Switch Mode

Chapter 119


The White Wolf, the Shadow Fang, bit just as effectively as during the grade exam.

“Pina, it’s just the two of us again, like last time.”


Darkness surrounded us.

An emptiness that no one could approach, the essence of my inner turmoil.

I’ve thought about it a lot: what kind of life would I have lived if our Pina hadn’t existed?

Would my heart have shattered and broken, and in a cold world where hope was absent, would my spark have been extinguished like a dying flame?

“Familiar, right? You can’t check what’s inside from outside.”

If Pina wasn’t so angry, she could have blocked my attack with her rationality. But since I also fought with my Head and life on the line, I had gotten much stronger.

“Aren’t you going to answer? I’m a bit sad.”

I found myself entertaining the thought that maybe I could win against the current Pina. But if it really came to a fight, I’d throw the match.

For the sake of warmth and comfort that love brings, I could easily toss aside my pride.

Ultimately, love is about letting the one who loves more lose.

‘Her true strength is vast… no, it’s frightful.’

Looking at Pina who was only wearing the crystal helmet, I tried to regain my composure, but she drew my attention too much.

Maybe it’s because I have a poster of her as the Saintess stuck up in my room? It’s too stimulating. The saying that knowing a flavor can be scary is really true.

‘Normally, I don’t even look at other female characters, but Pina is an exception.’

I was already distancing myself from real women, having fallen in love with a game character.

There was someone in the monitor who even liked the burn scars on me, so was it really necessary to bother about reality?

In the computer world, I had a wife and imaginary children.

Last time, I didn’t realize that it was our Pina just by looking at her body. After all, her current self existed in a different timeframe.

At least a gap of 5 to 10 years. That’s the stretch of time between [Night Heart] and [Black Heart].

It would probably align with the imperial power’s timeline.

“Do you remember? You called me a pervert here once.”

I memorized her measurements when she was a Saintess, which led me to be stuck in my own stereotypes, failing to recognize her.

To think she would grow bigger from there is absurd.

It’s very likely I wouldn’t have recognized her even if someone else came. Ah, it feels like I’m going to get a nosebleed again. Damn.

“Once again, just the helmet remains…”

Pina Grancia, leaving only the crystal helmet, was approaching me with footsteps.

Her wolf eyes were as red as blood.

Perhaps she was affected by the Apostle’s abilities to end up like that.

Since she resembled a mid-boss I had to defeat while capturing the Demon Kings of the Hero Church, I had some knowledge of their abilities.

I told myself to be cautious about this. I guess she has a similar stubborn personality and won’t listen to others’ words.

She thinks and acts only for herself, being unilateral and self-righteous.

“Pina, even so, it’s too much to have dozens of crystal walls set up in the palace.”

I couldn’t help but smile a little at our striking resemblance. What’s wrong with having some common points with someone you love?

In a world where love can fade for trivial reasons, this was more than a bonus.

Even as I was in my room enacting a ritual, there were dozens of crystal walls surrounding me. It delayed my escape. Just how thoroughly did she want to confine me?

“Captivity is great and all, but I’m going to escape whenever I want, Pina.”


I shared my magic circuit and could sense where she was. Our lives are not shared, but we’re bonded through our heartbeats.

“If you’re angry, let’s fight and talk it out.”


Even if the white wolf pouted and got angry, it was just cute. I didn’t have any other sentiments.

“That’s the answer I think, Pina.”

When she was the Nameless Saintess, I could love her freely,

Ultimately, she was just a game character. It was okay to convey my feelings unilaterally.

But now that I had entered the game world due to her, it was hard to think of her as just a virtual character anymore.

I didn’t want to be looked down upon for marrying or dating someone like me due to my severe burn scars. This was the best option.

“Come here, I’ll hug you no matter how much you hurt me.”

I couldn’t judge her based on my light feelings of love and take away her colors.

What even is pure love? I matched my pace with her and moved forward.

“How much of your childishness can I tolerate? Pina.”

The Black Knight and the White Knight.

Shadows and crystals.

Even if they had such contrasting traits, their statuses as commoner and princess were starkly different.

Even if they were struck by ignorance and lost their memories, even if the memories we shared faded,

Isn’t being able to love again the essence of pure love?


“It might be suffocating, but you need to endure it.”

I tightly hugged Pina. I pressed her a little strongly to prevent her from squirming. Even after being caught, she might still be using crystal magic.


She cut into my back with crystal shards. I felt the biting pain and the warm temperature of her blood.

‘The power of the Apostle has a time limit.’

It would be better than Pina attacking anyone else or collapsing the cave. She’s a gentle-hearted person, so she’d surely be hurt.

I was a Black Knight. A Pure Love Black Knight.

I’m not an extraordinary hero, just a knight who will do anything for Pina Grancia’s happiness.

At least if someone has to get hurt, it’s better that it’s me.

“L, Licht.. Let go..”

“Nope, bad wolfy.”

Even in a state of fury, she remained surprisingly calm. I thought she’d shout or get angry, but it seems her heart is indeed empty.

“Why do you always… act like this?”

“Because I’m your Black Knight, Pina.”

Can I truly capture the empty heart of the platinum-haired wolf? It seems difficult, but like I always say.

“Just stay still for a moment.”

I will do my best. If I can’t love her, at least I can protect her from the side.

While keeping my arms wrapped around her, I pressed my body closer.

“Licht.. I’m.. really getting angry…”

“Why are you getting angry?”

I didn’t mind getting hurt on my back to ensure Pina wouldn’t be harmed by her blind magic. I should pay for my past ignorance.

Our breaths mingled, our bodies were so close together, it felt like we were one with each other.

“Licht.. you didn’t kiss me last time…”

She began revealing shocking thoughts. Was her anger causing her dormant emotions to emerge?

“I read in a book… everyone does that there…”


Like a hedgehog with spines, Pina was releasing her pent-up feelings. How far could she trust in romance novels? True, the ultimate aim of knowledge is practice, but this was a bit too extreme.

“They all cherish and give everything.”

Cling, the glass swords that were digging into my back shattered. It looked like her attack had stopped. I no longer felt the searing pain of being burned.

“You were wrong, Licht.. Princess.. is angry…”

With a huff, the wolf displayed her cute side. My lips wanted to rise despite not wanting to smile.

“Just this once… I really want to know if it tastes like lemon…”

Like starting an engine, my heart began pounding violently, enough that I couldn’t tell if it was my voice.

“I’m curious.. Licht.”

The wolf’s eyes shifted from red to gold, and with her crystal helmet still on, she was rubbing her mouth against me in a bid to kiss.


There was a topic I had debated until dawn with that jerk of a pillar.

‘If you love someone, can you love their bad sides too?’

A hot topic that ignited the game community. Even a vote post was created, resulting in hundreds of comments.

“This is still burning. I thought it would cool off quickly.”

Many players had given lengthy explanations using their successful routes as examples.

“I oppose. How can you love their bad sides?”

“What? Isn’t that the point? You have to love their bad sides for it to be pure love. Giseok.”

Giseok was on the opposing side, being thoroughly calculative. He insisted that bad habits should be corrected, claiming that’s true love.

“So you’re saying we should thank the princess for giving us poison? Lee Soo-hyun?”

I somewhat agreed with that opinion. But there was one distinction.

“To a certain extent.”

“You’re crazier than me. Why on earth should we eat it?”

I believe I fight because I love. Reality isn’t a fairytale. We can’t just have blissful days repeating endlessly.

“If the person I like was about to collapse from poison, wouldn’t even that ice-cold princess change her mind? You pillar idiot.”

That’s why we can’t impose our own ideals onto others. Everyone has flaws, and loving even those is what pure love is about.

Just like Pina Grancia did, you can cage someone. But judging that it’s not purity is a separate issue.

“Is it permissible to change someone just because you love them?”

“If it’s a bad side, then it has to be corrected. Soo-hyun.”

Automatically changing it is not right. At the very least, you have to respect the opinions of the person you love.

“But what if that person doesn’t want to change?”

I cast my vote in favor of the ‘You must love their bad sides’ camp, continuing the discussion.

“I think so too, Giseok.”

The number went up one, and I presented an opinion opposite to that of the Northern Duke’s husband. If you love someone, you need to love their true self.

“If the person you love is in darkness, it’d be good to save them into the light.”

I realized this from the stalemate. It seems that jerk thinks differently from me. He can’t seem to shake his inherently cold nature.

“But… I think searching for the light switch together in that darkness is closer to pure love.”

While happiness may be deemed pure love, wouldn’t it be more accurate to love even the wrong aspects of a partner and try to fix them together?

“Sometimes we might get angry or fight because we don’t fit. That’s what love is, right?”

If there are no feelings between each other, we wouldn’t even fight. Indifference is the scariest thing.

I concluded my speech with the thumbs-up gesture.


After a moment, feeling the anger dissipate, I released my embrace, and now our Pina had taken off her helmet.


I didn’t expect this. The white wolf slowly narrowed the distance again.

“Treat me… precious, special… differently from others.”

The movements of the love-struck seeking a kiss. If I were to capture her again, I wouldn’t be able to escape by sheer strength.

Think. Think. If I kiss her right now, it cannot happen.

‘If we’re going to do it, we need to be in our right minds.’

We should raise our affection level to 50% and officially start dating before doing such a thing. That’s impossible with such a low number of just 2%.

We need to truly understand what love is. Right now, she’s confusing obsession with love.

In that case…

“Pina, please bear with this for now.”

If it’s about obtaining what she desires, then I’ll just fulfill that aim. I quickly lifted my mask to expose my face.

Using my thumb, I stamped my lips, then,

“Ah.. Ugh.”

Press. I pressed my thumb against Pina’s lower lip again. A rather ambiguous act that barely counts as an indirect kiss. I merely brushed both our lips with my fingers.

“Is this… a kiss?”

Well, it wasn’t. Even passing children would say that’s not even a peck. But I had no choice. After all, I have no experience in romance.

I’m nothing more than a coward who can’t even kiss properly like Dennis or the White Lily.


I felt a thrilling jolt, like I was electrocuted as currents surged through my thumb, the soft sensation transmitting to my fingertips.

So this is how soft a woman’s lips are. Time seemed to freeze in that moment,

And this isn’t a kiss, but why do I feel flush spreading across my face? The scent of roses wafting around stirred my brain.

“..Licht did that for me.”

Even though we only touched each other’s lips with our fingers, Pina ended up swaying and collapsing.


I couldn’t help but be flustered. This wasn’t even stealing a first kiss. Could it be such a shock to her?

“Pina?! Get a grip!!”

I barely caught the platinum-haired girl as she fell backward. Thankfully, she didn’t get hurt and nestled into my arms, an unaware wolf of love.

“Whew.. Licht…”

She seemed to be dreaming sweetly, even mumbling in her sleep.

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not work with dark mode