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Chapter 86

Chapter: 86

The story of the game Soul Academy splits into two main paths:

Main and Sub.

The main quest isn’t particularly groundbreaking.

It follows the classic hero trope of sealing away the evil gods that have revealed themselves in the world.

Honestly, I’d say it’s a rather mediocre story—neither good nor bad.

What people really enjoy are the various subquests.

You know, tales tied to different characters, hidden stories in certain areas, and narratives related to specific items.

However, at the end of the day, subquests are just that—sub.

Whether you clear them or not, the world doesn’t change much.

But failing the main quest? That’s a different story.

If the evil gods were to fully revive, who knows what kind of mess this world would be in?

Failing the main quest equals a game over, after all.

What happens next would only be known by the residents of a world that has lost its hero.

How could I possibly know what happens after that?

I can only be certain of one thing: the revival of the evil gods won’t bring anything good.

As someone serving the Apostle of Armadi, I have more reason to think so.

I mean, every time I step into an external dungeon, Agra is already trying to pick fights—just imagine if he fully revived!

What a disaster that would be.

So, in my shoes, I can’t help but keep my eye on the main quest.

Especially because of this:

[Watch what’s happening in the Academy Square.]

[Reward: ???]

It seems our pathetic god wants this.

He sent me this message the moment I woke up this morning!

I thought to myself, “Shouldn’t you be satisfied as long as I’m the one suffering in this world?” Yet here he is, actually caring about something!

Or is he just plotting to mess with me again?

I was puzzled, but I decided to go ahead with it since I was already thinking about it.

And with a reward on the line, there was no reason not to go.

So, as soon as I was ready in the morning, I headed out alone toward the streets.

Normally, I would’ve brought Karl along, but it seemed like he had fallen behind due to all the Academy work I was piling up on him.

Even though Karl is technically a professor now, he’s still tied down by all his responsibilities.

He had put all that on hold to prioritize my demands.

It was an entirely Karl-like decision, but not the best one.

After all, to continue staying here as a professor, he needed to actually do his job!

“Lucy Alrn. Please let this guy finish his work!”

Anton, the combat studies professor, bowed his head as he said this, and I couldn’t just ignore him, so I ordered Karl to wrap things up.

Regardless, today’s events were the starting point of the main quest.

Whether or not there’s a hero around, it’s up to the people in the streets of the Academy to handle it.

Even if I throw myself into it, what difference would it make?

Even if something dangerous happens, there will be plenty of people nearby to help out—does it really matter whether Karl is with me or not?

With those thoughts in mind, I arrived early at the Academy Square and scanned the area.

The guards who are always on standby were present as usual.

There were also priests volunteering every weekend.

Not to mention, professors from the Academy patrolling to check on students during weekends.

With this level of backup, I’m sure they could easily handle an attack from any evil god’s apostle.

Let’s see… the main story event is supposed to happen between 2 and 3 PM, right?

Since I have a lot of time left, maybe I’ll wrap up some other errands first.

Let’s go meet Alsetin.

I need to get a new shield, after all.


“You want a shield made by a dwarf blacksmith?”

“Yes, that’s right!”

“Spot on. Information Dealer.”

Ever since I got some cash from the last bet, I’ve been mulling over what shield to get.

Besides, I plan to get an endgame level shield before I hit second year, so throwing away ten platinum coins wouldn’t make sense, right?

Soon, I’ll need to spend some money, so saving where I can is better.

That’s why I thought getting a shield crafted by the unbeatable dwarves, known for their hammering skills, would be the way to go.

If I got a shield enchanted by a dwarf, I could use it throughout my freshman year!

“Of course, I can do that. For a reasonable price.”

“Here! I paid a hefty sum!”

“Here you go, Information Dealer. With this, even a merchant willing to sell their conscience won’t complain.”

I slid a platinum coin over to Alsetin, and he nodded.

What I said was no empty promise; I genuinely paid a good price.

Considering that a typical dwarf-made shield could usually go for seven gold coins, I effectively added three gold coins for transportation fees!

Even a guy like Alsetin couldn’t complain about that, could he?

“I’ll get it done for you as quickly as possible.”

After hearing his promise that he’d have it ready within a week, I stepped outside the shop, but I still had plenty of time left.

Hmm. Now that I think about it, should I explore the Academy streets?

I haven’t taken the time to relax and just chill in a while with everything been so hectic.

Where should I start?

Maybe grab some skewers from the bridge where the protagonist and a heroine shared a tragic farewell?


As I was walking through the alley, a familiar figure caught my eye.

Usually, she’d have her heavily curled hair tied back, but today she was wearing white clothes she doesn’t usually wear,

and perhaps to hide her identity, she even wore a mask.

But I wasn’t fooled.

That outfit is the same one Joy wears whenever she disguises herself in the Soul Academy game.

What is Joy doing here?

Shouldn’t she be at some high-society gathering laughing and chatting it up with the noble ladies by now?

I tilted my head in curiosity, and then I saw Joy staring hopelessly at a shop sign.

Ohhh. Was Joy here just for some bread?

While this place is nice, isn’t there a bakery you like more?

Maybe she’s just exploring while the Academy year is still young?


“Clumsy Young Lady! What are you doing over there?”

At the sound of my voice, Joy reflexively turned her head, saw my face, and hurriedly turned her head the other way.

That was enough to betray her identity, but Joy acted like she didn’t hear me and walked past me.

“Joy. You’ve already been found out.”

“Clumsy Young Lady! Did you really think I’d still be in disguise? I must say, for a Duchess’ daughter, that’s quite a foolish mistake.”

After shouting that in her direction, I saw her shoulders jerk up.

Then, she turned and, with a voice much lower than her usual, murmured,

“Clumsy Young Lady? Who are you referring to?”




As soon as I heard her voice, I couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

Wow! I get that you want to change your voice, but come on, Clumsy Young Lady.

If you’re going to modulate it, shouldn’t you at least do a decent job?

The way your voice is bouncing around, who’s going to believe you?

I was laughing so hard that even Grandpa beside me couldn’t stop chuckling.

With every laugh from me, Joy’s shoulders shook more and more until she finally sighed and took off her mask.

“…How did you know?”

“It was painfully obvious.”

“Clumsy Young Lady. It was obvious, considering how clumsily you were walking around.”

“Who walks like that!”

Joy shouted back and wiped her face, feeling embarrassed.

“Lucy Alrn.”

Then she looked down at me with her signature cold eyes and cautiously spoke up.

“I don’t know if you’ll believe me, but I came here to eat some bread.”

“I get it. Joy wouldn’t do anything weird, right?”

“Of course. Clumsy Young Lady, you lack the courage to pull a stunt, don’t you?”

As I said I didn’t doubt her, Joy’s eyes widened before she started mumbling.

Maybe she didn’t expect I’d believe her so easily.

After all, being here means I’m fully aware of all the circumstances—if I were just a gossipy noble, it would be a whole other story.

This situation is pretty strange. A Duchess’ daughter wandering around in disguise in an alley?

That’s juicy gossip material for sure.

“Is that true?”

“Yes, it really is.”

“Clumsy Young Lady can’t even trust her benefactor? Such a suspicious coward.”

“Well, it’s not that… no, never mind. I’ll trust you.”

Joy seemed like she wanted to say something but eventually shook her head and nodded.

I wonder, does Joy really trust me?

Or perhaps she believes I don’t have the connections to spread her secret?

Given her personality, it’s probably the former, but both could very well be true.

If I were to gossip about anyone, who’s going to listen?

Probably just Karl, right?

“Anyway, Joy. Be careful.”

“Clumsy Young Lady. Stop acting so clumsy. You might get bad rumors spreading about you.”

“…Can you believe I’d hear such advice from you, Lucy Alrn?”

At my remark, Joy sighed heavily again.

Sure, I shouldn’t be the one talking since I’ve been wandering around without caution.

But, Joy, it’s only natural that people with something to lose act differently than those who have nothing to lose, right?

[Oh? Wait a minute, girl. I can feel the energy of an evil god.]

Just as I was about to inform Joy that this bakery is closed on Sundays, Grandpa interrupted me.

What? Is the event about to kick off already?

It’s not even lunchtime yet!

Why are the apostles so eager?

I mean, our pathetic god said I should watch it to earn my reward.

Even if he’s useless most of the time, he knows how to deliver when it comes to rewards.

I definitely want to shout out a “thanks” to him.

After bidding Joy goodbye, should I just dash over to the square?

“Where is it?!”

If the attack hasn’t started yet, I may be able to arrive before it kicks off…

[They’re coming this way.]

Here? In this alley?

What’s going on?

The thing is, they’re leading an attack at the temple in the square, right?

What’s their plan coming through here?

[Run! There’s a strong presence. You can’t handle it right now!]

Acting faster than my thoughts, I threw Joy onto one shoulder and dashed toward the square.

“I felt the energy of Armadi and came running, but it’s just a little brat.”


The name that the evil gods most revile.

And right now, it’s my god.

Hearing that name, a laugh escaped from my lips.

This pathetic, useless, whiny god is always so unhelpful.

As I bit down on my lips and took out my mace, ready to grow in size, a message popped up in front of me.

I thought it might be about Agra watching me or something, but it wasn’t.

[Hold on]

[Hold on until the people in the Academy Square arrive.]

Surprisingly, it was from my useless god.

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not work with dark mode