Switch Mode

Chapter 94

Ah, come on!

Isn’t it a bit much to come all the way to where people are trying to rest and do this?

I was exhausted dealing with witches throughout the first semester, and now to have this happen while I’m here is just not right. If you have any conscience, shouldn’t you stick to business hours?

Ah, I get it, showing up during vacation is somewhat understandable. Of course, I won’t answer any phone calls. To be honest, I even turned it off. After all, a church is a church, and a government is a government. Nothing is going to collapse in just a week while I’m away. That’s just how I set things up, anyway.

Although I’ll have a splitting headache from catching up on work after the vacation, it’s still better than being summoned during it. If they come to fetch me personally, well, there’s nothing I can do about that…

But, still, this is kind of too much.

It’s not like I’m coming back from vacation or before I go; I’m literally in the middle of it, and I’m not drowning in work piled up on my desk either.

To create work for myself by coming here during my vacation isn’t right, is it?

Aren’t the demons supposed to have at least some concept of a 52-hour work week?

…But then again, considering they send people running into the bullets and bombs raining down on them, it’s clear they’ve thrown individual welfare out the window.

From the demons’ perspective, most demons and beasts lack any sense of personhood, so I guess it makes sense to them.

“…So, this is what they call a ‘beast.'”

In front of Seo-A, there was a container with a strangely shaped fish inside. The lid was open, yet the fish didn’t jump out simply because it had been knocked out cold.

It looks more like it’s in a vegetative state than merely unconscious.

It occasionally twitched, but there was no significant movement at all. Bubbles were rising from its gills, but that was about it. I think this giant piranha (tentative name) will never wake up again, or so I believe.

Of course, I had no intention of waking it up either.

“Whether it’s a proper beast or just a regular organism modified to be one, I need to think it through.”

I, second in expertise about beasts and demons, spoke up. The first expert was Rina. I couldn’t straightforwardly indicate that it’s a demon, so I just kept quiet.

Looking at it, it could be entirely manufactured from scratch… but as I mentioned before, almost all the territories where humans lived have long since fallen into demon hands. Naturally, the American continent is in demon control as well, so it is entirely possible they selected and created necessary forms of creatures from among them.

…I just don’t get why they’d head all the way to South America for this.

Or rather, how on earth did the space defense forces get caught off guard? I have no idea since I wasn’t thinking much while setting this up. I never specified that there was an attack either; all I mentioned was that the only place where humans are surviving in the form of the nation is somewhere in Europe.

If there’s a reason for America’s downfall, it’s likely due to occurrences that happened outside of my established settings.

There must have been cataclysmic events significant enough to alter the world map; perhaps a huge earthquake or tsunami left no time for response. Speaking of which, with Yellowstone being a supervolcano, if that were to erupt, it’d make sense.

…Come to think of it, it’s a miracle a mass extinction hasn’t happened yet.

Or maybe it already has?

“But is there really a need to use… fish for this? If the intent was to kill—no, harm Clara, you could have just made something like an orca or a shark.”

Selena raised a question, quickly rephrasing midway. It’s not like she needed to be that concerned.

Right. Besides the ones I melted down, there were plenty of other similar fish. I even tried fishing again afterward, and all I caught was what I threw the line out to. I don’t know how they determine this, but these guys seem to identify me even under the water and only try to attack me.

So simply saying ‘a power-corrupted creature accidentally floated into the sea’ doesn’t hold water.

No, rather, there’s no way a ‘randomly power-corrupted creature’ could survive.

If it were possible, they wouldn’t indiscriminately slaughter humans but would instead opt to infect them, turning them into zombies or something. Considering how easily they can control these things now, there’s no way the demons could have overlooked that.

And we know about those humans influenced by such effects… no, people, already.

Witches, to be precise.

Those who have demon power wrapped around human flesh, wielding overwhelming strength compared to other mages dealing with natural magic. I don’t know if they can control minds, but given that they at least seem to retain their personhood, they can’t be utilized like drone-controlled minions.

Moreover, turning humans into witches is painfully difficult. The fact that only seven have appeared in the last 500 years holds a reason. I understand balance; if the enemy is too strong, the protagonists won’t have a way to win.

It seems Ariel called me because she didn’t know that method, but whatever the case is…

“Whales or sharks are massive and powerful. That sheer size is the essence of life itself. Even if you tried something with magic, controlling them would be tough.”

I haven’t been completely slacking off since coming to this world. I’ve been studying theology and also the demon’s magic versus human holy power.

Ironically, the best countermeasure against magic, especially demon magic, is life itself. To be more precise, every living entity on Earth.

Life forms from this world, including elves, struggle to survive in places dense with magic, but humans, with some degree of magic resistance, can hold out considerably longer. Plus, with holy power, it can even lead to purification, and while some mages can utilize magic in reverse, I’ll skip discussing that, as it’s more of a human characteristic than a life one.

Anyway, that’s how it is. The Inquisition’s knights don’t just ride horses and carry swords and spears for nothing. Most modern weapons composed of delicate circuits will break down when they enter areas heavily saturated with magic.

Always at the frontlines, the Inquisition knights will charge ahead and take the heads of heretics if the day comes when they invade this world, armed with their very essence of life.

“But just because you can’t control massive life forms doesn’t mean you can relax.”

Indeed. The very premise that ‘magic can control living beings’ is already problematic.

Think about it. The ocean is connected to rivers. I can’t say for sure if it can move in freshwater, but if hundreds or thousands of them surged up the rivers, that would trigger a catastrophe.

“Ramihee, you mentioned you saw these creatures moving in the ocean? Do you have any idea how many there were?”

“I can’t say the exact number. There might be some above or below. What I saw were relatively surface-level individuals… From the ones I observed, I’d estimate around a dozen.”

That suggests there could easily be over a hundred. The ocean is vast and deep, and we can’t possibly know what lurks beneath.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead.

If there are hundreds of them, how many might there be across the entire ocean? Piranhas aren’t the only underwater creatures that can bite humans. Even dismissing sharks or orcas, there are plenty of small yet threatening beings.

What about jellyfish or river monsters? Box jellyfish can cause extreme pain without necessarily being life-threatening. The small blue ringed octopus found in the ocean has potent venom. Even with the slightest change in placement of toxins from the fugu’s organs, a chef could easily fail to remove the poison.

Furthermore, if a freshwater fish like a piranha can traverse the ocean and alter its jaw structure, then the venoms of these species could easily evolve to becoming more lethal, and their physical structures could become more threatening.

No, why limit it to just fish? If insects or rodents are capable, they could also be sources of pandemics. In the contemporary society I lived in, the Black Death and smallpox were virtually eradicated, and there were no longer any survivors with natural immunity. That might not hold true in this world set 500 years into the future.

If they could just get their technology down, there are countless ways to threaten human society without needing to control man-eating sharks.

Of course, I can’t conclude anything just yet.

The assumption that this creature was based on those originally existing is still nothing but conjecture.

Having already captured two witches, I know that projecting holy power onto witches prevents them from using magic but doesn’t melt their bodies. There’s a significant difference between humans and non-human creatures.

“This, we should at least report it.”

I said that with a reluctant expression.

And everyone nodded in agreement, wearing similar expressions. Though they might not have the same thoughts as mine, it seems they came to a conclusion similar to mine. That this should not be left as it is.

We can’t simply wipe everything out ourselves. At the very least, a large-scale search and extermination operation utilizing ships will be necessary. It would have been helpful if the witch herself had shown up.

“But more importantly… how did they know we were here? Especially if they were targeting Clara.”

Seo-A hit the nail on the head with the core of the situation.


It was certainly infuriating.

It meant someone was leaking information somewhere.

That the other party knew the date I was going on vacation and the area I was going to.

At Seo-A’s question, the room fell silent as everyone was lost in their own thoughts.

…If I manage to find the mastermind behind this, I’m definitely going to bash their head in with a morning star.


No, wait, that’s not it.

Bashing their head in with a morning star is too easy. If I do that, they won’t even have the chance to feel pain before they die. It won’t be enough to express the feelings I’m feeling right now.

Of course, I don’t intend to go all out on torture and gore, no matter how demonic my opponent is. I’m a saint, after all. I know I should at least maintain some semblance of my image.

…Though there was an incident where I smashed a high-ranking demon’s head several times with my bare hands… but let’s just say I couldn’t see anything because my vision was blurring from all the blood at the time.

Anyway, according to my opinion, we decided to report this situation right away. The goal was to report it to the regional hero office and locate and eradicate the beasts.

“…The phone isn’t working.”

Exactly. I don’t know what kind of ability they used, but all the phones that were fine just this morning have completely gone dead.

It feels off.

The demon’s technology levels are neither at the point to create firearms or cannons. Their development has been so heavily focused on magic that they likely don’t see the need to advance in that area. They generate a near-endless supply of biological robots and beasts instead of creating petty ranged weapons.

Because of this, the military forces of humans and demons have maintained a somewhat balanced situation, but… while they’re not lacking for now, a resource-dependent physical civilization like human society finds itself in increasingly unfavorable circumstances over time. On top of that, we haven’t found an appropriate offensive strategy.

Anyway, it’s unlikely they used something like EMP or technology that disrupts signals.

So what method did they employ?

Though the demons lack advanced technology like EMPs, that doesn’t mean they haven’t got any tricks up their sleeve.

As I explained earlier, in high-density magic locations, circuits of electronics made by humans can malfunction. The more delicate and sensitive the circuits, the more prone they are to breaking down, so if they could generate a specific density of magic, then disabling the equipment of specific base stations would be a possibility.

That’s right. It was possible.

The problem is that we have no idea how they managed to infiltrate or if they indeed caused a malfunction in the base stations.

There is a TV in the villa, but it isn’t connected to any broadcasting stations. Since we don’t tend to come here often, there’s been no need to install an antenna, so we can’t even receive terrestrial channels. While we have internet, that, too, is useless without the functioning of the base station.

“Wait here for a moment. I’m going to head down to the basement. Don’t move alone, no matter what.”

The nonchalant attitude she had just moments earlier, playing joyfully with us despite being more than ten years younger, has completely vanished. The hero Seo-A spoke with a serious tone.

“Jian, I’m leaving this place to you. You’re the strongest here, so have the others inform you of where they’re going as they move. Whether it’s to the bathroom or another room for supplies, they should let you know. And absolutely don’t go outside the building. Got it?”


The kids’ voices naturally toughened.

Though they found themselves in a situation they never intended, none looked terrified. Even Erika, who was experiencing this for the first time, looked unfazed. Ramihee… well, being an elf, she likely had no reason to feel fear in a situation like this.

Truly, these academy students are merciless when facing demons or beasts.

“This applies to me as well. When I move, I’ll inform you of what I’m going to do and where I’m going. No matter if I’m present or not, report everything to me. If we’re in a split situation, then no further splitting is allowed.”

With that, Seo-A glanced at Erika and continued.

“Erika, let’s go together. We’re heading down to the villa’s basement now. There should be emergency walkie-talkies and rations, so we’ll check the facilities first and attempt to contact someone.”

Emergency rations, huh? As expected, heroes ensure full preparedness for these kinds of situations. I wonder if there’s some kind of bunker too? A panic room or something… If there happens to be, I’m sure Seo-A would let us know first if we need it.

Once Seo-A finished speaking, Selena raised her hand.


“Um, wouldn’t it be better to move together as a group?”

“It’s a good point, but the corridors in this villa aren’t that wide. Moreover, there are very few of us capable of launching attacks without waving weapons around. If we’re sticking close together, we could actually end up injuring each other.

So we’ve determined it’s better to stay in these open spaces. I chose Erika because she’s the child most familiar with this villa’s layout.”

Hearing the answer, Selena nodded in agreement.

That does make sense.

While the villa is spacious and luxurious enough to have a pool, each room is pretty wide, whereas the corridors are just like those in an average two-story family home.

Jian wields a sword, while Linea and Rina do the same. I’m armed with a morning star and shield, and Satsuki and Ramihee wield daggers. All of them require at least a little distance to use their weapons effectively.

Even Selena, who uses long-range weapons, handles a bow. Given that she needs to use both hands, it wouldn’t be feasible in such a narrow space like this.

If we all support each other in the narrow corridor, the only ones capable of fighting would be two or three people at the ends.

Therefore, it would be far better to split into groups for efficient movement.

“Alright… let’s wait here. I’ll go check it out and return as quickly as I can.”

Upon Seo-A’s words, we all nodded in response.


Even if our ability to assess the situation here is very limited, I still had some ideas in mind.


I poked Rina’s side with my finger, causing her to yelp. Ah, sorry. I didn’t mean to poke right between her ribs. It must have hurt a lot.

I wonder, would it hurt if I got poked? No matter how much the Demon God’s blessing I receive, not all pain would vanish. At least pain clearly remains among the sensations I feel. It’s likely it suppresses unbearable amounts of pain to some extent.

…So does that mean that spicy ramen I had crossed the pain threshold? With about 12,000 Scoville, it should feel reminiscent of what I had in my past life.

It’s clear that those who enjoyed it without any kind of blessing must’ve had the spirit of heroes.

“What on earth are you doing?!”

Rina glared at me with an annoyed expression, rubbing her side. I felt the gazes of the other kids directed this way, so I quickly held my finger to my lips and shushed.


Then I pointed my finger toward a corner of the living room, signaling to follow me, and Rina clicked her tongue but obediently followed. I was relieved she understood precisely the situation we were in.

“Um… I apologize, but right now, I need to have a talk with Rina…”

Linea and Aurora followed along, asserting how it was only natural, and when I said that, they exchanged glances with each other.

The first to act from among the awkwardly gazing duo was Linea.

She stepped close to me and whispered in my ear.

“We know the identity of Lady Hicks. You can rest assured.”


Line returned a few steps, and Aurora nodded at me. It was evidently clear she understood what Linea was talking about.

“When did you find out?”

I wondered if they heard it from Andrea, prompting me to ask.

“That would be when…”

Linea looked flustered, rolling her eyes. It’s a type of expression I hardly ever see from her.

After a period of contemplation, Linea finally opened her mouth to reply.

“Since the Clara sisters intercepted Rina on her way to school.”

That’s from the very beginning…!

I raised both hands and pressed my fingers against my eyes.

For the record, Aurora behind Linea looked utterly shocked.

You didn’t know either, huh?

I guess we should have a discussion sometime to make sure our memories align.

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not work with dark mode