Switch Mode

Chapter 88

Chapter: 88

While running without thinking, Joy stumbled and fell, spotting the mask that had dropped in front of her as she staggered to her feet.

“I need to run away.”

“Otherwise, I’ll die.”

“I’ll be killed by that guy in black.”

Joy didn’t know who that mysterious figure was.

But she understood one thing: he was dangerous.

She was a sorceress, still in training.

She could at least guess the kind of magic others were wielding out there.

But the magic he was using was overwhelmingly powerful.

The enchantments surrounding the alley were of such a high level that Joy couldn’t even begin to comprehend them.

Even his casually tossed black sphere seemed to possess destructive power that could outpace her efforts to dodge.

He was a disaster.

Certainly a foe that neither Joy nor Lucy could hope to defeat.

So, Joy ran.

To survive.

Telling herself that Lady Alrn would be fine.

She had managed to survive against an alchemist before, so surely she could endure this time as well.

Besides, help would arrive from the Academy soon enough, right?


Joy’s feet halted as she headed toward the noise on the other side.

Do I really think I’ll be okay?

The answer was crystal clear.

No. There’s no way.

It was a fact that Lady Alrn was a genius.

But even so, Lady Alrn was just a student like Joy.

She couldn’t possibly hold her own against such a monster.

Lady Alrn surely knew that.

Even while knowing everything, she must have merely hoped for Joy’s safety, willing to sacrifice herself.

Because that’s just who she is.

Her words may be harsh, but her heart is deeper than anyone else’s.

No matter who Lucy Alrn used to be, Lucy Alrn now was like that.

Joy knew this better than anyone.

Yet, believing she was trusting Joy and running away was due to her ugly heart.

Out of fear of facing overwhelming strength.

Out of hatred for being trapped in yet another nightmare.

Out of fear of death.

She was abandoning her savior.

What is a savior?

What does it mean to be grateful?

While Lucy Alrn stood tall and moved forward, was she not just circling in the same place, or even fleeing backward?

Staring at the mask on the ground, Joy turned back.

Will my leaving help? Probably not.

Even if a single ant multiplied into two, would it pose a threat to humans?

Could Lady Alrn still be holding on? Who knows.

But Joy thought Lucy Alrn probably wasn’t unscathed.

Her opponent is a monster.

Even if he was going easy on Lucy, could she really endure?

Is it too late? That’s highly likely.

She might just be on her way to increase the size of a bloody puddle.

Still, Joy ran. In the opposite direction of where she had been fleeing.

“Is this all you got? … Pompous brat?”

At the end of her path, Joy confronted Lucy.

Blood-stained hair mingled with the blood running down her face.

Her clothes were barely holding together, with more wounds on her than not.

Standing despite everything, Lucy still wore an infuriating smile.

Do you not know pain?

Do you not know fear?

Have you forgotten the word “death”?

Why are you standing?

How are you even standing?

What is keeping you upright?


The figure scowled and raised his hand.

Then, a magic circle appeared above it.

Joy still couldn’t guess what that magic was.

The gap between her and him was far too vast.

But she understood that whatever magic he was conjuring was dangerous.

Would Lady Alrn be able to hold strong?

The divine shield made of holy power flickered.

Her arm holding the mace shook.

Opening her eyes seemed like a struggle.

This is impossible.

Joy didn’t think; she simply acted.

Using the magic she had desperately practiced after facing death before.


It’s basic and primitive but powerful enough.

As soon as Joy let it fly, she didn’t expect it to hit.

He was an otherworldly magician after all.

Of course, he’d defend himself.

But hoping her magic would at least disrupt his focus, she wanted to give Lady Alrn even a sliver of an opportunity.

Joy cast the spell.

However, her anticipation was way off.

The fireball struck his face, a hit she had never expected!

His concentration faltered, and the magic he was preparing unraveled.

Seeing that, Joy forced a smile at Lucy, who had turned her head.

“Wow… what a pathetic opponent!”


“Joy. You really shouldn’t act.”

Your voice is trembling so much.

Sigh. Seriously, why did you come back?

I’m over here doing the dance of desperation just to save you, and this is how you repay me?

Do you have some desire to take the spot of the heroine that’s a pain in the neck?

Or do you want to mess up my plans so I end up getting scolded?

It would be just my luck for the picky Young Lady to develop some weird attributes.

[That girl bought us a little time.]


But it was, in fact, thanks to Joy that I got a moment to catch my breath.

Before this, I hadn’t even had time for cheeky jokes.

Getting hit, tossed, and burning up.

Wow, I’m still alive.

I don’t like that pathetic, useless garbage of a god but I have to admit the skills with his name attached work.

If it weren’t for Armadi’s mercy, I’d have been sprawled on the floor long ago.


As Joy’s smoke faded, Naklad’s red eyes could finally be discerned.

He was clearly fixated on Joy.

“So you have come to me on your own.”

That won’t do.

What are you staring into space for?

No matter how charming Joy is, she’s still a student.

Are you some kind of middle school wannabe pedo?

The characters in this world are all clearly adults, you know?

“Can’t bring yourself to subdue me on your own? How pathetic! A pathetic jerk believes in a pathetic god, I guess?”

My Mesugaki skill’s taunt was already making it tough for him even without fully engaging.

No need to tell you how effective it is against poor Naklad, who has lost all composure.


Grinning at Naklad charging at me, I could feel the fight becoming familiar.

It’s more of a delay tactic than a combat situation, really, but still.

I can’t block every spear popping out of the shadows.

Only ignoring the non-lethal ones.

While it hurts like hell every time something pokes me, at least I’m not dying.

I tried to block as much as possible with my shield.

My limbs felt so weak, whether I manage to block or not, I’m still basically getting hit—but getting hit with a shield is better than direct hits.

And about those black orbs…

What can I do?

In my current state, I don’t even have the power left to form a barrier.

If I had that much mana, I might as well just use it to stand back up like a zombie with Armadi’s mercy instead.

At least Joy’s arrival gave me a bit of breathing room.

In little spurts, Joy’s magic was effective in stalling Naklad’s movements.

Because Naklad was so fixated on me, he kept failing to dodge or eliminate Joy’s attacks that would have normally landed.

Wow, this is what being a tank feels like.

Isn’t it?

It’s got some heft to it, even if it’s rolling around a lot.

I grabbed my jittering legs and forced myself up.

I was out of power to form a barrier now.

The mace felt more like a decoration than a weapon at this point.

That’s why real shields are the best.

Ah, even a real shield would’ve probably shattered by now.

[How much longer can you get up? ]

‘Maybe two more times?’

I doubt I can manage more than that.

Honestly, even staying up now is a struggle powered by sheer will.

The physical issues are right there in front of me, and I can’t shake them off.

Not to mention the mental issues.

I’m ignoring it with all my might, but the fear is still trying to break down my wall, ready to swallow me up.

The moment my body crumbles, my mind would surely follow into complete ruin.

So, if I’m lucky, two more times.

Otherwise, just once.

Why is three minutes taking forever?

Every time I try for a time attack, I’m always like, “why is three minutes so short?!”

Could it be that the pathetic god is stopping time just to torment me?

Seems totally plausible with that guy.

While pretending to give me a buff and acting all urgent, it must’ve been a smoke screen.

That makes sense.

If that was really the case, he wouldn’t give me such a lame buff.

As my suspicions about Armadi started to rise.

The barrier surrounding me cracked, shattering like glass, and Naklad’s magical eye descended from the sky.

Naklad, standing beneath it, stared blankly at the sky.

Seeing that look of shock on his face, I couldn’t resist throwing out a line.

“Pathetic brat♡”

So busy bothering me that he didn’t even notice his barrier breaking!


Was he really enjoying tormenting a girl?

Consumed by warped tastes, he couldn’t even achieve his aim—a total perv.


“Was this your aim then?”

It might be a little late to notice, but it’s already too late.

“Guess there’s no helping it.”

As Naklad raised his hand, power coalesced above it.

A magic beyond my knowledge swirled in an overwhelming amount.

“Though it’s a pity I couldn’t subdue you, I’ll be getting rid of anyone who’s a nuisance.”

Planning to make a final stand, eh?

The acts of villains are always so predictable.

I can’t withstand whatever he’s gonna throw at me.

I had to face the felt threat of death even against the spells he just tossed out casually.

There’s no way I could withstand it in my current state.

So right now, I’m completely on the brink of game over.

Normally, it would be a soul-crushing situation to feel this helpless.

“Lady Alrn!”

‘It’s okay.’

“I’m fine. Pompous brat.”

She steps in front of Joy.

I won’t let myself die just to save Joy.

Neither of us is considering dying here.

I’m just a person who horrendously dislikes bad endings, you see.

No lingering endings for me.


As Naklad shouted while casting magic, I felt a wave of gratitude wash over me.

If he had been planning to snap my neck physically, I would have had to quietly accept my death.

But because he wants to show off his power, he gave me an opening?

Hey Naklad. You know?

The boss of the 80th floor dungeon in the first year of Soul Academy casts instant death spells as soon as you step in.

And the easiest way to tackle him is to nullify that spell and send it right back.

I already used the method to deflect the magic, but the means to nullify it is still firmly in my hands.

“I trust you.”

“Believe in me.”

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not work with dark mode