Switch Mode

Chapter 97

Chapter: 97

Kurze Newman maintained his composed facade, but inside, I felt like I was burning up.

Oh Mesugaki skill, did you really have to point out that his hairline was receding?

In the world of the Soul Academy, baldness is never a compliment.

Our family’s bald knight might brush off bald jokes because he’s a jolly one, but that doesn’t mean he’s proud of it!

To think I’d get distracted by such details while trying to navigate this situation!

Just as I was floundering for my next words, Kurze broke the silence.

“Are you aware of the Crow’s Seal?”

‘Yes, I am.’

“Honestly, could I even be talking to you if I didn’t know? Your intellect is as limited as your hairline, huh?”

Ugh, I can’t deal with this.

Even if Kurze swings a dagger, my skills will protect me.

“That’s impressive. It’s information a non-Newman wouldn’t typically know.”

Well, yeah, that’s how things usually go.

But I’m from outside this world!

There’s hardly anything I don’t know about this game.

I might blab about nonsense, but I’m quite well-informed when it comes to critical details!

I could even outsmart you on that seal.

So no need for an explanation about that item.

“That item is given to benefactors of the Newman family.”

‘It sounds about right if it saves your son’s life, doesn’t it?’

“Saving the life of that weakling Yungsi? Is that really enough? You’re such a miser, huh?”

“While I’d agree he is a benefactor, it’s not something I can just hand over lightly.”

A finger tapped lightly on the tabletop where his hand rested.

“At the very least, this is a conversation to be had after Lady Alrn has saved my son.”

‘I’d like to receive the item first before I explain anything.’

“Lord Teabowl, who do you think is in a position to lower their head here? I don’t think it’s me. Have you lost your mind along with your hair? snicker

I couldn’t help but let a laugh escape as I stared at him.

Kurze Newman’s face remained completely impassive.

Even Alsetin looked a tad annoyed.

Is he just a noble from the underground world who’s seen it all?

As the laughter faded and a moment of silence passed, Kurze exhaled heavily.

“Lady Alrn, do you truly possess a method to lift Agra’s curse?”



“Can you take an oath before the God of Contracts?”

‘Of course.’

“Of course! Unlike you, Lord Teabowl, I am not gloom-ridden.”

Duh, of course I can swear.

I know countless ways to lift Agra’s curse.

I just need to share one!


He nodded in satisfaction and continued.

“Alright, here’s my proposal: if you can heal my son, I will gladly give you the Crow’s Seal.”

Wait, seriously?!

Just hand it over already!

How can I trust that after you hear how to save your son, you won’t just keep your mouth shut?

You’re supposed to grovel like a proper subordinate!

As I sulked in frustration, Kurze took his time to speak again.

“Swear to the God of Contracts.”

Huh? Really? Now we’re talking!

While the penalty of breaking an oath doesn’t matter much to normal users, it’s a different story for someone from a noble family.

As I mentioned before, breaking an oath is a HUGE disgrace.

Even if the Newman family is deeply rooted in underground dealings, their public image is essential.

Imagine the disgrace if the head of the family breaks an oath!

Who would even want to do business with someone with that reputation?

Especially if it gives other families, who dislike the Newman family, a reason to attack!

Thinking about it this way means Kurze’s promise is pretty much saying he’ll hand over the Crow’s Seal.

I thought he was trying to minimize what he gives, but I was wrong!

“Instead, will you swear too? That you’ll heal my son?”

‘Yes, I will.’

“Not too hard, right? Good. I swear to that pitiful God of Contracts.”

I expected a more intense negotiation.

But it seems Kurze truly values his son’s life.

[So, you’re thinking of sharing a pact, huh?]

‘Isn’t that the fastest and most straightforward way?’

[Of course, but you know this is something to approach carefully.]

‘Huh? What do you mean?’

[It’ll take some time to decide exactly what oath to make.]

So, it’s going to feel a bit like writing a contract collaboratively, right?


[I know. Let’s discuss it slowly.]

I’ll trust my grandfather! I hate this strategizing spiel!



After wrapping up the oath and returning to the family from the Soul Academy, Kurze’s right-hand man spoke up.

“What is it?”

“Do you really intend to give that girl the Crow’s Seal?”

“I have no choice. We made the oath quite seriously.”

I expected him to be arrogant and not geared towards political trading, but Lucy Alrn far surpassed Kurze’s expectations.

Even specifying the item to be used in the oath!

Not just any noble head would be that picky.

With the appearance of a reckless little brat, she possesses the strategic mind of a seasoned courtian.

Yet Kurze must have missed something. Lucy Alrn, you thought I wouldn’t give you the Crow’s Seal?

My true purpose is entirely different.

You said you’d heal my son.

If interpreted correctly, that means she intends to come to our house to cure my son.

It’s a bit awkward for me to say it myself, but my son resembles his mother and possesses gentle features.

Even a sassy brat would find some interest in that.

Heh. What a perfectly good way to bring our families together.

Having received what I wanted, Kurze smiled lightly at his subordinate and spoke.

“Look into what Lucy Alrn said. If she’s correct, there must be a way to save my son there.”

“Yes, understood. I’ll organize a search team.”

Kurze didn’t give any further detailed instructions.

He trusted his subordinate, who was present to hear everything with him, to do their job well.

“Then right away.”

“Oh, wait a moment.”


“Find out about herbs that are good for hair.”

Having moved away from only discussing work, Kurze’s private request made his subordinate raise his head to sneak a look at the lord’s face before dropping it again.

“…Understood, my lord.”

The subordinate was smart enough not to be so oblivious as to point out his master’s embarrassment.


‘I’m getting exhausted.’

[That was pretty quick. Some discussions can take years.]


[You’ve learned that already, right? It’s in historic records.]

Did I really learn about that? I don’t remember.

Thinking it over might help me recall.

Or maybe not.

[You didn’t forget, did you?]

‘Of course not!’

[Then tell me what event they mentioned.]

As soon as I fell quiet, Grandpa’s nagging echoed in my ears.

But I’ve been hearing his nagging for so long that I knew how to handle it.

Just zone it out!

Let’s focus on something else.

Right now, the necklace is most important.

The Burrow family necklace.

The item Kurze Newman handed over post-oath as an advance.

Just having this will make raising the favorability level of that wretched Young Master super easy!

After handing over this necklace, I just need to wrap up the resulting quests, and then Jacal Burrow will have a heart wide open for me!

Then I can complete that lousy god’s quest right away!

I wonder what reward that pathetic god will give this time.

However, when that useless deity gives me a reward, it’ll usually be something decent.

But if I rant too much, I won’t be able to handle the embarrassment, so I’ll keep my mouth shut.

Tonight’s getting late, so tomorrow I’ll go meet Jacal Burrow.

I’m looking forward to it!

[Hey girl! Are you listening to me?!]


I am listening.

Just not storing it in my brain.


The next day, during lunchtime at the academy, I headed to the reading room to meet Jacal Burrow.

The poor noble is someone who constantly strives to be the best in the academy.

Even though he’s jealous of those above him due to his insecurities, his dedication is genuine.

While regular students might take a break, the inferior noble doesn’t do that at all.

The sad part is that no matter how hard he tries, he’s always overshadowed by Arthur.

But what can you do? That’s just his character.

If you want to blame someone, blame the game developers.

I opened the reading room door and walked towards where the inferior noble was sitting.

Right beside the window, he was scribbling with a pen.

I sat down across from Jacal, who was intently reading a book, and he glanced up slightly.


“Hello, inferior noble.”

Ah, I knew this would come up.

You’d never call me anything normal.

Since I was expecting it, I wasn’t shocked when I saw Jacal’s face scrunch up.

“Why did you come here to mess with me, Alrn Young Lady?”

‘I have something to give you.’

“Something I’m going to drool over?”

I pulled a jewelry box from my pocket.

Jacal, up to that moment, still bore a stern expression.

He simply stared dully at the box.

“What’s this?”

‘Just take a look.’

“Sure, I’ll watch. But I bet it’ll just be something useless.”

“Ah, well, if you look, you might find it more interesting than that, Young Master.”

“Oh fine, get it over with quickly before I lose my patience.”

His tone dripped with disdain, making it clear he wasn’t fond of me.

Not that I blame him.

I’m sure there’s way more people in the academy who dislike me than like me.

And especially since I’m the one who called him “the inferior noble,” how would he possibly like me?

But this will change his mind!

As I slowly opened the jewelry box, Jacal Burrow’s eyes widened.

Haha, just as I expected!

He can’t possibly forget what this is.

‘Do you like it?’

“Seeing the blank look on your face tells me you must like it, Young Master.”

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not work with dark mode