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Chapter 116

<116 - The Seniors' Horror>

Seeing the second-year students filling the infirmary, Velocasio let out a snicker.

Checking the patient nameplates of those lying on the beds, words like [Frostbite] and [Cold Hands and Feet] were written there.

When he flicked the nameplate with his finger, the letters on the back revealed the patient’s name: [Paper Company].

Though he claims to be a manager in the Red Fanged Mushroom Illegal Cultivation Association, he hasn’t successfully executed a single plan, unlike his knack for bossing his comrades around.

“Well, well, what a pathetic sight they’re making.”

“It’s not our fault… They were too strong! Ugh! How did these guys from the upper class and lower class bond so tightly…?!”

“The upper class helped the lower class?”

“There’s no doubt! We initially targeted the lower class, but suddenly an upper-class student came in and froze the entire flood!”

Paper Company felt wronged as well.

Casting magic on moving objects is tough. Let alone stabilizing it, the sorcerer’s control over magic significantly impacts the outcome.

Fixing the coordinates, pressing the variables down, and continuously condensing the forces that try to disperse—all of this naturally increases the mana and mental power required and the complexity of calculations.

“To freeze a fluid thicker than 5 cm in one go and maintain it for over 20 minutes?! That’s magical power strong enough to create icy roads beyond the range!”

For the first time, surprise appeared in Velocasio’s eyes.

“The upper class truly is formidable. For first years, they can showcase such performance.”

Magic is a battle of intelligence and affinity.

The higher the intelligence, the less mana and mental power is required for spell calculations.

If one fails to calculate everything, they can direct mana to shape itself through the force of affinity.

You either need to be exceedingly smart or have an exceptional affinity.

If you’re neither, you must come to terms with dying while training for years in a natural environment filled with the extreme properties of that affinity.

If you dislike that, then you must simply study and learn spells, increasing the calculations through effort.

But only ten days remain. In such a short time, how much can first years have learned?

It had to be pure affinity at work.

“You’ve worked hard.”

Velocasio softened his expression.

Incompetence is a sin, but being caught in a natural disaster is not.

“Are you… understanding me?”

“Believe it or not, I have a fairly rational personality. I won’t indulge in unreasonable tantrums demanding the impossible.”

“Velocasio…! I always thought you were nothing but an annoying taskmaster from behind the scenes, but you have a warm heart after all!”

Velocasio decided to change his approach.

This ice disaster had confirmed it.

The first-year lower-class students could be toyed with anytime.

What bothered him were the upper-class students.

Among them, the two students who had decisively hindered Paper Company’s operations.

“Group A’s top, Oknodie. Northern Grand Duchess Irene. From now on, I’ll focus on these two.”

“Oknodie…! That cunning girl has spread the rumor that I’m a total loser who genuinely hurt a ten-year-old kid. I’ll never forgive her!!”

“Good. Don’t forget that fury.”

Coincidentally, it was also Oknodie who had interfered with Velocasio’s contract scam.

If he wanted to maneuver the first years like puppets, he must somehow resolve Oknodie.

“From today, investigate Oknodie. Secretly. As discreetly as possible. Can you do that?”

“I’ll do my best!”

Paper Company firmly resolved.

After leaving the hospital, Paper Company heard some declarations of withdrawal from several illegal cultivation colleagues.

“The upper-class students are just too strong, regardless of their year. I have no confidence in winning against them.”

“Revenge and all that is pointless; I don’t have time to follow lectures. I’m out of here.”

“Do you know how terrifying it was when the Windwalker spell I used to escape was rapidly wearing off? I never want to experience such horror again.”

Paper Company couldn’t scorn the withdrawals of his comrades.

He still remembered the terror of the moment when his feet and shoes froze.

In the blink of an eye, the mana surged like a massive wave, freezing the sea into a bone-chilling cold.

Squish squish

With each step, freezing air clung to his socks, desperately holding onto his skin while he squeezed every bit of powerless mana to stop the cold from reaching his feet.

Even so, as they neared the escape route, he had to continue walking, filled with tears, thanks to Irene who kept casting spells on the way to school.

-No way… My mana’s all gone…!

-Ugh! My feet are freezing!

-Don’t touch the ground with your hands! If your hand sticks to the floor, what will you do then!?

From the start, they were inferior students desperate enough to even risk illegal cultivation of red fanged mushrooms just to increase their mana supply.

It was only natural that they ran out of mana and suffered from frostbite on an icy road demanding absolute mana.

“Look at it this way: while those disloyal ones dropped out, we are different.”

Paper Company spoke while glancing at the comrades who remained by his side until the end.

Second-year Knight Department [Box Chowder].

Second-year Magic Department [Paper Company].

Now these two must continue the revenge.

“Box. How are your grades?”

“They’re fine.”

Box Chowder replied.

“I can afford to skip one lecture.”

“Box…! That’s way too crazy!”

“I realized this from this incident: No matter how much I hone my skills or try to increase my mana through shortcuts, I remain utterly helpless against true strength.”

At this point, attending another lecture wouldn’t suddenly improve his skills.

“If we want to defeat a strong person, we must follow the way of a hunter, finding and exploiting their weaknesses. Participating in this operation is part of that practice.”

He felt the weight of his weakness but chose to seek out new methods instead of breaking down and despairing.

Paper Company was filled with fervent enthusiasm at Box Chowder’s bold determination.

“Box. Let’s succeed for sure!”

The second-year inferior student quietly raised his resolve.

The beginning of the investigation is information gathering.

Paper Company approached the unrecognized second-year students, offering them snacks and saying,

“Get this and ask the first-years if they know anything about Oknodie or Irene, okay?”

“Why? Planning to beat them again?”

“…I’m trying to apologize!”

Most students scoffed at this excuse, but a few decided to give a chance.

“Recognizing one’s unjust past is a type of courage. I’ll help you take the first step to clear your disgraceful past. Good luck, Paper Company.”

“Th-thank you…”

The handsome, sociable, and academically talented second-year lower-class student [Antinor] quickly gathered the desired information.

“Seems like a pretty well-regarded student, this Oknodie. Despite being around ten years old, she excels in running, stamina, archery, swordsmanship, commerce, and writing speed, being the youngest top student.”

“Hah. That’s monstrous… How about magic?”

“Up until now, she hasn’t shown much magical talent. A gift might make her happy, though.”

While planning to turn the gift into an attack, Paper Company forced a smile.

“Thanks. This was somewhat helpful.”

“Oh, and try to avoid giving anything related to frost resistance as a gift.”


“I’ve heard Irene used freezing magic while hanging nearby during a recent incident.”

He knew he was weak.

He acknowledged the superiority of geniuses.

But moments like this when he felt overwhelming helplessness were rare.


“Paper Company? What’s wrong? Why did you suddenly drop what you were holding? Are you trying to show off for coming out of the infirmary too early?”

“Th-that might be true.”

Paper Company desperately tried to soothe his throbbing head by rubbing his forehead with his hand.

But he knew it wasn’t a pain that could be calmed down this way.

It was jealousy.

The overwhelming envy from witnessing incomparable talent was the reason behind his headache.

‘On this side, I struggled so hard just to stand, suffering under the extreme cold and piercing magic of the freezers.’

Oknodie, well younger than them, hadn’t ever needed to visit the infirmary despite risking accompanying a freezing sorcerer.

‘But there might still be other weaknesses.’

Holding onto the slightest glimmer of hope, Paper Company continued gathering information.

After compiling information collected over the weekend to meet up with Box Chowder once more, he realized.

The depth of despair in Box Chowder’s vacant eyes was possibly greater than his own.

“What information did you find that’s got you all gloomy?”

“I’ve managed to get Oknodie’s class registration form.”

“Was there a problem?”

Box Chowder pointed seriously at the Tuesday and Thursday second-period class titled [Adventure Stories of Retired Former Heroes].

“Do you know what this class is?”

“First time hearing about it.”

“It’s taught by [Destroyer], the world’s strongest thief who was an all-rounder in the previous hero party.”


“Since entering the academy, she’s the only student registered for his class. It means she’s a candidate for the next hero party chosen by the previous hero.”

Even in the world’s top educational institution, the Gift Academy, a hierarchy exists among professors.

How can the name value of the world’s best tile maker be the same as the world’s best combat instructor?

“So that means Oknodie is…”

“We should see her as the most likely candidate to become the world’s greatest thief in our generation.”

“Wait a second. Thieves specialize in information gathering, right? That means, she must have known about our efforts to gather information for the past few days?!”

Fear ripped through Box Chowder’s eyes.

Paper Company’s hands trembled, spilling water from his cup.

“That’s not all.”

“What else is there?!”

“I’ve also heard she’s a current assassin trained in a noble house.”

Paper Company thought.

Tonight, he would have to sleep in the closet instead of his bed.


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