Switch Mode

Chapter 994

Chapter: 994

‘……What’s with that size?’

I lifted my head to meet its gaze, but was momentarily taken aback by how endlessly high it rose.

What on earth is that huge?

The physique of the creature that appeared was absurdly large. It was almost the size of a building.

In terms of size alone, it seemed to surpass the blue level compared to other monsters.


What caused it to grow so huge? I pondered over the unexpected transformation.

Could it be that this isn’t the one I used to know? That thought flickered through my mind.

‘But it seems familiar?’

When I checked its energy and presence, it was undeniably him.

The head of the White Clan.

I remembered the unique rough and rugged aura. That creature’s state felt exactly like that.

The difference was:

‘That it’s much stronger.’

It was considerably, exponentially stronger than the White guy I encountered back then.

‘How strong has he become?’

Even though it was night, this disparity was unreal. Could levels really differ this much?

‘He must be at least double what he was.’

Among all the members of the Moonlight Tribe I had seen so far, this one was definitely the most different. Both in size and in the amount of energy it exuded.

The intensity of its presence had changed as much as its size.


Fascinating. I didn’t know such a difference was even possible.

I kept observing it with amusement.


The creature let out an aggressive roar.

The resonance of its sound was so powerful it seemed to shake the very air around.

“You beast–.”

Its voice was rough and deep, laden with a gravelly quality as if thick with phlegm.

It definitely wasn’t a clear voice to begin with, but now it had transformed into something downright monstrous.

“Do you dare to think this is your territory–!!”

It had truly become a beast in its own right.

‘The Blue wasn’t this far gone.’

Though it had transformed and gained strength, sprouting fur here and there, it wasn’t nearly as beastly as this White one.

At least the Blue’s human form had still lingered, if only just.

‘That’s just a beast cub.’

A massive tiger-man.

No, it’s somewhat absurd to even call it a human. It felt more like a gigantic white tiger standing on two legs.

No matter how I looked at it, I couldn’t recognize it as a human being.


The creature produced a low growl as well, just as beastly.


I nodded at this beast.

“It’s vastly different from our last encounter.”


The air released from my nostrils was so forceful that it sent my hair fluttering.

“You presumptuous beast! To appear so confidently—you must think I’m a joke!”

Guggeuggeuk-!! Kwagagagagagak–!!!

The creature roared back, swinging its arms wildly as it spat out those words. Its sharp claws sliced through the air, grazing the ground beneath.

“Did you think that just because you succeeded in a surprise attack last time, you’d be able to pull something off again? Or did you think defeating the blue creature would make me easy prey?”


I squinted at the white beast. Why was it only mentioning the blue? That was a bit puzzling.

‘Does it not know about the red?’

It seemed to have no idea I’d already taken down the red one.

That meant:

‘Yusa must have kept it quiet.’

The creature had indeed kept its mouth shut about this incident.

Grasping that, I made my point clear to him.

“You seem to be mistaken. What’s so surprising about me entering boldly?”


“There’s no place under this sky that can keep me out.”

As I uttered those words, I loosened the arms I had kept crossed behind me.

“Does an owner need permission for what belongs to him? There’s nothing more ridiculous than that.”


The White beast reacted to my declaration. It puffed up its already massive muscles, baring its fangs.

“What an arrogant beast.”


Its presence escalated further.

Perhaps that’s why I noticed the air around it starting to warp slightly.

“Is this place under the sky yours? The Master is surely watching, and here you are, defiling his grace!”


A tail as large as its body cut through the air.


It struck the ground like a whip, shattering it instantly.

“I don’t know what your intent is, wreaking such havoc, but you’ve made a grave mistake.”

The creature’s fur bristled fiercely.

“Just because you succeeded in a foolish ambush once, you thought it would be the same this time? You miscalculated.”

Oh? What’s the difference?”

“The full moon is about to rise.”


The ground beneath its feet cracked beneath the immense pressure.

“Then, my blessed awl will devour you whole.”


That massive creature lunged toward me.


Kwaaaaaaaah–!!! Boom-!! Boom-!

An explosion erupted, shaking the surrounding area. The ground trembled violently, and buildings around us crumbled like they were made of sand.

“Run for your lives…!!”

“Get out of this place immediately–!!”

The soldiers were left in disarray, panicking at the chaotic scene unfolding before them.

Their expressions were filled with terror. In hindsight, it was completely justifiable.

Who wouldn’t be scared when a beast the size of a house goes on a rampage?


The white beast resembling a tiger swung its massive arm with force.


As its claws sliced through the air, yet another building fell to pieces. That mansion which had seemed so sturdy crumbled with deceptive ease.

“Don’t run away–!!!”

It charged in with a roar, reaching me in an instant.

‘That’s fast.’

I couldn’t help but admire its speed.

Despite its colossal size, it maintained such speed.


It reached out toward me.

Seeing this, I clenched my fist back.


The vibrations surged through my fist.

The power of the Tuapacheonmu was fully channeled into my punch as I struck.

The surfaces of our fists collided.


A shockwave erupted, sending energy radiating in all directions.

‘Look at that?’

I found myself chuckling at what occurred next.

It was clear the full strength of the Tuapacheonmu had been utilized. The creature was only slightly pushed back, and it appeared to sustain no serious damage.

‘Its durability has skyrocketed.’

Overall, it had grown stronger.

Strength, speed, durability, energy.

It was superior in every aspect.

‘I think this is the strongest leader I’ve ever faced.’

Even considering it was night, the white beast’s strength was substantial. During the day, the red one seemed the strongest…

‘It can’t merely be a difference determined by night or day.’

When I observed its reaction, it didn’t seem likely.

‘Does it grow stronger as the full moon approaches?’

That could very well be true. It might explain the strange surge of confidence I felt.

When it comes to the Moonlight Tribe, I knew practically nothing.

However, there was indeed a downside to it.

‘As all my stats have risen…’

Using my body had become more instinct-driven.

Should I say I was now moving solely on instinct? It seemed like its beastly features had become more pronounced.



I rolled my eyes beneath the mask.

‘Is this enough for me to figure out?’

I felt as if there was nothing more to discover. Just then, I came to a halt.

At that moment, the White beast slashed its claws down toward me.

Grrrrrrr-!! I got you–!!

A massive claw blocked my vision.

If this went on, my body would be crushed.

Just before the claws made contact with me:


I moved my hand.



The white beast’s blue eyes widened like lanterns. My body, which should have been crushed, remained intact.

The only thing that flew away was its own arm.


The creature tried to scream in pain, but:

“Stop being so noisy.”

I closed in and delivered a blow to its chin so it couldn’t make a sound.


The impact sent its jaw soaring upward.

Its massive body lost balance from the shock.

Since it was so large, there were numerous targets to hit.

Watching it, I prepared my own strength.


As the pain intensified, power filled my body.

This was much easier than what I’d done previously.

I could feel my blood vessels expanding as I gathered the energy.

In that instant, the energy from the Tuapacheonmu coalesced into a single mass.

It resembled a raw gem at first glance.

Yet, it contained a crude, rough power far beyond that.

Breaking the heavens.

I took a handful of the sky I’d just conjured and hurled it toward the beast.


A minor sound accompanied the eruption of energy.


The creature was sent flying back, a far greater roar escaping it than before.

Its body hurtled away, destroying its own mansion one after another.


Crashing into a building, it let out a painful groan.

A massive hole appeared in its body. Yes, it was the same hole I’d inflicted on the Blue leader.

Seeing it, I smirked slightly.

“It’s as sturdy as it looks.”

The compliment was genuine. The first attack I’d used on the Blue hadn’t packed this kind of punch.

At least double.

The body transformed by the moonlight was capable of exerting that much strength.

The creature had endured that and still held on.



A blue smoke billowed from its torn arm and pierced body, gradually regenerating. The speed of its recovery was notably rapid.

It was already a swift Moonlight Tribe member, and this one stood out among them.


‘Its regrown arm is also taking shape again.’

Though slow, the arm was indeed regenerating.

I wondered whether this guy had some special characteristics, and my curiosity only grew.

“Is this all you’ve got? I suppose I’m underwhelmed.”

There was no sense in sticking around to keep watching it any longer.

“Rough and clumsy, hardly worth my time or attention. It’s laughable, really.”

I spat those words and braced myself.

The creature’s regeneration sped up. It would likely be back on its feet soon.

But I didn’t care.

That was more than sufficient.


Once again, I summoned the Tuapacheonmu and cast Changcheon.

As the pain surged, my body, under pressure, maximized its abilities.

At the same time, I invoked the Guyeonhwaryun technique, creating friction between our energies.

The energies clashed against each other.

Casting Changcheon made the agony resonate stronger than before.

Not unfamiliar.

I was more adept at enduring pain than anyone else.

Though I hadn’t tried, casting both techniques simultaneously felt like the right choice.

The energy was building up quickly.

Such intensity of pain increased, but the crucial thing was how fast I could cast.

‘I’ve been wanting to try this!’

Thanks to that, it seemed I could finally put my plan into action.

As my body held firm, the energy swirled more rapidly inside.


A whirlwind gust surged within me.

I wrapped it in visuals and incantations to prevent an explosion.

Twisting my waist,

I placed power into the toes of my foot.

The direction and form of this initial strike were different than before.

It was hard to devise a new move in this situation.

For now, I took inspiration from the initial strike I’d performed with the Tuapacheonmu.

Solar Eclipse Fist.

Instead of just unleashing the fist with little finesse, it needed to be executed flawlessly without fail.

I infused it with the Heavenly Demonic energy. Would it truly succeed? That thought flashed through my mind first.

‘So what shall I name it?’

Whether it worked or not felt secondary; I was more preoccupied with naming it.

After a brief contemplation, an idea popped up.

Oh, right.

‘Shall I call it the Thousand-Mile Fist?’

I settled on the name right there.

It resonated with me.

Thousand-Mile Fist (天魔一拳).

Nodding inwardly at the newly crafted name, I launched my fist forward.


The unleashed energy let out a hellish scream.

In that moment,

the night was torn apart mercilessly.

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Childhood Friend of the Zenith

Childhood Friend of the Zenith

CFZ, Childhood Friend of the Zenith Under the Heavens, The Zenith's Childhood Friend, 천하제일인의 소꿉친구
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Instead of struggling meaninglessly, he acknowledged his place.


not work with dark mode