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Chapter 93

Chapter: 93

The third teaser for The Chaser.

At first, the response was simply that it was a patchwork of the first and second teasers.

After all, there’s a limited number of scenes a movie can showcase, and in a thriller, revealing too much can ruin the immersion when the main feature drops.

So, in the first and second teasers, all you got was the scene of the raincoat-wearing culprit and a police chase.

The identity of the victim? Yeah, not a clue.

But then…

That last bit.

Ten seconds.

– Joo Su-yeon is the culprit, huh???

– What the heck?

– Wasn’t she just a convenience store employee???

– I knew there was a reason that extra was in the teaser!

– For real!

– But wow, the vibe’s totally there….

In the teaser, the appearance of Cha Seo-ah, the culprit in The Chaser, lasted only ten seconds, with her face shown for just two of those seconds.

The rest was all about ambiance, showcasing her silhouette.

But that was more than enough.

To draw in the public’s interest in one fell swoop.

[The Chaser’s 3rd Teaser: 13 million views]

Five days had passed since the teaser’s release.

And that view count was heading towards record-breaking territory.

Even with the momentum dying down now, it was still pulling in over 500,000 views daily. Sometimes it even hit a million.

This unexpected whirlwind caused distress among various communities.

– Is this the main gallery?

– Are these idiots? This is the stock market gallery!!!!

– ? So what?

Anyway, given all this, communities discussing Joo Su-yeon had doubled down, with posts popping up like popcorn on a stove.

What used to barely hit a hundred posts a day was now breaking records of tenfold that.

– The culprit is Joo Su-yeon, LOL!

– She originally had red eyes???

– What? Didn’t she look like that since she was a kid?

– But isn’t she essentially a rookie with close to zero experience? Is that normal???

– Her acting skills are certified, though.

– How can you validate that much?

– When she was little, I had my suspicions. Did I keep that to myself?

– That last aura? Absolutely killer.

– But revealing the culprit in the teaser? Is that a regular thing?

Speculation was flying around about the teaser.

Some were discussing how they had unveiled a twist freely.

Moreover, it was a polar opposite role from her character Jo Ha-rin in Dream Future.

“Sir, is this alright?”

Éclat Étoile.

This company had recently gained substantial promotional mileage from Seoyeon, so this buzz wasn’t exactly welcome.

“Of all things, she got the role of a culprit.”

Team Leader Jeong Tae-soo spoke cautiously.

He acknowledged Joo Su-yeon’s talent as an actress to some extent.

Thus, there was more room for anxiety.

What if The Chaser turned out to be a massive hit? Would the advertisement’s concept collapse?



With his arms crossed, Director Baek Min-chan gazed out the large glass window at the cityscape, while Jeong Tae-soo quietly awaited a response.

“I don’t know.”


“Ha ha, how could I possibly predict? Gauging the public’s reaction is truly a challenge. You’re the strategy head; wouldn’t you have better insight into that?”

Jeong Tae-soo was left speechless by Baek’s words.

He wasn’t wrong.

Moreover, as the head of business strategy, he sensed considerable risk.

Reviewing the past data leaned him closer to certainty.

It wasn’t good.

If a negative image took root, especially one that heavily affected cosmetic ads, the likelihood of impact was high.

“I watched the teaser, and indeed, it has quite the impact. My wife banned me from seeing it until she booked tickets. It’s out in two days, right?”


“Hmm, it was likely brilliantly done. Very well, indeed.”

Baek Min-chan nodded.

“But then there’s Dream Future.”

“Excuse me? But that…”

He knew about Dream Future.

However, pitting it against a blockbuster made by GH Group felt undeniably underwhelming.

Online reactions were solid during Episode 1, but followed up with a lukewarm reception in Episode 2.

While he wasn’t sure about The Chaser, one thing was clear—its image would overshadow that of Joo Su-yeon.

“That role isn’t too significant, anyway.”

“Market logic always follows the money.”

A minor role, indeed.

Director Baek Min-chan, who kept an eye on all of Seoyeon’s works, was aware, too.

In Episode 2, her presence had shrunk significantly.

Most likely due to a major shift in focus towards the protagonist.

Or maybe there were other reasons.

But would they stand idly if The Chaser started to rise?

“I think we should watch for now.”

“Is that so?”

“And who knows? It might turn out to be a surprising hit.”

Recalling the time with Survival Without People, Baek Min-chan chuckled.

The moves made by the rising star returning after a decade were always a twist on his predictions.


Recently, Seoyeon had been feeling it.

Everywhere she went, there was a buzz.

In fact, today at school, she could hear friends whispering about her as they chatted.

Lee Ji-yeon mentioned, “Once the film’s actual content starts, it’s only gonna get worse!”


“Depends on how she’s portrayed in the movie.”

At that, a nervous unease crept in.

She thought their relationship had smoothed out recently, but who knows?

Honestly, actors who play villains often get more flak.

On the street, people would sometimes say nasty things right to them.

And that reaction continued on set too.

“What? You were the culprit?”

At that moment, Ma Yeon-woo casually tossed the question, having became comfortable enough to drop honorifics.

“…That sounds weird.”

“Oh, no. Just talking about the role. The character’s name isn’t even disclosed yet.”


The last reveal of Cha Seo-ah was indeed there, but no official name had been given.

The pamphlets still read “Convenience Store Employee Role”.

Cha Seo-ah.

Seoyeon exhaled.

Honestly, she saw her as the character closest to her ego.

If she had led a twisted life, maybe she would have ended up like her.

Therefore, she worried about how the public would perceive her character.

Of course, the verdict would likely lean towards negativity.

“Joo Seoyeon.”

Just then, a voice pierced through their conversation.

Park Jung-woo.

He approached with determined strides.

By the way, everyone on set, including staff and co-actors, were stealing glances at Seoyeon.

The Chaser’s third teaser had surpassed 15 million views.

It was a number that no one in the industry hadn’t viewed at least once.

He had plenty of questions, but the impression left by the teaser made inquiries awkward.

‘It was only a fleeting 10 seconds of exposure at best.’

She recalled the glowing red eyes from the shadows.

The blood-smeared face and pale skin.

It felt less like facing a person and more like confronting a strange specter.

“Did you see the script changes?”

“Pardon? Oh, yes.”

Honestly, the revisions amounted to a few lines and one missing scene.

Seoyeon speculated about it for a moment.

‘Maybe they thought I overshadowed the role of Song So-ha too much.’

Or perhaps they had dialed back her presence due to her character being a murderer.

That’s how she perceived it.

Truthfully, it didn’t sit well with her.

Originally, she entered to mitigate the impact of Cha Seo-ah’s image.

‘But still, it’s okay for now.’

Her core segments as Jo Ha-rin were still intact.

If they meddled with that, it might shake the foundations of the drama, so they left it as-is.

“If you need to, I can let you know.”


Park Jung-woo spoke sincerely to Seoyeon.

“There aren’t usually such last-minute changes. It’s true that you overshadowed Song So-ha’s presence, but even so, it’s not a great sign for changes like this.”

“Is that so?”

“It’s not just you. It doesn’t look good for Na-hee either.”

Cha Na-hee’s role as Song So-ha.

She, too, knew about Seoyeon’s diminished screen time.

But rather than feeling relieved, she seemed to think she’d messed up.

“I heard there are whispers about Writer Im Jin-ha being close with PD Baek.”

Park Jung-woo pondered for a moment.

This script adjustment was likely influenced by PD Baek.

Without that, it was unlikely a rookie writer like Im Jin-ha would easily get the script altered.

“Would it change if I mentioned something?”

Seoyeon found Park Jung-woo’s sincerity puzzling.

It was quite rare for script alterations to change at the behest of an actor.

Of course, it could be possible for an actor of certain stature.

But Seoyeon wasn’t at that level.

At least, not yet.

“It’s possible, for you.”


“There’s someone up top who really likes you.”

For the record, Park Jung-woo was well acquainted with that person.

He had a connection with Seoyeon too.

With just one word from that individual, Im Jin-ha would gladly revise the script.

“It’s alright.”


Seoyeon shook her head.

“After all, my core scenes haven’t been trimmed.”

“That’s true, but… hmm.”

Park Jung-woo pondered for a moment, arms folded.

The newly revised script had been set until Episode 4.

‘Oh, right. Episode 4 is when The Chaser premieres.’

Park Jung-woo had seen the teaser.

The last ten seconds.

The appearance of Cha Seo-ah, the main villain.

In those brief moments of the teaser, he could feel the weight of many deliberations.

How to most impactfully unveil the culprit.

And how to lure audiences into theaters.

‘The recent box office has lacked hits.’

Honestly, domestic films were in a vulnerable spot.

Only a few titles burst forth each year.

When foreign blockbusters rule the screen, it takes a considerable element to attract interest.

‘It’s clear the identity of the culprit isn’t a twist.’

Meaning the murderer’s identity gets revealed relatively quickly in the movie.

In that case, it’s better to shock audiences right from the teaser.

Additionally, the high focus on the culprit meant that Cha Seo-ah’s character stood out heavily.

Thus, naturally, Joo Se-yeon’s name would rise in value.

In many aspects.


Park Jung-woo looked at Seoyeon.

She gazed back blankly at him, seemingly lost in thought.

Was she truly that detached?


‘Was it that she was simply confident?’

“Hmm, yeah. I think this is better.”

“Excuse me?”

Park Jung-woo grinned.

“Seeing the bewilderment among viewers when the movie releases should be amusing.”


“And Dream Future’s viewership…”

He didn’t particularly enjoy having a single actor dictate the flow of the production.

However, when it came to Jung Si-hwan, his role wasn’t significantly pronounced.

He was the main male lead, yet most of his prominence was saved for the latter part of the show.

Early segments focus on Song So-ha’s perspective, entangling with many supporting characters.

If Seoyeon’s presence, which carried the ratings, diminished.

‘Guess I’ll need to help Na-hee a bit.’

That way, at least some scolding would stay off the main cast.

Jung-woo glanced at the young monster staring blankly back at him, waving his hand.

After all, he figured she’d handle things well.


[Dream Future’s ratings struggled to hit 10 percent]

[Is it a limitation for youthful romance dramas?]

Articles about Dream Future were gradually fading away.

The few reports that did surface often focused on declining ratings.

Yet still, a rate of 10 percent was decent; however, the troubling matter was that it dropped consecutively in Episodes 2 and 3.

If this trend continued, the fourth episode would likely fall short of that 10 percent mark.

Ironically, the moment ratings hit 17 percent was rather high.

And would you believe?

– After watching the teaser, it feels different, LOL!

– So she’s the culprit, right?

– Wow, is this Jo Ha-rin’s screen presence all there is?

Given that the online discussions occurred in real-time against the backdrop of the airing, it was easy to gauge reactions.

Seoyeon’s segments were largely responsible for pushing ratings, thanks to the recent revealing of The Chaser‘s third teaser.

Despite being a teaser, it hugely impacted viewer engagement.

But once Seoyeon’s appearances dwindled again, ratings plummeted like a rock.

“Ugh, so annoying.”

Im Jin-ha bit his lower lip, noticing that ratings were still on a downward trajectory.

And inconveniently, right after he revised the script.

With Episodes 2 and 3 suffering consecutive drops, PD Baek was starting to scrutinize him.

If Episode 4 didn’t fare well…

‘It looks like the changes led to some awkward gaps in the content.’

Sure, if it came off corny, that was to be expected.

After all, that was kind of the plan.

Better to be cheesy than lackluster.

But the overall flow being disrupted wasn’t ideal.

Yet he had no desire to revise again.

That felt akin to admitting defeat.

‘At least Episode 4 has a group performance scene coming up, so that should be fine.’

It was an intense segment.

Director Kim Pil-seok had remarked that it was very well executed.

And then…

As Episode 4 rolled out.


He quickly inquired of the staff.

Cheers erupted from the drama department.

‘Ratings hit 14 percent!!’

A whopping 4 percent increase!

The rebound from the plummeting ratings was a very positive sign.

Finally, Im Jin-ha felt relieved.

He finally skimmed through the long-forgotten live feedback he had purposely avoided.

With ratings spiking by 4 percent, it must be filled with praise.

At that moment, he saw the chat streams.

– Harin, I’m cringing…

– If Jo Ha-rin and Cha Seo-ah fight, who would win???

– I can’t see Jo Ha-rin the same way anymore…

– Why isn’t Cha Seo-ah showing up???

– LOL, it’s more exciting without her appearance!

– Is The Chaser really that good?

– LOL, if you see it, you’ll know.

– True, true!

No matter how he looked at it, something was clearly off with the chat stream catching Im Jin-ha’s eye.

And he soon realized.

‘The premiere day for The Chaser.’

Thinking it through, today was indeed that day.

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