Switch Mode

Chapter 200

Pina Grancia perfectly copied the Holy Sword of Light.

Except for being slightly transparent as if made of glass, it was indistinguishable from the one he possessed.

The weight and sharpness were similar too.


As soon as blood stained the blade, the Holy Sword gleamed and adorned me with armor.
What in the world are heroes?

Must they be chosen by the gods or the Holy Sword?
Or are they destined to inevitably kill the Demon King?

“…That can’t be the case.”

I let out a hollow laugh. The answer to that question was already revealed. To be a hero, one must act like one.

The hand holding the sword felt heavier than ever, and I could hear the anxious breaths of those standing behind me. I had dealt a blow to the Demon King, but the situation was still ongoing.

[ contradictions have occurred in [Night Heart]!! Lee Soo-hyun, please cease combat!]

A red status window popped up before my eyes. Like last time, it implored me not to fight the Demon King.

Finn had to die five years in the future within [Night Heart]’s perspective. I guess they’re trying to stop me from twisting that.

“This is getting annoying.”

Ignoring numerous notifications, I swung my sword forcefully. Kabang! The status window cracked with a sound.
I had expected a backlash from the Demon King transformation.

Surprisingly, my body was just fine. Perhaps it was because it was a sword crafted not by anyone else, but by the hero from the prophecy.

The God of Light would probably faint if they knew I was doing this. Here I was, copying a one-of-a-kind sword and even trying to capture the same Demon King while transforming into him.

“Hey, Licht. Keep an eye on Ariel.”

“I was going to do that without you saying so…”

“Dark Dimension.”

As I began the incantation, the white floor turned black.

I covered the void in darkness, isolating the Demon King and his allies, and this time one significant difference was that I had a reliable ally with me.

“Licht. So you fought in a place like this before.”

“Not something to be praised.”

Kainel shot me a glare as he spoke. This must be surprising for him since it was the first time experiencing it.

“That’s not a compliment, you know.”

He said casually, cracking a smile.
Kainel’s expression, mixed with a sigh, showed his concern.

In reality, I tend to take my life too lightly when it comes to matters concerning Pina. I need to change that.

Turning my gaze, I could see the Demon King attempting to rise.

His face, completely burnt, with purple hair, had a severe burn that was repulsive to look at.

“Damn it, why… don’t you recognize our wish..!!”

The Demon King flailed his arms like a goldfish that had been pulled out of water. Despite that, only his mouth seemed to be alive, making my eyes involuntarily squint.

Infinity, now furious like Finn with red hair, seemed to have given up on the concept.

“Isn’t it true that every person has a regrettable death? A beloved family, friends, lovers..!!”

The slumping Demon King, barely managing to stand on his two feet, began to offer terms of persuasion. He seriously appeared to be at his limits.

Even the Cyclops had only two remaining arms. The rest had turned to ashes.

“We’re just trying to revive the dead!”

The passionate speech was gruesome enough that spit flew out as he yelled.

“Is that what they call the prophecy of the Church of Heroes?”

“Yes!! The Magic Hat will bring them all back!”

I heard that bastard’s name again. I remembered him as a male, yet in this prequel, that magician appeared as a female.

In the sequel, he would be the one to kill our Pina. What kind of stunt would he pull to claim the dead would all come back?

Planning some mass necromancy? Even if they revived, wouldn’t it simply be a zombie with human skin?

Life would not mean life at all.

“What about the lives you’ve taken..?”

Kainel’s sword tip trembled slightly. The hero seemed to be biting his lower lip, holding back his anger.

“I… I can bring them back! I’m not sure who exactly died, but…”

His words were tangled as if forced out. He couldn’t even remember the name of the person he killed which was Kainel’s brother.
If he were indeed the Demon King of All Knowledge, the act might have worked, but it only provoked anger.

“…That’s nonsense.”

There was no need to hear more. He was essentially saying he would sacrifice others’ lives for his own satisfaction.

I didn’t even know if it was true.

There was no hint of guilt or remorse in the Demon King’s gaze.

“I’ll attack first. Licht.”

“Do as you please, Kainel.”

I allowed Kainel to express his fury while moving aside. The hero transformed into light and charged forward.

I made a similar Shine Advance, diving in from his opposite. The two beams of light that had been directed at angles bent at right angles before converging at a single point.

Zwaaaaaak—! Kainel and I aimed for the Demon King’s neck. At that moment, Infinity managed to guard with the remaining arms of the giant, barely repelling our attack.

His palms bore shallow cuts from the blades, and red blood dripped down.

“Guh..! Damn, damn!!”

Like a wild animal thrashing around, he began punching at us, stamping his feet with loud sounds. As Infinity moved, the giant’s attacks tightened around us.

“Sacred Lion.”

Kainel recited the incantation, aiming at Infinity, who behaved as though tormenting an ant.

Before our eyes, white lions began to form. Multiple phantoms converged, trying to suppress our descent with their hands and feet.

That was the technique of the imperial knight captain. How was Kainel using it now?

“Where did you learn that technique…?”

“Oh, this? I learned it from Leon a few days ago.”

He readily answered when I asked with a puzzled expression.
Leon was the guy I had beaten up during the midterm exams to knock some sense into him. Who would have thought he’d be useful here?

“I wanted to protect Ariel, so I tried really hard.”

Kainel now resembled the version of him I remembered from [Night Heart]. He had completely shaken off the trauma of the Demon King.

No more hesitations. No more running away.

It could also be due to his feelings toward Ariel or perhaps thanks to the Healing Potions, but at the very least, I believed he had grown stronger with the mindset of “I must protect Ariel.”


That is what I view as a hero.

I need to step up too. The Demon King was currently blocking our attacks with his knuckles.

Clang—! Kaang—! The metallic sound rang as our two Holy Swords clashed.

The bizarre combination of knuckles and swordsmanship could not withstand the rapid barrage of attacks.

It wasn’t just one person but two working together.

I knew how Kainel handled his sword, and he had learned how I utilized my techniques through numerous battles we’ve faced together.

It was a synergy worthy of being called a long-lasting friendship.

“Let’s all die together. You trash!!”

Not feeling capable of blocking any longer, the Demon King clasped his hands together, attempting something.

Infinity, before my eyes, was laughing while bleeding profusely, and with that laughter, a huhuhuh escaped his lips.

“Licht. This…”

“…This is insane.”

The giant’s large eyes looked directly at us. His mouth opened wide, as if ready to devour us with his white teeth.

“God Eater.”

But there was nowhere to run. My feet sank deep, making it feel as if I was walking in a quagmire. The ground we stood on swirled like a quicksand pit.

Could it be that he intended to swallow the entire space? That he didn’t care if he died himself.

If this continued, even Pina outside would be affected. The darkness dispersed, revealing the breakdown of space.

To handle the hero from the prophecy, he would sacrifice anything, and my teeth clenched involuntarily.


Was it the fact that she was a beloved hero that was the issue? Even if she became the Nameless Saintess, what awaited Pina was only a predetermined death.

Could it be that such a cruel fate cannot be avoided?

“Licht. This bastard hid behind the giant’s hand..!”

Infinity cast his ultimate move while shielding himself with the remaining arms of the Cyclops. I’m sure this level of an attack wouldn’t leave him unscathed.

“Determination, Love.”

I quickly grasped my sword handle and enveloped the transparent glass sword in my colors. The Holy Sword of Light now turned completely black.

If the problem was that Pina was the beloved hero, then I could do the same. What do prophecies and destinies mean in this world?
“…You wouldn’t know this.”

I slowly gazed at the Demon King hidden between the giant’s palm. His purple hair peeked out between the gaps in the fingers.

“This sword is a dual sword forged as one. The creator is the same.”

As I spoke, I pulled out a Mind Sword from my chest. This time, it was a shiny white color, opposing the sword I held.

Soon, the two swords made by Pina began to merge together.

Mutual Love.

The sword Pina made for me thinking of me, and the sword I thought of Pina while making came together as one weapon, dropping before me.

The intertwining of black and white painted a wavy pattern on the sword without invading each other’s domains.

“The power of this sword is…”

I continued speaking toward the hand concealing Infinity. Black glass shards began to appear around me, reflecting the light.

“Hey, Licht, you….”

“It has the ability to create clones that look just like me.”

Now, overlapping voices could be heard. Noticing the anomaly, Kainel looked around and saw several Black Knights appearing.

They all had wolf ears and tails like black smoke emerging from their helmets and armor. Whose taste is this?

The Demon King Kill I previously used was missing just one motion.

“This time, I’ll perfectly embed the Demon King Kill using White Mountain as well.”

I began to execute the Demon King Kill with the clones. Countless strikes descended like mighty punches from a colossal building.

Blocking the warped space with Clear Flow and Winged Flow.
Attacking the giant’s weaknesses by combining Red Wood with Reverse Scale Stab.
Gradually chipping away the Demon King’s stubborn defenses with Void Slash and One Sword Falling Flower.

“How is this possible?! Without a doubt, he shouldn’t be able to resist infinite power!!”

The Cyclops had bones visibly peeking through now. The Demon King lurking within him was exposed.

What in the world is this ‘infinite power’? They think just adding and subtracting makes it infinite.

I prepared the final move, reversing everything unlike before.

Holding the sword tightly with my right hand and stepping forward with my left foot. Behind me, the shimmering White Mountain emerged, contrasting with the large black wolf.

“Demon King Kill. Arang!”

Combining White Mountain and Shadow Slash.

Now, I hid her within shadows, presenting my true self. Feeling my feet thud against the ground, I let out a fierce sound.


A massive black wolf howled behind me. The beast rushed at Infinity, exhaling ferocious breaths.

“This doesn’t make sense. This is nonsense—!!”

With my sword, I severed the Demon King’s neck.

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not work with dark mode