Switch Mode

Chapter 81

Chapter: 81

‘Is Joy going to be okay?’

[She will be.]

It was sudden.

On the way to the academy dungeon, I met Joy, and we stood in front of the dungeon’s door together.

At that moment, Joy collapsed.

Her breath was ragged.

Her eyes were shaking.

She mumbled something about not wanting to die.

Even though her eyes were open, she couldn’t see ahead.

She couldn’t even hear the murmurs around her.

Trapped in her own world, she looked totally cut off from reality.

After finally regaining her senses, she tried to get up, claiming it was just lack of sleep, but her arms and legs were so weak that she just fell again.

I reached out to help her, but that wasn’t a great choice.

The moment my hand reached out, I saw Joy flinch and tremble.

[Oh girl. It’s not your fault.]

With a sigh, the old man tried to remind me it wasn’t my fault, but I simply couldn’t nod along.

After all, wasn’t it me who was excited about going to the dungeon without even knowing Joy’s situation?

[It’s common. After an incident in a dungeon, fearing it is part of the process for those who tackle them. It’s just come a bit earlier for her.]

I hadn’t known such things could happen.

That never happened in the game.

No matter what crisis arose.

Even if the party collapsed.

Even if a black screen showed the dreaded words “Game Over.”

The characters in the game were just that—characters.

They never expressed any mental anguish.

They simply moved as I wished them to.

‘What should I do?’

In this situation, I had no idea how to help.

Since I’d never been through something like this, I didn’t know how to rescue her from her nightmare.

[Don’t try to do anything unnecessary.]


When I asked the old man, who seemed familiar with such matters, he gave me an unexpected answer.

[Don’t offer pity, comfort, or anything. Just treat her like you usually do.]


[Girl, do you really think a single word from you is enough to overcome something like this? Human minds aren’t that simple.]

The old man spoke.

Ultimately, to escape the trauma tormenting her, she would have to overcome it herself.

No amount of kind words or outward care would mean anything.

In fact, it might just make her more aware of her trauma.

So he insisted to just treat her like usual.

[Don’t do anything until she asks for help first. That’s the best advice I can give you.]


Normally, he spouted nonsense while pretending to be serious, but today his tone felt unusually heavy.

So I realized he was genuinely offering advice.

‘Have you seen many people suffering like this, Grandpa?’

[It’s something you encounter over and over again on the battlefield.]

‘Do they all end up okay?’

[I can’t say for sure. But clueless young lady will be fine. She’s got a strong resolve and people around her that care.]

Him calling Joy the “clueless young lady” made me chuckle inadvertently.

Ah, come on.

After a long time being emotional, he just shattered it all.

Knowing he made that joke out of concern for me, I didn’t complain to him.

Instead, I took a deep breath.

Yeah, she’ll be alright.


As I was just killing time, Karl, who had taken Joy to the infirmary, returned.

‘Karl, how’s Joy?’

“Clueless young lady looking fine. And you?”


“Great to hear. Thanks to the calming magic, her anxiety symptoms are gone. The person in the infirmary said she’ll be okay after a little rest.”

The staff at the Soul Academy’s infirmary are quite skilled.

If a person like that said she’d be okay, I could breathe easier about it.

What a relief. Really relieved.

“And, Lady. Lady Partran said she wants to see you again.”




Would it be okay to meet her again now?

Joy had flinched when she saw my hand reaching out.

What if she got scared again just by seeing me at this moment?

While I was lost in thought, the old man sighed again and spoke up.

[What did I tell you?]

He said not to bother overly.

Yes, I just heard that but had forgotten.

Nodding to the old man, I stood up.

On my way to the infirmary, I felt more gazes on me than usual today.

It seemed the news about Joy collapsing had spread among the students.

Some, particularly those who seemed to want to overhear, were whispering with their mouths somewhat covered, claiming I was the one bullying Joy.

No way I’d bully the Duke’s Young Lady, even if I were insane! But thinking back, it wasn’t that strange.

After all, I just called the Third Prince a “pathetic prince” right to his face.

Even if it sounded wildly insane, adding “Lucy Alrn” in front of that made it all make sense.

Ah, well. Let’s just give up on restoring my reputation.

No matter how hard I struggle, the foundation of my reputation is already terrible, what can I do?

Well, anyway, I don’t need to be loved by everyone, do I?

Just the people I like liking me is enough.

Having courage to be hated is what’s needed here.

While trying to act calm and walking forward, a group of female students blocked my path.

Their faces looked familiar.

Not because they were key NPCs in the game, but simply because they were the followers always trailing alongside Joy, so I had naturally gotten used to seeing them.

With a bunch of noble girls glaring at me, I felt a mix of something akin to fear.

It was an entirely different pressure than when facing a strong monster.

Is this what the typical villainess does to bully someone?

Wow, this is intense.

If I were the clueless protagonist, I’d be gasping for air right now.

“Lady Alrn.”

Among them, one that seemed to take on the leader’s role called out my name.

She merely said my name, but I could tell exactly how she felt about me.

There was plenty of annoyance in her voice, and anyone could tell that.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

‘Just heading to the infirmary.’

“You want to know? I don’t feel like telling someone so trashy anything.”

I replied with a smile due to my Mesugaki skills while the girls around me murmured.

What were they saying, of course it was about me being rude or disrespectful or something like that.

But the murmuring stopped instantly when the girl in front furrowed her brow.

Dominating presence? She’s more villainous than Joy!

“Don’t act so rude.”

‘Uh… I’m sorry?’

“What’s wrong? Are you mad? Can’t control your emotions, huh? This trashy young lady thinks she’s so dignified.”

For some reason, the Mesugaki skill wouldn’t let me stop smiling.

The more I smiled, the more red her face got.

“You haven’t changed since your time in high society, have you?”

Her voice sounded like it was biting through rage.

Hearing this, I understood that there was a heavier story between this girl and Lucy.

She was likely a target of Lucy’s mischief.

“Lady Alrn, you’re indeed heading to the infirmary, right?”

‘Yep. Why?’

“Wait, you knew? Then why’d you ask? Have you lost your mind? Got holes in your brain?”

“Back off. What business does someone who bullied Lady Partran have trying to see her?”

What’s this? Do you seriously believe those rumors?

Trying to stop me from going to Joy, huh?

Judging by their attitudes, they seem to actually care about Joy.

Well, that’s good. Joy must be struggling a lot, and it’s good for her to have at least one friend by her side.

Of course, that doesn’t mean I need to accommodate you.

‘Joy asked me to come see her.’

“Listen, trashy lady. Sorry, but I’m off to see the clueless lady, see? So get out of my way. Got it? Hoo—ly crap?”

Since Joy asked me, I really hope they’d just step aside.

If they wanted to complain later, I’d happily listen to them.

“You’ve got the knack for lying, huh?”

But the noble girl didn’t even trust me a little.

Well, if you believe the rumors to be true, of course you wouldn’t believe that Joy called me, huh?

Still, what she said was true.

How should I persuade them?

“Um, excuse me, but Lady Partran really wants to see Lady Alrn.”

Didn’t they think I could persuade these noble girls?

Karl, standing beside me, tried to speak up, but the fierce look on the girl’s face didn’t soften a bit.

“Professor, please don’t interrupt students talking.”

At that moment, I realized I had made one big mistake.

If this girl truly cared about Joy, would she have ignored the professor?

With a professor’s name attached.

Would she ignore Karl, who had taken Joy to the infirmary?

At least, she should at least pretend to listen.

But this noble girl wouldn’t even pay any attention to Karl’s words.

That’s right.

Whether the rumor is true or not didn’t matter to her.

Even whether Joy’s words were true or not didn’t matter.

She was just annoyed about the fact that I was going to meet Joy.

Hmm, so you’re not really a friend of Joy’s, huh?

You’re really not someone who cares for her.


In that case, I have no reason to consider you.

Shoving away the seemingly troubled Karl, I stepped forward.

Then, the nameless girl’s gaze locked onto me.

“What? Lady Alrn? Got something to say?”

I didn’t answer.

I had no reason to respond.

What would I say to someone who wanted to act like they cared for Joy while actually just wanting to vent their frustrations?

Instead, I shoved her to the side.


Though I didn’t push very hard, the girl sprawled out pathetically on the floor.

What’s up with that?

I merely gave her a gentle nudge!

Talk about a dramatic reaction.

At this rate, a soccer referee would have booked me for a yellow card instead of her!

I felt unfair, but it seemed like none of the other noble girls saw it that way.

The girl who stood near the one who just fell raised her voice.

“What on earth are you doing?!”

“Whoops♡ Sorry♡ Don’t mind me, just thought this trashy young lady was weak♡ so sorry if it crossed the line!♡”

As I chuckled and said that, murmurs arose from the other noble girls around me.

Were they going to retaliate?

Come at me! You trash!

Even if all of you teamed up, you couldn’t take down a single Frey!

Despite that, when I glared at them, they staggered back.

“Well, I’m off then♡ Trash?♡ Next time, try figuring out your place!♡ Ah, if you had the brains for that, you wouldn’t have picked a fight in the first place, right?♡”

Deliberately exaggerating my laugh, I slipped through their midst to see their faces turn beet red.

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not work with dark mode