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Chapter 74

Chapter: 74

When I told Frey that we should halt the conquest, she showed an expression of regret, and Visi said she was disappointed, but she couldn’t wipe the smile off her face.

Well, from your perspective, joining me in dungeon conquering must have felt like a motion sickness game.

Next time you come to the dungeon, bring someone more stable.

Outside the dungeon was filled with chaos.

Professors were controlling the entrance.

Students were bustling around outside, and from the curious expressions of those watching, it seemed the news of Arthur going missing hadn’t reached them yet.

I mean, despite Arthur being pretty far from the heir, he’s still a prince.

If news got out that something happened to him, it’d be pandemonium.

Soul Academy had already received a ton of complaints from the last incident during the entrance exam.

If something happened to Arthur now, it would rock the academy to its core.

Knowing that is why the professors looked so frantic.

I stood in the midst of the chaos with Karl at the dungeon entrance.


“Useless one, do you remember how to read the coordinates?”

“Of course,” he replied.

Rumors of what happened seemed to spread, causing the number of students to increase, making the professors even more flustered.

Thanks to that, they weren’t paying attention to us re-entering the dungeon.

So, we slipped back inside without any hindrances.


“Useless one, we’re going at full power. Don’t lag behind like a pitiful creature.”

“He doesn’t need to worry,” Karl chimed in.

Previously, while conquering the dungeon, I had slowed my pace to accommodate Frey and Visi.

But now, that wasn’t necessary.

Karl was still a formidable beast, more so than I was. We raced forward with all our might.

Soon, a goblin appeared in our path, but I didn’t stop.

Karl’s sword would strike their necks faster than the goblin could even notice us.

Even when traps appeared, we didn’t slow down.

We were too strong to get hurt by something that minimal.

With the shortest distance covered.

With the fastest speed achieved.

After running and running, I said, “Karl. And Lady Alrn?”

“Why is a student here?”

“Karl! Even if she’s your lady, bringing a student here…”

We reached the sixth floor, the spot where Arthur vanished, in just 10 minutes.

The professors, who had been discussing something there, gasped when they saw us.

Gaining my breath back as we approached the area where the magical artifact was used, one of the professors blocked my path.

“Lady Alrn.”

The battle studies professor, Anton.

Despite his stiff appearance, he was relatively communicative.

“What brings you here?”

‘Professor, I have a solution.’

“A useless professor. I came to give a gift to you, a hopeless fool who doesn’t even know why there’s a problem.”

“Are you saying that Lady Alrn has a solution?”

Despite hearing the mesugaki language, the professor didn’t get angry and instead threw me a question.

‘Of course.’

“Of course! You think I’m as useless as you?”

If I didn’t have confidence in solving this problem, I wouldn’t have come here in the first place.

I’m not someone who lacks awareness of the situation.

As I boldly proclaimed, Anton looked at me with suspicion.

The professors were doing their utmost to resolve the problem.

It’d be hard for them to believe a mere student like me had a solution.

So I pulled a scroll from my pocket and showed it to Anton.

“What’s that?”


“A scroll of magic reproduction.”

An artifact that reactivates a spell that was enacted at a certain location.

Originally prepared at a high price to tackle the boss on the 80th floor of the academy dungeon.

The compass that Arthur used had a function that ultimately transported people to specific coordinates.

If we used this magic reproduction scroll, we’d be able to get to the same place.

As I explained, Anton reached out his hand.

“Thank you. If you give that to me.”

‘I’m coming with you.’

“What nonsense are you spouting? I’m going too.”

The dungeon we were about to enter would be the first one ever tackled by the professors.

Even if they’re skilled, they’d undoubtedly get lost.

Thus, searching for Arthur’s party would surely face setbacks.

But I was different.

I knew all the dungeons in the Soul Academy world, eliminating the chance of getting lost.

“Lady Alrn. What lies beyond may hold unknown dangers. From a professor’s standpoint, taking a student like you is…”

‘For me…’

“A useless professor. I possess a blessing that reveals the geography of dungeons.”

Interrupting Anton’s words, he looked at me in surprise.

If an ordinary person said something like that, they’d surely be labeled as crazy.

But I was someone who scored full marks in the entrance exam, a survivor of the incident that happened in that dungeon.

Moreover, I had been speedrunning through the academy dungeon until just moments ago.

Actually, I possessed no skills related to dungeons, but to others, it was entirely different.

‘It will be helpful.’

“Far more than a fool like you would be?”

As I shrugged and acted tough, Anton’s gaze shifted to Karl.

Karl caught on to the implication in his eyes and nodded.

“The lady possesses a blessing. I swear it on my honor as a knight.”

Having heard Karl’s words, Anton hesitated for a moment, then sighed and spoke.

“Alright. But do not engage in combat; just guide the way.”

I had no intention of joining the frontline, so I accepted that.

Why would I want to fight in the temple of the old god, Colhiti, with this body of mine?

If this were a game, I might have thought of overcoming it through controls, but this isn’t a game.

The life on the line is truly mine.

I have no desire to walk a tightrope over a cliff.

As I agreed, Anton stepped aside, and I unfurled the scroll at the spot where Arthur had vanished.

A magic circle drew itself on the floor, radiating bright light.

As the light faded, the changed scenery came into view.

A stone floor half-broken, dirt peeking through it.

Once adorned with splendid carvings, but now vines had taken over the cracked walls.

This was the temple dedicated to one of the forgotten gods, Colhiti.

It’s been a while.

Back when I used to frequent this dungeon for grinding.

Hmm. This should be in the middle of the dungeon’s third floor.

It’s different from the game.

“Lady Alrn, is the blessing activating?”

I paused for a moment to answer Anton’s question.

I could talk about the way to conquer the dungeon all day long, but that wasn’t our goal right now.

What we needed to do was to find Arthur’s party.

As long as we could rescue them, we could conquer the dungeon whenever, however we liked.

Let’s think.

Once Arthur’s group fell here, they must have panicked.

No matter how talented they are, they’re just freshmen at the academy.

In that situation, who would Arthur’s group turn to for help?

It’s obvious.

The professors of the academy.

Their guardians who could protect them.


That crazy troublemaking bastard.

Not knowing what kind of person Luca was, Arthur’s group probably asked him what they should do.

And I bet Luca would have replied,

“Who knows when help will come? We have to tackle the dungeon. Don’t worry! With my skills, you can conquer any dungeon with ease.”

Of course, if Luca were involved, they could indeed conquer any dungeon without breaking a sweat.

No matter his character flaws, his abilities are the real deal.

But that does not mean that bastard has any intention of tackling the dungeon.

His intent would be to disguise trials as opportunities and bring challenges upon Arthur’s group.

Knowing Luca’s nature, he probably scouted this dungeon beforehand.

He would have checked suitable locations for the trial, and surely sought to bring Arthur’s party there.

What lies ahead is for me to predict the location of that trial.

“Lady Alrn?”

‘Hold on a moment, Professor.’

“A useless professor? Are you an idiot, unable to learn even when you wait? Just keep quiet.”

There must be intent behind this specified coordinate.

Where could a place to give them a trial be around here?

Three Minotaurs attacking together?

No, that’s impossible to break through.

Luca wouldn’t present a trial that couldn’t be overcome.

Somewhere adequate.

A spot where a skilled user could barely control themselves but manage to break through.

There are a few places that come to mind.

Damn it. During gameplay, Luca doesn’t intervene at this point, so how can I be sure?

In times like these, it’s best to start searching nearby.

I raised my head to take stock of my party composition.

Since everyone was involved in dungeons or combat, naturally the front line was a bit oversized.

But that’s fine.

Their specs were overwhelmingly strong enough to obliterate this dungeon.

“Follow me!”

“Keep up! You’re not going to let a newbie get away, right?”


“Useless professor! Let’s wreck those brainless bulls up ahead!”

Anton smashed the Minotaur’s head with his axe under Lucy’s command.

The Minotaur, with its tenacious vitality, fought back for survival, but to Anton’s overwhelming might, it was meaningless.

“Cowardly magic professor! Cast fire! You, useless one, intercept the crazy bulls charging from behind!”

Lucy shouted commands without even glancing at him.

At first, the professors of the academy questioned the commands given by a freshman, but things were different now.

The orders from Lucy Alrn were hitting home like she had glimpsed the future.

All the professors present at the academy had made names for themselves in the field.

They knew better than anyone what a correct command is and what isn’t.

With professors making judgments, Lucy Alrn’s commands had never once veered off course.

Once could be called coincidence, but countless repetitions signify inevitability.

The professors began to cast aside their little pride to focus on what a girl was saying.

They believe that the commands given by Lucy Alrn were the best choice at that very moment.

Indeed. There must have been a reason why they conquered the academy dungeon at such an astonishing pace.

Even amidst the chaos, Anton couldn’t help but admire Lucy.

She’s a monster. An unimaginable monster.

Bringing her along was an excellent choice.

Without her, it would have certainly hindered their progress.

Then, searching for the missing students would have taken even longer.

“Useless professor. Have you gone deaf with age?! Don’t just stand there, move!”

“I understand!”

Had it not been for that swearing, I wouldn’t have had any complaints.

Is this too luxurious of a complaint?

Anton thought, gritting his teeth and charging ahead.

Luca. Please, protect the academy students. We’ll be there soon.

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