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Chapter 86

About a week later.

I had only casually attended a neighborhood academy during high school and barely maintained average grades. If I had studied alone at home instead of going to the academy, I might have thought, “Isn’t it okay to just attend one academy?” But knowing very well that my brain wasn’t that good, I actually felt lucky to have that one academy to attend.

So, I was quite skeptical about taking expensive private lessons—

Surprisingly, those private lessons turned out to be quite practical once I started taking them.

In schools or academies with multiple students, it’s hard to verify if each student is actually paying attention, but that’s not the case with private lessons.

During class, it’s just the teacher and one student. There’s no time for the student to daydream or doze off. Why? Because the teacher is right in front of them.

That’s how it was for me during this past week.


I anxiously watched Selena, who was grading the quiz I had somehow filled out with answers from the problems she had selected.

After all, thanks to our relationship as classmates, I had never heard anything bad from Selena. She would tease Jian as a tsundere heroine, but with other female friends, we were simply close friends.

Well, if I thought about the friendships I had back in my world, I would have said something like, “Can’t you solve this? Do you even have a brain?” without a second thought—

But well, since I looked like this, and in reality, I was still a virgin who had never even had a girlfriend, I ended up being somewhat cautious around girls.

The other girls, aside from Rina, took that as some kind of “consideration” or “courtesy,” and thanks to that, the girls around me didn’t treat me too casually. They could be friendly, but they wouldn’t pick a fight with me.

It seemed that using formal speech was the right approach after all. To be honest, I was just unifying the way I spoke because it felt awkward to use a different tone from what I used inside the convent.

“Well… it’s not perfect, but this is good enough to pass. If this were the usual tests, my average score would have gone up a lot.”

“There’s nothing we can do about the past.”

I let out a sigh of relief and answered.

Yeah, Selena definitely didn’t scold me for my low scores. She just looked a bit disappointed.

Not disappointed in me, but rather disappointed in herself for not being able to teach well.

Seeing Selena’s face, unable to hide her feelings of disappointment in herself for not being able to achieve results despite having offered help without me asking, made it hard for me to say anything.

Plus, since all the characters around were beautiful girls, I usually had my senses dulled in that regard. But when I looked directly at Selena’s face, she really was an extraordinary beauty.

Think about it. A stunningly pretty girl is giving you one-on-one lessons, and every time you say you don’t understand, her eyes well up with tears as she asks, “You don’t get it…?”

…It reminded me of a story I had read online before, where someone claimed they had private lessons from a celebrity who was in college during their school years, and they seriously contemplated their life after seeing the tutor almost cry every time they got a question wrong.

In my case, on top of that, it added a kind of pressure of “a close friend is helping me,” so the effect was inevitable.

Selena placed her hand on her chest, let out a sigh, and said,

“I’m glad. We managed to get this done just in time for the travel schedule. After all, you’re really smart. You caught up this much in just a week. It’s not that you can’t do it, you just haven’t done it.”

…It’s like she’s repeating the same words I heard back in my previous life at the academy. I had been told that it’s not that I couldn’t do it, but that I wasn’t doing it.

The problem was that the other kids had heard the same thing too.

Truth is, there was no way my skills could have drastically improved in just a week with only Selena’s private lessons.

I had been studying hard even after Selena left, cutting down on my sleep.

Well, of course, I thought it wouldn’t be right to put in no effort while Selena was going out of her way to teach me, but on the other hand, I also felt a sense of crisis that if I couldn’t achieve results in a short time, I might have to keep taking these lessons until the vacation ended.

After coming to this world, I had finally freed myself from work and studies, and I couldn’t let that be disturbed. Yeah, definitely not!

One of the good things about becoming a saint was that the people in the church hardly ever thought about teaching me anymore.

The classes the nuns took were, of course, similar to the ordinary schools, but there were also many related to Holy Power and theology.

And the teachers for those classes were, of course, the clergy.

What kind of priest anywhere would dare try to teach a saint or a holy person? At most, it would be lunatics like Kwon In-Soo.

Since I was already attending the academy regularly, there was no reason for me to take regular classes, and I was exempt from the other classes for the same reason. But unfortunately, Aurora and Linea weren’t.

Some of the people conducting the classes were the Mother Superior or priests—

That’s right. After coming to this world, I had gained an unprecedented level of freedom!

Well, it wasn’t like I could go wide and far, but the most I could do was wander around the cathedral.

Yet, the fact that no one bothered me while I leisurely strolled around or just lazed about was a very good thing. On weekdays, if I took a vacation, time seemed to melt away instantly without me doing anything. So that free time I had would clearly vanish in no time.

Of course, I wanted to finish Selena’s lessons as quickly as possible and enjoy that relaxed time.

But I definitely had no intention of stating such reasons confidently in front of Selena.

Selena looked quite satisfied as she placed the test paper down on the desk.

Where we were was the parlor, just like when any guests visited me. I felt like I could memorize the position of the items inside. No, really. I could tell where each item went the moment I entered.

I was definitely the one who used this room the most in this cathedral.

“Well, alright. I guess there’s nothing more to do today.”

As she said that, Selena began to tidy the books she had placed on the desk.

Honestly, they looked like they would weigh a ton if packed into a bag, but the fact that she brought them here showed her utmost dedication.

“Do you want to keep this test paper… as a memento?”

“Thank you.”

“I’m sure it will help you in the second semester. Just wait and see.”

“Yes, I’m sure it will.”

It definitely would help. The second semester would be an advanced course based on the first semester.

“Well… right.”

After checking the items in her bag, Selena lifted her head and looked at me.



An awkward atmosphere lingered between us for a moment.

It wasn’t that our relationship was awkward, but rather the situation felt odd.

Normally, it would have been a time for us to continue studying. The schedule had ended far too early.

“Umm, then, I’ll take my leave?”

As Selena said this and stood up, I hesitated for a second.


I started to speak but stopped.


You know how there are times when you meet a close friend, do what you need to do, but still feel a sense of reluctance to part ways? You think of something fun to do, but nothing comes to mind, and you feel hesitant to go home. It’s that kind of awkward atmosphere.

The awkwardness I was feeling right now was exactly that kind of awkwardness.

“Umm… would you like to take a tour around the cathedral?”

Not wanting to let her go just like that, I ended up saying those words.

Even though she’s a saint, she’s still a nun belonging to the church. She couldn’t wander around outside without the permission of a priest or the Mother Superior.

But even if we went outside, I didn’t know many places. At most, it would be a few shops or cafes I passed while walking from school. I had never ventured very far.

So those words just slipped out. It would be a walk within the cathedral grounds.

As soon as I said it, I wanted to smack my mouth.

This cathedral was the largest one around. Of course, Selena had been here several times to pray, so there was no need for me to be her guide. Surely, she knew all the pretty and famous spots inside without needing an insider’s help.

Just as I was thinking this, Selena, who had been looking a bit surprised, smiled brightly and replied.

“Sure, sounds good.”


I was about to say it might not be that great, but I was taken aback by her answer.

“I said I’d like the tour. Let’s do it.”


“Where to start?”

At Selena’s question, I stood there blinking, dumbfounded.



I didn’t know how Selena felt, but I was very flustered.

There was really no reason to be embarrassed. I had asked her how to be popular, we had gone to the underwear store together, and even the swimsuit shop to see each other in swimsuits.

When you think about it, there was no real reason for Selena to reject the idea.

If I had been a guy, and we were in an ambiguous relationship where we didn’t feel romantic feelings toward each other until just a moment ago—but still had friendship—it might have been a dilemma. But as it stands, we were just close friends of the same gender.

There was no reason to cruelly turn down the notion of walking together and chatting.

When Selena suggested this, I briefly thought, “Isn’t this essentially a date?” and felt a bit embarrassed.

“I didn’t expect there to be a place like this inside the cathedral.”

Selena said with wide eyes, genuinely surprised.

The place I had brought her to was a small courtyard behind the cathedral.

It was a tiny courtyard—maybe just about ten pyeong in size—but it was unlike any other.

The round and narrow courtyard was filled to the brim with small, white flowers blooming everywhere.

Honestly, it wasn’t a breathtaking sight. It was quite pretty, but that’s all. The flowers weren’t particularly rare, and there were no notable signs around it.

Yet, this courtyard had a strange beauty that captured the attention.

“There are saints and holy people in this world, but the truth is the distinction is just a title granted by the church.”

I slowly brought up a story I had heard shortly after arriving at the cathedral.

“Perhaps there are miraculous beings who have drawn closer to the gods somewhere unknown to us, apart from the saints recognized by the church.”

This place could be one of those.

Long, long ago, a nameless individual who fought against a demon fell during battle.

The goddess who mourned that person’s death shed a single tear on this land, and the life force seeping into the ground became so powerful that demons could not enter carelessly.

Thanks to that, the flowers that thrived here were the only ones left in this place. They do not grow anywhere else in the surrounding area.

This tiny flower garden has existed here since before the cathedral was built.

“Is that really true?”

“Well, who knows? At least the church doesn’t seem to believe it’s true.”

Could it be nothing more than an urban legend? In fact, calling it an urban legend would be generous; it was more like a baseless rumor alongside the seven wonders floating around at school with no evidence whatsoever.

“Well, if there was such a story, it would have spread broadly outside as well.”

That’s right. The church wouldn’t let such a significant story be kept quiet.

“But even so, this place always has flowers blooming. Regardless of the season, these abundant white flowers are here.”

Truth be told, these flowers are the kind that bloom all year round, and it’s just that the location is excellent.

But regardless of whether it’s a rumor, people in the cathedral loved the story passed down about this legendary spot.

Some might ask if it isn’t heresy, but… well, it’s enough as long as you don’t outright call it a saint’s legend, right?

No one takes it seriously as truth, but everyone loves telling the old tale.

“It sounds like a story about the essence of a hero.”

Selena said quietly.


Not fully catching what she meant, I asked back, and she smiled and replied.

“The hero who fell here. If he existed, then he would be the very essence of the hero we learn about.”

After saying that, Selena cleared her throat and continued.

“My life’s evidence is the lives of all those living in this world.”

It was the academy’s motto.

They say when you fight for your life, these thoughts might cross your mind.

Who would know if I died fighting here?

Isn’t it just a pointless death?

Isn’t my life the most important thing? Can’t I just run away and save myself?

Who would thank me for dying here?

But still, there are those who sacrifice themselves. People who risk their lives for the sake of protecting others rather than just living their lives.

That motto was established to honor such people.

The lives of all those I saved by sacrificing myself are evidence that I existed, that I lived in this place. Whatever those people say about me, however they evaluate me, everything I protected is proof that I lived.

“…However, the goddess is watching.”

And there’s also a church version of that motto.

No matter how much others might not acknowledge it, even if it seems like no one knows, ultimately my actions are all seen by the goddess. So don’t worry and follow what you believe in.

…Though some might misinterpret that, it was intended for those who sacrifice themselves.

And it was also to honor all the heroes who died before their deeds were recorded.

The reason the people in this cathedral loved this courtyard was definitely, as Selena said, for that reason.

It could be the grave of one among countless nameless heroes.

It was a small legend that only the people of the cathedral knew, born from the hope they wanted to attach to this flower bed, which survived miraculously amidst the complete destruction.

“That the goddess is watching…”

Selena quietly echoed my words.

Then she looked up at me and asked,

“Do you pray here too?”

Of course not.

While there was a legend passed down in the church, there was no proof that it was real. There was no religious reason either; it was simply a small courtyard within the cathedral. There was no reason to hold any kind of event to honor it.


“Prayer can be done anywhere. Shall we pray?”

Smiling, I suggested, and Selena nodded. She then slowly knelt down next to me.

Fortunately, the soil beside the courtyard was soft, so it didn’t hurt even if we knelt bare-kneed. Well, I couldn’t sit there for too long.

“Can you start first? To be honest, I’ve only prayed along with the prayers on weekends…”

“There’s no formal way to pray. You just need to think of those you want to remember.”

“…You’re quick on the uptake.”

I had an inkling of what Selena was thinking. She was the person who had played a part in the estrangement between Selena and Jian and the one who greatly influenced Selena’s desire to become a hero.

Looking back, it hadn’t even been a year since Selena lost her sister.

“…Honestly, I don’t care about evidence or what the goddess thinks. I just do what I believe.”

Selena said quietly.

“But… still, it would be unbearably sad if that means I have to be apart from the person I love.”

No, Selena had already been sad.

“So what I want to know is… can I meet my sister again someday?”

Selena said this earnestly. Even though she was praying to the goddess, she was looking at me. Her hands were clenched tightly, but her eyes remained open.

Honestly, it didn’t feel much like a prayer.


Didn’t I say there’s no formal way to pray?

I closed my eyes.

Will Selena ever see her sister again and be able to smile together?

[…Yes, someday, definitely.]

After all, souls are immortal.

I smiled softly, having heard the answer.

The church might not know much, but they at least understood the basics.

“Yes, someday, definitely.”

When I opened my eyes and relayed the goddess’s words, Selena finally closed her eyes.

I couldn’t tell what she was praying for.

But whether it was just my feeling or not, I could say that the golden sunlight shining into the courtyard where we were sitting seemed particularly bright today.


The very next day.

When I say I almost barely passed Selena’s quiz, I mean it literally.

The day right after passing the quiz was the day we were going on our training trip.

There was no need to follow anyone else’s schedule, and we didn’t have any events to participate in upon arrival.

The airfare is covered by the school. Since it was part of any extracurricular activity, it doesn’t matter what form it takes. I did wonder why it was so much, but when you think about it, we didn’t incur any costs for extracurricular activities at all. After all, we used the facilities within the school.

If we were to combine it all, there would be enough for airfare.

Thinking back, Seo-A was effectively going for a week-long trip without spending a single penny.

…My plans after escaping the church are shaking. Somehow, teaching seems like a better job than therapy.

Isn’t there a place for a seminary teacher in the academy?

“Hey, the teacher is the last one to arrive.”

“Well, it’s not time for our appointment yet.”

Grumbling, Selena was being reassured by Jian.

“Still, it’s a good thing. Considering that we managed to get this accommodation so easily, it’s thanks to our teacher.”

Satsuki said that, and

“And it’s also thanks to Erica-chan!”

Aurora chimed in enthusiastically.


Satsuki and Ramihi didn’t say a word and just sipped their straws. Well, it didn’t seem like they were in a bad mood, so that was a relief.

“Look, they’re coming over.”

Linea, who had turned her head to look in the distance, said. At her words, everyone’s gaze quickly turned.


The feeling marks popped up above everyone’s heads. Oh! Of course, they didn’t actually pop up; at least, that’s how it looked to me. I think I even heard sounds like I was in some infiltrative action game.

“Sorry! Did the teacher make you wait long?”

Seo-A said with a casual outfit—

Well, it was pretty ordinary. Jeans with a white blouse. The blouse flowed down long enough to cover her thighs a bit, which looked normal at first glance.

The problem was how boldly the top button was undone.

…It wasn’t just a glimpse of cleavage; it was a considerable amount of her upper chest fully exposed.

Honestly, I was doubting how that blouse wasn’t slipping down as she ran over. Her entire upper chest and shoulders were on display.

And even while doing so, she was managing to maintain just the right balance… Is this what they call the world of light novels?

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