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Chapter 9


The cute little one, whining adorably, might not even realize…

That they are a precious child born between the Crown Princess of the current Pandragon Royal Family and the last bloodline of the Kingdom of Britain.

For reference, the Kingdom of Britain was an enemy nation that fought against the Pandragon just three years ago and has now become a duchy that barely hangs on by a thread.

With their victory in the war, they seized most of Britain’s territory.

‘And that child will become a king who unites both Pandragon and Britain.’

Not just any child, but one who carries the blood of both the Pandragon and the British royal lineage.

Looking at their white hair and eyes, symbols of Pandragon, it’s clear that they inherit the blood of the Pandragon family.

However, since they also carry British blood, they will likely possess some mysterious abilities as well.

Because that’s just how royal bloodlines work.

“You must know, right? This child is a symbol. They will be a wonderful bridge to connect Britain and Pandragon, which are as different as oil and water. This child has the legitimacy to unite the two.”

“…I don’t really understand politics.”

“Hmph! Don’t pretend; I know your gaze is broader than most insects. Don’t play dumb.”


As Princess Isis mentioned, he does understand the general workings of the country.

He knows that the territory they’ve taken from Britain is still quite rebellious.

The last bloodline of Britain, the prince, is also suffering from a chronic illness and could die at any moment.

If that prince grows up to become the crown prince, then that will truly be the time when Pandragon and Britain achieve a true union.

If that happens, this nation will possess a power comparable to an empire.

…But that’s still a long way off.

“Arthur Drake de Pandragon, Arthur Pandragon! My son is surely destined to become a great king, ho ho.”


Ugh, somehow that name feels ominously foreboding in many ways.

‘Ah, no, it’s true that he’s destined to become a great king….’

Lee Han decided to give the child’s name a blessing.

* * *

After some idle chatter, Lee Han loosened his tense body and settled into his seat.

It seemed like this conversation would be quite lengthy.

“So, sister. What’s the main point?”

“What do you mean?”

“Come on, don’t pretend you don’t know. Do you think I don’t know you? You’re someone who can read others’ inner thoughts.”

“I do not possess such talents. I can simply listen to the atmosphere and tone of a person’s voice and discern the truth from the lies, confident in understanding their motives and intentions.”

“…How is that different from reading someone’s mind?”

Personally, he respects this person.

Recalling how impressive she was when he saved her from the assassin, there was no doubt she was an extraordinary woman.

[You saved her? Excellent.]

Her calm demeanor amongst the blood-soaked tents was enough to overwhelm everyone present.

In any case, being a woman of such stature, Lee Han knows well.

This person would never casually visit someone without reason.

Even if Lee Han had saved her and treated her like a foster sister, she wouldn’t meet anyone without a political purpose.

So what he needed to do was…

“Ugh, seriously. Treated like a hunting dog again.”

“Hehe, I apologize.”

This was the first time he saw Isis show remorse for her seemingly incomprehensible mutterings, and in the next moment.



The chest of the maid attending beside Isis was pierced.

The hand axe she carried tucked away had impaled the maid right through her heart.

In that moment, Lee Han moved like a nimble hunting dog and grabbed the maid by the neck.

The maid, unable to breathe properly, had veins bulging around her eyes.
“Lady, if you have any questions, now’s the time to ask.”

“Thank you. Tsk, I thought you had done well to groom your hair.”

Isis cast a contemptuous glance at the maid. The maid had served Isis for over two years in the royal court, which was harder to survive than any treacherous jungle, yet all she received from Isis was a cold, icy look.

“Are you a remnant of Britain? Or perhaps an assassin from the North?”


“Hmmm, even now you choose to hide the truth? Such great loyalty indeed.”

Isis subtly glanced at Lee Han, and without hesitation, Lee Han responded.



He yanked the maid’s tooth out, revealing a venomous substance within.

“Oho, so it was magically treated? Truly resembles a genuine tooth.”

“To avoid suspicion, I suppose. Regardless, whether it’s a spy or an assassin, they’re all meticulous about it.”

Realizing that her true identity was exposed, the maid attempted to move her hands. Even in such a state—impaled in the chest and held by the neck—her struggle proved that she was no ordinary human.

She had learned tactical techniques. Moreover, she possessed some hidden abilities.

How foolish.

If she were going to be this clumsy, she should have just taken her own life. That way, she wouldn’t have given away this much information.



Lee Han’s movements were relentless.

The best way to immobilize someone was to remove their limbs.

…It wasn’t exactly appropriate behavior in front of a child, but given the situation, let’s just overlook that part.

“Such movements aren’t typical of the Pandragon style, nor do they seem British…”

“Are you sure about that?”

“I’ve fought enough against British soldiers in war to know their ways. I’ve seen many knights as well. While we share similarities, their fighting style has roots. But this one? Not at all.”

“Oho, so you actually know that much? For someone who claims to lack talent, you sure have keen eyes.”

“This isn’t about talent; I just have a knack for sensing things. You know, my sensitivity is a little special.”

“Hoho, indeed. Better than a pack of hunting dogs.”

“……I really am being treated like a dog.”

Isis, chuckling as if watching a comedy, and Lee Han, remaining composed even in such circumstances, both appeared far from normal, while the maid squirmed in fear.



“Ah, why do you struggle so?”

“Is she dead?”


“How unfortunate. I wanted to gather more information.”

She waved her hand, as if indicating to have the body removed since it was now worthless.

At that moment, figures clad in black who had been outside the carriage appeared. They familiarly began to lift the maid’s corpse, leaving only Lee Han, Isis, the baby, and a maid looking rather perplexed.

And if it wasn’t a misunderstanding, the maid spoke up.

“Um, Your Highness?”

“It’s Crown Princess to you, or you may refer to me as Your Majesty.”

“Hehe, yes, Your Majesty. I’m struggling to understand the situation… was she a traitor?”

She might really be a bit slow on the uptake.

“You fool. To be precise, both of you were under suspicion.”

“Ah ha!”

“…The reason I suspected you was that you’re too foolish and naïve. How is it possible for someone to be so pure-brained?”

“Hehe, my parents often commend me for being clear-headed.”

“More like dull-headed compliments.”



Lee Han understood, seeing Isis let out an exasperated sigh. It became clear why this keen-eyed Isis was having difficulty identifying a traitor, as she had come to him as well.
“Having such a pure mind can also lead to being suspected, huh?”

This was indeed surprising.

* * *

Isis was one of the few who knew Lee Han’s secret.

The heightened sense of smell of a hunting dog.

Ordinary humans could never detect the scents he could, capable of picking up even the faintest of odors. In daily life, he suppressed this heightened sense, but when he decided to use it, Lee Han could absorb a plethora of information through his nose.

Perhaps it was due to his past experiences in an assassination organization?

The smell of poison, blood, iron, and even the unease of humans—he could detect someone’s suspicious nature with nothing but the scent of their cold sweat.

And earlier, despite the maid having washed herself thoroughly and doused herself in perfume, the lingering scent of poisonous herbs could not be masked.

“Recently, people in the royal family have been showing signs of poisoning. Arthur especially.”

“…Is he insane, using poison on a child?”

“Fortunately, the Pandragon bloodline has strong immunity to toxins.”


That didn’t mean he wasn’t in pain, though.

Swallowing his words, Lee Han grimaced at the bitter situation. Despite all the circumstantial evidence leading to suspicion, the royal family had only narrowed it down to two suspects and dragged them here.

And to catch a woman clearly oozing with the scent of poison, they even called in Lee Han.

‘What a remarkable person this is.’

Any other mother would have been seething with rage, losing their composure, but she maintained an exceedingly calm demeanor.

It was unsettling, how thorough she was.

“There are many who find Arthur a nuisance. If Britain and we were to fully unify, the power would become unimaginable. Thus, there are plenty of foreigners who would want Arthur dead.”

“…It’s infuriating.”

“That’s just the nature of politics.”

Isis matter-of-factly recited these harsh truths while affectionately stroking Arthur.

To an outsider, it appeared as the loving demeanor of a mother, but intertwined within was the chilling authority of a ruler.

Lee Han couldn’t help but wonder if he could ever be like her and instinctively realized that he could never imitate her boldness.

“…So, is it over now?”

Having played his part as a hunting dog, he politely inquired if he could clock out now, but to his question, Isis replied:

“No, there are still about two more things.”

“…Two more things?”

“Do not worry; I will repay you. If you wish, I can allow you to kiss the back of my hand.”

“No, I absolutely refuse. Who’s trying to make a pervert out of me?”

“Hoho, it’s a rare opportunity to kiss the hand of the kingdom’s most beautiful woman from my youth. Such a shame to miss out.”

“Please, have some mercy.”

While he acknowledged her beauty, he was more than willing to decline any thorny offerings.

“In that case, there’s no helping it. I shall repay you later in my own way.”

“No, I don’t need it.”

“Refusal is not an option. Nevertheless, I will now state what I wish to ‘request,’ so engrave it upon your mind.”

“…You’re saying it’s a request, but really, how is this different from a threat?”

Regardless of Lee Han’s grumbling, Isis’s request = command continued.

…And the moment he heard her command:

“…Sister, are you out of your mind?”

“Hoho, not at all. Quite sane, indeed.”


Wasn’t that a bigger problem? Lee Han pondered seriously.

And it was only reasonable to think that.

‘…Is it really something to ask a person to kill their own sibling?’

He had received an assassination request.

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30 Years After Reincarnation, Turns Out It Was a Romance Fantasy?

30 Years After Reincarnation, Turns Out It Was a Romance Fantasy?

환생 30년, 알고 보니 장르가 로판이었다?
Status: Ongoing Author:
30 years after reincarnation, turns out the genre was romance fantasy?…Really, how?I lived as a magician’s slave, experimented on, then as an assassin, mercenary, soldier, and even a knight.This is a story where I’m in a genre all by myself.


not work with dark mode