Switch Mode

Chapter 156


Demon Kings always showed up during Kainel’s worst moments in life.

Like that time when his older brother from the imperial knight order died.

Ever since he was chosen as the Hero of Light.

He was bullied in the village and couldn’t be honest with Ariel because of that.

He was scared he would fall into darkness someday. Scared he’d die trying to catch the Demon King.

Nothing has changed even now.

A strange occurrence showing up without warning. That’s a Demon King for you.

‘Am I still far off..?’

I don’t even know how much time has passed. Just after Licht and Pina entered through the door.

A sensation of all the strength leaving his body because that blue-haired Demon King yanked them out.

Kainel and Ariel couldn’t enter Tardun’s shrine.

Water filled his lungs as he wheezed, and every moment of inhalation was painful.


His crimson blood splattered on the floor. The metallic scent, the stinging sensation in his throat made him sick.

“Why, why do you keep resisting…? You should be out cold by now….”

A woman with a perplexed expression stood in front of him.

The ground around them sank, and pillars crumbled, dust wafting through the air.

The Hero took the Demon King’s attacks head-on, injuring his insides.

“Who are you, anyway…? The Demon King of the Hero Church…?”

Kainel glared at his opponent, revealing his resentment.

He steadied his wobbling body. The Holy Sword in his grip shimmered and vibrated.

“That’s right.. I am the Demon King of Might… Intinium.”

Intinium spoke despondently. The woman fidgeted with her fingers, looking anxious.

A chilling killing intent flowed between the two. A sensation like sharp blades stabbed at them.

“The Magic Hat said… in exchange for saving my life… no one should be let into the shrine.”

Intinium was determined to stop Licht and the others. But why?

“You’re all just love troublemakers, aren’t you…?”

Hearing that, Kainel felt utterly dumbfounded. He understood the weird obsession the man with the Black Knight helmet had.

“..That’s ridiculous.”

It didn’t make sense for him to pull this insane stunt over such a thing. After all, Ariel had nearly died once already.

“Kai..!! Let me out of here!!”

Behind Kainel was a red-haired Mage pounding on an invisible shield.

His childhood friend Ariel was begging to be let out.

She probably wanted to fight alongside him. But Kainel couldn’t grant that request.

‘I’m just buying time. Kainel.’

After facing the Head and the Magic Hat, he painfully realized this truth.

He had to hold out until Licht and Pina returned. He had resisted countless times, but he was outpowered.

With his current abilities, not only could he not take the Demon King’s head, but even injuring him was tough.

His best option was activating the Holy Sword to protect Ariel. If he’d been just a moment slower, she might have ended up ground meat.

“Can’t you just give up?”

Intinium looked down, avoiding eye contact, staring at the ground.

At the end of that gaze lay a red clump of meat rolling about.

An eerie cube mixed with gray fur.

“I took care of the Lycanthrope… now only you two remain… why are you still moving when you’re so weak?”

It was Intinium who had dealt with the Lycanthrope managing Tardun’s shrine.

“Umm.. it’s delicious..”

She secretly picked up the clump of meat and shoved it into her mouth. The slurping was grotesque.

“..You’re disgusting too.”

Kainel felt nauseous watching that scene. To think someone would compress a person like that.

The Hero spat out the blood pooling in his mouth.

“There’s one person I absolutely can’t stand.”

He pointed his sword at the Demon King before him.

Kainel’s body hit a limit.

Every bone was cracked, standing was practically a miracle, and his insides were twisted.

Even healing magic barely worked, leaving him gravely injured.

His forehead was torn, and blood trickled down his cheeks. It was hard to keep one eye open, causing confusion with distances.

“What a worthless situation…”

In this desperate state.

But, contrasting that, hope gleamed in the Hero’s blue eyes. Kainel steadied his trembling legs.

“You’re just a show-off.”

He unleashed the Shine Advance. The blinding speed of the Hero sliced through the air.

Boom─! The sound of air bursting echoed, and sparks flew off the ground.

“That, that won’t work on me, you know…”

As Kainel charged, Intinium lifted her foot slightly. Immediately, a white pillar emerged behind her.

Upon closer inspection, it resembled the texture of muscles. It wasn’t a building, but the leg of a giant.

“No matter how much you thrash about, sheer force means… it won’t work.”

Kainel’s vision filled with a white, shiny, porcelain-like form.

A Cyclops. He thought it was just a tale for children, but it was real.

Big Foot…

A giant shadow loomed over Kainel. The slow approach of death.

His legs grew weak. His speed diminished. His body began to slow down like a snail.

Normally, he’d dodge at the speed of the Holy Sword, but not now.

‘The ability of a Demon King whose name contradicts it…’

What the Black Knight had told him. Kainel recalled the advice Licht had once given.

‘… it’s a type that drains the enemy’s strength.’

Kainel clenched his teeth hard.

It was bearable when Intinium initially summoned the giant to attack.

Though he could deal effectively with Shine Strike or parry blows with the Holy Sword, the more it happened…

His strength began to leave him, making it harder to counter Intinium’s giant.

That’s how he ended up battered. Trampled and kicked, there wasn’t a single spot left unharmed.

“See.. this is futile…”

Creeak, as Kainel’s movements slowed to the point that Intinium could see them clearly, she began to mock his foolish actions.

“But still… don’t let your guard down.”

Unlike before, Kainel didn’t try to be fancy.

Following Licht’s advice, he didn’t scurry about but charged directly on a straight path toward his opponent.

A vertical slash.

“Who’s letting their guard down…? No one’s gonna hit with such a slow sword.”

The slow attack felt like time had stopped, and the Demon King sighed.

“It’s not a sword.”

In that instant, the light from Kainel’s Holy Sword vanished.

The only thing the Demon King could interfere with was sheer force.

The timing to activate the Holy Sword couldn’t be touched by strength. That meant there was one means left to aim for.

A technique his friend had once told him about.

“… a combination move mixed with magic.”

The defensive shield on Ariel briefly dissipated as a red circular magic circle sped towards him.

Shine Fireworks!

Whoosh, having sliced through the small magic circle, Kainel wore a triumphant expression.

“I told you not to let your guard down, Demon King.”

Now, completely in sync with the combination move, Intinium was engulfed in an explosion.


When I escaped from the trials of the shrine, everything around was in shambles.

Cough, hack! Pina, are you there?

“Yeah.. Licht.”

The burning smell pierced my nostrils. The shrine, looking like it had exploded, was filled with thick smoke.

Had a fight broken out? Unless Ariel had used fire magic, this wouldn’t happen.

[Kainel♡Ariel 30%.]

The status window suddenly appeared, having stopped its decline. That means… they must be nearby.


I called out the golden-haired Hero’s name as I rushed about. A black figure appeared in the distance.

“You’re late.. Licht..”

Kainel, with one arm severed and burns all over.

“Licht!! Pina!! We need to save Kain!!”

Behind him, I could see Ariel. Evidence of her fighting to protect him.

The fallen Hero and Mage, shielded by the Holy Sword. Who on earth had they fought to leave such a mess?

“..Pina, I’ll heal him. Please lend me your hand.”

Kainel’s injuries were visibly severe. I prepared to activate the Savior Sword immediately.

How could a Hero capable of dodging at the speed of light or using Shine Strike from a distance end up so wounded?


That’s when it happened. All the strength drained from my body, and the grip we held faltered.


Thud. I collapsed to the ground, as if pulled by a magnet.

It felt like my entire body was being pressed down. Blood wasn’t reaching my brain. My vision blurred.

At my feet lay the blue-haired woman, half burned. Normally, she should be spilling her insides with blood everywhere.

“My, my… appearance… the one the Magic Hat made for me…”

Had she put on some sort of disguise? Inside, it was empty.

“Ugh, I miss Finn…”

I had heard that name before.

The Demon King of Might. The one who killed Kainel’s brother and incinerated Ariel’s home.

The same Demon King I had seen in the Library of Truth.

I tried to muster strength to rise, but my strength faded again. I could barely lift back half my body.

“L, Licht.. what is happening here..?”

Pina, the Emperor’s daughter, was struggling helplessly, unable to muster her strength.

And thus, the connection became clear. A son of a bitch related to the Nameless Saintess.

“That… the Demon King drains the power of his opponents… Licht.”

Panting, Kainel managed to speak. His life felt like it was about to snap at any moment.

“Concepts, longing.”

Flames erupted around his heart as a white sword was drawn.

“How? Time should have passed… you should have drained all the strength.”

Seeing me manage to remain standing against the heavy pressure, the blue-haired woman covered her mouth in shock.

“Who knows, I just got a bit pissed off.”

If it’s a power that drains strength, I had my own way around that.

This Holy Sword equalizes status with the opponent.

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not work with dark mode