologize, ma’am. Miss Oknodie has yet to be granted permission to disclose her family name due to unavoidable circumstances.”

“Oh dear. That’s unfortunate. I hope that child is allowed to reveal her family name soon.”

The noble lady turned her back on Oknodie and grabbed Max by the ear.

“Come on, Max. Don’t get distracted by the girl and hurry up and eat your bell peppers and paprika. If you keep avoiding vegetables, I’ll put the most disgusting vegetable, cucumber, on your plate.”

“Ah, no! Please, not cucumbers!”

Even while being dragged by the ear, Max gave a determined look as if trying to convey something with his eyes.

“You’ve charmed a boy overnight.”

“Not like that. Max is just a friend, and we only met yesterday.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

The collection of the handbook was finished.
The journey on the non-fair flight was done.

[Dear passengers, this non-fair flight has safely landed at its destination, the Island of Tests. We hope you had a pleasant journey and look forward to serving you again.]

Following the crew’s guidance, the passengers disembarked.
This [Entrance Examination Hall] was an island harsh on skin health with its dry sea winds.
Carriages entered one after another along the bridge connecting land and the island, passenger ships approached from the sea, and non-fair flights slowly flew in the sky.

A scenery I had seen countless times in the game’s intro video. A cutscene capturing the exam takers gathering at the Entrance Examination Hall, passing along with the sights.

By the way, this game.
Originally intended to be a dating simulation with pretty girls, it became a nurturing game where you raise students until they graduate from the academy after the company went bankrupt during development.

Suddenly, why am I saying this? Because over there, a girl in a straw hat is catching my eye as she disembarks from the ship.

“Ah! My hat!”

The hat was swept away by the wind and got stuck in a high branch.
Perhaps because I visually ‘recognized’ that scene, my head started to throb lightly.

[Favoriteability Event]
The identity of the straw hat girl, the straw hat got caught in the high tree branches.
If you want to increase your favorability with the adorable girl in the white dress and sandals, now is your chance!
Climb the tree or fetch a ladder and use any means necessary to be the first to retrieve the hat and present it to the young lady!

What a ridiculous favorability event.
What’s the point of raising a girl’s favorability during the entrance exam?
“Are you planning to help?”
“Not particularly. If she can’t retrieve that little thing by herself, she shouldn’t have applied for the entrance exam.”
“How cruel, young lady.”
“Thanks to whom?”
“Please don’t misunderstand. That was a compliment.”
“I was complimenting as well.”

The NPCs were happy as they climbed the tree, falling over, getting scared after climbing too high and crying, and then when the girl was saved, the boy who saved her turned red in the face and fell for the burly boy, causing quite the commotion.
Amid the warm audience who were clapping, the expression of the straw hat girl was something else.
Was it enlightenment?
She seemed to be resigned to just buying a new one.
‘How pitiful.’
If there was even a minor NPC, there should have been someone to help retrieve that straw hat.
While I was thinking this, a large, hairy figure that looked familiar stood beneath the tree.

“Get out of the way, puny rats. If you don’t want to get hurt.”

“Ooh, it’s a Monkey Humanoid!”
“They say monkeys are good at climbing trees, right?”
“With that size?”
“I feel like the tree might break if he climbs it.”

From a bit of a distance, I could see Jezel sporting an awkward smile.
Looks like the hired guard is causing trouble at their own leisure.

“Let’s just watch that.”
“That’s the audacious humanoid who challenged the examiner.”

As I stood with Jonnas and Reap, watching, the Monkey Humanoid pulled out a stick he had slung over his shoulder and readied himself.
The audience realized something was about to happen and promptly began to step back.


A heavy impact sound slammed into my eardrums, sending leaves trembling and falling like the tree was screaming.


“Aah! I got bitten by a beetle!”

The audience was in chaos, dodging bugs and falling leaves.
Some of the bugs and leaves were swept toward this side as well, but Reap, holding a snack basket and parasol, thrust the parasol forward.


The light twirl of the parasol sent leaves and bugs flying in opposite directions.
Those who were nearby and got hit by the debris looked discontent but, upon catching sight of Jonnas’s terrifying face, hesitated and stepped back.


In the middle of the commotion, the Monkey Humanoid swung his stick around, clearing away all the bugs and leaves on his own.
He caught the straw hat with the end of the stick and held it out to the straw hat girl.

“Why do you look so down, baby deer?”

“Will this hat make you feel better? My brown-tailed deer.”

The straw hat girl spoke with a face that showed no gratitude.
“Ugh!! Thanks to you, I got rained on by bugs. My hair, my dress, everything is covered in aphids and bugs! Aaaaah!!”

[The favorability event with the straw hat girl has ended.]
[No one gained any favorability.]

Well, such things do happen.
Gimmicky strategies aren’t for everyone.
If you’re not a veteran player, there can be counterproductive outcomes.

“We certainly enjoyed the spectacle.”

The straw hat girl has it tough.
Going through such trouble for a ridiculous favorability event like that.
The heroines and those male characters who labor under the pretense of ‘saving’ are both caught up in the cumbersome game events.

“Hey, young lady. The examination hall is over that hill.”
“Where are those people going?”
“Don’t mind us. We’re here for sightseeing.”

I waved casually at the exam takers who received the explanation and happily waved back.
With regretful faces, many participants headed toward the hill while some amusingly followed behind me to rare paths.

“The Monkey Humanoid is following along too.”
“It seems the Gold Ticket holders are headed this way.”

Looks like the ticket differences are starting to show.
While the holders of Iron, Bronze, and Silver tickets have their exam venue on the hilltop, the Gold and Platinum ticket holders are headed deeper into the island.

After about 30 minutes had passed.
When I felt we had come quite far, I discovered a sight I had seen during school trips.

“A stone pagoda?”

There were various sized stones stacked up in mesmerizing formations.
Unlike the participants passing by without much interest, I knew the gimmick of the entrance exam.
The unique sights along the road to the entrance exam are hints for the upcoming test.
It seems the first gate of the entrance exam is going to be about stacking stone towers.

“That’s not allowed.”
“…What did I even do for it to not be allowed?”
“Just wanted to say that.”
“Liar. You’re worried I’ll swallow a stone, right?”
“If you do, please be careful. Once the exam starts, we can no longer watch over you.”

I see.
Jonnas and Reap can’t accompany me once the exam starts.

“Entry for outsiders ends here. Please show your tickets if you’re here for the entrance exam.”

Before the arched entrance, a monk wearing a robe and holding a broom appeared.
Jonnas and Reap spoke from behind.
“I believe you will pass with flying colors, young lady.”
“Here’s a candy pouch. Take one whenever you feel hungry.”
“Thank you, Jonnas. Reap. I’ll definitely pass!”

Occasionally turning my head to see them off, Oknodie looked quite shy.
With that timid demeanor, Reap waved their hand and spoke, “I’m worried. Young lady, you seem firm with cut-offs but tend to become overly soft towards those you connect with.”
“Don’t worry. Even if it’s not us, there are people looking out for you in the examination hall.”

Passing by the Monkey Humanoid, Jezel gave a sly smile, looking back at Jonnas and Reap. It felt like a relief today.

“Did you keep that person alive for this moment?”
“Don’t forget. To us, you’re a young lady, but to the organization, you’re merely a ‘scholarship student’. Other prospective students might try to put pressure on you.”

I’m not worried about the entrance exam itself.
What Jonnas is concerned about is the possible attacks from the competitors.
The merchant Jezel acts as a kind of guard to protect the young lady from the rival candidates within the organization.

“Looks like the young lady is out of sight now.”
“Let’s prepare a passing gift.”
“Something to eat should do, right?”
“Seems we’re in agreement.”

The butler and maid had unwavering faith in the young lady’s success and safe return.

I confidently assured myself as I turned back for the umpteenth time.
Neither of them could be seen now.
At this point, I should definitely not be noticed.


I opened my mouth wide and stealthily inserted the stat stone that I had stealthily pilfered from the stone pagoda.

[You have used the stat stone.]
[One random stat increases by 1.]

I was afraid I would get caught and have my stat stone confiscated, feeling like I was suffocating from being on edge!


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not work with dark mode