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Chapter 167

<167 - Cursed Commotion>

Ever since I enchanted a fake ghost onto a ring, my everyday life has become quite inconvenient.

“Huh? I clearly left my pen on the desk, so why is it on the floor?”

“Me too! The hairpin that I had stuck in my hair is now stuck in the front pocket of my school uniform!”

“Maybe it’s just forgetfulness~?”

“Is it?”

“Don’t be too embarrassed. I sometimes space out and end up scoring 40 on pop quizzes!”

“…That’s just because you didn’t study.”

During lectures, it’s a daily occurrence for the students sitting around me to get caught up in strange happenings.

“Ugh. Look at this, Oknodie. My straw is all wet.”


“Why is Oknodie apologizing…?”

By coincidence, I ran into Jiang in front of the cafeteria, and while we were having lunch, he pouted at the straw that the ghost had already sucked dry.

“Alright, even for rogue activities, your body needs to be flexible. Today, we will be testing our flexibility with pole vaulting, long jumping, limbo bending, and reaching out while sitting.”

It even turned comical as I prepared to jump high when it was my turn, and Lin, quietly emerging from the ring in ghost form, subtly lifted the pole!

Exasperated by the relentless interference, I pretended to take a running start and dashed 20 meters away, taking advantage of the moment when Lin couldn’t grab the pole to leap over it.

[You have succeeded in pole vaulting through the ghost’s interference.]

[Long jump experience +3]

[Dodging experience +1]

[Leap experience +1]

Hmph. Attempting to trip up a veteran player? No way!

I provocatively snorted as I prepared for my next turn, jumping 10 cm higher, and when it was time to run, I showed up at the pole at my maximum speed.

Instead of discreetly interfering, the fake Lin boldly grabbed the pole with both hands, lifting it like a champion over their head.

“What’s that…?”

“Why is the pole rising on its own?”

“A student using telekinesis. While I commend the strategy of backing up their score by sabotaging other students, remember that dishonesty that’s too clever can lead to point deductions.”

As Professor Bronze spoke, a debate sparked; is it okay to cheat if you don’t get caught?? But the atmosphere turned serious due to the ghost who wouldn’t let go of the pole.

“Did I make it too hard to understand? I’m saying the pole should be returned to its original position.”


“Disregarding the professor’s orders? Are you trying to be deducted points?”

Since there was no one who had cast telekinesis, naturally, the pole wouldn’t come down.

Professor Bronze, anger radiating from him, attempted to identify who cast the spell by emitting a detection wave.

A magic that identifies the source by detecting the magical energy resonating with the wavelength.

It’s a practical magic befitting the world’s greatest rogue.

But, since no one had cast a spell, of course, no one would be caught.

“Not magic…?”

The pole rose on its own, and chaos erupted in the classroom.

“What’s that?”

“Why is it doing that?”

“Isn’t there a ghost?”

At the mention of a ghost, the fake Lin scurried back into the ring, ding-dong.

The sudden incident seemed deliberately timed, as if the students had understood the previous words.

Students unaware of the backstory shrieked and backed away in panic.

“Um. Since there is a potential for accidents, let’s end today’s practice here.”

Consequently, the lecture was substituted with theory lessons, but among the students attending Developing Insight, strange rumors began to circulate.

“What do you think that ghost was?”

“Is it the spirit of a student who failed at pole vaulting and starved to death?”

“Jezel, just because it pops into your head doesn’t mean it’s coherent.”

“Haha, sorry. I just wanted to lighten the mood.”

“Still, it feels ominous. I can sense the malicious intent of a ghost that went through an unfortunate accident, wanting to harm students. Oknodie, are you okay?”

“I’m fine! I’m strong enough that I won’t die from tripping.”

“We’re just worried about you.”

“I know the little lady is independent, but if anything happens, make sure to seek our help, okay?”

“Will do!”

Eventually, I ended up worrying Isabel and Jezel too.

That troublemaker ghost!

“Are you really going to do this? People are starting to think weirdly because of you.”

The fake Lin silently squatted, shaking chains in protest, as if to say they should loosen them if they were upset.

Even tied up, they cause chaos and expect me to listen? Not a chance!

“Hmph! I won’t loosen them, so there! Pbbbt!


The ghost’s challenge was met with an unwavering stare, as it brazenly locked eyes with me like an insolent cat, not averting its gaze.

A standoff initiated between me and the fake Lin, as if we were wild animals sorting out our hierarchy.


As the sun began to set, Jiang and Titosso headed for the lecture on Adventurer’s Night Activities.

Though they usually had all sorts of conversations, today, Titosso, typically the more timid one, was quiet, with Jiang initiating the topic.

“Hasn’t there been a lot of strange stuff happening around Oknodie lately?”

“Oh, that? I heard! A friend named Dorothy went on a carriage ride into the deep forest with Oknodie over the weekend. And she found something weird there.”


A scary story amidst ramping up to a terrifying lecture made Jiang’s shoulders tremble slightly.

Focused on the tale, Titosso had no idea Jiang was getting frightened.

“Weird object?”

“They say it might be a cursed object.”

“A curse that can’t be killed with a dagger, right?”

“…Isn’t your fear point a bit strange?”

“Still scary. Many targets use curses to fend off assassins.”

“Whoa. I see.”

“Your Papa works as an assistant at the market, right? It’s best to be prepared with defensive measures against curses in advance. A target protected by a capable witch makes even assassins wary of the curse.”

“What kind of curses are there?”

“There are many. Curses that turn you blind, or ones that make you ugly.”

That’s why curses are so terrifying in the assassin’s industry.

“Such frightening curses exist?”

“They’re not common. Powerful curses require stringent conditions to activate. The materials are ridiculously expensive, or the conditions are overly difficult, plus they require an immense amount of effort.”

“Not too different from other fields. Ugh. Still scary. If you’re protected by those curses, I’d be afraid of accidentally getting cursed myself.”

Titosso said while brushing off goosebumps on their arms.

“Do you think Oknodie got caught in a curse?”

“Not to that degree, but it does feel like something’s off. After all, Oknodie is technically an assassin.”

“Would going to the infirmary lift the curse?”

“Probably expensive.”

“How can a curse be lifted?”

“Sometimes time alone is enough, or you might need to go through a special exorcism procedure. The more malevolent the curse is, the harder and more complicated that procedure usually is.”

“That’s true. If it’s just a curse that wears off by eating a lot, Oknodie would be fine in a day.”

While discussing curses, they arrived at the classroom.

Oknodie, already there, greeted with, “Hi!” beside the professor.


“So the professor has been here already…”

Jiang and Titosso’s faces paled.

Whatever curse Oknodie might be under, it couldn’t be scarier than facing the real-life Professor Sadako straight from my nightmares.

“…Looks like you’re interested in curses.”

“Yes… I thought Oknodie might be cursed…”

“You’re not cursed. You were just near a cursed object, and a bit of that energy rubbed off on you…”

“R-really…? But how do you know that, professor?”

While Jiang kept quiet, Titosso, lacking awareness, took the risky plunge of trying to engage the professor.

Professor Sadako seemed somewhat amused by the naive attempts of the first-year students to converse, so she entertained them.

“The curse Oknodie might have caught originated from the cursed disposal I used in my lecture…”

“During Professor Sadako’s lectures?”

“Necromancy and curses are intrinsically connected… When you step into the path of darkness, you’ll have to learn about it in your second year…”

“Is this the Adventurer’s Night Activities class we’re attending?!”

“…Shall we begin the lecture…”

“Please stop dodging the question…”

Their short chat only fueled their worries about the upcoming second-year.

However, the next day, Titosso reflected that their previous conversation wasn’t entirely in vain.

“Attention first-year students. Due to an outbreak of contagious curses on campus, please ensure you carry the amulet placed at your door whenever going out.

The academy will not take responsibility for any mishaps that occur due to failure to carry an amulet. You can check this announcement on the first-floor bulletin board.

This has been an announcement from the first-year female dormitory’s warden.”

Ding dong.

As the notification broadcast finished, Titosso’s anxiety skyrocketed.

What kind of curse could be wandering around?

This was the kind of situation where a friend knowledgeable about curses would be helpful.

Jiang and Oknodie.

The two assassins probably know well.

“Jiang, it’s me! Open the door. Tell me more about curses. I’m scared!”

“…Don’t call. I don’t want to get cursed. You wanted to know about curses, right? Just stay in your room. I’ll be holed up all weekend.”

The counsel with Jiang only heightened Titosso’s fears.

Now, it’s truly just Oknodie!

“Worried about curses?”

“Yup, is there no way to deal with it?”

Peeking their head through the door, Oknodie looked at Titosso, baffled.

“If you get cursed, that’s it. Why are you scared?”


“Getting cursed just means you’ll become resistant to curses afterward. So the more you get, the better!”

What in the world.

Titosso was left speechless by Oknodie’s carefree words.

Has the foundation really encouraged Oknodie to think like this…?


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