Switch Mode

Chapter 131

The relationship between Kkamang and Hayan looked similar to me and Pina.

“Bang! Huh-huh.”


To be exact, it was the complete opposite.

A black puppy chased after a white wolf, its fluffy body drawing the attention of others as it sprinted across the field.

“..They’re full of energy.”

“Indeed. They seem to have taken after their owner in reverse.”

Unlike me, who couldn’t be honest with Pina, Kkamang was quite active.

In fact, the Pomeranian should ideally be protected by the wolf. It kept clinging and licking its face repeatedly.

In contrast to Pina, who’s been shaking my heart lately, Hayan, the wolf, was running away.

The predator-prey hierarchy flipped upside down.

“Kkiing.. Grr..”

“Bark! Bang!!”

Now Kkamang seemed scared, tucking its tail, trembling in fear. From my spirit’s perspective, it must have wanted to make friends.

“Licht, your spirits are quite peculiar.”


Kainel approached with scratches on his arms and face. Seeing Ariel fidgeting, it seemed like it was indeed a spirit.

“What’s with those wounds…?”

“This? It’s nothing. Ariel’s spirit did that.”

The red cat made a purring sound as it comfortably nestled in his arms. Is this a reflection of Ariel’s tsundere personality?

She would quiet down when Kainel looked serious, despite being rough when attacking.

“This guy, who did he take after to be this picky?”

I hadn’t seen the spirits of the hero couple in the game before. Curious, I tried to pet it, only to have Ariel’s spirit reveal its claws. Yeah, it seems the owner is someone else.

“Sorry.. Kain! Hey! Why did you do that!!”


The cat nonchalantly ignored Ariel’s scolding. Beside them, the yellow dog growled at other students as if protecting the hero couple.

‘Spirits are beings birthed from emotions…’

I recalled what Asha Aureus had said while watching the scene.

As soon as Kainel held it, Ariel’s spirit ceased its aggression, while the yellow dog remained as it was. And what about the relationship between Hayan and Kkamang? I was thinking with my chin resting habitually when suddenly…

“What should we do.. Licht.. Hayan is trying to eat Kkamang..”

Pina tugged at my arm with a sniveling voice, breaking my train of thought.

In my immediate view, the white wolf seemed to be opening its mouth wide, as if to bite the black Pomeranian. But in reality, it was different.

“Ah, that’s probably a sign that it’s not attacking.”

Its teeth didn’t touch the fur of the black Pomeranian. I had seen a video of a Siberian Husky expressing affection this way in real life.

It merely pretended to nibble at the head or neck, making a vow to keep its instincts and aggression subdued for those it cherishes.

“Really.. That’s fascinating..”

“I’ve never seen it in person either.”

My mouth slightly dropped in surprise. The wolf and dog rolled around in the grass, playfully interacting.

If wild beasts and tame pets can get along, then spirits might just be the embodiment of the emotions humans feel.

The same goes for the other spirits. The spirits of students radiating affectionate vibes were also rubbing their cheeks together and displaying affection.

‘In Leon’s case, it’s a mandarin duck.’

Glancing around, I noticed Leon, the blonde-haired paladin, already surrounded by a harem. Despite my warnings during the year-end exam, it seems he couldn’t change his habits.

I saw it in a documentary about animal love. Contrary to the stereotype that they’re monogamous, mandarin ducks can have multiple partners.

Most birds look for a single mate but there are exceptions like this.


Just then, a large sky-blue bird appeared, driving away the other spirits with its flapping wings. Animals like dukes and dairy cows scurried away.

I guess that was the spirit of a country girl and a noble lady I saw earlier. It was an obvious spirit appearance that made me chuckle. Is it related to their owners?

Pina’s Hayan had a mix of fox and wolf traits, while Kkamang leaned more on the Pomeranian side, so maybe it could be right.

“Hey, you all. Don’t mess with Leon.”


The owner of the albatross was Windy, who primarily used wind magic. With hair matching the color of the spirits, she approached Leon.

“Thanks, Windy.”

“Leon, why aren’t you sorting out the girls? You said you were only interested in me?”

Looks like she’s aiming for the position of the main lover. My advice to pick one to date might have resonated with her.

Windy helped the man whose clothes were almost torn to shreds by the spirits to his feet. He didn’t seem free from the harem even outside of it.

“Well, I definitely told her I wanted to break up… but she wouldn’t accept it…”

“Ugh. This burn mark.. Seriously..”

It’s because he keeps declaring his love to everyone. Everyone shares the feeling of wanting to not let go of someone they love.

“She still insists that she should be his girlfriend, even though he said he would only love her…”

Wouldn’t you get mad if someone who claimed to love only you turned around to officially date someone else?

A harem can only exist when there’s a hierarchy rather than an equal relationship. That’s also why there are main and secondary partners.

Wait, hold on, this feels familiar.

Didn’t Pina say she didn’t want to lose me too? As I momentarily glanced at the glass knight beside her, I locked eyes with her, who had been looking at me.

“..What? Licht?”

“I was just thinking after hearing what you said earlier.”

Pina’s insistence that we’re not in a romantic relationship kept piercing me like a dagger. What would she say if I asked this?

Since we’ve already bathed together in the north, there shouldn’t be any hesitation. Judging by Pina’s spirit also following me, it doesn’t seem like she dislikes me.

[Pina, what would you think if I were to date a girlfriend?]


I used telepathy to keep her identity hidden. A one-on-one communication that no one else could access.

[Absolutely wouldn’t happen.]

After a brief silence, I received a cold response. She crossed her arms with conviction.

Could it be that she’s about to say she’d be my girlfriend? Just imagining it sends my heart into a frenzy. I continued questioning, my heart racing to gauge her thoughts.

[Why wouldn’t it happen, Pina.]

[No kind person would date a perverted dog like that….]

Ugh. My heart took a hit. Even though I anticipated the sounds from those around me, being called a pervert stung.

I tried summoning a little hope and courage, but it fell flat on its face.

[There’s gotta be at least one person, right..?]

[Even if there is, they’d spill it. A pervert who saw the princess naked…]

Hearing that from no other than Pina made my head droop automatically. My feelings mirrored an ant that had flipped over and was flailing.

“Hik! Heup..”

I couldn’t bear to hear any more responses. The white-haired girl in full plate armor started hiccupping. She seemed to be troubled, tapping her chest right in the center.

When I handed her the canteen compiled by the professor, Pina Grancia took a sip of water while wearing her helmet.

Seems like the incident in the hot spring was quite shocking for her.

I thought I knew everything there was to know about Pina with my height, but the real deal was way more striking and impressive.

“..Spirits are most influenced by their owner’s emotions.”

As I glanced at the sky, feeling a warm sensation on my nose, Maria’s explanation continued. The professor drew a small hamster on the wooden chalkboard.

“That’s also why spirit magicians are stronger than anyone else but still have a critical weakness.”

Next to it, she drew an image of a cute little hamster transformed into a muscular one, and another one seemingly leaning on its staff.

“Right now, it’s using magic from the Aureus family to forcibly awaken them.”

Maria spoke in a subdued tone, sounding somewhat regretful. In the game, spirit mages weren’t a common profession.

Nex and the orca noble were special cases. I wonder if he’s alright now that he’s lost the head’s insensitivity. Professor Dennis probably wouldn’t let him get hurt.

“One day, I hope you all can be honest with your emotions and handle spirits without these responding spells.”

The pink-haired dryad carefully observed the spirits before her.

“I’ll end today’s lesson early. It seems many students were startled by the spirits!”

As Maria clapped to signal the dismissal, the spirits vanished in an instant.

“Kkamang.. is gone…”

“Maybe we’ll see them again someday.”

Unable to stop hiccuping, Pina approached me, holding onto my sleeve. Whatever happened to the habit of holding hands?


“What is it, Mardol?”

After taking several deep breaths, Pina managed to speak one word.

“If Kkamang and Hayan have babies, will a gray wolf come out?”

The content was shockingly profound. What? It’s possible for a black puppy and a white wolf to have offspring. But why say that while looking at me?

It felt like a crushing responsibility weighing down on me, almost as if she was applying it to me. Perhaps it’s influenced by recent couples with eggs or something.

Cold sweat started pouring. Thoughts of the future blossomed in my brain as my affection rate with Pina reaches a hundred percent.

I pictured Pina in a wedding dress from the beta tester email. “Honey,” she’d say, or every morning cooking beef stew for me….

Not only imagining children, but even great-grandchildren started to fill my mind. This can’t be happening. Pina was just asking about the relationship between the spirits.

“No, I think it will be black…”

I barely replied after pushing aside all those filthy, vulgar fantasies. Since Pina’s hair turned white due to stress, black seems more suitable.

The little girl who mentioned Mana Rose did too, so it’s possible even if it’s a strong flag—such a triggering incident made my heart tremble with longing.

“That would be super cute too. Licht.”


Pina spoke to me in a calm voice, like a child hoping for a present from Santa Claus.

What should I do with this innocent wolf, knows nothing about love? Behind us, Ariel, who had eavesdropped on our conversation, was covering her face with her fingers, blushing red.

“Yikes..!! What’s happening between you two lately!!”

Even though Ariel shouted loudly, no one else responded. Maybe she cast a soundproof spell, realizing the seriousness of the situation. Thank you, Flame Mage.

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not work with dark mode