Switch Mode

Chapter 95

Making Dragonbone Soldier using dragon teeth was incredibly simple. After all, I had thoroughly understood their structure when I kidnapped and disassembled a Dragon Bone Soldier.

It was like figuring out the ingredients and cooking method just by looking at the finished dish. It might seem impossible for a beginner, but a skilled chef can identify the components and the cooking process just by tasting a bite.

“Did you find a new method?”

“Yes, Boss.”

“Let’s put the questions about why you didn’t figure it out before on hold… Good. If the specifications you’re talking about are correct, it’s worth challenging.”

The Evilusroid I created was approved by the Boss and was launched on the market immediately. It had performance exactly equal to the Dragon Bone Soldiers made by the Dragon Company, at only half the cost.

How was this possible? Probably due to the difference in production structure.

‘The Dragon Company must be extracting teeth directly to make theirs, right?’

If not, they were probably using regeneration magic on the missing teeth to create parts of the Dragonbone Soldier. But I was different.

I could mass-produce as many teeth as I wanted by interpreting the dragon’s teeth down to the quark level. Therefore, making Dragonbone Soldier from the mass-produced teeth made us unbeatable in productivity and cost.

In terms of quantity and price, handmade products can never win against factory-made ones. Humanity proved this centuries ago.

Of course, because the raw materials were mass-produced replicas, their specifications were slightly lacking compared to the real Dragonbone Soldier from the Dragon Company… But this could be easily solved through science.

[BEEP Evilus Network connecting… Complete.]

[SYNC COMPLETE. Scanning for enemies.]

Unlike Dragon Bone Soldiers, the Evilusroid was connected to a single network. Parts of their bodies were mechanical, allowing them to perform tasks that Dragonbone Soldier couldn’t do at all.

We had caught up to the Dragon Company’s magical Dragonbone Soldier’s performance with only science.

“—Well, it will be the villains who end up dying,” I thought with a smile, imagining the pain the villains in City W would soon endure. They would only end up as casualties in the battle between the two companies.

Though I felt a slight sympathy, what can you do? Villains are just people who chose a life of crime, aren’t they?

If you commit a sin, you should be punished. That’s just how the world works.

* * *


A supply helicopter flew over City W, loaded with supplies. Inside the open helicopter, tons of supplies began to rain down. The helicopter dropped supplies without landing and then disappeared completely. It was a precaution against villain attacks.

Whether that action could transport supplies safely without putting the helicopter and pilot in danger is debatable, but they certainly couldn’t guarantee safe delivery. The supplies dangling from massive parachutes flaunted their location to everyone in the city.

Before long, villains began to creep out from the ruined buildings, drawn by the noises and the sight of the parachutes. They looked like bugs that had found food.

“Great, that’s ours.”

“What? Why is that yours? That belongs to our organization—.”

“Ha— let’s just try it out, shall we?”

As the villains, each with their territory, greedily reached for the falling supplies, sirens blared in the distance. Upon hearing that sound, the villains began to hide like bugs that had seen light.

Moments later, a vehicle resembling something from a police SWAT team appeared, loaded with Dragon Bone Soldiers. The soldiers disembarked and quickly aimed their guns at the surroundings, seizing the supplies.

The Dragon Bone Soldiers were connected with their unique telepathy magic, so they didn’t even need to talk to share opinions.

Only the watching villains began to feel anxious.

“Damn it… What are we gonna eat if all that gets taken?!…”

“Those bastards… Why are they taking from those of us who have nothing, while they’re getting tons of support?!”

“Freaking robots!”

Unable to suppress their rage, one villain suddenly leaped up, using his superpower. A lightning bolt that seemed ready to tear the world apart shot out, and that moment, other soldiers simultaneously unleashed a concentrated barrage toward the villain.

With dozens of bullets lodged in his body, the villain couldn’t even scream before he perished. The Dragonbone Soldier remained cautious for more villains as they loaded the supplies into their vehicle and left.

The villains hiding between buildings exhaled and sighed in relief.

“Randa’s dead…!”

“Those damn monster bastards!”

“Heartless bastards!”

After a moment of cursing at the Dragon Bone Soldiers, the sound of the helicopter’s rotors echoed again from above. The faces of the villains, who poked their heads out with the thought of finally securing supplies, began to sour.

This time, the owner of the rotor sound wasn’t a supply transport helicopter. Well, it was a transport helicopter, but the problem was what was inside was not supplies.

“Damn it, it’s Evilus!”


With a loud rotor noise, two figures leaped from the helicopter. Not a rope maneuver, but a freefall. The two figures, having easily jumped hundreds of meters, ran directly toward the spot where the villains were.

The Evilus Corporation’s special infrared goggles had long since pinpointed the villains’ location from thousands of feet in the air. The Evilusroids quickly charged toward those villains.

“Shit—! I don’t care. Shoot!”

The fleeing villains abandoned their escape and wildly fired bullets and unleashed their superpowers. Earlier, facing a squad of Dragon Bone Soldiers had made them give up fighting, but now there were only two, right?

They thought if they combined their strengths, they could handle it easily. Whether that mindset was correct or not, the Evilusroids stood there, taking their attacks without moving.

“Ha, ha—! You tin cans! This feels good—.”


But while the villains were chuckling, a bullet flew from the helicopter above, piercing through their heads. It was fired from a support helicopter hovering above them.

With the death of the leader villain, others soon began to fall one by one, their heads punctured. Once they confirmed that all the villains had collapsed, the Evilusroids looked around to check for any remaining enemies.

Before long, the Evilusroids, spotting a person through their infrared vision, immediately headed toward that location. They smashed down a door and entered, finding citizens trembling inside. Registered citizens of City W.

“Hi, hiick—!”

[Don’t worry. We’re the support sent from City W.]

“Uh, uh? An… android…?”

[Evilusroid, number 1107.]

“I-I’m saved!”

The Evilusroids rescued the citizens, who had been kidnapped and tormented by the villains. They then shared this information through the Evilus Network.

The people waiting at headquarters received the news immediately, realizing that Dragon Bone Soldiers had been present there as well. This was a highly usable material.

The promotion officers of the Evilus Corporation, who received their expensive salaries, wouldn’t let this opportunity slip away.

[Evilusroid rescues citizens in City W again!]

[Rescuing victims from the hands of villains—]

[Shock! Despite the presence of Dragon Bone Soldiers, it is reported that they retreated while ignoring the citizens…]

News filled with incitement, fabrication, lies, and truths began to engulf the world. The battle between Evilus and Dragon was just beginning.

* * *

[Today in City W…]

News outlets were pouring out reports about Evilusroids and Dragon Bone Soldiers. It indeed was shocking news.

It was shocking enough that a colossal robot revealed in City P had demolished an entire city, and then it disappeared without leaving any trace, followed by a sudden influx of human-like AI androids flooding in.

For people who only watched the news daily, the pace of technological development must seem ridiculously fast. Every day would feel like a new world.

“Wow… the scientist must be having a blast with the robots…”

“To call them robots seems a bit off, though…”

“Why’s that?”

Ayle, who was admiring the news next to me, asked. I wasn’t sure how to respond, so I kept my mouth shut. Should I tell her that the Evilusroids were not pure robots but rather a product of biotechnical engineering blended with magic?

Should I also mention that things created this way shouldn’t simply be called robots but something else?

It would be difficult for middle school graduate Ayle to comprehend such concepts. So, I just held my tongue.

“By the way, scientist, I have a question…”

“What is it?”

“Can’t we just use Evilusroids for our villain combatants? Why risk using people…?”

“That wouldn’t work.”

“Why not? Evilusroids are way cheaper and perform better…”

I explained to Ayle that our Evil Organization was not merely a brute force gang but an organization that operated on a welfare level. If it turned into a simple military organization, the government or other companies wouldn’t let it slide.

People tolerated the evil organization under the Evilcorp’s umbrella not because they feared us, but because we didn’t let the organization grow excessively large.

“Of course, even our executives are threatening enough… but the government and companies are confident they can handle that. But if we filled our ranks with Evilusroids, neither the government nor other corporations would leave Evilus Corporation alone.”

“Is that so?”

“Exactly. It would effectively be the same as having an army.”

We needed to show that we weren’t using this army for private purposes. The government wouldn’t approve of corporations having private armies. Though the Evilus Corporation is a giant corporation that reigns over City E, there are many cities, and the world is vast.

It wasn’t such an easy world where one city could simultaneously take on all others. Hidden forces and powers still overflowed in this world.

No matter what happens, the use of Evilusroids for personal agendas would never occur.


At that moment, the watch strapped to Ayle and me began to beep furiously.

[Boss has been captured. Assistance needed.]

[All executives, assemble at Dragon Company in City D.]

“…What now?”

I thought that before the rescue signal sent by Vira arrived.


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not work with dark mode