Switch Mode

Chapter 80

I shouted for a quick escape and burst out of the room, only to come face to face with an unexpected figure.

“Ah, Saintess.”

It was Miracle Investigator Matthew Turner.

Matthew Turner, who was talking with Uncle Paul at the door, greeted me warmly as I stepped outside.


Now that I think about it, it’s been a while since I last saw him. I knew he was Aurora’s guardian, but honestly, after seeing him once on the battlefield, I hadn’t encountered him again, and he was slowly fading from my memory.


Aurora waved cheerfully with a bright smile. Turner waved back at her and turned his attention to me.

“Perfect timing. I heard the Saintess has come to the Central Church, and I wanted to see you.”

As he said this and glanced at Uncle Paul, Paul nodded and took a couple of steps back. It wasn’t that he couldn’t hear the conversation, but he probably intended to show he wouldn’t interfere. That said, someone whose duty it was to escort me couldn’t just back off completely.

Now that I think about it, this Matthew Turner hadn’t been involved with me much despite being a Miracle Investigator. Considering my position, which no longer had much significance for the Inquisition, it was odd that Andrea, the Inquisition’s head, kept popping up around me instead.

Not that I was complaining or anything.

I had heard that the Inquisition was expanding, but I’d never heard of any new Miracle Investigators being added. If anything, the one assistant that existed had probably been taken away, decreasing the workload.

Yet, considering all that, he looked quite lively. A glossy sheen on his face.

“…What brings you here?”

For someone like me, whose time was precious, this wasn’t exactly the most welcomed topic. Especially someone who was the only Miracle Investigator in the entire church… I could sense that this would lead to a time-consuming discussion.

“More importantly, you don’t look like you’re doing very well.”

Regardless of my impatience, Turner casually struck up a conversation.

“…I take it you’re doing well, Priest.”

When I said this, drenched in suspicion, Turner shrugged his shoulders.

“Well, I have nothing to do in the first place. Just sitting in the office all day, doing nothing.”

No way, you’ve got plenty to do!

You’re a Miracle Investigator! The Saintess just showed up; you can’t be slacking off!

Of course, I had no intention of voicing this. If I said that, he might go, “Oh, then should I do my job?” and leave me with no way to escape.

In fact, from my perspective, it was fortunate that this guy was being so slack.

“Then what’s the reason you came to see me?”

Yet, it was too early to feel completely at ease.

After all, this person had come all the way here specifically to meet me. If someone who could just sit in a room came out, there had to be a reason behind it.

“Well, I wanted to check on Aurora and the Saintess… but.”

He flashed a grin and added.

“I wasn’t planning to come right away. I’d much prefer staying holed up than facing the world. I thought I’d just come out to say hello when you were about to leave.”

What a laid-back attitude.

To be honest, I had forgotten about him until just before. If this hadn’t been a chance encounter, I probably would have left without saying a word.

Oh, wait a minute. That means if I had just come out a bit earlier, I wouldn’t have run into him at all?

As I was seriously pondering whether I should regret falling asleep from exhaustion, Turner scratched the back of his head and sighed.

“But now, something’s come up that requires me to move.”


That makes me anxious. So, something important enough for this annoying person who utterly hates work to actually move has come up.

Especially since it’s something related to me.

“Out of nowhere, I was enjoying my usual peaceful and relaxed time when suddenly the office door burst open. I was so surprised that I couldn’t even take my feet off the desk before facing the Pope.”


My anxiety was growing.

“And the Pope just said he had witnessed a miracle and ordered me to investigate it.”

“A miracle?”

I don’t recall anything like that. I hadn’t even exhibited any Holy Power, let alone a miracle. At least not in that reception room.

“It was said someone had been sent by the Goddess…,” Turner said, staring at me intently.


“The thing with miracles is, they don’t always have to show something flashy like Holy Power or Magic in front of your eyes. Of course, as a Miracle Investigator, those kinds of miracles are easier to investigate, but there are various types that can be classified as miracles.”

“Even someone causing a church reform by themselves and converting people can be classified as a miracle. Typically, those who can pull that off are known to possess the traditional type of miracles, but in terms of subcategories, one could say so.”

I mean, I’ve never attempted anything like that… I could understand what he was trying to say.

“Being able to communicate directly with the Goddess… that’s also a miracle.”

Linea and Aurora’s eyes turned to me.

No, what are you trying to reveal that here!

“…What did the Pope say?”

“The envoy of the Goddess claimed to have spoken with the Goddess and said she forgave her sins.”

I rubbed my face with my hand. Ah… right. I spoke to the secretary, not to the Pope. I hadn’t even considered that right after it happened, I’d go running to tell Father Turner about such a miracle.

I had thought of taking some action afterward. That’s why I was trying to move as quickly as I could.

I just didn’t assume that the person on the other end would be Miracle Investigator Matthew Turner.

“…I’ll tell you when I get back later.”

I said to Linea and Aurora, who were staring at me.

“I don’t think anyone would think the Saintess lied in the name of the Goddess. Regardless of what anyone says, the Saintess is the only one among all believers who can use the power of the miracle as she wishes. Considering her achievements, they’re incomparable to previous saints and saintesses.”

No matter what I say, Matthew Turner continued to speak.

“So… there’s just one thing I want to ask. That statement about having heard from the Goddess, is it true?”

So that’s why you came to ask that.

Even if he idles away in his free time, he is still a believer. And though it may be just a title, he holds the position of Miracle Investigator, which isn’t something just anyone can do.

In terms of faith, he isn’t outdone by other believers.

“…Yes. That’s correct.”

Honestly, there’s only one thing to reply. Isn’t that right? If that were a lie, that would mean I had sold the Goddess out, leading to a tremendously complicated and troublesome—if not dangerous—situation for me.

Plus, as I mentioned before, lying spirals into complications. Holes form in the logic, and once the other starts poking at it, you tumble down an endless pit.

Even if I could manage to deal with it somehow, I’d rather choose the troublesome path than the annoying and dangerous one.

Ultimately, I sighed deeply, expecting to be stuck here for a while and answered as such.

Well… an opportunity will come, right? If not today, maybe tomorrow I’d manage to escape.

Though the chances would dwindle with each passing day.

A quick glance at Uncle Paul showed his face was pale with shock. Ah, this person also had no idea what had happened in the reception room. Somehow, the conversation had gone out of control. Can I even keep this a secret now?

Seeing my suddenly gloomy expression, Father Turner smiled bitterly.

“Well… to be honest, even if I pressed for more details, there wouldn’t be any further evidence emerging. It’s the Saintess who speaks with the Goddess, not me, and that conversation wouldn’t exactly be something I could hear from the sidelines.”

“Yes, that’s true.”

Feeling a bit defeated, I replied, and Matthew just shrugged his shoulders.

“That’s all I wanted to confirm. I apologize for bothering you.”

Saying this, Turner slightly bowed his head.

“By the way… you seem to be in a bit of a hurry.”

“Ah, that….”

Aurora appeared flustered. It didn’t technically matter now, but in the past, it had mattered; since they were in a father-daughter like relationship, it was a little awkward to outright lie.

…Well, to be honest, the age gap was only about ten years, but judging by how Aurora acted around Father Turner, it certainly looked that way.

“I was planning to head back to the 21st District.”

I replied instead of the hesitant Aurora. Upon hearing my answer, Aurora looked at me with wide, startled eyes. Did she think that telling this person would only get in the way of our return?

Well, logically, it would. After all, he’s a Miracle Investigator. Even if he was just asking and verifying, the fact that he conversed with the Goddess itself was a tremendous event. It would make someone feel like the Pope kneeling could faint.

The church wouldn’t be foolish enough to let someone like that go back unceremoniously, and anyway, he was still part of the church.

“Oh, is that so? Hmm.”

Turner placed his hand on his chin, briefly pondering before continuing.

“Well, given the current circumstances, I can definitely see why you’d want to go back. If I were in your situation, I would have hidden away somewhere too.”

In that sense, having a place to return to is truly nice, ha ha! he laughed cheerfully.

“Then shall I guide you to the station?”

Suddenly, he offered me words I hadn’t expected.

“Excuse me?”

I repeated, still trying to comprehend the situation, and Father Turner responded.

“It would be easier for me to accompany you than to let the Saintess go alone. Even if you are the Saintess, you are still, after all, a minor.”

Does being a minor really matter?

What I was concerned about right now was the matter concerning the Pope’s conversation, which could lead to my being retained and tormented by the church. If things went wrong, my entire vacation could go down the drain! I already bought my swimsuit in advance!

“Well, either way, let’s get going. Although it might not seem like it, being a Miracle Investigator is a pretty high position. Some people think it doesn’t have actual power, but—”

Father Turner said with a grin.

“—that’s only the case when there’s no Saint or scenario where miracles don’t exist. With me standing next to the Saintess, I’m practically invincible.”

With that, he stepped forward without waiting for my response.

Me, Linea, and Aurora exchanged dumbfounded glances and followed him with wide eyes.


And it seemed Father Turner’s words held some truth.

After all, even if the position had been disregarded until now, if the significance of that position was very much alive and well, it was only natural that perspectives would change.

If a person who claimed aliens existed all their life was suddenly proven right, people would start viewing them differently.

…Not that Matthew Turner had done that.

In fact, he seemed to prefer being in a place where he had nothing to do and went unnoticed.

Well… regardless of that, he was strolling with a great deal of swagger right now.

“Is the Commander doing alright?”


I asked Uncle Paul, who was accompanying us, and he gave a perplexed reply.

“Are you talking about returning?”

“Oh, is that what you mean?”

Uncle Paul laughed heartily.

“We don’t have the authority to force the Saintess into any actions. The escort knights are merely that: knights for protection. Our duty is to follow and protect, not to tell the Saintess what to do.”

Is that so…?

More importantly, are they really an escort knight? To think they were actually under my name—it’s exhausting just to think about it.

Of course, the knights are all good people, and I don’t think about wanting to cut ties with them. Considering the position of the Saintess, having such knights is rather normal.

But the more authority one has, the greater the responsibilities that come with it.

I just want to remain a high school girl! I want to worry only about my school grades and live my life…

Of course, given how I ended up here, that’s not possible at all.

As I sighed deeply, knights blocked our path.

“Wait. Your affiliation and names… Ah, Saintess?”

Seeing me standing behind Father Turner, the knights straightened their posture. I realized this was already in front of the church’s history.

Typically, the entrance for churchgoers isn’t overly restricted. Since the history in the Central Church serves the average function of a train station, pilgrims frequently visit. Some minimal checks are done, but it’s not at a level that one needs special permission to pass.

However, the first class of the train, reserved for cardinals, the Pope, or esteemed visitors to the church, is an entirely different story.

Where people of great significance would board or disembark, it wasn’t a place anyone could enter carelessly.

“I’m accompanying to confirm something with the Saintess. Could you grant us boarding permission?”

“May I ask about the Priest’s affiliation?”

One of the older knights asked. Perhaps due to the presence of the Saintess, he looked a bit nervous.

“I am Miracle Investigator Matthew Turner. I’m here to confirm the miracle the Saintess has caused. However, it seems the location is not within this Central Church, so we need to go directly.”

As Turner stated this, he adjusted the emblem on his robe to a visible angle. Given that there’s only one Miracle Investigator in the church, confirming his identity was simple enough.

It’s amazing that even the church has laptops for identification. After all, managing all this by hand would be highly inefficient.

“Is it true that the Saintess is with you?”

As he turned to give me a glance, Father Turner smiled.

“Yes. It’s better to ensure everything’s accurate.”

At his words, the two knights exchanged glances. It seemed something stirred in them at the mention of miracles.

“Then we’ll confirm it first.”

“Yes, of course.”

Matthew responded rather straightforwardly, which made me a bit uneasy.

When I tugged lightly at his priest attire, he turned around, questioning what I needed.

“Will they not stop us once they confirm?”

As I whispered, Turner burst out laughing heartily.

“Of course not. Despite how it may seem, I’ve received direct permission from the Pope. They might welcome us with open arms. And—”

He bent down and whispered beside me.

“The church wouldn’t even entertain the thought of you returning. In the eyes of believers, just visiting the Central Church is an honor.”

Well, considering it’s where the Pope resides, simply being invited is indeed a huge honor.

With me wanting to flee from that honor instead, it’s bound to seem abnormal.


A knight returned after tapping away at a laptop with a handful of tickets in hand.

“Here’s your train tickets. Have you decided on a destination?”

As he showed me the blank travel form, the knight asked.

“For now, this will work. We’ll slowly trace back based on the Saintess’s memory, so we’ll determine the drop-off after discussions.”

“Yes, then have a pleasant journey.”

“Thank you.”

Following behind Matthew, I graciously bowed my head. Aurora, Linea, and Uncle Paul also gave light nods as we passed by the knights standing rigidly.

“…But what about the escort knights?”

When I asked Uncle Paul, figuring we were far enough to assume our voices wouldn’t reach the knights, he answered as if he’d anticipated the question.

“Even if we start a bit late, it won’t matter. They’ll receive permission to move as soon as they learn the Saintess is on the move. Actually, even if they were to gather now, it would raise suspicions if too many gather.”

That is definitely true. It would be safest to move core personnel first and let the rest follow afterward.

“…But still, I didn’t think it would be this easy to get through.”

“It’s how bureaucracy operates. In front of someone of higher rank, what they say tends to take precedence. Moreover, with all reports needing to go higher up, there’s no way they’d have time to wait for an audience with the Pope and risk offending the Saintess who ranks just below Him. Following the Saintess’s word is the protocol. With officials like myself around, it adds further credibility.”

“That being said, shouldn’t the one who’s been there longer be preferred more?”

“Considering the Pope’s age, it changes the perspective. Regardless of how healthy He may be, who knows if He’ll be around for another ten years? Compared to Him, the still young Saintess is expected to remain in that role for decades unless some monumental hiccup occurs. They’re thinking long-term.”

So, it’s not too different from those generals who simply walk right in and gain access.

And despite that, hearing I’d still be a Saintess for decades is terrifying.

Of course, I never intended to stick around that long, but then again, if others assumed I would, I guess it could be interpreted positively?

“Well, that said, I can’t afford to be so laid-back. After all, the reports will definitely reach the Pope.”

What a person. He’s quite capable! I thought he’d just be a slacker, someone who wouldn’t pay attention to this type of thing.

After I stared at him, he gave me a triumphant look, as if he understood what I was thinking.

…Still, he had that look that I was not fond of.

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