Switch Mode

Chapter 152


‘..Where am I?’

Upon opening the white door, the space was dark.

From the Status Window, it seemed like something was at play. I thought I had passed Tardun’s trial.

It was mountains beyond mountains.

Zing! A sharp electric sound echoed as light began to spill from before my eyes.

A CRT TV flickered to life, shining brightly.


That intense light made me squint automatically.

It looked like a mini movie theater, and the outline of a red sofa began to appear in front of me.

It felt suspicious, as if someone had set this up. There were even a cola and popcorn artfully resting on the armrest.

[What are you doing? Hurry up and sit down.]

The Status Window projected a command towards me. Listening to this thing never led to a good experience.

Just as I turned my back, ready to leave, a strange voice caught my attention.

【Big sister! Don’t hug me so hard..! I can’t breathe..!】


That familiar voice. Inside the old TV, I could see Pina, reading a book while hugging my childhood self.

What on earth is this situation?

I clearly shook off the fake Pina and the Emperor couple. Is the stronger-willed Pina still trapped in this illusion?

[Pina, aren’t you going to take the test?]

The Status Window showed a pixelated boy and a white-haired character with wolf ears. Hearts were bursting between them.

I’m just left out. Damn it, I can’t help but watch now.

[I put in a bit of extra effort. Normally, this kind of service wouldn’t be possible!]

The CRT displayed a CCTV-like view of my old room.

An old bookshelf and glow-in-the-dark stickers on the wall. It was a place stained with my childhood.

And I could still see my face, free of burn marks. This was before the fire incident.

【Big sister Pina, where are you from?】

【Grancia Empire.】

She couldn’t help but smile widely.

It seemed like she had fallen for my childhood self at first sight; her smitten face was hard to watch.

‘Our Pina is beautiful, but…’

Her looks were famous in the gaming community. But I was thoroughly embarrassed acting like that.

I focused to see the situation more clearly.

【I want to be the prince in this! I’ll marry you!】


Gulp! What kind of crazy thing are you saying? Stop that right now.

I couldn’t close my mouth. The sharp taste of carbonation hit the back of my throat.


Pina blushed at even the nonsensical words of my younger self.

How naive and pure she was, blissful over a promise that couldn’t be kept, the platinum wolf.

But this isn’t reality; it’s Tardun’s shrine. It’s a lie.

[Pina, can you hear me? I’m coming to rescue you.]

I stood up immediately, ready to her rescue.

The emergency exit sign was visible at the back. There was a black-painted door.

If I enter there, I should be able to pull her out of this illusion.

[Lee Soo-hyun, are you really going to go save her?∑( • o • )]

Ding! The Status Window once again clung to my ankle.

“..In the end, this is fake.”

[Really think so?]

You really think so? This is ultimately an illusion created by Tardun. Fakes have no meaning…

[You have a misunderstanding, Lee Soo-hyun.]

[This is the fantasy you wished for.]

My legs stiffened at the mention of my desired fantasy. The fake Pina from before was similar too.

[Look at your past self. You’re boldly expressing your feelings for Pina Grancia, not ignoring them.]

[Isn’t happiness enough? That’s pure love. ⸜(ˊᗜˋ)]


I couldn’t counter that. The Pina on the screen looked happier than anyone.

The gap was immense. Since the burn marks appeared, there was no wall of hearts built up.

“Well still…. I am Pina’s Black Knight.”

The Black Knight who wishes for Pina Grancia’s happiness more than anyone.

“The person I love shouldn’t be here.”

At the very least, I wanted to be the one who makes Pina happy, not the innocent version of me from childhood.


Soft and comfortable.

What Pina felt while tightly hugging young Soo-hyun.

“Big sister Pina.. That tickles..”

“Let’s stay like this a little longer.. just us.”

Like handling a doll, she kept embracing Licht.

The inherited strength was still intact. If he had been the real Black Knight, he would have used his powers to escape.

‘If only Licht could be like this…’

Despite having fallen into a world unknown to him, Pina Grancia found comfort as long as Licht was there.

“Do you want some candy, big sister?”

Rustle! Young Soo-hyun plotted his escape from Pina’s embrace.

What emerged from his pocket was a candy that sparkled like white pearls.

“Don’t bite into it; let it dissolve slowly!”

It was supposed to be solid as stone, a candy that needed to be melted.

“..It’s sweet.”

Pina chewed the candy, making a crunch sound. The delicate sweetness spread in her mouth.

A flower of laughter blossomed softly on her face.

“Ah, but I have to let it dissolve….”

Young Soo-hyun, startled by Pina’s strong bite, seemed entirely unaware that she could chew even Minotaur bones.

This wasn’t right. Seeing Pina keep looking at Licht with surprise made her want to tease him even more.

Expressions she didn’t often show Pina.

She was no longer the person who appeared calm, knowing everything. How could such a cute and kind person have become scarred through swordsmanship?

The scars on his body, seen in the dorm and the hot spring, were serious.

Until he shared his circuits, healing magic wouldn’t work on him. There was no way his body could be healed in one go.

The fact that he had grown stronger for the sake of the Nameless Saintess always felt regretful.

Do men think every pretty girl is theirs? I had no idea what I lacked compared to that person.

“Big sister Pina. Let’s read another book now!”

Young Licht, breaking free from Pina’s embrace, held up a fairy tale book.

A picture book featuring a prince and princess. Even a quick glance revealed it was the usual tale of the prince marrying a beautiful princess.

“The princess here looks just like you..!”

If it were the usual Pina, she wouldn’t even spare a glance at the book.

But the compliment directed to the princess on the cover felt special for her.

“..What’s the story about?”

“A story about a beautiful princess and a handsome prince!”

Pina changed her mind. Licht, who rarely talked about his appearance, giving such compliments made it precious.

“Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a very beautiful princess.”

The fairy tale read by young Licht was unique.

Even without a low, handsome voice, it was a story told for just one person.

“A wicked witch envied the princess and kidnapped her!”

Her exaggerated toothy grin trying to scare was adorable.

“..And so, the prince and princess who defeated the witch lived happily ever after!”

As Licht turned the last page of the book, he wore a smile I had never seen before.

“Eh? Big sister Pina, what’s wrong?”

“You could smile like that too..”

A smile as bright as a shine. One that didn’t reflect any worries.

“This is my favorite fairy tale book!”

Soo-hyun cautiously opened his mouth, fidgeting with his tiny hands. He looked like he was about to share something important.

“I want to be the prince in this! I’ll marry you!”

A boy, scratching his head shyly, stood before Pina.

“Really..? That’s impossible, isn’t it?”

It was impossible. Licht was not of royal descent to begin with. Who knows, maybe tossing aside noble status in a remote area could work.

“Why not?”

“There’s someone I know. That person is going to get really angry. Soo-hyun.”

Pina scoffed softly.

To hear this from the Black Knight who rescued her from the Demon King’s grasp was unexpected.

“There’s a friend of mine who’s completely clueless. He’s not handsome, and his personality is eccentric.”

“Ew, is he a monster?”

Young Soo-hyun stuck out his tongue and grimaced.

It was about his future self, yet he reacted like that.

“Pfft, no! He looks like a puppy. But he’s an amazing person.”

Pina gently ruffled the boy’s hair as she continued.

“He achieved the feat of defeating a Demon King that ten heroes couldn’t!”

He’d be the strongest amongst first-year academy students. He always worked hard.

“Every time I was in danger, he risked his life to protect me..”

“Is he your boyfriend..?”

Boyfriend, a term used to describe lovers in society.

“I don’t know.. I’ve never had a partner before.”

Regrettably, Pina and Licht’s relationship could not be easily defined like that.

He was the kind of person who made her feel at ease, warming a corner of her heart, someone she wanted to be with forever. What do you call such a relationship?

‘When did I fall ill with heart disease?’

Without Licht, my heart feels like a blade has pierced it.

It shouldn’t be painful. No matter how much healing magic I used, her body remained fine.

Pina was confused by sensations that she couldn’t quite comprehend.

“..Anyway, he’s someone I worry about because he’s always trying hard and struggling alone.”

“Then he’s like the prince in the fairy tale!”

Tap tap, the boy pointed at the fairy tale book they had just read.

“The prince here also tries really hard for the princess! Alone!”

Flipping the page to where the princess was kidnapped by the witch, the prince was battling a dragon.

“He cries and struggles just like that!”

A picture of a prince holding a broken sword, blaming himself for not being able to protect the princess.

“That person who protects big sister Pina must be the prince!”

Seeing the prince beside the princess dressed in pure white, Pina immediately thought of Licht in his Black Knight helmet.


It felt like someone was floating in front of my eyes, as if I had fallen sick.

“Big sister, are you okay?”

“..Soo-hyun. Can I step outside for a moment?”

Hallucinations and heart pain. Pina’s lovesickness had worsened to the point she barely noticed it.

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not work with dark mode