Switch Mode

Chapter 992

Chapter: 992

If the Master truly noticed something strange and said that, when did he catch on?

No, it was bizarre even to note I had seen it there in the first place; there were far too many situations where I could have picked up on it.

What I want to address here is not that I noticed it.

‘Why did you have to use this method?’

There were so many situations where I could have noticed that it wouldn’t be strange.

In that situation, it was entirely baffling why the Master acted that way toward me.

‘When the next full moon rises, come up the hill.’


I furrowed my brow at the thought of those words.

If I had known that I was an uninvited guest here, I might have done something right then and there.

If he were truly the Master, he certainly would have the power to do so. Just what on earth is going on?

‘Is there a reason you couldn’t do it?’

I wonder if there’s really a reason why he couldn’t eliminate me on the spot.

Noya mentioned he didn’t come in his main form.

Something created by dividing power, like a thought or a clone.

If he intervened directly, there could be issues. Moreover, intervening directly would also be quite a challenge.

It was said that he appeared equipped with an unknown spirit in his frail and small form.

I wondered if it was because he had been so weakened that he couldn’t deal with me.

‘No, that’s not it.’

I had to immediately deny that thought.

‘Apart from being weakened, something is off.’

So if this was the choice made, that would be the strangest thing.

Full moon and hills?

Why on earth did he share this with me and not with Black?


‘Did he really tell me the right thing?’

Even if it wasn’t communicated to Black, did he truly convey it to me? Even if Black didn’t understand, maybe it wasn’t meant for me.


I had to deny even this.

Should I call it instinct, intuition, or both?

Every reaction was indicating that she had conveyed something to me.

This wasn’t something that was done based on common sense or calculation.

‘……Only feelings.’

Despite it truly being just feelings, I felt a strange sense of certainty.

As I was turning this over in my complicated mind, a low, huk… sound echoed from the front.

Hearing that, I quickly relaxed my heart.

“Huh…… huff…”

As the pressure from the name lifted, Black let out a harsh breath.

‘Has the power to express this also become stronger?’

In the past, I would either focus or weaken the power.

Conversely, now the energy I had to manage was strong.

Today, even when using the name, there isn’t much backlash, and it isn’t hard to control.

“What on earth…?”

Maybe it was because he suddenly attempted to press down with force, but confusion clouded his black eyes.

Seeing that, I addressed him.



“Answer me.”

“……Why are you doing this?”

With a look of discomfort, Black replied. I couldn’t help but chuckle at that expression.

In truth, it wasn’t a situation worthy of laughter, but pretending to be relaxed came off as forced.

“It seems you haven’t fully grasped your circumstances. Should I solidly imprint it in your mind before you come to your senses?”

I took a step forward.

At that, Black’s face twisted in a grimace.

“…What on earth do you want from me?”

“What do I want? I think I mentioned that last time.”

I provided an explanation that felt more like gibberish. I had no idea how he interpreted it. How he received it didn’t matter.

What was crucial wasn’t Black’s reaction or anything like that.



When I set my magic in motion, Black clutched his chest and groaned painfully.

The reaction was somewhat different from when I had pressured him earlier.

The magic was perfectly contained.

While there wasn’t an unconditional personality shift making him obey me, it was enough to keep him in check with just the energy.



“Black. Answer me.”

“Cough… Yes…”

Even as Black responded, he didn’t lessen his strength. I stepped closer and confronted him directly.

“Do you know why I came to see you?”


He probably has no idea. I can’t blame him.

How could he know when I didn’t say anything?

“I will create a paradise. And for that, I’ll need to use you.”


What kind of paradise is this? I recalled it being stated that it was a paradise for those who had vanished from the world.

Moreover, the paradise I currently speak of to Black.

‘What the Blood Horse mentioned.’

I was utilizing the very words of the Blood Horse, who had claimed to dream of paradise.

“Paradise? What kind of…?”

Black’s reaction when I mentioned paradise was one of utter confusion.

It was only natural; I found it equally incomprehensible.


“It’s alright if you don’t understand.”

It was perfectly okay if he remained clueless.

“Even if you don’t comprehend what I mean, that’s fine.”

How he chooses to understand it.

Or even if he fails to grasp it until the very end.

Whatever the case, it bears no significance.

What matters is.

“If you follow me, you’ll obtain what you’ve dreamed of.”

It was simply about granting Black sufficient gain.

Let’s not kid ourselves; it’s more than just gain.

“Don’t you wish to become a general?”


Having insight into Black’s desires and ambitions, it would be relatively easy to provoke him with that touch.

“I will help you reach that position.”


Even as Black suffered from the torment of the magic, he lifted his gaze to meet mine.

The tremble in his eyes was unmistakable.

Despite the pain, he quivered like that. He surprisingly seemed quite easy to manage.


“Didn’t you already know?”

I became convinced that the guy had some subconscious awareness of this situation.

The reason for that was clear.

“You knew that, which is why you likely refrained from moving.”

He had remained static until this very situation unfolded.

That was evidence enough.

“That is….”

Black seemed to want to say something, but my words leaped out ahead of him.

“Are you planning to make excuses, claiming my aura influenced your actions? Nonsense.”

I scoffed and hunched to release my magic.

His body was now filled with a sense of freedom.

“I could have moved whenever I pleased.”

If he desired to, he could have sought out a similar case. I refrained from mentioning the Master, for he might not know of it.

“I might even have faced that insignificant general.”

I referenced the similarity just to underscore how trifling it was.

“But you didn’t do that. What was your reason?”


Black remained silent.

It made no difference that he chose not to answer.

“As I said earlier, I know that your hope resides within me.”


“You are aware that I am the one who can fulfill your desires and elevate you to where you wish to go. Isn’t that right?”

I approached closely, locking eyes with him. His pupils were as black as Go stones.

He exuded an ominous aura.

But I wasn’t intimidated.

Had I become stronger under the moonlight? Not quite.

‘If we’re talking about ominous vibes, I’m no pushover either.’

To regard him as ominous would be laughable compared to me.


I released my aura, flamboyantly showcasing pure magical energy; it wasn’t a gamble.

It was pristine, as no other essence mingled with it.

The purity of the magic amplified its ominous essence.

And even.

’What? Was it always like this?’

Maybe it was due to the time of night turning into a moonlit ambiance, but a far deeper energy surged forth than I had expected.

It was shocking even to me.

For now, reminding myself not to be surprised, I suppressed my awe and simply kept my gaze fixed on him.

I could see him flinch at my energy, trembling visibly.

“What on earth…?”

Was my aura that startling? If I was surprised, what about him?

“What in the world… what should I do…?”

“Obey me. If you pledge your loyalty to me, I will help you achieve what you desire.”


“Kneel, and I shall grant you the world.”

As I voiced my demands, confusion and deliberation filled Black’s eyes.

I patiently waited until he had resolved his internal conflict.

Moments later.

Black slowly began to rise.

He detached himself from the chair he had been seated on and moved towards me.


He knelt halfway in front of me. I couldn’t help but laugh at his actions.

“How amusing. Is this half-kneeling your way of challenging my authority?”

I had instructed him to prostrate entirely, and yet, he offered just half. I was perplexed by his actions and confronted him.

“… If I can genuinely achieve what I desire, I would gladly swear my loyalty to you. However, I would appreciate a bit more assurance. This gesture is to demonstrate that.”

“Assurance? Hah.”


With a look of incredulity, I amplified my magical aura.

Oh wow. So this is the level of my output? The more I unleashed, the more astonishing it became.

‘I need to see just how much stronger I’ve become.’

Having had to move in haste, I hadn’t properly assessed it.

Still, I resolved to catch someone and evaluate it to ensure I could wield my newfound strength effectively.

“Alright, what more should I display for you? It’s dubious, but I will show mercy. What do you desire?”

I beckoned him to ask.

With that intention, Black clenched his trembling hands, hiding them, and spoke.

“If you genuinely have the power to deliver, could you please show me that?”

“For instance, how?”

“…Are you aware that the general is currently in the Night?”

Pfft, ha!

I burst into laughter upon hearing that. I had a feeling I knew where this was headed.

“I do know.”

Yusoo is indeed in the Night.

That was a fact I had already been aware of.

“Could you…no, could you deal with him…?”

Black faltered in his inquiry.

Was his hesitation tied to uncertainty? Seizing the opening, I filled in for him.

“Shall I eliminate him?”


Black’s eyes widened at my proposition.

Seeing his response, I nodded.

“Simple matter. Very well.”

I began to channel my energy, letting it rise steadily.

Since I had to carry out this act anyway, I would accomplish it with no less fervor.

Of course.

Not similar.

The sentiment applied equally to the person standing before me.

Moreover, to be perfectly explicit.

‘I have a feeling this one’s end might come before Yusoo’s?’

Yes, Black was more likely to meet his demise before Yusoo.

The distinguishing factor was…

Black wasn’t meant to die at my hands.

He was destined to meet his end at the hands of another.

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not work with dark mode