Switch Mode

Chapter 136


The reputation inside the academy changed.

“Me? The one who walks around with that Black Knight helmet…?”

“They say he even saved second-years! He even knocked out the instructor.”

I saw a crowd whispering in the hallway.

Since the practice match, rumors about me spread like wildfire.

As the Head of the newcomers, or the delinquent who knocked out the instructor.

“They say he even caught the Demon King; he must be the newly chosen Hero!”

Was Drake aware of this and telling me to shatter their doubts with my skills? Not enforcing any restrictions must have been intentional.

It seems better to show those doubting my abilities directly. They probably didn’t even think I would lose.

“Look at all those helmets! Mardol…!”

“That’s, different…”

They say a word travels a thousand miles, and sure enough, there were male students somewhere donning knight helmets. Some were just medieval.

Clang. As usual, I opened my locker to pull out my textbooks.


As I opened the door, letters tumbled out with clatter.

“Licht, it looks like you’ve become quite famous?”

“When was I not famous? Kainel.”

Seeing the noble seals on them, news of me defeating the Head must have spread throughout the Empire.

Immediate comprehension. They’re probably trying to tie me down using the fact that I’m a Hero and the arranged marriage.

‘Love is a means to recruit talented individuals.’

I couldn’t help but think of that wretched game company. Sorry, but I’m not interested in flirting with anyone other than our Pina.

“…Must be from the Social Club.”

Still, it was polite to read the letters sent to me. As I tore one open, Pina gasped in surprise beside me.

“The daughter of the Miregta family… the minor branch of the Harvester family….”

All names of main heroines from the game.

One is the villainess, while the other is a sickly cute girl. They’d get better if they took an elixir, but they insist on acting like that.

They have to show weakness for their opponents to let down their guard. That was a quote from the PV.

None had official pairings and would link up with the player. If I attended the Social Club with this letter, I’d probably hit the harem route.

Dancing with a partner triggers a special CG event.

That guy from the pillar kept bragging about how pretty the grand duchess looked. With my low reputation, I couldn’t go with Pina when she was a Saintess.

“Nothing much in the content.”

I organized the papers and shoved them into a corner of the locker. Such things should be quietly disposed of.

“I’ll graciously accept the sentiment.”

If I tossed it into the trash right away, another heroine might pop up, shouting, “Don’t take love lightly!” It’s one of the common cliches.

A heroine trying to show true love but ends up going sideways. I glanced at Pina.

Blanc’s name was mixed in there too. There was a creepy red kiss mark on it. I shouldn’t read that.

“Don’t take even the sentiment.”

At that moment, Pina reached her arm into my locker.

“Mardol? What are you doing….”

Pina pulled out all the letters and crumpled them. With a boom, the papers flew directly into the trash can.

“…This is how you deal with such things.”

With the loud noise, all the students around turned to look at me and the Glass Knight. Despite the focused attention, Pina said what she needed to say.

If you do it, it must be fine.

I felt comfort seeing the ruined love flags.

But I still need to attend the Social Club.

I’d need a three-way meeting with Nex and Schartines for the arranged marriage approval.

It might be better to discuss matters at the Social Club. Asha probably wouldn’t be able to move from there either.

“Mardol, would you like to go to the next Social Club with me?”

I opened my mouth to propose to Pina. If bringing a partner is an issue, I could bring our Princess, right?

I’m her Black Knight. I could stop any bad guys from throwing advances.

“What..? W-Wait…. Just me?”

“Of course, Ariel and Kainel can come too.”

After all, these invitations to the Social Club were addressed to me, so it didn’t matter if I brought along a few people I know. Pina’s golden eyes trembled inside the helmet.

“I’m okay with that. But can commoners come?”

Kainel put his arm around my shoulder and asked. It was obvious he wanted to get closer to Ariel.

Their affection level would rise too. A win-win situation.

“The Ten Heroes have various backgrounds, you know. What’s the problem?”

“B-But… will we really be allowed to wear dresses and dance there? I’ve never done such a thing…”

Ariel covered her blushing face like a ripe tomato.

Is she imagining dancing with the golden-haired Hero under the moonlight? It seems she’s getting hot, as she keeps fanning herself.

“Ariel, I know a pretty wolf if you’re interested.”


“If I mention it, the dress situation will be solved…. Ouch. Mardol.”

I flinched. Pina shook her body hard and elbowed my side through the armor. Just a single compliment makes such a difference.

Why didn’t I realize it was our Pina before?

“Idiot. Pervert. Beast.”

Without giving me a chance to respond, Pina insulted me. Kainel looked as if he understood my feelings.

She really resembles a tsundere elf.


The next class was Beatrice’s The History of Divine Power.

“What do you lambs think about miracles?”

The professor, a blonde with squinted eyes, asked. It was surprising that she wasn’t the villainess.

Miracle, huh.

Isn’t a miracle something like the luck that’s hard to come by in reality? Here, is it about using Divine Power?

A healing spell similar to the Savior Sword would be in the same category. It’s like a miracle that can heal all allies at once.

“It’s a kind of skill created from the strong reason of humans.”

I raised my hand. I’ve seen high-ranking clergy using such skills in the game.

Things like Munka slashing the heavens with his fists, and the holy knight who dominated the world with faith. The sight of wiping out demon kind all at once was impressive.

Ultimate Moves are a means to combat the Demon King.

It must be possible with magic, swordsmanship, or even Spirit Magic, so it’s impossible it wouldn’t work with Divine Power.

“That’s correct. Lamb.”

After hearing my answer, Beatrice smiled slightly, drew a human-like figure on the blackboard, and began her explanation.

“It happened before the empire was established.”

She drew a white star at the center. The picture represented the reason residing within a person, as written in the book.

“The situation of the war was dire. There were many people who had forgotten everything in ignorance, as well as knights and mages barely surviving with missing limbs.”

The star flickered on the blackboard. It seemed to hold Divine Power. Is that what a miracle is?

“But at that time, after witnessing the first Saintess heal the sick, the term ‘miracle’ spread through society.”

Is she referring to the Saintess among the Ten Heroes? I believe she’s dead now. I recalled the statue standing in front of the academy.

“The Saintess, looking spotless at the shrine, raised soldiers as if they hadn’t been injured since the beginning.”

As Beatrice spoke, the surroundings darkened like night. Suddenly, a few students whispered in the dim environment.

“Even in a hopeless situation where no hope could be seen….”

At that moment, a beam of light began to appear before my eyes. The illuminating light around brightened up the area with stars.

“The reason of humans that can change the world.”

Tap. A star fell from the blackboard like a sticker, floating in Beatrice’s hand. The floating fake shone like a real star twinkling in the night sky.

“That is the miracle.”

Beatrice made a fist, encasing the star, and then a sound of a crack echoed. Once she concluded her actions, light returned to the surroundings.

“Now, lambs, you can also do this, right?”

The professor surveyed the students before her. How can we do that? This pace is too fast for first-years.

“Draw the same picture I drew and make it shine.”

Beatrice is truly hands-on. Last semester I couldn’t use Divine Power, but this time I have a plan.

“Let’s hold hands. Mardol.”

“A-Ah… Sure….”

We intertwined our fingers under the desk. This way, our magic circuits would be shared, allowing us to use Divine Power. Pina, startled, stuttered.

As I was drawing the star, Pina was flailing her fingers.

With the way things were, it felt strange, as if we were doing something bad during class.

Pina buried her head on the desk drawing something. For it to be a star, her hands were shaking a lot.

“…I’m done.”

She quickly drew the star to avoid surprising her further. The star glowing gold from my textbooks. The same color as Pina’s eyes.

My unshakeable reason towards the harem comes from Pina Grancia. Is this part reflected?

I was resting in my satisfaction that I had barely accomplished one. Now just holding hands makes my heart race.

“Licht, check this out.”

“What is…?”

After a moment, Pina eagerly presented her book. What on earth did she draw to be so busy with her hands…?

“Ta-da. Glowing black fluff…”


Pina proudly showcased her drawing. She had drawn a Pomeranian glowing green.

It looked closer to a tuft than a puppy, depicting a cute spirit.

“Hehe, what do you think…? Pretty, right?”

“It’s beautiful. Really.”

It must be something that pleased Pina, as she loves cute things. My emotions connect directly to hers, making her compliant.

Should I learn how to awaken spirits someday? Just as I pondered that,

“…Then I’ll do it for you too. Licht.”

Seeing her satisfaction from my reaction, Pina tugged at my wrist.

“W-Wait a sec. Out of the blue?”

“Stay still… puppy…”

It was ticklish. Each time Pina’s tiny fingers wrote on my hand, I felt a jolt of electricity racing through me.

The glowing letters formed one by one, with each blush on my face.

‘Clone Magic. Can I help you, Licht?’

The writing on my hand was an invitation. I looked at Pina in shock, and she only spun her finger in circles without answering.

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not work with dark mode